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Update on TCP/IP patch

Guest Big Time Software

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Or can one person's pause effect both sides, so that you see that your opponent paused the game, effecively freezing your game until the opponent unpauses? Any major gameplay issue that I'm overlooking? This may be easier than the "both commanders need their commander's key to fire the nuclear armament" method.



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Guest Madmatt


In the past, network games where one person held the "Brake" so to speak has proven to be a BAD thing. Not everyone would use it the right way and it's much better to make it a both parties need to agree to "pause" then just one. That way no one can abuse it.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:


In the past, network games where one person held the "Brake" so to speak has proven to be a BAD thing. Not everyone would use it the right way and it's much better to make it a both parties need to agree to "pause" then just one. That way no one can abuse it.


Yes I agree

Sounds good

Some form of pause feature should be available in a way that hopefully won't be absused.


Have FUN play testing this weekend MadMatt and please keep us up to date smile.gif !!

-tom w

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

The Pause thing... I think we do in fact need it. Hopefully this won't be hard to code. My suggestion is that both players must select Pause to envoke it, both to remove it. During the Pause time neither player will be able to do anything so as to not give some sort of advantage to the guy not running to get the beer smile.gif


Ahhhh, very good. I like the freeze when paused idea. One thing though, should you still be able to chat when paused? It would be nice to give your opponent an idea as to how long your piss is going to take or how long the wife is going to berate you? That way, he knows roughly how long he can do something else before he needs to come back.


Jeff Abbott

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Now I really want to push my luck!

First - I really dont know much about LAN so let me be excused if my question is strange.

I play PBEM against a MAC user! Think about it smile.gif I'am currently receiving MACMAILS!!

(Can that disrupt my computer?)

Can we play CM-LAN against each other?

I'am serious - can we?



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Guest Madmatt

Yes, much of the testing is between the good guys (PC's) and the bad guys (Mac's). Works fine.

As to the firewall/proxy issue, I asked Charles already but you may be outa luck due to the type of TCP/IP impementation that Charles is using. That's something we still have to test though so I really don't know but my gut feeling is it will depend on what your proxy blocks.


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Excellent news and a Great British cheer for the BTS crew, hip hip horray!!!

The pause is a must as I get so excited by the game I need toilet breaks..

It would be nice for both players to agree to pause and to start the turn.

Thxs for the update!!!!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar:

First to know!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Go to bed! Study hard, get on the honours list, and then stay up all night reading the board.

And send me that setup.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Yes, much of the testing is between the good guys (PC's) and the bad guys (Mac's). Works fine.


Grrrr... Question: If Steve and Charles use Macs, then are the bad guys? If so, then why are you sympathizing with them enough to play their game, post on message boards about their game, make a cool website about their game...


No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. -Ender's Game

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Wow!!! Woo!!! (Dancing with hands up)...

Good, now I can play CM while watching pron photos online, that is good! biggrin.gif

BTW, BTS, can we port current PBEM into a TCP/IP game?

Griffin @ home


"+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

Thanks for the update BTS.


"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

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BTS, Question about tcp/ip.. well more like an idea. Do you think it would be possible, (specially for the big maps that have lots of units) to like have a 4 player game? something to consider. Now you could do this with still only 2 sides. But when you make the map, the blue sections armies are for player 1 and the red sections armies are for player 2. and they play cooperativly. That would be really fun and get a lot more people involved =) just an idea, anyonelse like it?

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Sounds like a good idea thasha. I hope that makes it in their but I doubt it will considering that the code written for the game is already there in PBEM games and choosing units and such. Dont know though, maybe for CM 2 though.

Ok My question or more like a suggestion and that is how about having a save feature for TCP/IP games? This would most likely come in very handy for big map games. Is that possible to be able to save a multiplayer game on TCP/IP?

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Ahhhh My question was answered by MadMatt with the Autosave feature function. Thanks.

One thing though with all this time limit stuff, will we be able to still play a game Without a time limit? I really hope so. I still feel that a variable time limit (01-99) is the best way to go if it is possible. Or at least stretch the time limit to 1 hour in 5 minute intervals.

One very important key to multiplayer games by TCP/IP is finding another TCP/IP player to play with. This has always been a problem (for me) if there was no central way to find people. Of course this would require a server of some sort to handle the players.

Bungie's Myth comes to mind here. Bungie had a great way of doing multiplayer games. They had a server for people toconnect to which acted like a community hub to find games or opponents. It worked pretty well. After finding a plaer or a game, the server makes it a peer to peer connection, until the game is over. This way the heavy traffic is not on their servers.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Thraka:

BTS, Question about tcp/ip.. well more like an idea. Do you think it would be possible, (specially for the big maps that have lots of units) to like have a 4 player game? something to consider. Now you could do this with still only 2 sides. But when you make the map, the blue sections armies are for player 1 and the red sections armies are for player 2. and they play cooperativly. That would be really fun and get a lot more people involved =) just an idea, anyonelse like it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry to be the messenger of bad news but team play will not be in the TCP/IP patch. frown.gif


It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop

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Olle Petersson, suggested that provision be made for setting different time limits for each player. This to adjust for the greater simplicity of defense and for handicap purposes for games with players of differing experence etc.

Perhaps the defense thing is already somewhat taken care of as one does not have to use all his time. But the handicaping angle seems to me to have some merit.

Also his suggestion for adding time limits to other modes of play seems a possibly useful addition.

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That's excellant news!

You can all can me strange but I haven't even been playing the game lately in anticipation of TCP/IP functionality.

My friends and I play on a LAN and I can't wait for the patch! (In fact, I was more than a little disappointed to learn that it shipped without TCP/IP).

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