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OT: Band of Brothers Miniseries

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Don't know if you all heard about this previously, but I was channel surfing and ran across 60 minutes interviewing Tom Hanks. I figured he would probably bring up WWII Veterans at some point in the inteview, so I stayed on. And then they brought up the fact that he and Steven Speilburg are working(or possibly worked) on a new mini-series on HBO based on Ambrose's Band of Brothers book.

I haven't read the book, but they did show a quick sequence of Soldats running pell-mell through a field with Troopers firing at them. From what I could tell, they look to be pretty good production values, hopefully on par with SPR. Anybody else out there heard anything about this? They never mentioned what time they were going to air it and I would love to hear more info on it...


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Well, went hunting for more Info, and found this site:


apparently they are filming it as we speak for a January 2001 release( frown.gif ) with 10 episodes, probably at 1 hour a piece, although may be longer.

The web site has pictures of two of the sets they are building, and WOW....just from scale I'd say they are close to SPR level of scale.....

Looks to be a good one, too bad it will be later then sooner....


"Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

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The series begins Jan. 2001 and is based on the book "Band of Brothers" by Stephen Ambrose.

I'm kind of weary about how Spielberg and Hanks will portray this whole thing. They have a tendency to degrade patriotism and portray the Americans of WWII as little more than willing to protect our country.

However, I will subscribe to HBO to see this mini-series. There has been collaboration with Ambrose.

Having read the book, "Band of Brothers" they will have some really, really big shoes to fill.

The jury is still out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Flix:

I'm kind of weary about how Spielberg and Hanks will portray this whole thing. They have a tendency to degrade patriotism and portray the Americans of WWII as little more than willing to protect our country.


Just curious, but why on earth do you say this?

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Well I feel stupid....everything about that fansite said that things were halfway done, with only 5 out of the ten directors chosen so far. On looking back, I realized that the latest post was in June......So forgive my massive Brain Flatulence..... wink.gif

And I do agree to a certain point with Flix on how Speilberg and Hanks tend to go a little overboard on the "Greatest Generation" Theme. I very much enjoyed SPR for the no-glitz rendering of close combat and really putting you down in the mud with the grunts. But while part of me is refreshed that Hollywood is showing some appreciation for veterans and the horrors they had to deal with day to day, Speilburg and Hanks do spread the Uber-Patriotism and the "Citizen Soldier out to save the world" routine on a little thick.

To be fair I have my own amount of hero worship for my Grandpa's exploits in WWII, but I also remember that he was still a man with no few flaws and more then one grudge. Also, I am equally proud of my father serving in Vietnam, but I seriously doubt you will see many films showing Nam vets as heroes fighting for freedom instead of victims(or worse, outright villians).

Over all, I see all war as horrible no matter how convienient a bad guy the other guy is. Nazi Germany may have posed more of a threat to American and World interests then the Vietcong or the North Korean Army, But does that make a WWII vet more sacrificing or courageous then a Korean or Nam Vet? I see all vets as regular people who have to do things no one should ever have to do so that hopefully other people won't have to do the same,Irregardless on how "Good" a war may seem.

nuff said.


.....ok, I feel better now.....

Getting back to Band of Brothers, I am still looking forward to the series irregardless of who is making it. I am interested to see the mini-series format applied to a War setting, since it will allow you the amount of time to really get attached to all the characters, thus making the loss really hit home. And with production values on par with SPR, It should look wonderful. And I know with Dreamworks behind this we will definitely see a DVD Box set of this in the near future, If they dont try and put it on National Television(I think that is what they did with "From the Earth to The Moon", but I cant quite remember for sure) in between.


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Silver Star said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And I do agree to a certain point with Flix on how Speilberg and Hanks tend to go a little overboard on the "Greatest Generation" Theme. Speilburg and Hanks do spread the Uber-Patriotism and the "Citizen Soldier out to save the world" routine on a little thick.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It sounded to me like Flix was saying that Speilberg and Hanks are less then patriotic, not partriots waving a flag and apple pie and smiling big corn fed smiles.

Which is it Flix? Do you feel they are too patriotic or not patriotic at all? Just wondering.


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I guess I glanced too quickly at his comments and assumed that he meant that S & H degrade Patriotism with thier abundance of flag-waving. I honestly couldn't concieve of SPR as bieng LESS then patriotic, especially compared to war films of the past 30 years. Perhaps I am too cynical in my young age.... wink.gif

Hmmmm.....Now I would like to add my name to the list of people for an explanation from Flix. I personally can't see an entire Squad surrendering thier lives in a battle they didn't have to fight as "Degrading" to Patriotism. Hell, anything more then that is practically Fanaticism.

Giving your life away for your country makes you a Patriot. Enjoying giving your life away is pretty damn close to crazy.


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I found the 'excessive' patriotism in parts of SPR rather off-putting and cliched.

Any study of men at war shows that Patriotism is way down on the list of reasons why they are there. Generally the number one reason is to look after/stick with their buddies. (see 'An intimate history of killing'). Patriotism is something we smooth over the conflict with like jam on toast, makes it taste and look a lot better.



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