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Good by till CM2 comes out

Guest Rob/1

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Can I ask, Doc, why you're here posting and not returning turns? A bit, well, frivilous, don't you think?


Silly Hamster-Heaver, I am saving lives and taking names (ie. working in the intensive care unit). If you made up your mind about which email to check you would have gotten that update 36 hours ago. cool.gif

Jonathan "Doc Freyland"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

Well not all go by just going to post web site updates like many others I am not likeing the amount of flame wars going on so I am leaving till CM2 or the TCP/IP come out.


Don't let it get to you, Rob. Good work on the site, by the way.

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Das Boot wrote:


> Rob/1 wrote:

> > Good by till CM2 comes out


> That should have been "good buy"

Third time lucky - how about "good bye"?

Of course, I'm sure CM2 will be a good buy...



Major General Maxwell Taylor found himself with several officers but only two or three enlisted men. "Never," he told them, "have so few been commanded by so many."

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Actualy I don't blame Rob one bit.

I think it is really sad when a person has a problem and a bunch of arogent assholes have to prove how much better than they are every chance they get.

As I am dyslexic I can tell you what a Frecking pain in the ass it is being corrected ever damn time you turn around and the people correcting you don't realize that if you could Frecking fix it you would.

Personaly I've learned to ignore jerks like that, but it still pisses me off when I see someone else taking the abuse like Rob has.

These are the same people that when seeing a man in a wheelchair trying to reach something on a shelf would say something like " idiot,you need to stand up to get that" and walk away.

Sorry for the rant but people that keep putting down others to feel self-important really piss me off.


(p.s. I'm sure I've mispelled words above but feel free to correct them if it makes you feel better.)


Proud commander of the CCT's! Chinchilla Commando Teams

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Did you ever see the movie Angus?

George C Scott played this kid's grandpa. The kid was rather large and frequently the brunt of jokes and ridicule. George C Scott gave the best advice I have ever heard from an actor in a movie:

"Sc*ew them, who cares what they think!"

I left a forum one time which is occupational related to my line of work. I posted things that tended by less than popular or agreeable by the masses, but things that I believe bore out lots of truth. I didn't get flamed per se, but I didn't get a whole lot of support for my opinion either. I bowed out courteously and publicly and dropped my membership with that forum.

I wish I hadn't. What I had to say at least had the same level of importance as anything else, and in some cases were much more telling about my profession and needed to be heard.

There are people who have a maturity-deficit. Don't let them bother you. When complete strangers develop opinions about you that have absolutely no basis in fact, forget them.

If you leave the forum, leave for the right reasons. You will feel better about it later.

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sorry to see ya go. Good luck, and we'll see you when you come back.

I'm glad we got MCM3 working for you, I know it was a bit rough but we got through it.

I'm frustrated too by the increase in noise and rudeness shown here as well.

The price of success, I reckon.




History is made at night

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Out of curiousity, I checked on the "Thunderstorm" thread, where he allegedly was treated harshly, and was surprised that he was so offended. Compared to threads in the past (or any threads for that matter), the comments directed at Rob were light-hearted, silly, and bore no ill will. The only name-calling or harsh tone came from him, as when he asked if we "little people" could answer a simple question.

I don't think we need anymore people on the "Chat is getting worse and worse, and everybody is rude" bandwagon. This chat board is no different than any other hobby newsgroup-type forum -- there will be flames, trolls, nasty words said, but also good advice, good fun, and friendships made.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Abbott wrote:

Where has everyone's sense of humor run off to? Mine left with all the late nights playing CM. Now where the h@ll did I leave it??? Whew, here it is biggrin.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It wasn't until now I realized I had lost mine also. Oh, all the games of watching Allied artillery lay waste to my beloved troops, super fast Greyhounds chewing up my Panthers, and countless hits from my Firefly bounce off Tigers, among other horrible things, has left me a hardened, bitter man. My ego has been dented badly, damage control is running full bore but perhaps what's done is irreversible. I have become grim in my determination to crush the enemy at all costs, there is no room for humor anymore, especially from smartass taunters. Thank you for the reminder of a way of being that I have sadly ignored recently and hopefully it isn't too late, off now... biggrin.gif

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Capt. Toleran is most wise. Heed his words.


No, there will be no sequels. Charles and Steve have given up wargame design in disgust and have gone off to Jamaica to invest their new-found wealth in the drug trade. -Michael emrys

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Toleran:

Out of curiousity, I checked on the "Thunderstorm" thread, where he allegedly was treated harshly, and was surprised that he was so offended. Compared to threads in the past (or any threads for that matter), the comments directed at Rob were light-hearted, silly, and bore no ill will. The only name-calling or harsh tone came from him, as when he asked if we "little people" could answer a simple question.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Exactly what I was thinking. To many late nights maybe?

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No people it isn't just with his thunder storm thread. The abuse he has recieved in the past has been much worse. How much can you actualy sit there and take and take and take?

As for Rob being dyslexic? I honestly don't know. I do remember him stating publicly, after being harressed about his grammer, that he had a problem but didn't feel like discussing it here.

Even then the snide remarks didn't stop. I've delt with the crap all my life, and basically just say WTF and let it slide. It just bothers me to see other people getting hit.Sorry to seem like I'm one a soap box but things like this bother me.

Maybe I take it to personaly but thats my .02



Proud commander of the CCT's! Chinchilla Commando Teams

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I just wont to leat people who go to my web page to know that I will still be posting update notes here but that is all. In fact there is an update there now the scenarios bord on the scenarios section is now working Ill post again when I have an update on my web page.



Check out my CM web page!


Cut the crap and get back to Combat Mission!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Maybe I take it to personaly but thats my .02


Sounds reasonable. Dyslexia or not,I think it's safe to assume that any grammatial inconsistencies in Rob's postings aren't deliberate. So whether the cause be educational or medical, there's still no reason to take the piss.

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As I wander the road of life (well, wander on, wander off, have a sit down, wander back on etc), every now and then I encounter someone who stands out from the crowd. These are usually people who act as a prism for me, letting me see things from a more enlightened perspective through their eyes. Invariably it is usually more than just what they say, how they act etc. It is the whole impression which they convey from everything they say and do, and the example they provide. I consider them to be a sort of "life-teacher", although they rarely, if ever, are aware of the fact.

Lorak is, for me, one of these people. And if this patient, polite and well-reasoned man is pissed about the way Rob/1 has been treated on this forum, then somebody needs to have another look at their M.O.

And I figure you wouldn't have a problem with that, unless...


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I hate to see you go. It is unfortunate that some folks can't understand that not everyone has the same sense of humor that they do. I am sure that most, if not all, meant no harm but if it bothers you so much you have to leave, then I can understand that.

Take care...and keep up the good work at your site.


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