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Ok, how many of you guys are happy about CM?

Guest MantaRay

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Guest MantaRay

Ok, I know that most of you guys out there like this game, but how many of you really are happy about it?

I guess the whole jist of this post is to simply say that of all of the games I have ever seen or played, this game has the absolute minimum of detractors of any that I personally have seen or been associated with in any capacity. Quite an accomplishment for a game that hasn't even been released yet(Well, that will change in the next few hours).

Also, being a beta tester on a few products in my time, I have to say that it is very rare that a design team would really clue in to not only the testers complaints, but the average Joe Blow poster on this forum. I say this not because this is the first time a game company has listened, but wargamers in general tend to be very egotistical about their knowledge of history and of programming. And for the most part Steve and Charles have shown massive restraint and class in dealing with this.

Now, as you all know, they have also been working on this game for more than 2 years, w/o taking a dime from anyone in the process. I feel for them and have knowledge of how hard it is for them to do this, with or without solid investments. I can name a thousand games that you have "prepaid" for, and not got the same satisfaction as even the demo has given us. I have over 500 games that I own, and I can think of quite a few that I not only enjoyed less than CM Gold Demo(and Beta Demo for that matter), but also played less!!!

I would like to thank BTS for not only seeing CM through, but also putting up with all of the BS that has come accross this board and still managing to stay focused. I know I might have given up(and I am sure a few times they would have had to said screw it). And man are we going to be looking forward to CM2: Beyond Moscow. <--- My attempt at a title. smile.gif



When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

MantaRays 5 Pages

Hardcore Gamers Daily

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BTS rules wink.gif Need I say more ?

Well I could have said :

BTS for president !


BTS we love you guys !


BTS, my wife hates you ! wink.gif (indirect compliment)

Mata Ray I fully agree with you. BTS has done such a great job. Listening to us, redoing the game over and over again. They fixed bugs faster than anyone and a patch is available before the game is even released. I could go on and on for ever. BTW my wife says that the tree graphics are terrific. And believe me for her to pay attention to a computer game and a wargame it is a huge step forward. This shows the depth of her applause.

I hope BTS is going to sell zillions of copy and get richer than Bill Gates.

This game rocks.

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I'm not 100% into CM yet.

I thought CM could have been better in a few areas. But I'll wait for the full game to arrive on my doorstep, before I comment in full detail.

Its still the best game of its genre, but that doesn't necessarily mean its a very good game. I have extremely high standards. For example I think Unreal Tournanment is pretty crap. and a missed opportunity smile.gif


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What to say, at a loss for words here but needing to respond.

I started following the board what seems like 3 years ago??? I came interested in "Achtung Spitfire" and found a squad leader incarnation in the works. I was immediately interested.

These guys have allways been open to suggestion and debate and have modified their game from interaction with us the gamers. I think that is awesome.

As for the game itself happy is an understatement biggrin.gif

I see CM as a tool for wargaming that is eminently playable. I cannot stand the carboard counter look and prettier games generally lack the depth and historical realism to satisfy me. CM absolutely rocks, it is beautiful to the eye as well as being a detailed simulation, a battleground for competion.

The editor... God, unlimited wargaming!!! The ability to create or recreate any f*****g battle we want in an envirionment as nice as CM's... This is dreamgame for me guys.

The only question I have is in the size of the operations. Will it satisfy? I think so.

There will allways be things left out and more that could be done but there also comes a time to let things go and CM's time is here now.

Thank you BTS smile.gif

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Having also beta tested several games in the past, I'm impressed in the amount of listening going on by the folks at BTS. While they don't incorporate every little thing dredged up by the grognards out there, they are willing to talk about it. Too many times I've seen developers shut off the communication process after the first beta hit the testers. This results in gaming debris like Silent Thunder, Professional Bull-riding, etc.

I'm hopeful they will continue this strategy and make every permutation of CM better than the last!

Way to go BTS gang of many!

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I'd be happy even if Combat Mission were the only game I could ever have on my PC. Its got terrific 'feel' and is simply the most replayable game I've ever played.

I'd also like to add that this forum feels like my second family. It's a pretty cool community. I look forward to meeting some of you guys from the Toronto area in the future.


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Guest MantaRay

Funny thing is that I took Achtung Spitfire back to the store where I bought it for a refund. If I would have known what I know now, i would have held on to it...even though I thought it sucked for some reason that I cannot remember. That folks was back when we thought Talonsoft was going to be the BTS of the late 90's. Strange how things work out...



When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

MantaRays 5 Pages

Hardcore Gamers Daily

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Its still the best game of its genre, but that doesn't necessarily mean its a very good game. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I understand your desire to see the full product before you make a final determination, and normally I'm in complete agreement. In this case, however, I really have no doubts that the game will meet and then exceed my expectations. I base that upon the experience of playing first the beta demo and then the gold demo. I simply can't think of a reason why the game won't live up to it's promise. And I think it's already a very good game.

In short, I'm REALLY happy ... and working on my cough for Friday in case in need it.

"Geeze boss {cough} I don't know, it just came on real sudden like. {sneeze} Oh man, sorry about that, send me the dry cleaning bill okay?"



"I don't want them brave, I want them dead!"

Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson

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I am VERY happy about CM. Even when (note, I didn't say IF) it means all my other (older) wargames will now just be sitting there, collecting dust, because they are now hopelessly outdated. I forgive you for that, BTS.

Hell, no: I THANK you for it!!


Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

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Well, despite my rather heated arguemtn in repsect to some unit info issues, I have to say that it has been a long time since I anticipated a game as much as I am waiting for this one.

BTS has managed to put many of the features that have been lacking in many wargames together, and then slapped on a awesome 3d battlefield to play it on. What more could one want (other than consistent weapon info, of course <need smiley here, but am not sure how to put one in...>).

Jeff Heidman

Jeff Heidman

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But a second wife would cost you more in the long run when the first one finds out...

No smilies in Peng's honor


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CanuckinDixie:

I couldnt be happier....of course it could end up costing me more than the original purchase price when The Wife wants to use the computer and I wont give it up. I may need to buy a second one to ensure peace in the family. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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I am happy about it. It is one of a kind great game. I already bought it and I will play it for months to come.

But I have my own reservations.

Some of these are due to insufficient CPU speed - I understand that.

I would like to see:

1) simultanious turns - no need to wait for other guy (Am I wrong about this? I have not played PBMs)

2) Option to play in real time. (Or do turns if you like)

3) "Move toward the target until you are hulldown" button

4) "Real trees" and their positions. Not just "woods"...

5) No LOS through vehicles.

6) No "my shot went right through sherman and killed one on the other side".

7) Better Strategic AI that can flank your forces (just try CE +150% for GE AI) (AI is still great)

8) Multistory buildings. Maybe ability to be on the roof.

9) Every infantry man by himself. Not a group of men. More like Close combat.

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Guest aka PanzerLeader

It is a great game for sure. The best wargame I've ever played.

I agree with killmore's hope list though, maybe for CM2, 3, or even 4, when we all have better computers. To his list I'd like to add "bigger maps". That would enable you to play really big battles, with grand tactics included. Bigger battles give more options, which make the game more interesting.

The advantage of small battles to me is that you can always find a "perfect" way to play them, like a chess puzzle.

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Ecstatic also!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm not 100% into CM yet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So CoolColJ, you make these awesome textures when you're not even that into the game!? I can't wait to see what you do when you like the game as much as I do!

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Pinch me, cause I think I'm dreaming biggrin.gif

Maybe the best fun I've had since my wedding night isn't real?

Maybe CM doesn't exsist?

Maybe UPS will go out of business the day before my CM is to arrive?

I need a valium.


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Initial reaction was amazement at detail and graphics, but real time nature, interface, and plotting moves left me a little disappointed. Oh well, maybe a nice diversion to SP....

Then I played a couple of games, got used to the interface (found it much better then initial impression), became familiar with how things worked, and BAM!!!! The CM Gold Demo is the BEST thing ever to plant itself on my hard drive. Its the best wargame ever. Well, actually, much better than that!

Its just not the graphics, its the details and entire atmosphere of it. Looking at my American infantry charging across a valley with tank support from the enemy's perspective left me dumb founded. I must have worn out the rewind button on that one. My eyes even got watery. Man, let it be Russians and T-34s and I'm really going to flip. I mean, flip a second time.

So yea, I have to say I am quite HAPPY with CM and how it has turned out, judging from the Demo. Nothing comes close to it and I have a feeling, nothing will for some time to come.


Garry Kump

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Unfortunately NO game ever reaches an individual's expectation, especially after waiting for more than a few months! There will be disappointment, but, this would be experienced no matter how good the game is. I fully expect the best Tactical Wargame ever created in CM, but, there will always be let downs, it is just human nature.

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I'm actually not happy about CM. It will almost certainly kill what little social life I have, will ensure that I am as pale-skinned in August as I am now, and will probably cause me to spend a load of cash on a new computer much sooner than I had been planning.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: curse you, BTS. Curse you all!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MantaRay:

Ok, I know that most of you guys out there like this game, but how many of you really are happy about it?



Well I stated about the beta demo that it was the best piece of gaming/simulation software I had ever installed. I see no reason to detract or refrain from that statement, since it has only been topped by the Gold demo.


Geier, formerly Kettle Black.

"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

[This message has been edited by Geier (edited 06-14-2000).]

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