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High cost of CM for non-US residents


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Ok, one more time. The major issue is here is the difference between world economies which dictate exchange rates.

Exchange rates are based on the respective countries' economies compared to other countries. Which in turn is based on the style of government, whether it be capitalism, socialism, monarchy or communism.

Now lets review what each of those are.

Capitalism is a government and economy system based on the life-dream. Which is work hard to earn money to which to spend on life's needs and wants. Upon all the hard work going on brings consumer services and high production. This tends to make the currency strong.

Socialism is a government/economy where the government supplies free services to everybody to which discourages hard work. Whether it be medical care, or whatever. These free services come back to bite the public when trying to pay for thing that are global needs such as gasoline. This leads to weak currency.

Communism is a government that provides equally to all according to one's needs. Well who decides what one needs. The government. With very few people working, there is little consumer goods to be available. This of course leads to VERY weak currency. When the Russian Prime Minister makes about $16,000 USD annually, that is just barely making it in the States. Communism has been proven time and time again that it doesn't work. So to see pirated copies of software in Communist China doesn't surprise me at all, cause what would a retail version cost? Several Thousand Chinese dollars?

So the bottom line is that if you don't like the high prices of world commerce in socialist countries (including Australia), MOVE to a capitalist country where people earn what they're worth.


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Got you all!

I just wanted to see how many people I could get. Seems like quite a few. I thought, “Ive got nothing of value to add to the discussion, its all been said before, so why not partake in that time honored Aussie tradition of **** stirring”

Please take my order for CM2 right now.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

3. Boxes are evil<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bloody oath! My wife hates them so much that she makes me throw them out (they take up too much space), and thus it's fine by me if a box is NOT provided!

As for the high price of CM in Australia?

A simple solution, we Aussie CMers must lobby to make Australia the 53rd State of the USA (in time for CM2's release), then there'd be no problem! wink.gif

Just to reiterate, I would sell my soul for the future line of CM related products (lol, I've probably already lost my soul with CMBO)!

Mace (hey, if you were expecting a sensible response here, you don't know me well, do you)?

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Guest KwazyDog

Maximus, trust me, the average guy or girl over here in Aus works damn hard for every dollar we earn, too, as people they do in 9 countries out of 10 in the world, not just those based on a capitalist economy.

Personally I have no problems with the differences in our ecomonies, there are benifits of both and in general the bads even out with the goods. For instance you mentioned medical cover earlier. For private helth cover including dental care in Australia is around $15us a month whereas Ive recently discovered over there it can be a lot more. On the other hand I believe you can travel from state to state over there via air at a very low rate, something that over here has only just becoming the norm.

The interesting part about our dollar is that its not really the Australia dollar thats currently low as such, but the American dollar is very strong thus pushing down the worlds currency. This is actually a good thing in general becuase most of our product comes from Asia and thus general prices havnt risen to extremes.

Personally I consider myself extremely lucky to be living in a country where conflict, famine or disease arent an everyday part of life. Oh, and we make good beer, too wink.gif

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 09-14-2000).]

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Guest KwazyDog

Hehe, have you seen the latest Fosters ad Craig, it put a smile on my face. Keep an eye out for it wink.gif

Sure, Im up for a PBEM if you are. Would you like to do the setup or shall I? Send me an email smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A simple solution, we Aussie CMers must lobby to make Australia the 53rd State of the USA (in time for CM2's release), then there'd be no problem!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your on your own there mate. Now that is akin to selling your soul. You might solve one problem but bring on about 5000 more.

As for DOG he did 'get me there' I thought there was no way he could be an Aussie, with all that whinging I thought he was a Pom.

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Well...since I got CM, I didn't even think about buying a new game because I know that I wouldn't have time to play it as all my leisure time will be spent playing CM.

I don't think there is or will be any other game that can match the quality and fun factors of CM.(Except of course, CM2!!)

I think it was one of the best $55 I've spent in years. (Since I live in S.Korea, I had to pay for the international S&H)

And in fact, I'd have bought the game even it was priced higher. It is simply that good!

So what if it didn't come with a stupid box with some pretty pictures on it, when you get a real masterpiece that you can enjoy for years...(hope the CM2 would come out before that..!)

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While there are some aussies contributing here (and others soliciting), I'd thought I'd test the waters:

Any value in setting up a registry of Aussie CM players?

I'm prepared to do the hard slog if fellow countrymen are interested.

Information would include name, email, and preferences - I'll put these together in html format and send them out to contributors!

Any views welcomed!


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Jolly Good idea old Chum (see how multicultural I am - spoke English just then biggrin.gif)

ok so yes...

Name: Craig Smith

Email: As above in id thingy tongue.gif

Preference: Woman - yes definately - oh you mean Combat Mission - hmm none I'll play anything but I prefer games in the order of 1500-2000 points - meeting engagements as they put both players on a similar footing smile.gif but really I'll just play the game as its a buzz matching wits against another humey biggrin.gif

Pity we cannot play multiplayer games - that would be sweet...oh well.


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Well it may be a little cumbersome but I was going to try it out for my next PBEM. Basically if you have say two players each side, one is the infantry commander and the other commands the attached armour. This would be basically historically realistic though the infantry commander would generally have overall command and some of the vehicles would be under his direct command. Alternatively you could split the force up some other way.

You would have to agree on a general strategy and confer each turn. Then one guy plots his moves saves the turn and sends it on to his 'teammate' who plots his moves and presses GO. I guess someone has probably already tried it, I wonder how it went if they did?

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Capitalism is a government and economy system based on the life-dream. Which is work hard to earn money to which to spend on life's needs and wants. Upon all the hard work going on brings consumer services and high production. This tends to make the currency strong.

Socialism is a government/economy where the government supplies free services to everybody to which discourages hard work. Whether it be

medical care, or whatever. These free services come back to bite the public when trying to pay for thing that are global needs such as gasoline.This leads to weak currency.

Communism is a government that provides equally to all according to one's needs. Well who decides what one needs. The government. With very few people working, there is little consumer goods to be available.This of course leads to VERY weak currency. When the Russian Prime Minister makes about $16,000 USD annually, that is just barely making it in the States. Communism has been proven time and time again that it doesn't work. So to see pirated copies of software in Communist China doesn't surprise me at all, cause what would a retail version cost? Several Thousand Chinese dollars?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

While I don’t have any problem with the price of CM in Australia and wouldn’t winge about it if I did, your argument is rubbish Maximus and since you have gone to such lengths to "educate" us in Australia in your condescending manner, I am forced to clarify.

Capitalism is NOT a political or ‘government’ system. Both socialism and communism are. As an ECONOMIC system, capitalism has served many types of political systems well in its ability to bring products and services to market at the fairest prices, typically unhindered by government. In short, it is the most successful economic system and in the end will likely be the only type as humans evolve simply because it is unstoppable (think capitalism hasn’t been going on in communist china for years?)

The mistake that is typically made (and unfortunately often by haughty Americans like you – not all Americans mind you as I have no intention of disparaging the lot) is that you do think of your political system as capitalism. Most of us actually try to think of ourselves as democracies, but that seems to be lost on you. In fact, there is a case to be made that Americans abrogated their democracy over to pure capitalism quite a while ago. Large amounts of money buy your elections (way more than in proportion to your population), and you have the lowest turn out of any democracy on the planet.

I won’t even go into how full of it you are on the definitions of socialism and communism, because the intricacies of public/private ownership and social equity would be really lost on you. You just keep up your insular thoughts like the US has the only people that work for a living. You’re bound to go far, but lets hope its not far from home.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aussie Smith:


We make the best beer - end of story biggrin.gif

As I've said - for a good product I'll pay the doh.

Say Kwazy - you want a PEBM opponent?


Sorry, Aussie Smith! The best beer is brewed in Germany! Ask a few Americans: They drink Budweiser ,or some other crap, to get loaded and then drink ONE German beer to pass out....

Greetings from the land of the beerdrinkers


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slayer:

Sorry, Aussie Smith! The best beer is brewed in Germany! Ask a few Americans: They drink Budweiser ,or some other crap, to get loaded and then drink ONE German beer to pass out<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, sorry!

Aussie beer's the best (ahh Fosters, Carlton Cold, Toohey's, and my fav Red Back)

Mace (now realising that we are going down the path of a 'see who can piss highest up the wall' competition here...excuse the French)!

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Sorry to butt in on your thread boys but there's just something I wanted to point out.

We may have crappy beer but we make a pretty good computer game and it only costs half what it would cost in your country. That's a trade off I can live with.

PS Beer's inexpensive here too.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hakujin:

We may have crappy beer but we make a pretty good computer game and it only costs half what it would cost in your country. That's a trade off I can live with.

PS Beer's inexpensive here too.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And we have plenty of beer choices here, too.

Personally, I don't drink Bud. But, I love Old Peculiar, Spaten Viesen, Fosters, McKewens (sp?) and others. Pretty international huh? For an American. wink.gif


Land Soft--Kill Quiet

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