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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Seems like everybody is doing some sort of obituary.

And in the case of Meeks it's more like a post mortem...

Here is mine, my Legacy of Vain.


Croda: If you were to be actually adopted by Emma and I, be aware that I do all of the french kissing.

Goes with the territory.

I must say I have a certain fondness for you and that the relative quality of your postings compared to your fellow morons is too good for you to be merely sponsored by a lawyer...

JDMorse: Speaking of which...

I am still chortling at night about that Hetzer of yours you dirty foliager revisionist.

Now try to be useful and send me a draft about how hurtfully I could sue the newbies for the downpour of ****e they are so fond of to date.

Mensch & Hiram: I teamed you up because you are very much alike.

Now I can tell you since we are on the Second Coming of the Thread in a soon to be Trilogy.

Mensch, Hiram, I am you're father...

Geier: Dunno why everyone is bugging you with ABBA you rotten commie Swede.

At least they had the decency to disband...

Now if the late fan of John Lennon would please step in and ask an autograph to Britney Spears it will be all fine and dandy.

Moriarty: I know some people in here have actually testified that you are an actual CM player.


Knowing JDMorse I had previous doubts about the force of the Law but with you I am even second guessing its faith.

PeterNZer: I am pretty sure it will be hard on you, so read this twice and if it doesn't work, read my lips.

Sheeps could be used for the WOOL.

Berlichtingen: You got the right to remain silent, if you choose not to do so, anything passing your lips will most certainly be stupid.

Chupacabra: Too bad you had to come to England.

The drug dealer tip Seanachai gave to the custom and the following body cavities search had turned you into the mere shadow of what you once were.

A guy now named Chupy.

GermanBoy: Once upon a time, your ancestors embarked upon a wide spread tracked tourism of all surrounding countries.

I would like to thank you germans for your general contribution to the gaming community without which Steve and Charles would be giving away some Napoleonic games.

Who cares about the French anyway?

MrPeng: Neither have you acknowledged any of my posts, nor any of my taunts.

You are a man of Tastes for you show to the rest of the wild bunch how to properly treat a French.

Disdain, contempt, lack of overall concern...

We need more like you.

Meeks: The Schismatic one.

Faking a NSF sponsored trip to avoid facing both the brothers of the asians you coerced into your bed and the ire of your opponents is a bit drastic.

If you really go down south please keep a watchful eye for any locals worshipping a blue white and red clad guy caught in a giant ice cube.

That one is Cpt America if my history lessons were right. So bring the bugger in since your country seems to be lacking in leadership lately.

Joe Shaw: It has been some times since you last posted a pic of your mormon girlfriend.

On the history Channel yesterday, they had a documentary about those and how their sex life involves knitted condoms and non grounded wheat grains.

I want you to know that I understand why you are not posting anymore.

If you want to join our support group feel free to give Bauhaus a phone call.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted on the first page of the True Thread (07/11/00)

Help me, I am out of control! I am challenging people right and left as though I were a Frenchman! And I like it!


The French were in it from the start...

Seanachai, the Pool is a tool.

One can only use it as best as his abilities.

The likes of you and Hakko may craft some Jewels, others will merely break the stool.

Don't take it too much at heart.

Now if you could stomach some more Cut & Paste from the Original Pool, here is my part about Cyrano of Bergerac.

Just so that all of you sorry lot could remember the Thread is what we make of it and that most of it should be that Great white Plume.

The Panache...


CYRANO (shivering violently, then suddenly rising):

Not there! what, seated?-no!

(They spring toward him):

Let no one hold me up-

(He props himself against the tree):

Only the tree!


It comes. E'en now my feet have turned to stone,

My hands are gloved with lead!

(He stands erect):

But since Death comes,

I meet him still afoot,

(He draws his sword):

And sword in hand!



ROXANE (half fainting):


(All shrink back in terror.)


Why, I well believe

He dares to mock my nose? Ho! insolent!

(He raises his sword):

What say you? It is useless? Ay, I know

But who fights ever hoping for success?

I fought for lost cause, and for fruitless quest!

You there, who are you!-You are thousands!


I know you now, old enemies of mine!


(He strikes in air with his sword):

Have at you! Ha! and Compromise!

Prejudice, Treachery!

(He strikes):

Surrender, I?

Parley? No, never! You too, Folly,-you?

I know that you will lay me low at last;

Let be! Yet I fall fighting, fighting still!

(He makes passes in the air, and stops, breathless):

You strip from me the laurel and the rose!

Take all! Despite you there is yet one thing

I hold against you all, and when, to-night,

I enter Christ's fair courts, and, lowly bowed,

Sweep with doffed casque the heavens' threshold blue,

One thing is left, that, void of stain or smutch,

I bear away despite you.

(He springs forward, his sword raised; it falls from his hand; he staggers,

falls back into the arms of Le Bret and Ragueneau.)

ROXANE (bending and kissing his forehead):


CYRANO (opening his eyes, recognizing her, and smiling):

My Panache.


YK2: It's not relevant as such but I want you to know that I love you.

Now seeing as it is a taunt Thread and that you are a bit too much fond of Peng, haven't you pulled on weight lately darling?

I mean, seriously, last time I checked on you that outfit was loose fitting...

All of you Newbies: We have standards in here.

If you can't cope with that, if you are too crossbreeded to even post some witty, funny or insulting posts, then step out of the Pool.

Go play with yourselves in the shower for it might be the only time where you could consider yourselves at least mildly entertaining...


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-20-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Mace, Oh, damn! We manage to get rid of Goanna, and another down under Pommie pops up. We really should look for a proper filtration system for The Pool<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Belchy-tingling, you misbegotten spawn residing at the wrong end of the Earth, born of THAT country that gave us Tom Green (bastards! That's a horrendous crime against humanity) - You should never, never, never, never call an Aussie a Pommie, it's a very big cultural Faux pas, and results in automatic execution if uttered in our great land!

As a representative of this fine land, I will now have to wipe you out! smile.gif


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Sounds to this squire like the old men of the 'pool, are picking up their bat and ball and going home...

Well, pffft! to them!

The 'pool is a creature of constant change, it morphes between a dark underground cavern, a gloomy medieval castle and a bar room brawl. Throughout these times we experiment with many toys, hamsters, silly scottish accents, thingey fascination, pythonism etc.

Now why do you think this is, old men?

Because we are at the bloody cutting edge of thread development, thats why!

Take a look outside, Seenooky and Chubbahumpa, what do you see? Hmmm? Yes, very bland isn't it? Sort of all gray and dull, with a hint of utter bloody, mind crushing boredom to it!

Go and discuss the penetration of the poxy '88' or join USERNAME in a sing song, but if the stench of the 'pool now offends your perfumed nostrils, then you are no longer welcome here, creator of the thread or no.

So you renounce your knighthoods do you? Good!, Loraks page was looking a little full anyway, and there are others eager to take your place. Squires are battling to the death as we speak to earn their spurs while you pair of self-appointed aristocrats spit on your titles.

How much work has Lorak put into his Cesspool page?, and now that you are bored with the kniggethood thing is all that work to be wasted? I think not.

If a 'pool fashion is to die is must be of natural causes, not because a member or two commands it. We are a quasi-autonomous collective and bow to no-one.

You pine for the 'old days' like Ma and Pa Kettle sitting on the front porch, complaining about how the kids are these days. Well, if it's too loud, your'e too old, as the saying goes.

A post does not have to be 9000 words long or be written by the full bench of the High court to be funny, witty or even relevent. The occasional 'thingey' reference can be humourous. A short, sharp post can and does have its place.

It is the colorful mis-match of cultures and temperaments that makes the 'pool such a dangerous and exciting thread to inhabit. What a shame if we all did things "your way"

Ugh! I need a drink.....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

As to taunting, laddie, it's quality, not quantity that counts, and any one post of yours on this thread has more quality prose and poetry than I could hope to produce in a month of Sundays communing with the ghost of Bobby Burns. So put that in your sporran and smoke it.


Tha's Mr Rabbie Burrrns tae yoo, ya scabbed kneed cigar smokin' Sassanach! Ah'm noo surpraised ye knoo sae much aboot gutter's an' the habit's associated wi' 'em either.

As tae mah warrior diary...

StukaPukaPants Has aboot three wee laddies an' two mooves tae try an' keep 'em aleeve. Did Ah mention tha' Ah wiped oot all his armor wi' me poor outnumbered soldiers?

Speedy Is viewing the third movie o' the gam in shock Ah'd reckon.

Bastabubbles Hae gan tae groond lak a winged grouse...nae turrrns fer days.

Lorak Tha dyin' o' his wee soldiers ha' temporarily ceased cos Ah nae received a turrn frae him fer days noo as waill. Ah'm sure at will resume darectly.

Meeks Bah his ain admission Ah've go' his number. Whain he returrns frae clamberin' aboot wee hills Ah'll finish him orf.

Hiram Sedai A daft and funny bugger. The Kannigget Joust continues ain it's inimitabley borin' way. Ah could tell ye tha' Ah've disembowelled tha majority o' his men, boot tha' waild be a lee. Ah've hardly sain his green French things (och).

Nijis Ah'm expectin' a sharp dose o' beginner's luck frae this laddie, seems the wah o' it, eh Speedy? Ainly tha firrst move sae far, sae ainy dyin' as premature.

An' noo a wee song fer tha lassies...

Weel ye gang tae tha heelands Leezie Lindsay,

Will ye gang tae tha heelands wi' mae,

Will ye gang tae tha heelands Leezie Lindsay

Mah breed an' mah darlin' tae be.

Tae gang tae the heelands wi' yoo Sir,

Boot brangs a wee tear tae mah eye, aye,

Ah've met in the green glens an' tha woodlands,

Ain streams o' mae ain country...

Ah'll shae ye tha red deer a-roamin'

On moontains where wave tha tall pine

And as far as the boonds o' tha red deer

Lak moorland an' moontain as main....

SANG!!! Ye loch scum lappin' slurpers! Wee lassies excepted o' course.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Hmmm, 3 consecutive posts by Aussies!

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tha'd be four noo, feeve if'n we count yours...sax if'n we count this un as waill.

Sae heere's a wee song....

Come on Aussie com eon, come on,

Come on Aussie come on!

Repeat antull ye fall doon passed oot o' yer beer soaked meend.


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Beginner's luck, Mr Ogspiffle? What you saw was an assertive armored thrust into your soft mushy bits. It don't take no Church of Scotland presbyter to know what kind of punishment you're predestined for in the near future.


"I can't listen to music too often... It makes me want to say kind, stupid things, and pat the heads of people... But now you have to beat them on the head, beat them without mercy."

V. I. Lenin

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Methinks that "Mr" nijism was sandbagging us with his initial hiram impersonation, his last post reveals his true colours, I am beginning to almost, maybe consider him tolerable in the pool.

I have nothing to say, and will defend to the death my right to say it.

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originally posted by PushBroom

Moriarty: I know some people in here have actually testified that you are an actual CM player.


Knowing JDMorse I had previous doubts about the force of the Law but with you I am even second guessing its faith.


Aw, what the hell does a Frenchman know about war, anyway? You guys were 0-for-the last coupla centuries or so.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 11-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis:

Beginner's luck, Mr Ogspiffle? What you saw was an assertive armored thrust into your soft mushy bits. It don't take no Church of Scotland presbyter to know what kind of punishment you're predestined for in the near future.


An assertive thrrrust was it? Racin' ye tin can in tae the middle o' tha map, dumpin' your poor wee soldiers, then reverrrsing back as far as ye could gae? Findin' tha' your sacrificial lambs ha' nae been slaughtered, ye cam creepin' back leek sam repentant crack-whore, knowin' full well ye'll bolt agin when tha bullet's began tae fly. Tha reason mah bits were soft an' musheh, as cos mah wee fellahs widnae there, ya papyrus scratchin' hack. Tha question yoo need tae be askin', as which o' mah exposed flanks are OGSF's brave laddies approachin'?

Prepare tae be annihilated.


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PawBroom: OK, snailbreath, this is just to let you know that I am not slighted in the least by your slighting lack of reference to me, despite my having previously acknowledged your existence (albeit in the most slighting of terms).

I have to admit that I admire your command of whatever language you happen to be speaking. While I've not yet had the pleasure of pounding you like an imported tent stake, I look forward to it when time permits.

Berli: We have had the words, but not the wars. I will be hunting you after Pawbroom, meaning you are lower than the French on the scale of edible mollusks, or by any other meaningful metric.

OSGF: My thanks for posting in a feigned dialect so unreadable, as to provide the prose equivalent of a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card amongst the many posts I must wade through each day. May I suggest posting blank returns for a few meters a day, to spare your fingers while achieving the same literary effect?

The rest of you lot... err, to all my PBEM opponents... no turns tonight. SHE walks the halls and I may only post while She is in the shower. I do NOT care more about stupid wargamez and stupid emailz than Her. I am lower than a frog, a jarhead, or a scot. I am worm snot.

h-e-l-p m-e

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Oh, good God! More of these bloody down under wannabe Pommies! Its an infestation! Seanachai, did you forget to pay the exterminator bill again?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He must have. Say, Berli, do we have a due-back date on the Grand Pommie LizardBoy?

And, does Pommie-dom extend south of Australia? Like, to NZ?


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Well I for one still enjoy the Mutha Beautiful Thread.

And I'd have to say that anything worth complaining about, has to have a shred of worth to it.

I've tried, be it perhaps fruitless, to beat Anubis to death with a duck...a DUCK for crying out loud! Will I be the only one to show an emotion other than sorrow or apathy?


Oh, sod it, no. THAT DUCK SHALL NOT HAVE DIED IN VAIN! Actually, it most likely died in Pennsylvania, which is as good a place as any for it to shuffle off to join the choir celestial. Now, having just shouted out that no duck shall fall but that I take note of it, I feel the need for a bit of a lie down. But, may I just say in the interim:

Let me speak proudly: tell the Constable

We are but warriors of the working-day;

Our gayness and our gilt are all besmirch'd

With rainy marching in the painful field;

There's not a piece of feather in our host—

Good argument, I hope, we will not fly—

And time hath worn us into slovenry.

But, by the mass, our hearts are in trim;

and my poor soldiers tell me, yet ere night,

They'll be in fresher robes...

-Henry V

IV, iv


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 11-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

You know where to shove it Hiram. Just make sure you push aside the Gerbils to make way.


Jeffrey. Can we not, just for a moment, allow the hamsters and gerbils out of their mythical container? Let them romp and play upon the grass without supposedly evolved primates portraying them in a place that rodents do not, and were never intended, to inhabit? Can you forego complaining of the gerbil in thy neighbours bum, given that you cannot remove the camel from your own? Now, telling people to shove it is counter-productive of a good, rousing dialogue. Suffer the little rodents, Jeffrey, to come forth.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Seanachai This Todd and Lord General MB...... You two can bugger off, however. You have nothing to offer the folk here, nor, I imagine, anywhere else, but you're welcome to prove me wrong by finding new threads where people jump up with joy when you enter to post.....and please ignore some of the rather useless rodents who've wandered in here to make their rather drab little observations that they can, in fact, type........

and more of his typical self righteous BS. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's right you pompous ass. After reading enough of your absolute arrogant post to kill a small army I have to agree with the Aussie (a scary endeavor indeed) You shoot off your fat mouth like you own this thread. You own none of it newbie. You are here for the same reason all of us are; to discuss BTS's CM on their forum. You act as if you don't care for a way a guy taunts that they need to leave, referring to them as newbies. Well you yourself are a newbie That's right. Just entered on 5/6/200.

A lot of people have different ideas of what humor is and for you to constantly judge their character or intelligence just paints a more clear picture of yourself. You sir are an asshole, first class. BTS has a great forum here where everybody makes up the whole. If you want to have a thread that only those you choose should be in it then why don't you start your own site and quit pushing potential customers away.

You are so pathetic. You were so arrogantly proud of your 'knight' title that you chose to snub and single out 'non-participants' and told them to leave this thread. The original idea for the kniggits was to establish a 'crazy ladder, so to speak. A way for others to test their skills and HAVE FUN. But you tried to turn it into some exclusive club where only those worthy in your eyes belong. Its a game clown. That is all. IMO that is why some of the respected 'knights' wanted to end it all. And I mean respected because they are very knowledgeable AND helpful to the community, not just some wannabe snob. So now you want to leave the knights because of the quality of post. Who the #$@^ made you God?If I were BTS, which I am clearly not, I would give you a stern warning about your arrogant ways. But who knows. This forum could be changing to a more 'sarcastic, bite me' kind of way.

So in short, do as you said and leave until you feel this thread is worthy of you again and also take a good long look in the mirror. Do you see yourself as a lot of people here do? An Asshole!

BTW...I agree with the Aussie again(must check my temp.) Lorak has put a good amount of time in his fantastic site and it should continue, just not in the direction your self-righteous ways would imply.

Sorry for the rant but could not stand your pompous ways anymore NEWBIE!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Let me speak proudly: thell the Constable

We are but warriors of the working-day;

Our gayness and our gilt are all besmirch'd

With rainy marching in the painful field;

There's not a piece of feather in our host—

Good argument, I hope, we will not fly—

And time hath worn us into slovenry.

But, by the mass, our hearts are in trim;

and my poor soldiers tell me, yet ere night,

They'll be in fresher robes...

-Henry V


Are you doing the Patented Marcel's Classical Piece of Work Own's Quoting?

JDMorse, what are your fees for such an abusement by the Beaver Impersonator?


It's a sad day in the Pool when you start to post like Whitlow.

Back to your corner!!

Until now the only kind of literacy you've shown is to think out loud that Marlow was a PI and that our Snort of Darkness was missing a final E...

Shame on you!!

Double sing song as a penance.

You all Newbies, wanabees and Pommies.

Take a closer look at that strange one.

Some of us are tauntings while not even being natives.

Certain say I'm French but that's merely because I am a drunkard who's shaggin' the only woman of the Pool.

Some others are reputed to be german which is downright ridicule since we all know for a fact there never was such people in the first place.

And Behold!!

Most of us are, God forbidden Americans.


Croosbreeded duck swingers Rednecks.

Banjoo player the whole lot of us.

There are even both Democrats and Republicans.

At the same time.

Back to your drawing board.


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

I would like to remind you all that Sneezy-choo-choo is an arrogant blowhard.


And that's news? Send him a file and crush him like the damn plastic grocery bags that accumulate in the closet until they nearly take over the house and then you have to stuff about 6.023x10^23 of them into a single one of them, creating a small black hole that risks destroying the entire neighborhood. I want to see blood!! Rip him to shreds (or shrads if you so desire). Show us some gore. Cut off his feet, grind them up into a paste, bake them into a pie (like in Titus (the movie, from the Shakespeare, not that TV show that I haven't seen)), and serve them to him for dinner. And give us the play by play. Just don't remind us what a pompous ass he is, since he does such a better job of that himself.

And if you haven't noticed, the quality of the material has improved greatly over the past day or so.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 11-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

Blah blah blah pompous jerk blah blah blah asshole blah blah blah Yo Mama...


Well, thanks.

It was nice and all.

Now get your bearings, breathe in a bag and try to explain will you?

Seanachai is an asshole.

Ok, one can never overlook the basic.

Mind you I've come to notice that you failed to mentioned that he has too much foreskin also (Thanks Stuka for allowing the use of the Genitalia in our Posts I was suffering from a withdrawal syndrom).

He is long winded also...

A long winded one with a surplus of foreskin makes for some Bagpipe.

Now I guess we've pinpoint quite good naturedly how Senelity first developped his thirst for Celtic thingies.

Here is a pic of Sean with some fellow Cesspoolers at the O'hara pub last time you weren't invited.


Now unto you VS.

If you want to snipe at someone, go after me or GerbilPloy or SoyBeans because we have stated that we were past that Knighthood things.

Senility had never given the boot to anybody in whatever shape or form on the general principle that they were newbies.

Whitlow is worth ten times many of us old jerks now.

That much is agreed upon.

But he IS a newbie.

He came A-tauntings while under 5 posts.

All of those being Grog ones moreover...

Neither the Pool nor Lorak's dedicated work were to be jeopardized.

Those are the ways of the Pool.

A bit like with William Golding's Lord of the Flies...

We are a living community.

Those know hardship, illness and in time of true Crisis, Von Shrad's postings.

Now either you're stupid or you do a good job at pretending.

Any way I am sorry for you...


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Well, winter has come early here to the north pole. I'm stuck inside to stay out of the cold and snow, while my opponents send me games that are set in February 1945, the ground covered with snow, and that ****e falling from the sky. I especially hate those insenstive southern californian and austral opponents, who sit on the porch drinking iced tea while they set up their moves and send me notes about how nice the weather is, and wondering if the beach will be crowded at thanksgiving.

This winter stuff has caused a dreadful case of seasonal affective disorder. It's afflicted the whole state to the extent that they're projecting a national Prozac shortage around January 17. Normally we don't start sucking the stuff down until mid January, but it's especially bad this year. Even the cesspool looks frozen over, with just the occasional turd poking out.


Oh, pshaw. (not you Shaw). Nothing a little CM won't cure, especially a bloodfest on nice clear open terrain against von Scabs. With a steady stream of reports on your progress or lack thereof.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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