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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Now that was of Tolstoian proportion.

I must agree with all of that and beyond.

Being French and thus bereft of any kind of proper schooling, I'll go and quote some Star Wars thingy.

When Yoda told young Luke to go into the cave, the newbie asked what he sould be expecting, what would he met.

Yoda speaking like a True French (IE strange grammatical construction and general abuse of vocabulary) answered something along the line of:

You'll only find what you'll bring in with you.

Then he said nothing about Genitalia and all of that other fascinating things...


[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-18-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

A backpacked figure ...very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very large snip....Peng: Why not, I believe I'll win this time.


I laughed, I cried, I threw up!

I went through the gamut of human emotions reading this....then I got bored and switched over to channel 2!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

I would like to take this time to point out that my cat Beavis is NOT fat....He's just big boned.

MoJO on the other hand IS the fattest cat on the planet and will make an excellent meal.


No. Beavis really is fat. Not quite as fat as your head, but certainly as fat as your fat ass, you fat headed, fat-assed bastard.

By the way the, last email I got from Elvis with a PBEM attached he said he had lost that warm fuzzy feeling about the game. That is probably because approximately 2 squads and an HQ unit have single handedly eaten alive nearly two full PLATOONS of his paratroops in the space of 180 seconds, with only minor losses. The understrength platoon has just been reinforced with a fresh, happy, full platoon and they will be consuming the flesh and souls of his remaining 'troopers in the next 60 seconds. Any reinforcements Elvis would like to bring to the party will have to negotitate through a hail of 105s, which, I'm lead to understand, can be somewhat daunting, if not downright deadly.

This new victory will make two in a row, (after that embarrasing loss at the WestWall) and will bring my record against the "King" to about 1000 to 2 and will certify that Elvis is once again my little death toy, whom I enjoy killing at my whim and whimsy.

Die a lot now, "King."



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

A backpacked figure makes its way through a dark and formless landscape. The terrain is completely zzzz!zzzzz!zzzz!zzzzz!zzzz! to make something of themselves?

Berli: How 'bout a QB?

Peng: Why not, I believe I'll win this time.


Ah fail trooly blessed tae ha' such a talent as this hangin' aboot tha Pool. Blessed lak a man in an iron lung ais bleesed tae have a mirror above his haid. Boot Ah fear thaht the message wull be lorst on many o' the fetid scum in this plaice, ainly cos there were nai pictures fer their wee mainds tae look at. Boot 'nuff o' this soppy ****e, in mah PBEMs...

Stuka Ahs the final press o' mah hobnail boot squeezes doon, the last o' his men began tae burrrst lak green grapes.

SpeedyAs aboot tae discover how lucky he wa' in our firrrst gam.

MeeksHe as destroyed, Ahm jest waitin' fer him tae return fraim clamberin' aboot the Bens.

Hiram Sedai Ah nootice thet Sir Lorak, the ainly Kannigget worrrthy o' mah respect (an' mah sponsor), has ommitted the "Sedai" fraim "Hiram Sedai" in tha promulgation of our joust on hais Cesspool page. Ah think tha' needs correctin'. Meanwhal, we've sloowed doon our gam tae gi' Crodadendrun's proton sized brain somethang tae fret aboot.

Lorak Ah respaict him, boot Ah'm still killin' his men.

Bastables He thinks he's winnin', lak a wee rat thinks he's won tha cheese in a trrrap.

As fer the rest o' ye..... hootsmonochayethanoo! Tha wee lassies excepted o' course.


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MRPeng is a "Wussy Boy"

That wasn't a quote. It's a fact. Having a multiple personality convey your sad message is well, sad.

Why, for all that is unholy, would you pick Monday through Freakin Wednesday to visit Elvis at his Shrine to MRPeng? Why oh Why? You cruel Bastard!! I have waited and anticipated this arrival of you from your throne is otherpart of Pennsy for quite some time. You filthy, nasty, piece of dog poop. Don't dare claim apathy, you rancid chunk of horse manure.

Anyway...hope to see you soon.

PS I told my mom I converse with Elvis on a weekly basis and she suggested I go back to church.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


Well stated... if a bit long winded.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Exactly, Berli. That is how I have fun. wink.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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While it is true that I have lost more units than I care to think about so far in this game I must point out he has no idea of vast amount of troops I held in reserve. Even without reinforcments I am still in pretty good shape. So don't count your victory yet. You're like Germangirl who thinks they know my overall condition and really are without a clue. Also, you sloppy minded spleen eater, I have no arty. A real man knowing is opponant is without arty would not use his.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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Elvis wrote:

> A real man knowing is opponant is without arty would not use his.

Dear Mr Elvis,

It is with heartfelt sorrow that I write to inform you that your close friend, Chivalry, was killed during the Normandy invasion. He went ashore with the first wave and was immediately shot down by the enemy. Or it may have been the guys behind him in the Higgins boat, we're not sure. We understand that on his injury, a ceasefire was called to allow all participants of battle from both sides to blugeon and mutilate his body.

I know this will be a difficult time for you, and as such I would like to enhance your misery by offering that we all hated Chivalry and were glad to see his guts trampled into the soil of a foreign country (France of all places – a particularly hateful location to abandon his unrecogniseable remains).

If you are in need of any moral support, please feel free to bugger the hell off.

Yours sincerely,

Brigadier Sir Davro Ackermann


War is about killing people. You give orders which will help to end the war, not orders which will save your men, because your men will only stop dying when the war is over. – D.A.

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The signs:

1. Peng is posting Real Abuse in the Thread again.

2. Seanachai posted an extremely long and thoroughly spell-checked story about nothing, himself, Peng and Berli.

3. Hakko Ichiu relayed that the Thread is a Waste of His Time.

4. Mark IV is posting relative conjunctions again.

5. The most useless country in the world is unable to elect one president and will try on feudalism for size.

6. Meeks the Mad is being packed off to Antarctica.

7. Bauhaus is standing up and proud.

8. England has appointed a Swede as head coach for their national football/soccer team.

All these signs can only add up to one thing, yep folks you guessed it:

I'M REALLY REALLY BORED and have decided to kill you all.

Have a nice day,



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

The signs:

I'M REALLY REALLY BORED and have decided to kill you all.

Have a nice day,


Now you can't ask for fairer than that from the Swiss, or the Swedes, or the Swazis, or whatever 'Sw' nation Geier belongs to, now can you?


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

MRPeng is a "Wussy Boy"

Having a multiple personality convey your sad message is well, sad.

Anyway...hope to see you soon.

PS I told my mom I converse with Elvis on a weekly basis and she suggested I go back to church.


Sorry, Hiram, but Peng cannot be contained in a single personality. He covers vast spaces of psychic real estate.

And your mothers remark is the funniest thing I've read here in days. I'm sure she'd still say the same if she met our Elvis, and realized you weren't talking about 'the King'.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

And for the record, no noone finds your bland scores and results at all interesting. Post some amusing annecdotes of your, or the other persons incompetence and make us smile and chorlte. This isn't sports roundup.





This may not be sports roundup but I have heard that you reported here that you took both flags in our recent game.

Now listen. This is not an amusing anectode but just the truth. You did not take both flags. One was grey and you didnt have the hair to charge in and secure it. You showed an intolerable conservative attack approach that always faltered when I savagely hung on in sheer desperation.

I had not much more than crews and a couple of heavily dented panzers holding back a herd of green tankshalftracksarmoredcarstankdestroyerspriestsetc parked fender to fender.

Sorry all. Had to interject some truth along with the sports scores.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

Sorry all. Had to interject some truth along with the sports scores.


If we wanted truth we'd be out there reading the rest of the board, or a newspaper or something. This is the cesspool-- we demand creative descriptions of the destruction of your enemies, whether it's true or not! If you can't come up with that, then creative insults of their persons, or if you're like Sneezy-choo, a bit of sing-sing inspired by a love for all things canadian, or french, or irish, or whatever he fancies himself this week.

I am presently crushing the Army of Peng in an attack of unparalleled violence. He's lined up dozens of fixed guns, several thousand stugs, and a company of old men with sharp sticks and safety glasses to defend against my green-clad hordes of lazy-ass chocolate-eating, cappucino drinking, toe-sucking american troops. His tanks are burning at the hands of my crack mortarmen, the artillery rains like a tropical downpour on the heads of his troops, and his fixed AT guns are useless. The Army of Peng quivers in terror at the progress of my assault.

In my current battle with Squeaks I have destroyed him so thoroughly that he seeks refuge in Antarctica. We were fighting in the snow, and after obliterating massive collections of my troops with large artillery, the Gray Wave keeps coming. The cold and the horror caused something in his head to snap-- I could hear it all the way down here in LA, and he hopped the next plane for the pole.

Sneezy-wheezy-choo -- if he'd quit blathering on about the death of the cesspool, news at 11, and send a few turns (even from someone elses game) he might inspire me to a good rant.

Oh, and one more thing-- don't apologize for anything in the cesspool.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 11-18-2000).]

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I could have rushed the flag in the last turn or three, but I have ... HONOR and felt it too be tooo gamey. Even for me. Nevermind, I'm happy with the draw I had against an opponent who knew the scenario vs. me who was playing it blind.

Anyway. Some topplment news tommorow.. some highlights. Croda is learning that although the AI bought my a huge pile of ****e to command, I can still blow up his tanks, hahahaha. Good old germs and their .. GRENADES .. yeah, stupid bastards won't use their fausts.

Some other stuff. Herr Oberst is dying, well, of course, he's got me big time but the big VL is definately MINE and he's not going to get it off me. If he tries to contest it in the last few turns i will call him a gamey little bastard.

JD MOrse is slowly killing my army tankers, poor bloody allies and their tin cans. *sigh*

O, you lot, I have made a scenario based on my topplement of JD Morse in the snow. It has trucks, roads, guns and stuff. You'll all love it. BTW, it sucks vs. AI, stupid AI unloads all the vehicles and walks through the snow, sheesh. So if anyone wants it, mail me and you can help me test it out. If you're lucky, i'll let you win against me in PBEM, like I am with JD Morse



"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich.,

Sept. 29, 2000

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

puerile garbage, wimpering simpering drivel - words words words words...

I am presently crushing the Army of Peng in an attack of unparalleled violence. He's lined up dozens of fixed guns, several thousand stugs, and a company of old men with sharp sticks and safety glasses to defend against my green-clad hordes of lazy-ass chocolate-eating, cappucino drinking, toe-sucking american troops. His tanks are burning at the hands of my crack mortarmen, the artillery rains like a tropical downpour on the heads of his troops, and his fixed AT guns are useless. The Army of Peng quivers in terror at the progress of my assault.

remarks inre a person of no consequence....blah blah blah...

shameless name mangling and more garbage...

Oh, and one more thing-- don't apologize for anything in the cesspool.


I'm sorry you are a physicist. Your calling has obviously rendered you bereft of original thought or creativity. This is not to say that it is being a physicist per se that has caused your lack of novelty in thinking; far be it from me to malign all physicists, when it is you I wish to malign; let's just say that your profession is sought out by our stickle-brained bretheren, rather than literary, or artistic or creative people or swamp rats.

Anyway. When you went to physicist school, they must have spent many lab and lecture hours driving home the skills of lying like a heroin whore. I'm not sure where this fits into the whole physicist genre of thought processes, but at least it can be said that your mentor in charge of teaching you how to twist the truth in patently, painfully obvious ways by which only the truly simple and gullible are taken in taught you well. Oh OK, we'll add the addiction enablers to the gang that believe your sort of lies, but they don't really believe them, they just really, really want to believe them.

So. What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl."



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 11-19-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

If we wanted truth we'd be out there reading Seanachai's mind. This is the Cesspool-- we demand creative descriptions of the destruction of your enemies, whether it's true or not! If you can't come up with that, then creative insults of Seanachai's enemies, or if you're like Seanachai, a bit of sing-sing inspired by a love for all things.

Oh, and one more thing-- don't apologize for anything in the cesspool.


Well said, young Chris L. Now, with all that in mind, you are aware that your last post (the one threatening to burn the rest of my Cromwells) was not accompanied by a file? For the second time, one of your emails to me had no turn attached? Not to harp on your troubles with file attachments, but just so's you're aware. Right. I await your scurrying to put this right.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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I have a new signature.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

was not accompanied by a file? For the second time,


I'll let the taunt-AI handle this one...

Your unfortunate choice of service provider (whose name shall not be spoken) renders you incapable of receiving files properly. A new copy is on the way. Lets hope that the nameless evil manages to transmit the attachment properly.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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Please note the following recording came from surveillance cameras in one of the more seedy corners of the Cesspool.

( OGSFs' speech has been translated for the English speakers among us.)

Peasant/Servant/Lackey- What was that oh great one I didn't quite catch what you said?

OGSF- I said prepare my trusty steed, for I must ride forth on a quest.

Peasantthingy- A quest? I didnt think you could afford a quest. Well what is it?

OGSF- Yes a quest, the fair maid, and daughter of my most noble sponsor (this was followed by something mumbled in an obscure Scottish dialect that the translator could not understand) Sir Lorak the scribbler has been kidnapped.

Peasantdude- Oh dear.

OGSF- Yes quite. So as I was saying, I must ride forth and defeat the most terrible and tauntless squire, Speedy, in mortal combat [GASP of HORROR].

Peasantfella- Are you sure this story has a happy ending?


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

I can't count past ten, tie my own shoes, or spell my own name, but I sometimes beat my dinner at tic-tac-toe.


Now that, Lewis, is the stuff you ought to be posting to the Cesspool. None of this "truth" stuff, or football scores.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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Well, it seems Kitty the sandbagger has retreated into whatever hole she climbed out of. True, I was offered to play a different game after I had spent a half hour trying to figure out what how I was going to make the best out of a fist full of green Polish troops. I decided to play anyway. As soon as the tide turned and these weakass troops started to pound her she went from 2-3 files a day to zero. I must assume from the silence that she has done the worst kind of surrender......that's right...the kind where the other person doesn't have the decency to even send a surrender file or even tell you that they have quit...Well as any smoker will tell you...nobody likes a quiter


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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