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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Has anyone noticed that we have yet to complete a Knight's Challenge<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If brains were dung you'd be hard pressed to muster a field mouse's morning flatulence. Hiram and I have been hacking away at that conscript and green populated foggy wet night map for a month and a half now. Wheezing, burping, shuffling invalid pensioners do not make an interesting and exciting map. A rash of scabs on the lining of your stomach and lungs would be much more interesting.

So what is the brilliant idea for units on the next map? A blind half-wit banjo player vs Doris Stokes?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

damn.. Been to busy to even loath myself.

Here is the latest updates:




Correction, Sir Lorak. I do believe that "topplement" would be in order here, given Sir Meeks' most recent clarification on its use.

Stuka has the rare misfortune of being sponsored by me, as the Lizard Queen did not respond within the requisite time as benefactor of his countryman.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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Thats right! More-arty's my knight and I'm his Bitch err squire, yes thats it.

Anyhoos, anyone who wishes to laugh at his single figure scores has to come through me first. I'll fillet from throat to sphincter anyone who dares cast aspertions on the good name of Arty-Stook inc. and leave their giblets for the marmots to battle the ravens over.

The hunting will be good my knight, the fresh winds of summer-break fill the veins of this squire with a blood lust of evil intention. The Mojo of Stook crafts claw of rooster and tooth of bat into a potion of war and thirst for conquest that will leave none standing.

Beware!, for ye and verily I proclaim this oath, that the reaper stalks this castle! avert your gaze simpering squires and feathered knights, for doom is afoot!

Coconut shells are cast aside. (I've only got one left anyway, the one mensch borrowed, poorbroom seems have got quite attached to)

Did I do good Boss? Did I do good?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

jdmorse dares to defy me?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, you are but a mere beta god, the ancient rites of sycophancy are dead, the old gods make way, Joseph Campbell like, to a new order of things. We no longer worship the old ways, devotion to ancient and sorcerous ways may have held the proles in check in the past but the times they are a changin'. You retire to your sanctorum, and cackle about your new evilness. Bah! What CE2 and VoT2. I've seen them, more of the same. The Bulge? Hah! Mace will be ground beneath my tread. Bocage? Hah, Hah! well actually that's pretty good, but ahem, where was I? Your time is through old man! Your day is past, you are living on the gnawed bones of past glory.

Lesser lights and the stolid and staid high priest of a long faded glory hold no draw for me. I honor your past old man, you were once a colossus bestride the CM world, now you are just a beaksbreath of flatulence that wafts through this turgid world as you deign fit. We do not bend our knees to you nor our sacred honor. You prove it continuously on the battlefield, your worth and glory, You prove it by invective and spleen, you do not sit back and cogitate on faded accomplishments as you rock on the porch.

Granted weaker souls may tremble in your presence but not I for I am <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A mere lawyer..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> and thus I fling back your spite, vile and bilious cacophony of weakened drool. I stand and tell you you have proved nothing to us, save that you are long winded and believe that you, the beta god, princess of evil should be taken seriously. You wrap yourself in a mantle of unapproachability a beta god, but I have played beta gods before (true Fionn rather handily dismembered me...er never mind)

You lay claim to the rights honor and privileges of a kniggit, you yearn for the sacred duties of squiring, squirming young flesh to kniggithood. Consider my squires Croda, PeterNZ (well best not go there) Yet you will not accept the obligations of the office, to fight, to best or be bested on a bloody field in a FAIR match.

Until you come out of the hallowed marble halls of your recluse and meet me on the field of battle you are beyond my ken, my spite and contempt. You may ignore me but the challenge is well and fairly laid. The gauntlet recumbent at your feet puts lie to your sanctity. You may ignore me but like a purulent sore I shall be here until hell overfreezes. Until you best me, you are dusty history of a once mighty but now laughable has been. Rise your self, Sir runiation, your honor, your manhood has been questioned....by a mere lawyer. It is time to walk the earth of mortals once again and show the cognoscenti you are worthy of our paeans.

As the Pool is my witness, What say you?


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing fondness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-15-2000).]

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A fray! A fray!!! Yes, JDmorse must face Rune in a battle for the right of Knighthood. Who shall build the map? Who shall set the conditions? I shall assign the units, as is my Peng given right! Quickly Knights of the Pool, for if Rune wins, any delay will be punished with special settings within CM2 that will give the delayers only circa-1906 troops and circa-1922 armor. Speed will be rewarded with random T-72s and the occasional German Ray Gun.

Well, what are you looking at?! Move, people, move!


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

A fray! A fray!!! Yes, JDmorse must face Rune in a battle ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A fray, yes, but a fair fray for a farthing. This is not some kniggit feasting orgiastic peep den, this is the real thing, at 50 paces. Nor for Kniggithood as we both are of that rank.......none of your mystical parasitic symbiosis Meeks, this is personal, he has dared to greet me on CMHQ as a pedantic pompous petulant pendlous and purile lawyer. Of course I am but, facts are mere illusions in this brave new world of the pool.

You yourself participated in your own topplement avoidence with the fair Seanatch. So step aside, let the ruined one answer.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing fondness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

I just ask that those knights that are sponsering a squire post that information for me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well FYI I am currently coaching YK2 in that unhealthy place of ours.

And since I am into giving away useful informations:

a/You forgot to register my WIN against MENSCH

b/You're mail doesn't seem to be working.


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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Squires!, Squires!, all the squires gather here please...I'm waiting.......I'm still waiting........Dammit OGSF hurry up! Stop dragging that gammy leg of yours, I don't care if it hurts!

"I think it best for all of us to retire to the Squire's quarters to play the bones and drink barley mead, knights are battling and squires heads will roll if one of us gets in the way"

* The Squires troop off to their quarters, already lit by the flickering lanterns as darkness falls. Sounds of merryment pervade the shadows as minstrells play and jesters juggle for the amusement of the Squires, bosomed wenches serve great drafts of mead as outside....knights gather..........*

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

....knights gather...


...to discover that their great weight, a result of the plate armour (ex King Tiger forward hull) they're wearing, cannot be supported by the cesspool!

Horrendous screams of fear eminate from the knights as the soiled abyss commences to reclaim them!

Within the hut, the squires cheer more loudly when they discover.......

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Crying because I've been Maced:

... when they discover...


A wee bit too late, that any Knight male enough to wear the front hull of a King Tiger as a plate armour is more than likely to bash squiry skulls with the single downward motion of his genitalia on top of the said heads.

Now get in line and cut the crap on the wet dreams.


I've got me talking about genitalia.

And I'm not even WoolyBully.


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-15-2000).]

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What say I? Members of the First Order of the Cesspool have already confirmed that I have played them. I have even played someone most here have only dreamed of...Steve.

****Small Spoiler****

Yes, even Steve feared my evilness in a battle of Aachen...however due to an AT crew that bounced multiple shells off of a ^%$^ tank, he managed to eek out a minor victory. Have you ever faced the wrath of the one? I think not

****End Spoiler Alert****

You, sir, are a late comer that picked PeterNZ and Croda as squires..need I say more? Wait, I forget you are a lawyer, let me explain this so even you understand....this is difficult knowing I cannot use anything larger then one syllable words...but I will try.

"Grunt, Grunt, sniff, belch, poke, poke, belch, prod, sue, sue, grunt, sniff. Pull, push, belch, sue, belch" *

* For those you do not speak lawyerese, what I stated is this:

"Let me see, I can fight you for something you cannot take away, and delay tcp/ip and whatever is after that. [evil grin inserted here] I am sure the members of the Cesspool won't mind delaying tcp/ip release [yeah, right....I may be evil, but I am not suicidal]. However, I accept your challenge and will play you once the full [ie not beta] tcp/ip is released. We shall play tcp/ip along with Roger Wilco so I may taunt you in real time"

As for fading glory...you once again are mistaken, but then again you are a lawyer, did I expect anything else? You fail to mention my masterpiece of evilness, A Matter of Honor. Oops...sorry, mutually exclusive terms for a lawyer...look up in a dictionary what honor is. I am going even higher into beta godness by testing... [a ancient but evil looking scroll slowly drifts into the cesspool. I pick it up, and turn it so all can read....and see the bane of any lawyer's existance...yes...I hold forth the Scroll Of NDA]((Non-disclosure Agreement for those questioning)) So with this scroll, and my word to the two that created all that is right in the world [steve and Charles], I cannot mention the , nor can I mention the , that I am also testing.

So, in conclusion, my evilness is just getting more evil. I have seen the evilness to come, and it is...well....evil.

Lorak, put my name on the list as a knight, and I will reward you with one of my creations of evilness.

Oh yeah jd....once the full tcp/ip is released...prepare your troops to be shish ka bobs on the quills of my porcupines. Do not defy me again....


[This message has been edited by rune (edited 11-15-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

A Poor Transliteration of I Corinthians 13 by the Pool Bard

(wipes away a tear)


Sir Lorak, the sod known as Seanachai is my sponsor. He took me in and fed me breakfast when I was wandering in the woods and fell face first into the pool August last. I was stupified by his verbiosity and was amazed that he would brag and taunt, only to lose to the Pod known as MRPeng. He did the same with Hamsters (God rest his furry little soul) So, the cycle of taunting and then losing made me wonder if perhaps taunting is overated. *I would rather win.

In concusion, Sir Lorak, I would like to humbly submit that my addle brained sponsor is Sir Seanachai and hopefully he will remember who he is sponsoring.

*We all know that I can't win or taunt so shut the hell up or I'll drive up to your respective homes and give you the flaming bag-o-poop treatment for your doorstep.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


[This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 11-15-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

As one of the beta gods, and the true evil, i hereby sponser Marlow. I can see black in his soul....he will never be a Berli...but he does have possibilities as the Western Marketing Manager of Evil. hencefore....marlow is now sponsered...anyone silly enough to argue the point with me, will face Berli in my newest evil creation, battle of the bulge.

As further punishment, anyone who dare oppose me will not learn how tcp/ip works with Roger Wilco.



Army of the Darkne...err i slipped again...Porcupines <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, happy day. Oh, rejoice my soul.

Brave Sir Rune,

Lord of Darkishness, Primordial Evil, The Greatest of all Kniggets of the CessPool, Unsurpassed Master of all things CMian, I prostrate (no, not prostate, sit down Bauhaus) myself in your general direction. I most humbly accept the commission as your Bitch … I mean Squire (not that I have any choice). I shall make your every whim my command. Thy causes shall be my Jihad. Thy enemies shall feel my pointy sticks upon their dangly bits. Already I have taken up your cause, as I currently face in mortal combat not only your arch nemesis, the Sir. JDMorse, but also his toady, PeterNZ. I shall deliver their scalps up to you as a burnt offering forthwith.

And should the Council of Knights for some reason decide that your day has past, that you are nothing more than a foul vaporous spirit that occasionally wafts through the pit, and that you no longer grace the hallowed list of Knighthood, well then, Sod Off.

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-15-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune, addressing jdmorse (my elloquent sponsor), prior to cowering behind Beta Testing like a 3 year old peeking out from behind her mother's skirt:

You, sir, are a late comer that picked PeterNZ and Croda as squires..need I say more? Wait, I forget you are a lawyer, let me explain this so even you understand....this is difficult knowing I cannot use anything larger then one syllable words...but I will try.

"Grunt, Grunt, sniff, belch, poke, poke, belch, prod, sue, sue, grunt, sniff. Pull, push, belch, sue, belch" *


*Captain Croda is again vigilanty patrolling Schloss Peng in trusy PT 212. The murk is even thicker today, and the 'Pool seems a bit deeper than usual. It must be full of something. A red/yellow glow begins to ignite the gloom from off to the right of the boat.*

Bastard shandorffff...

Yes, sir?

Pull us up alongside that island off the starboard bow.

Aye, sir.

*Bastard shadorffff gently nestles the boat on the soft shoal of the island. As he cuts the motors, dull chanting can be heard coming from the direction of what is now discernible as a fire.*

shandorfff, chuppachops...small arms.

*The two lackeys race off to the weapons locker and retrieve 3 M16 rifles.*

Mace, man the boat

Aye, sir.

*The three men work their way through the reeds on the shore and into thicker underbrush. They stop at the edge of a clearing. Before them, they see the vileness the Captain expected. Dozens of Cesspooligans prostrate before a golden statue placed on a black granite altar, bonfires and braziers burn all about the clearing. The statue rests on it's side, laurel branches beneath it.*

What in the world is that sir? - shandorffff queried?

Meet rune, men.

Who is rune?

He's one of the once-greats. He's been around since before the 'Pool was even an urgent pressure in Seanachai's baldder. Legend has it that he used to even play the game, now he's nothing more than a name-dropping beta-tester. He claims to have played the greats. He claims to create the most vile maps man has ever seen. He claims to have boinked Tom Cruise...


Well, maybe not the last one, but I wouldn't put it by him. These fools are paying sad tribute to an age long past. Let's go break it up.

*The three warriors stride into the clearing, weapons unsafteyed, yet not raised.*

This service is over. All of you go back about your business. - Lesser men scurry for cover.

WHO DARES DISRUPT MY TRIBUTE?!? - the idol speaks.

'Tis I, Captain Croda, barrel-rider and patrolman of Schloss Peng and the outerlands.

I will not stand for this interruption. Be gone!

You have no power any more, old man. And certainly not over impetuous nembies like myself. Now I say end this service, and remove yourself from the realm of Peng! - Brave Captain Croda grabs the staff from rune's crippled hands and snaps it over his knee - I cast thee out!

Young one...you cannot hinder me in the slightest, for I have...THIS!

AHHHH!!!! The NDA!!!

Stand fast, Chuppachops...he bluffs.

Are you willing to take that chance, fool? I can delay TCP/IP for as long as I want.

If you will not leave, then I am instructed to issue forth a formal challenge. Here is the scroll of contest, and here is the glove of slapping. - Hands over scroll and issues forth a great slap.

That glove has dried blood on it! Who's was it?

Some say it belonged to O.J., some say it didn't, but no matter it has slapped your face! You sir must comply with the challenge or leave the 'Pool.

*A newbie saunters up to rune's side...it is Marlow.*

Muahahahahahahaha. Silly boy! My squire and I will rid the 'Pool of your sorry lot! And I don't have to do a thing about your challenge because I have...THIS!

Ahhhh!! The NDA!!!

Stand fast boys...we've seen that before. It cannot harm us. Rune, I issue this last word. The 'Pool wishes to see you and morse engage in combat. If you cannot comply, then you must leave the 'Pool, or sod a sheep, your choice.

You'll really let me sod a sheep? They frown on that here in Illinois...maybe I should continue to turn down this offer until I get the sheep and then I can...Damn, talking aloud again...I do not need to comply with the challenge, because I have...THIS!

Ahhh!! The NDA!!

Oh SHUT UP! Rune, morse awaits your answer. You have 24 hours to decide. *Turning to his men* Let's get back to the boat. We need to cruise by Loch Peng and see if we can see YK2's bum.

Do you think we'll see OGSF's too?

You are an odd man, shandorffff, an odd man.



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Have you no control over your bitches...errr...squires? How dare this young one approach me and taunt. Have you not enlightened him in the ways of the pool? [snaps his fingers-croda magically appears lower in the cesspool then even meeks]. Enlighten the young man that I have accepted your battle, but only after the testing is done. I know expecting someone you sponsor to actually read is a giant step...

He is barely worthy to even play my squire much less dare to speak to me. That's it.....time for a sing-song then..

You're a foul one, mister morse

You're really are a heel

you're as cuddley as a cactus,

you're as charming as an eel,

mister morse

you're a bad banana, with a greasy black peel

you're a monster, mister morse

your hearts a empty hole

your brain is full of spiders

you have garlic in your soul,

mister morse,

I wouldn't touch you...with a 39 and a half foot pole...

Right then....I will now devise a new scenario of evilness...something for our two squires to duel in. Muah ha ha ha

Marlow, oh Marlow....quit slapping morse like the lawyer he is, and prepare yourself to pull the entrails out of croda, like any good squire should...



Army of the Porcupines

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

You dare tarnish the glorious history of topplement by mentioning it in the same post as, as synaptical?!?!?! ... Some other long and tedious drivel.



I nail this thesis to the door of your etymological orthodoxy. may it cause your centers of higher reasoning much pain:

In defense of agrammatical inaccuracers*, I state the proposition that any compilement of alphabetics than can be conceptualated by synaptical mentalations that does not meet the standards of established word usage is as valid as your beloved “topplement.” Your are no more the authoritizer on grammaticallity than any other inmate of this asylum known as the Cesspool. Take your little pseudoword, off of its pedestal and stop your silly little argumenting about its superiorisity to others. It is time to cease your useless bickerment.

*acknowledgement to PushBroom for this gem.


... but he does have possibilities as the Western Marketing Manager of Evil. - Rune

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-15-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Sir Lorak, the sod known as Seanachai is my sponsor. He took me in and fed me breakfast when I was wandering in the woods and fell face first into the pool August last. I was stupified by his verbiosity and was amazed that he would brag and taunt, only to lose to the Pod known as MRPeng. He did the same with Hamsters (God rest his furry little soul) So, the cycle of taunting and then losing made me wonder if perhaps taunting is overated. *I would rather win.

In concusion, Sir Lorak, I would like to humbly submit that my addle brained sponsor is Sir Seanachai and hopefully he will remember who he is sponsoring.


Ah, Hiram, I know that being my Squire has not always been easy for you. I know that after my 'Loss To Peng' the other Squires must have teased and abused you unmercifully. I know that this has made you sulky and despondent, so I have turned a blind eye to remarks about my literary adaptations. But you must not despair. I know that you have the stuff of greatness in you. Now, we are currently involved in a match. Think how cheerful you'll be if you defeat me. I have been remiss. Like a father going out to toss the frisbee around with his son, a Knight must battle his own Squires in order to help them hone their skills, and further the bonding process (bonding, everyone, bonding! Now, Everyone Sit Down!)

Remember, Hiram:

”People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history.”

...Governor George W. Bush, Jr.

So, Lorak, Hiram Sedai is indeed my Squire.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 11-15-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, Hiram, I know that being my Squire has not always been easy for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

the poor sod should get a freek'n medal of honour for being your Squire.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I know that after my 'Loss To Peng' the other Squires must have teased and abused you unmercifully.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

not as bad as the ribbing I got for loosing against my wife, and I made a nasty list to all you gits that did... ooh yes my fellow knights... don't be going to sleep in your cosy holes without your sword straped on.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But you must not despair.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Seanoochie is correct, dont dispair.. give up all hope.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I know that you have the stuff of greatness in you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I remember him saying that to his last Gimp... what ever happened to you toy? all used up and the holes got to loose and now you got something tighter now??

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Think how cheerful you'll be if you defeat me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Which is easyer then picking lice out of PreBroomies private parts.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Like a father going out to toss the frisbee around with his son<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

watch out kid.. hes known to throw a grenade or two just to keep your wits up... ahhh old Sifu ... the memories.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>…and further the bonding process<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

again kid watch out.. he does not have a years supply of KY Jelly for no reason.

now SeanOoochie wheres my pbem??? I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.


Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-15-2000).]

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Ahhh, mother and child posting back to back, how sickly sweet, like the smell of human flesh burning at the stake. Little Marlow can lash out now that he has someone to back him, or back door him I suppose.

Well, Marlow, first I should tell you that "topplement" has become as much a part of CessPool vernacular as telling Bauhaus to seat himself, or the new and beautiful "My inner Croda." I'm kind of partial to the last one. (Those French are nothing if not creative, and elloquent, and clean...ok, they're nothing).

And second, Grima, it would appear that your master has sent you off to fight another of his battles. How lovely! I suppose the master of all weevils (oh, was that supposed to be evil?) will construct one of his supposedly diabolical "so scary I lose control of my bladder and crap kelp from my ears" maps for us to do battle upon. Well then so be it!

I CALL YOU OUT, little Marlow! We shall do battle to shake the heavens and split the Earth so that Hell shall rise and oceans may boil, covering the land with boiled fish and making it stink like a women's locker room! You sir are now dealing with the absolute worst record in the CessPool, and I stand by it! The Morsian Triumvirate shall slay you thricelywise. Morse shall unseem you from the nave to the chaps, NZer shal unseem you from the chaps to the gibblets, and I shall unseem you from the giblets back to the nave, thus spilling all of your softer parts upon the ground. We shall take these softer parts and stomp them in a big vat and make wine out of them and pledge our allegiance to Peng while toasting with it! And the ungodly stench of your empty corpse shall be condensed and bottled and I shall wear it as cologne to all of my battles so that the scent of your thricelywise softer parts spilling shall permeate the battlefield and my opponents shall cringe at the thought of me!

Furthermore, I will make a soup out of your toes, and I will call it "Dead Marlow's Toes Soup" and I will feed it to other newcomers to the 'Pool to warn them of the dangers of crossing me. I who would have sponsored you must now field a force to dismember you. You shall regret this day!



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rune you onotological metaphysical spawn of ego and telos, you immanent and yet sadly transcendent fool.....

I look forward to the ultimate toppelment of your ersatz glory. While you predate me old one you are mired in the past reliving your importance. As to the old pool I have been here since the second post ole fellow.

You think your idle threats and posturing with the sacred Rod of NDA causes me to fear you. Think again. Remember who and what I am. I have chewed up such things for breakfast and barely broken wind, I have ground such into the bloody fields that caused much wailing and corporate lamentations. Wrap your self in idle threats of delay and legal claptrap. I care not that I bring down the firmament as long as I rip from your quiviering chest your still beating heart to sacrifice to the gods of war.

I shall abide sir, I shall abide your coming. Delay, and avoidance are no strangers to me.

Speak not ill of my squires, they know how to properly serve their liege as long as you don't turn you back) and Croda does seem to have a 0-5 record on the pool tally chart, due to an unfortunate accident when his birth mother first saw him, well nevermind, but I see greatness in him and Peter can and will tie Marlow in nice juicy spittable morsels, may I suggest in the fog, at night, in the snow.

So go rune, diddle your ...er nevermind, and fiddle with your tcp/ip excuses. The gauntlet still lies where thrown a blazing mark to you calling for the satisfaction of honor. Let us retire then and observe the perturbations and mayhem our squires present for our amusement.

Oh by the way the song was such a lovely sing song, brought tears of pride to me mum's eyes. A lawyer that is praised is faint praised indeed. You have caught some of my inner croda. *sniff* just lovely.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing fondness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-15-2000).]

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jolly good!

I haven't had a good chance at unseeming someone since I unseemed my sponsor Mr Morse in the night-map-scenario o doom. Quite possibly where my sage-like phrase "if the game starts bad, it's likely to stay that way" comes from. Yes, there's genius in those words.

As for Rune and his whelp, pah! I say! Soon you shall be experiencing topplement and the study of your demise will be sung in the halls of the pool, (can a pool have halls? I think so) for years to come. They will invent a new social-science, Topplology just to study how you two could possible have been so utterly toppled.

In fact, I think I shall declare myself Dean of Topplology now, and prepare a treatise on Marlow's inevitable topplement and how it started with your birth in some misbegotten road-side puddle by a hick mother who thought it would be cheaper than a waterbirth in a hospital. The end result giving you a lifelong love of the wet and smelly, thus drawing you both to rune and his wit and the pool and its cess.



"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich.,

Sept. 29, 2000

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oh Crudda you Mewling clay-brained hedge-pig, I challange your depraved orgy of indecency to another PBEM... if you have the infected bladder for it.

My challange is in the email, so put on your gleekish fool-born armour on, for the Emerald Knight is mounting his horse (you sit down PooterNZer) and straped on his Unholy Chaos Sword "Festering Pie Hole"

§Your mine you bootless dizzy-eyed flap-dragon!$

er FPH, let me do the talking..ok?

§Right boss, sorry... being stuck in this sword makes me testy§

right where was I.. oh yes.. so my frothy bly-bitten clotpole, prepare to be smitten once more and your small-minded neanderthal of a Knight can't help you..

§A Squire smashing we go.. a Squire smashing we go.ooohhh! ..eer we go eer we go eer we go!.. eer we g...§


§sorry boss§

Die-a-lots-now plebeian.

§ya lots be dying soon§



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I fear that of recent times I have sunk so low into the mire of the 'pool that I was forced to rely on my fascinating ability to breath through my ears in order to avoid drowning. (Sit Down Kitty!)

Woops, hard habit to kick, hehe.


Puka, you little nugget! How dare you! Do you know that there is only Knight that can be told to sit down! And it wouldn't be a simple squire known as Kitty. So I ask you to refrain, or I shall be forced to challenge you to a map designed by fellow Illinoisians Rune or Berlickedabigone. So I fart in your general direction. Be gone with you now!

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Well put my faithful squires, this rune and his misbegotten git know not what they have unleashed.....

However, do not think that we can relax our guard. Training is ever vigilant. Croda, more VT is on it's way and your topple/dismemberment is just about complete as my reserves have yet to be brought into play. Just one more tincan to light up like last round and you will be 0-6. Congratualtions my boy, a rare acheivement. I am so proud.

Sheepsrunningshagger let's dispatach the remaning shattered remmants of your once proud armored force and grind you into proper sevility. After all it is a bit of bad form to remind everyone that you beat me in our first game. Let's let the past go and focus on the present where you have left a broken series of hulks in what can only be termed as the most incredible series of tactiacl mistakes yet seen by man. Your willingness to lie down beneath my treads is truly a demonstration of filial piety

Now boys, try not to soil the carpet with Marlow's entrails, there's the good lads. Oh and Croda? The Belt? if you please.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing fondness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

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