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Little Gems of ideas for CM2 thread

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A few that I would add

True Fog of war, option for the removal of the very cool but unrealistic description of penetrating hits.

Provision for an overall leader

Armour commanders (Plt and Co cmdrs)

Spotter aircraft

More and all forms of transport (yes those pesky horses) civilian vehicles and "wreckage" for spoting the battle field and infantry to use for hard points

Haystacks (excellent concealment)

Hiding vehicles inside larger building (barns)

More types of buildings-that degrade, with rooms and more than one level

Sewer systems and basements(for city fighting)

Gullies and streams, weak bridges-good for wheels but death traps for heavier tanks

Infantry and vehicle fording of streams and rivers

Offensive TRP's

TOT (Time on target) barrage effect of firing all guns to hit on one target at the same time. An American speciality it was used to a lesser degree by others, especially at the start of an engagement

Trenches and fortified houses

Controlled mines and demolition of bridges etc

Purchase of additional ammo (to be brought forward by men or transport) or stockpiled in a defense. Note to above it was a standard practice in many armies to send forward parties to re-equip the forces that had taken an objective.

Limited Counter-fire (order your artillery to conduct suppression operations on the enemies indirect systems) causing a reduction of amount and accuracy of shelling.

Patrols (yes I know the recon has already been done but in my opinion the recon leader should be shot)

Abandonment of guns and vehicles by crews-which may reoccupy.

"Audie Murphy" rule, your infantry can use US and similar free mounted MG's

Tanks can "overrun" and crush crew served weapons

[OPTION ONLY for operations] a small percentage for mechanical failure based on historical basis

Hauling out/towing bogged vehicles (I use to do this in the Army and yes-you can do it on the battle field)but your talking 4-6 minutes to get the tow lines in operation and the towing tank and crew are sitting ducks!

I like the present detached nature of the aircraft but.....

Purchase for fighter cover (to counter/reduce fighter bombers)

Different types of aircraft based on national characteristics, Stuka dive bombers, Pe-2's etc. Maybe a parachute(s) when you shoot one down!

Ad hoc units, the cooks and clerks used in the rear area ( I use green infantry but they are over armed)

Mine/barbed wire combo

Anti-tank ditches

Direct observer for vehicle mounted mortars

FO vehicles/command vehicles with enhanced command radius

Night fighting with flares and star shells

Well that should be good enough for a starter

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For the many of us who love AFV's and/or hypothetical engagements in CM and would like to see those areas expanded in CM2:

Please include as many AFV base types and variants as humanly possibly, including those that were in service at the time and could potentially have served in the campaigns regardless of whether they historically did.

Some specifics: bridgelayers, tow vehicles for disabled tanks (at least in large-scale battles or operations), remote German mini-tanks, German Maultier, more Sd Kfz 251 HT variants (especially those with front and rear mounted MG's and the Wurfrahmen 40), Kommando/Befehlswagen models of tanks and other AFV's for large-scale C&C (nice targets to seek out, too, of course). Captured AFV's put into enemy service, so players could duel against each other with the same tanks, for instance. The list merrily goes on....


I rode a tank, held a general's rank

When the blitzkrieg raged, and the bodies stank.

--Rolling Stones

[This message has been edited by Samhain (edited 12-23-2000).]

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Hey guys...how about the ability to use demolitions. Wouldn't you like to blow the damn bridge before the enemy can cross it, or perhaps rig booby traps to kill unsuspecting soldiers. I'll post more later. I like everything folks have already said too...especially individual soldiers in squads. John

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For CM2, my wish list would be:

1. Artillery barrages -- massive, mindless preset meatgrinders that march relentlessly forward (and occasionally backward) across the map in true Russian fashion. If you're not taking 5% casualties from your own barrage, your not following closely enough.

2. Immobile (field phone-equipped) FOs.

3. More fortification detail: trenches, tanks dug in on three sides but not four, fortified buildings, perhaps with basements.

4. Booby-traps for the inevitable urban scenarios.

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Oh, and, and:

5. An increased fog of war setting with less information on the enemy (and perhaps your own guys).

6. (Seeing that this is a flame-free zone) crews who abandoned ship occasionally climbing back aboard. I can document at least one historical case of this for AFVs, and suspect that I could find


Also los, Augen zu, und hinein!

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bombardier:

1)How about the FO being able to call in arty while mounted in/on a vehicle? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

AMEN!!!! It would also be nice to have the special vehicles that were assigned just for this purpose.


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

2/ Some "rules of engagement" at least for vehicles, allowing to specify range at which fire must be opened and priority type of targets to shoot at...This will go a loooong way toward addressing the "tank target bad choice" syndrom.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>4/ Command & Control for vehicles : platoon/co organization, taking radio into account


Yes, and hoping this would also allow vehicle mounted mortars to use indirect fire where they had that capability in real life.


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by radcliffe:

(h) churches with tall spires (that could be manned with sharpshooters)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And FOs.


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by STRAKER:

Plane recon, instead of planes attacking they can fly around and recon.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And also spot for artillery where that capability existed historically.


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1:

More engineering obstacles, Ie, AT Ditches, tank obstacles, to allow channeling, covered positions, as in camouflaged roofs over foxholes etc, Ie, Soviet Infantry used reverse faced covered positions with overhead covering then allowed German inf to pass through them before opening up on the German troops from the rear.

Pre established fire lanes through wooded areas etc, Ie, Inf deployed outside the woodline on the defensive, with cut cleared fire lanes through the woods etc. And ambush markers for Infantry units, Ie, HMGs etc so we can set up all arms kill zones etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

All sounds pretty good to me.


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

good ideas. Trenchworks would be good.. so you can move back from a defensive position more safely. At hte moment, if you have a platoon forward at an ambush point, once they are discovered and have killed some folks, they are bassically toast since you can't recover them other than getting them to leave their foxholes.. would be nice if trenchworks led into, say, the forest, from where they could belt it back to the MLR.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The problem with that, as I see it, is that the existence of the trench would give away the ambush unless it were built only when the construction could not be observed and then carefully camouflaged. This would be a pretty elaborate and long term project to undertake. Most units would have neither the resources nor the time for it.

Best just to do what armies did and set up your ambushes where there is a naturally pre-existing covered line of retreat.


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sidekick:

- use of designed maps for QB's


Also the ability to save QB maps to be reused with different OoBs and victory conditions.


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There is only one thing i can think of and i dont think any1 else has mentioned it.............The ability for soldiers to shoot while lying down. The make it so the had more cover, and it would be kinda cool.


He who conquers the past, cammands the future, he who cammands the future, conquers the past. - Kane

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Don't know if this one was mentioned before, but I'd like to see the Panther Ausf-G(IR). Yes, that's right, A Panther with night-optics. *grin grin*

Of course there were only very few, used very late in the war, and they were "blind" in rain, full moon or fog, but damn, it would be nice.

See http://www.missing-lynx.com/gallery/german/mbpanth/mbpanth.htm for some nice pics.

Awesome site, that, BTW.


I prefer an enemy who's willing to die for his country. That way both him and me have the same aim in mind.

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I would love to see better 3D rubble, trenches, basements to the houses/etc, what about separate rooms for larger buildings or more realistic house to house fighting. And how about some high fences(for POW camps) and AT ditches. More fortifications, some that could be built hastily during a game. And I do not think anybody has mentioned this yet, but how about road blocks that can be made by engineers, that are laced with mines and wire. And when artillery is called on a forest w/ enemy positions, enemy soldiers fall, and shouldn't a few trees fall too? Oh, I cannot wait until CM2!

But wait a minute? I still need to get CM1!!!

When will anybody get any sleep at BTS? Or do you already have the Coffee Iv's hooked up right next to the computers!

Many Thanks


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CM2 wish list:

Operations buffed up with non-linear start lines, more "stickiness" to the defenders (especially in urban terrain), and infantry replacements.

New terrain tiles of ditch and fence.

Rumanians, Hungarians, Italians. At least the Rumanians -- they had two armies on the East Front! Plus, no unique AFV's!

Ability to cut, copy, and paste maps from other scenarios. Right now, if you wanted to add another 100m to the SOUTH of the map, you're screwed, but the north is no problem. That should be improved.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LuckyShot:

A neat little thing might be to have a very limited fog effect on ALL daytime weather conditions. The reason being that objects do really become lighter and desaturated as they recede in the distance, even on clear days.

This is one of the reasons that I think people find the fog effects "cool" - it really adds to the illusion of depth and distance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

to be able to go from 'dark to light' or vice versa over the course of a 90-minute battle.

same thing for fog... to be able to program it to 'roll in and out' during the course of a battle.


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Seems Steve and Charles have enough work for 10 years! smile.gif

Here it goes then:

1. Full movie replay and save.

2. SOPs for AFVs ala TacOps.

3. Hall of fame for units including kill stats.

4. Relative spotting.

5. A map and editing facilities for strategy planning.

6. Smart initial troop setup in QB, instead of the end-of-map-parade

7. A good reference on unit capabilities etc

8. Multiple bitmaps and a good bitmap management system

9. Wired phone comms

10. The big one:

Operational planning

Now that's my biggest gripe. This is the sort of campaign I would like.

Imagine starting from a big map, e.g. 10x10 Km. I take a look at my OOB (keep dreaming smile.gif). I assign Co A to a subset of the map, putting flags on the map and selecting from a preset number of standard orders e.g. capture and hold flags. I select

the number of turns I want them to hold the flags for. Same for Co B. I order my M4 platoon to split between supporting the two Cos. I also keep Co C as a reserve, that I can release later.

Then the AI interprests the orders, splits the maps, and creates the operation I always dreamt of! I now have to fight all battles I specified on the OP map.

As Batallion commander, I must make sure I keep alive while on the battlefield, otherwise I won't be able to call Co C as reinforcements when I want them.

Now I know it's a dream, but maybe Santa is listening. smile.gif

... and a Merry Xmas to all good people on the forum.



...or somefink.

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My main request is the same as that of PeterNZ, although I would call it skirmishing. There deeds to be a command for infantry where they move forward cautiously, as in sneak, but are looking for targets. Very roughly, this is the way in which all infantry were “meant” to fight in WW2, including Soviet infantry. Their November 42 combat regulations for infantry companies and below are pure skirmishing, they used the same combat regulations to the end of the war.

So a hunt/skirmish command for infantry would be a perfect.

Another small point is that I also think it a bit strange that FO cannot spot from their half-tracks, or whatever. I have seen large numbers of pictures of Germans do just that, or so the captions claimed.

All the best,


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