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Meanwhile out on the supply road... the drivers are told to look over the engines while they await a tow truck for Johan's Opel Blitz.


Sumbrunn runs forward to the hedge along with 2nd squad.


1st squad covers the right flank and suppresses the barn "just in case"...


Sumbrunn orders 4th squad to cross the field headed directly north to the farm road. As a diversion and then to come around behind the farmhouse and catch any escaping French troops.

It was a wise decision as they quickly detect the French squad leader with his SMG...


... and one of his rifle teams.


The French HMG team has displaced from the foxholes and set-up near the stick fence! The mortar rounds land perfectly into the unoccupied foxholes!


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The fire team crossing the field is hit by flanking fire and 2 men go down in quick succession.




The fire team approaching first to the farmhouse is wiped out by grenades from the French riflemen.



Sumbrunn's command team takes the French under fire and drives them off


Sumbrunn orders 1st squad to swing around behind 2nd squad and take over the assault. The mortar is told to shift fire to the HMG's new position.

Sumbrunn's team takes a casualty. Muller, the young Schutze from Munich.


Sumbrunn takes out one of the French to avenge Muller.


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Savage fire erupts from a well-concealed French Colonial with an LMG!


The French soldiers at the stone wall throw down their rifles and surrender


The brave French colonial gunner goes down...


Another French fire team gives up or runs away...


Sumbrunn orders a squad to approach the farmhouse. The artillery might be firing at any moment. The trucks are unknowingly in the cross-hairs of a great barrage...


The farmhouse is well defended



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On 3/18/2023 at 5:08 PM, Vacillator said:

I think we've all experienced such things, as @cbennett88 can no doubt confirm. In CMFB Meijel Mayhem I had two Panthers cosy up their backsides, with one obviously facing away from the enemy.  A short time later, that Panther paid the price.  And no orders I had issued would explain their behaviour, but never mind.

I had actually given you credit for establishing such thorough 360 degree security! Lol

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Falaise has a battle artist along with his force and sends the following...


Painting by Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville, 1873. Title The Last Cartridges. Illustration of the defense of the Auberge Bourgerie in Bazeilles by the Blue Division, September 1, 1870


He knew he was in big trouble when his mother called him by all 3 first names. 

ALPHONSE-MARIE-ADOLPHE! You have gone and spilled cabernet on your best school clothes!

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  I hadn't followed this post just to keep the suspense...
what happened !
I did not expect an attack from this side
typical example of the guy who does not read the briefing carefully
I wanted to use the artillery to counter the attack (200 points) rather than using the TRP to destroy the convoy (1000 points) result the wireless operator is dead before I hit and the artillery will not fall

the car invisible thanks to the camouflage is still in good condition.
I wonder if I shouldn't use it to escape


" mais pas si vite pas si vite"


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1914 DEJA VU


Kuhn charges forward by himself with his MP40


Are the all kaput in there?


1 still defends!


Step away from that croissant, garcon!


Sumbrunn reinforces Kuhn with another team and deploys squads to check the wounded and to get a line of fire on the remaining enemy...


The Hotchkiss is still alive!


The Hotchkiss assistant gunner mort por France


The gunner flees - to maybe eventually join the Maquis?







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Hey, let's make this today!

Gas sheet cover bag.



The gas sheet cover bag..using the stick grenade in the 1 B&W photo...it seems to be 3/4 a stick grenade (SG) in length and maybe 1/2 an SG in width. Maybe 1/8 SG in thickness? Follow me? I will use M24 at 365mm long and get my gas sheet cover bag dimensions. Then I "borrow" an existing CM gear item and in BLENDER I scale the dimensions and change the texture filename to something different. 

Gas Sheet Cover Bag approx dimensions in m

0.274m x 0.183m x .0456m (I can always tweak it later as I compare back to photos)


HOW do I get it into the game? It has to "ride along" with an existing gear item that gets doled out to the various soldier types. I am thinking to go with the ammo pouch gear for the LMG, SMG and riflemen. My first thought. I will do this today.


ok, I found a good candidate mdr for exploitation and have changed the dimensions and renamed the bmp and normal maps and edited the mdr. I STILL NEED TO re-do the texture of course. I have exported the UV map to guide me




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On 3/24/2023 at 4:40 PM, kohlenklau said:

What is happening across the channel? Any interest from forumites in Great Britain to do a [bef1940] mod? I will help and advise and put in time.



paradoxically I am much more comfortable with the British uniform than French
for a BEF
you only need mk 2 helmet, the flat helmet
Enfield n3 MKI
no individual tool, the flat shovel is rare in 1940 and that of ww1 will not be reintroduced until after the campaign of France.
battledress pat 37 without visible button
metallic title in shoulder
and especially the gas mask with the case that is worn on the chest
I do everything except that you need Blender skill: the gaz mask pouch

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It is my great pleasure to announce that a fantastic forumite and talented modder @Damian45 has burned the midnight oil down under (Perth W.A.) and just this morning delivered a fantastique set of 1940 German Army uniforms. 


I will be editing this post and show off some screenshots of his stellar work. They are from a PBEM I am now testing.

This scenario with a French AI plan is for Damian so he can take a break and enjoy the mod a bit before he heads BACK to continue the outstanding modding effort and deliver us some new Waffen-SS uniforms. and a few other goodies too!

Before I show the screenshots, let us bow our heads and remember this solemn rule...


ok, so here are the screenshots. Freedom of speech but if you want to discuss uniforms, please make a new thread. PM Damian if you want or give "likes" here. 










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We can use all kinds of help! PM me!

Maybe you want to make a map?

Maybe you want to try and mod a vehicle in a France 1940 scheme?

You are learning Blender - make us a fancy French coffee machine like Tom Hanks messed with in "Saving Private Ryan"..?

@Falaise is cranking out some [bef1940] British Army uniforms!

I will say that in a cockney accent. "Wazzat, guv? A bloody Frenchman is cooking up some battle dress for our boys in blighty? We can't have that lads! Come on boys, rally upppp!"" 


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"Santa Damian" has placed another bundle of early Christmas joy under the forum tree! @Damian45


Waffen-SS in smocks

Waffen-SS in regular uniforms

Screenshots will be edited in as I sip my coffee...

EDIT: I will probably miss the 1 hour window to post them here in this post. I have to first rename them and add modtags. But I will display them this morning.

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I am about to enter into my 3 day work week of Tuesday-Thursday. I help US military veterans and survivors. It is a great job that I am really lucky to have. I do 2 days in 1 Texas county and 1 day in another Texas county. If you are a US military veteran or survivor, or have a loved one under that umbrella, and you ever need help or have a question with your "VA stuff", please PM me. I can PM you back my work cell and/or work email and branch away from the BFC CM forum (if needed). I am happy to assist you to the best of my ability. I am accredited with the VA through the Texas Veterans Commission. 5+ years experience dealing with the VA. This is a free service of course! No charge.

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