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Modern or WWII?

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5 hours ago, Probus said:

And, of course, it may just be me...

Nope.  I definitely feel the same.  Maybe that's part of me being drawn more to modern too.  It just "feels" different in every way and I definitely have a closer bond with my pixeltruppen too.  I have always loved the tech going way back to playing BattleTech on the tabletop.  I think that's another reason I am more drawn to modern.  Everything is more "sci-fi".

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54 minutes ago, RescueToaster said:

I think it's (at least partially) because you expect to lose a lot of men in the WW2 titles, while you (should) try to preserve most of your forces in the modern titles

CMSF is designed to have very few Blue casualties while Red gets slaughtered.  However, have found that in CMBS it's very easy to get slaughtered if one makes one mistake.  In many WW2 games have suffered far fewer casualties than in CMBS.

While I like to play all games for the change (and to prevent burn-out after 22 years of CM games) the WW2 games followed by CMSF sem much more satisfying due to the large amount of RL dats on wars that were actually fought. I find CMCW to be a step above Dungeons and Dragons. Hopefully, we will get a l;ot of RL data from the Ukraine war re how Red equipment works.  So, it will be interesting if this leads to a large revamp of the game, or if the game reflects R accurately.

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2 hours ago, Phantom Captain said:

Haha!  I know how you feel!  It's nice to open up Red Thunder and not stress when you send your Soviets to their deaths.  😁  I think you have a good point though.  Modern is so much more deadly which makes those casualty red lines even harder.  But playing them just make you better and better at figuring out how to do that!

I'm finding Cold War is the absolute worst for instant death and heavy casualties.  I play PBEM Black Sea (only Russia vs. Ukraine) and hold my own just fine but man, I have been getting slaughtered in Cold War!  I did spend this past weekend with a change of pace back to WWII and it was really really fun.  CMBN is really impressive with everything added and going on with it.

Playing the Soviet campaign? You definitely learn to accept casualties.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I've since been back revisiting CMBN, CMFI and CMRT and have played quite a few battles now, of each, since updating and I really have to say all the WWII titles are just superb.  I've had so much fun digging back into them after a long absence.

It's nice taking a break from modern with all the stuff going on in the world, although I am still playing BS and CW PBEM.  There is just sooo much content for BN and FI and I have just been loving playing in Italy lately.  With all the upgrades FI is amazing and impressive in all it's diversity.  

Playing RT really harkens me back to the BB days and I always loved getting immersed in the east.  RT and FR are just fantastic too and very different from BN and FI.  I started a German campaign and it's just too much fun in the snow.

Finally, I totally forgot how much I LOVE US Airborne troops.  😄

Edited by Phantom Captain
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Both, and all points in between (I would really like to see future modules push CMCW's timeframe options back into the late Sixties or even the mid Fifties, though pushing it forward to 1989 or even 1991 is of slightly greater interest to me). That being said, if I had to pick just one, World War II hands down.

I've always had a strong interest in the history of the Second World War, for many reasons. I think a big part of the appeal is the pace of technological change and how jarring the combinations of things that seem ahead of their time and things that hark back to an earlier era can be: the Wehrmacht had ballistic missiles and night vision by the end of the war but always relied heavily on horse-drawn transport. For another case in point, three milestones in the air war that happened over the span of just under two months:

August 4, 1944: First shoot-down of a cruise missile (Fiesler Fi.103 / V-1) by a jet fighter (Gloster Meteor Mk.I).

September 2, 1944: Last enemy aircraft (Junkers Ju.52/3m) shot down by a biplane fighter (one of the rebel Avia B-534s in the Slovak National Uprising).

September 27, 1944: First drone strike by U.S. Navy Interstate TDR-1s against Japanese shipping in the Pacific.

(I'm counting the latter as the first drone strike in the sense that the drones dropped bombs and then returned to their carrier, radio control aircraft had already been used as flying bombs before that, and the TDR was also capable of being employed in that manner...indeed, one TDR operator wrote a memoir titled American Kamikaze).

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I own all titles, but have yet to play post WWII.  No bias, just it is what I am most familiar with.

When I play MIUS I often chose Axis, not any preference, but I am familiar with the NAZI arms unlike the Red Army.

Knowing your weapons is a key part of success in CM.  (simply classing them into categories is not satisfactory)

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Let's see...  CMBO, CMBB, CMAK - aah, the good ol' days of 3 blocky pixeltruppen marching along, the Cesspool and its rather unique wit. And getting massacred in VoT that first time...

Then CMBN + all the adds, CMFI + all the adds, CMRT + all the adds, CMFB -- I play these as time permits.

Also own CMBS, CMCW - not that I'm into modern where tech seems to rule the battlefield, but 'cause I want to support the brain trust.

Would still love to see an updated CMAK, or early WWII title.

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