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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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1 hour ago, Letter from Prague said:

Lol, she even has a scarf.

According to most strict Orthodoxal behavior rules, women, especially married, strongly recommended to wear a scarf not only in church, but also out of the home in the street. Also not recommended to wear jeans or other trousers and not allowed to be present in this closes in the church. So, most religious Orthodoxal women in former USSR really similar to Muslim women in Sharia countries - they wear long dresses or skirts, closing legs almost to ankles. Also these dresses or jackets should cover whole arm or at least a half. And of course a scarf, covering hair

One more of "Russian world" and "orthodoxal sharia" example. This banner with a citation of influent  Russian orthodoxal priest Aleksiy Chaplin

Main problem of modern Orthodoxia and as a matter of fact Russia - this is that we have forgotten to be slaves. Christianity is a religious of conscious and freewill slavery 


His full sentense is next:

All modern society worships to the idol of rights and freedom, and only Russian Orthodox Church still stubbornly asserts that a human is a disenfranchised slave... Only Orthodoxal slaves are capable to great feat of self-sacrifice in time of war and peace. Even USSR could restore itself in limits of Russian Empire due to slavery psychology, keeping on subconscious level of Russian nation. For a slave a prestige of his master is his prestige. To commprehend the Truth we must stop "to turn on brain" and strat indeed to consider ourselves as nothing and to call ourselves as nobody. In a word, we must grow a slave inside ourselves. The way to God slavery lies through the slaveship for human: children for parents, wife for husband, christian to church hierarchy, citizen to state with all officials and "siloviki" ("force structures"), including President. So, how dare you can name yourself "slave of God" if you didn't learn how to be a slave for a human? Only by nurturing a slave inside ourdelves we can revive that Russia, which we didn't keep, but also come to Kingdom of God, where doors are closed for all "free", who not in Christ.  

Despite this is enough radical speech, but it mostly reflects Russian Orthodox Church doctrine as well as psychology of many Russians. So, if somebody on West to this time try to appeal to some ratio in Russian authorities - it's useless. And this is a reason why Ukrainian authorities at last started to push out Russian Church from Ukraine. And this is not about faith freedom, because Russian Church (or it branch in face of Ukrainian Orthodox Cherch of Moscow Patriarchy) is turning into some sort of "Russian ISIS", brainwashing a people to be a slaves and live in fear and humility in front of power of srongest.  


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1 hour ago, billbindc said:

A question for the group: where would you find good analysis of Russian cyber operations in this war,  what the Russians have done or not done, impacts, Ukraine reaction?

Given that I work in cybersecurity I should know more, but I don’t. I’ll ask some of the threat researchers I know next week.

That said here is some fun reading:

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About losses of Russian 72nd brigade in Andriivka area. 

Two soldiers of 3rd assault brigade walk trough captured Russian position near Andriivka. 11 bodies of Russian soldiers are seen during the video (one of them in blindage, where the video starts, soldier says "Here is pidor lays, he already stinks")

Ex-commander of Russian 72nd brigade wrote in TG he considers UKR claims of full elimitation of brigade is exaggregation, but he can't reach anybody of his familiars from this brigade by phone. Other Russian TG claims in conversation between allegedly survived soldier of 72nd brigade or somebody who had information, that "remained intact 2-3 men". It's unknown which level he meant platoon or company

Commander of 72nd brigade reportedly also dead.   

Here other photo of UKR side, picking up bodies of Russian soldiers (Russians didn't evacuate them)



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2 hours ago, billbindc said:

A question for the group: where would you find good analysis of Russian cyber operations in this war,  what the Russians have done or not done, impacts, Ukraine reaction?

RUSI is a gold mine of analysis for this war:




Punchline - cyber is still happening but it is really something we need to relook at because it really did not have the overall effects we expected.

Carnegie Endowment has some interesting stuff too.



Quick scan and there seems to be a lot of apologist-ism occurring over cyber as well.

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21 minutes ago, Teufel said:

All is fine, just anti-Russian propaganda BS that the big guy is dead. Let the West hear that in their own channels.

Wait, who allowed Yangulbaev near internet connection?!


Ah, the usual cycle of clarification confusion!  We are correct to be skeptical of this information just as we are correct to be skeptical of the initial rumor.  They could both be mostly true or mostly false, one could be outright true and the other outright false.  Time is usually what is needed to sort this out because if Kadyrov really is dead the charade will eventually collapse.

An example from this war's time is Putin's health.  Rumors had him near death or just sick.  Evidence suggested, very strongly, that he was not completely healthy, so it seems there was some degree of truth to the rumors.  But he is still very much alive, therefore the rumors were also mostly false in terms of implications (i.e. he didn't die or get replaced).  It took quite a long time for us to figure it out.

Similar situation with Lukashenko.  Seems he had some sort of health crisis, but not nearly as bad or unrecoverable as some rumors suggested.  It doesn't appear that whatever happened had any noticeable impact.  It took some time to sort that out.


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Servicemen of "Tsunami" regiment of "Lyut' " National Police assault brigade in the center of Klishchiivka


93rd mech.brigade also issued a video with remains of Russian soldiers sneaking in tree-line east of Klishchiivka clise to railways

And on this video UKR arty shells with DPCIM Russians, who already retreated far beyond railways


Though despite claims of full contrl of UKR troops over Klishchiivka, UKR soldiers of "Lyut' " brigade don't confirm that. Russians still counter-attack northern part of village from own positions north from railroad. 

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3 hours ago, The_Capt said:

Dress is up however one likes.  Apologize for no air superiority all day long. Blame the Ukrainians and Russians for “not being combined armsie enough.” That equation up there is not going to suddenly swing back in favour of heavy expensive metal moving forward.  We may even see a major armour breakout in this war but that won’t validate their existence, it will be a swan song.

Yup.  It's like a company that produces a product that is no longer deemed viable and the shareholders demand its accounts be audited.  It doesn't matter if someone sketches out a scenario where the company could once again thrive if the auditors come back and say it's insolvent and should file for bankruptcy.

If Ukraine achieves any form of maneuver type breakthrough in the south, I am sure some people will say "see!  The tank still has value!".  But the fact is that the tank had very little to do with achieving that breakthrough and any number of less expensive and bulky vehicles could perform the exploitation phase of a breakthrough just as well or, ad I'd argue, better than the MBT.  So not a strong argument for keeping the tank in my view.

Is there still a role for the MBT in this war right now?  Barely.  Is there a role for the MBT in a future war because nothing else can fulfill the niche role it is currently filling?  I doubt it.  Will military inertia and delusion keep the MBT in service when it should be retired?  Oh, I don't doubt that for a second.  There's already been a couple of premature attempts to get rid of the MBT and those will be pointed to by the establishment for why it isn't smart to chuck them now.

We keep talking about the death of the battleship as an analogy.  It is the closest thing we have since WW2 to what the MBT (and also IFVs) are going through now.  The US mothballed its battleships, brought them back to life for all the wrong reasons, then finally put into museums where they belong.


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UKR "Shark" drone targeted two Russian Buk-M3 vehicles - the launcher and charging vehicle for HIMARS in Svitlodarsk area. Also Russian crew abandoned radar of this complex. It caught some fire, but likely didn't get damages. After this UKR plane has struck Russian HQ or troops deployments in Svitlodarsk town with two JDAM-ER

Russian soldier shows consequences of UKR strike in Svitlodarsk


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10 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

Will military inertia and delusion keep the MBT in service when it should be retired?  Oh, I don't doubt that for a second. 

Fortunately tanks are not a major, election-producing jobs program, like the JSF or SLS, so they’ll go extinct sooner than later.

Yet another reason to favor drones etc is ease of production near the front, ie 3d printing for many of the components. When you start being able to iterate quickly on designs in the reponse to things you learn on the ground, and shorten that loop to a week or two vs more traditional building and design, that’s a game changer. Software obviously can do that, but with hardware it wasn’t possible for the last 20 years (for small things) and last 5-10 for (for larger things).

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8 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

The US mothballed its battleships, brought them back to life for all the wrong reasons, then finally put into museums where they belong.

Yeah, I remember that in the 80s, where the idiot navy secretary, "mr 600 ship navy", brought back battleships.  Which were obsolete for 40 years already.  I was flabbergasted at the time.

Yeah, MBTs probably not a good bang-for-buck going forward.  Need mobile, protected, firepower, but doesn't have to mean MBT and there's lots of ideas out there.  Smaller armored vehicles w 1 or 2 or zero crew.  Remotely or semi-remotely controlled.  Cheap, less fuel, less people/cost at risk per vehicle.  

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In Robotyne area UKR FPV drone hit Russian UAZ "Bukhanka", carring wounded. Good example it's a myth that as if HEAT projectile penetrated armored vehicle caused injureies or burns alive all, who are inside. In this case unarmored van was hit, most unlucky turned out combat medic - he lost his arm. All other got shell shoks or light wounds. 

These small vans are one of priority targets for FPV drones, because these vehicles play the same role as jeeps, pick-ups and mini-buses in UKR army - supply of forward positions with ammo and food, evacuation of wounded and killed, fast deployment of small groups between positions. Tehere are no so many "Bukhakas" in the "shtat" of Russian units - its all a volunteer aid  - the same like in UKR all these jeeps are supplying by fundrising.


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Statistic of issued videos of Russian FPV strikes from June 2022 to September 2023 from LostArmor.


UKR soldiers also say as Russian artillery is degrading, main threat now is becoming Russian FPV and Lancets. Particilarly UKR soldiers on souhern flank of Bakhmut pointed out Russian sharply increased using of FPV and months ago it was ratio approx 1:2 in UKR favor, but Russian are still increasing production of FPV drones, they have state program of producing and operators training. Initial training is planning to introduce in schools on the lessons of basic military. In Ukraine all this branch alas, was ignored by MoD, which thought small commercial drones (recon, droppers, klamikadze) as "for wedding purpose, which don't capable to change something significant of battlefield", so all combat drones, based on commercial models or self-designed still suppluing by charity funds, international organisations, fundrisers and volunteers. Only in last months several developments of military quadqopters were intoduced. But how much we can produce, it's a question. Many of volunteers afraid we can lost a racing with Russia in FPV-building. Russia still gets free all components not only for commercial-type drones, but also for Lancets, using US, Germany, Japan and Switzerland electronic, engines etc. 

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Now officially - Klishchiivka is liberated

Сили оборони підтвердили звільнення Кліщіївки

On the photo flags of 80th air-assault brigade, 5th assault brigade, "Lyut' " assault brigade of National Police. 

Also several days ago units of Belarusian volunteer Kalinovskiy regiment and 118th territorial defense brigade of Cherkasy oblast participated in mopping-up of the villge. But during all operation many of units participated in this, so it can take a whole page to write about each.

PS. Name of the village is derived from "Klishch" ("tick"). It villge really sucked many our blood...

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41 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

Ah, the usual cycle of clarification confusion!  We are correct to be skeptical of this information just as we are correct to be skeptical of the initial rumor.  They could both be mostly true or mostly false, one could be outright true and the other outright false.  Time is usually what is needed to sort this out because if Kadyrov really is dead the charade will eventually collapse.

An example from this war's time is Putin's health.  Rumors had him near death or just sick.  Evidence suggested, very strongly, that he was not completely healthy, so it seems there was some degree of truth to the rumors.  But he is still very much alive, therefore the rumors were also mostly false in terms of implications (i.e. he didn't die or get replaced).  It took quite a long time for us to figure it out.

Similar situation with Lukashenko.  Seems he had some sort of health crisis, but not nearly as bad or unrecoverable as some rumors suggested.  It doesn't appear that whatever happened had any noticeable impact.  It took some time to sort that out.


Think I might missed the intended target. Point was that NOEL reports video without questioning if that video itself is the actual propaganda BS. Second post obviously has that perception, that the big man indeed is dead and NOEL is the one spreading misinformation on behalf of Russia.

Pointing to the report from USAF from yesterday on spreading news by otherwise credible sources. Best weapon for Russians is to fool Westerners to spread their BS in the strive for more clicks and content.

Personally think there is fire although we just see faint smoke right now.

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14 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

Now officially - Klishchiivka is liberated

Сили оборони підтвердили звільнення Кліщіївки

On the photo flags of 80th air-assault brigade, 5th assault brigade, "Lyut' " assault brigade of National Police.

Good!  And I can't help chuckle at the difference between this and the Russian taking of Soledar where Wagner and the MoD argued about who did and didn't take it :)

14 minutes ago, Teufel said:

Think I might missed the intended target

Nope, you got it spot on.  I was simply taking what you posted and putting it into the context of my previous post.  Which is, there's most likely something going on but rumors in both directions might keep things unclear for a while.  We all have to make sure we don't fall into confirmation bias by believing only the "good news" about Kadyrov, but also don't totally believe the "bad news" either.


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12 minutes ago, Teufel said:

Speaking of useful idiots to spread Russian propaganda and misinformation in Europe. Napoleon complex at its finest right here, Putin is the man!

I'll give Merkel credit... she at least is keeping hear head down while some of her peers are shooting their mouths off.  At least people like Sarkozy, Schröder, and Berlusconi removed any doubt that they were acting in Russia's best interests and not their own country's.


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