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The Bad Boys - AI lead US troops tries a snatch/rescue mission against local ISIS forces in Syria (new scenario).

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RL issiues have prevented me from buying a new gaming computer for almost two years now...But finally...things are sorted and i'm currently typing on my new machine.

I initially did not plan for this to be a full scenario but rather a practice session to get back into AI programing. But one thing led to another and this ended up as a full

scenario. The AI will be leading an American force of two reinforced infantry platoons against player controlled unconventional forces.

I wanted to try out how i could program a small force with pretty much each individual squad, vehicle and special team as its own dedicated AI group. So i did just that. This scenario will use all 16 AI groups. The map is one of the stock QB-maps...

From the briefing...


Mars 15 2015, Syria

Late last night a small ISIS faction know to the americans as 'The Bad Boys' abducted the local clan leader Abu Bel Air from his residence outside of Beir al-Zour. Through a combination of local informants and information provided by the CIA the american troops got wind of the
terrorist groups plans to publically execute Abu Bel Air at 20.00 mars 15. This man is one of the more liberal leaders in the area and his wiew on Islam is a far strech from that of 'the bad boys'. Because of this he is considdered an infidel by the 'boys' and deservs nothing else then
a cruel ending. The allies on the other hand have great hopes for this man and intend to se him as one of the future leaders of this area. His death would be a severe blow to allied plans. 

Being heavely engaged elsewhere though means that only very limited allied forces can be allocated to this rescue mission. Time is of the essence. A small american force consisting of a reduced company is all that is avaliable for the operation. 
Simularely 'the bad boys' will also be light on firepower as the majority of their fighting men are away on other duties. 
The question is will the americans be able to free Abu Bel Air from the prison before 'the bad boys' manages to reinforce their limited troops that are avaliable to oppose the armericans advance. Time is working against the americans they need to work fast.


Akif Bishara ! You, as a section leader of The Bad Boys, will have a difficult task before you. Our plans to publically execute the treacherous dog Abu Bel Air later tonight has been betrayed by one of our own men. The americans are aware of our plans and have gathered a force to try and
rescue this faitless man. Unfortunatelly our forward observation post have failed to spot the american force approaching. We just got word of their intentions a few minutes ago. This is bad news indeed ! The bulk of our fighters are currently away on other tasks and will not be avaliable to defend
against this american aggretion. As for troops...The only thing that is currently avaliable are some of our newest recruits that until recently where resting at their homes. The alarm call went out five minutes ago. 

These men are barely trained at all and carry only light weapons. However ! this is what you have got and you will need to make best use of them until further reinforcements can reach you.
Word has gone out to your brother, Fahrid, among others. Fahrid and his heavy vehicles (BMP1 + 2 APCs) are currently in the area of Baghiliyan and will be making his way here as fast as possible. 
Other reinforcements from all over town are also trying to reach you at full speed. These reinforcements will mostly be in the form of small fighter groups supported by a few armed pick-up trucks. Any heavier equipment will have to wait until Fahrid gets here.
You are free to commit the avaliable reinforcements as soon as they arrive. 

Friendly forces:

As mentioned above you initialy only have a small number of new recruits avaliable to stall the americans. Better trained and equiped troops are on the way to you at full speed. These will include the groups lead by Hadem, Karem and Nazimuddin. These fighter groups have some limited support in the form of
armed pick-up trucks. Trucks or no truck we will still be at a severe firepower dissadvantage against the well equiped amaricans. You need to use your troops accordingly.


As we have been caught by supprise by the enemy advance our situation is truely bad. Non of our troops are deployed in any beneficial tactical possition and given the devestating firepower of the americans any repossitioning will be difficult. Appart from the bombed out buldings the terrain is primarely
flat and with limited vegitation. Movement will be difficult. Trying to engage the enemy at long range will be futile. you will need to try and get your men into possition to be able to ambush the americans at short range if you are to have any chans. Your RPGs will probably be your best weapon.
make a note of wich teams are armed with this weapon. The reinforcing troops will be somewhat more well equiped with these RPGs and also be slightely better trained. As for Fahrid he is not expected to arrive for quite some time yet. He actually might not even make it here in time. 
Apart from guarding the prision we can also assume that whoever betrayed our plans to kill Abu Bel Air will most likely also have shared with the americans the locations of the bomb workshop and our weapon storage warehouse. We can expect that the enemy, if given the oppertunity, will try to destroy these
buildings using democharges. These buildings will also need to be guarded.


On a more possitive note. The americans seems to be fairly lightly equiped. No AFVs have been reported and the skies, atleast for now, is clear from enemy airsupport. This looks like a light infantry unit that is approaching us and the only spotted support are a number of humvees. Expect these troops to attack immidiatelly.
Our best guesses have put the american strenth at a reduced company, maybe only two platoons. The humvees armed with the grenade launchers will pose the greatest threat to your troops. Destroying these Humvees will be seen with possetive eyes from the higher leadership.

As an additional note. Remember that Abu Bel Air is an old man and after our recent interigation he will not be i great shape. Even if the americans manages to free him he will not be able to move fast. Even if freed we might be able to kill him on the run."


Download link (i hope this works)..

https://www.dropbox.com/s/m4tqrl9bt0leifj/The Bad Boys.btt?dl=0

Enjoy !





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I give every CMSF scenario I acquire a prefix...

I have, for example, 185 "US" scenarios, 77 "NATO" scenarios and 50 "RvR" (Red vs Red) scenarios.

Yours is the first scenario I've given the prefix "RvsUS".

Surely I must be wrong here & messed up in the past when dolling out the prefixes?

Is this really the first scenario meant to be played Red vs US?


*quickly scans through the scenario list again*




I am wrong "US Shahrazad Mk Id", by @birdstrikeis kinda misclassified*.


So  @Glubokii Boy  has only made the second such scenario**... in fourteen years!


I'll definately be playing it... but, as @mjkerner highlights, it might not be immediately.





*It IS "Red" vs US... but the Syrians have been switched to Blue.

** There are Red vs Blue campaigns though

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56 minutes ago, Erwin said:

So, the player is playing ISIS vs the attacking US AI?  You may want to make it clear that the player is defending. vs the AI  I powered it up and chose Blue and got the US troops (no briefing etc.)


I'll remind you there is no "Red Defence" option so, although you're technically correct, it's always going to be somewhat counter-intuitive to tell which side you're meant to play.

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6 hours ago, Vergeltungswaffe said:

Your first link works fine.

Looks like an interesting situation. Thanks for making it.

More scenario designers is a very good thing.

Good 😎


6 hours ago, mjkerner said:

Wow, thanks Glubokii Boy! Sounds intriguing.  I'll have to wait several months to play it, though, what with Fire & Rubble out and CW coming very soon! 

Yes...F.R. will indeed be intresting and take up quite some time


4 hours ago, 37mm said:



So  @Glubokii Boy  has only made the second such scenario**... in fourteen years!



Second place will have to do 😉

2 hours ago, Erwin said:

So, the player is playing ISIS vs the attacking US AI?  You may want to make it clear that the player is defending. vs the AI  I powered it up and chose Blue and got the US troops (no briefing etc.)


I mentioned it in this thread as well as stated in the scenario description field that the AI was leading the Americans. But point take...😎 i will make a note off this for the future and try to be more clear as to wich side the player is commanding. More directly state this in the scenario description field and also add a short notice on the non playable briefing screen that this scenario is ment to be played from the other side...



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15 minutes ago, Erwin said:

Certainly looks like an interesting situation.  Looking forward to playing.

Good luck, playing it...😎

Getting the dificulty right is a bit tricky imo...I could have made the attacking AI EVEN MORE deadly/effective with the current units roster...changing some things in the AI programing....As it currently works i think the AI will give the player a decent challange and i'm sure some will even find the americans to be to effective...

As for the AI plan i belive i could get the AI to do pretty much what i wanted using these 16 AI groups...Unless rather strongly opposed by the player they will indeed succed in their task...More experienced players might be able to stop them cold though...☺️




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I will be making an updated version of the scenario....

The information provided to the player have been somewhat lacking as mentioned by Erwin and also this guy...

US Forces vs ISIS in Syria - Combat Mission Shock Force 2 - YouTube

(Huge SPOILER-WARNING !) both with regards to this version as well as the updated one....some parts of the gameplay will remain the same 😎

I honestly did not expect a livestream of the scenario 😊...

Many thanks to SmartWargames for doing it...It will provide some useful fedback...

I will inprove the information given to the player and also make some changes to the actuall gameplay....A few things came up during the stream that i will have a look at...


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I have finished my udated version of the scenario. Changes made:

- Increased the scenario lenth to 50 min.

- Changed the scenario description text to more clearly state that the scenario is playable as RED vs BLUE AI only.

- Added a notification on the BLUE briefing screen to state that the scenario is only playable as the RED side.

- Added some clarifications to the briefing with regards to how Abu Bel Air is supposed to be treated...
"As for Abu Bel Air unless he actually manages to escape you are NOT to touch him. Our plans to publically execute him at noon still stand. If this plan gets interupted it will be a significant propaganda failure on our part as the information about his execution has already been spread all over the internet."
- Some changes to the map to make the WHOLE map more intersting and force the americans to advance further in certain areas.

- Added some more reasons to fight for the secondary objectives.

- Changed Abu Bel Air from initially a spy to a HQ unit (1 man).

- Added more AI-order triggers, terrain triggers and 'clocktime safeguards' to the AI-plan to make the whole AI plan more resiliant to enemy fire.

- Some changes to the scoring.

- A few more units on both side.

- Changed the gametime to early morning.

- Increased the chans to actually catch/kill Abu Bel Air.

- I made the american evac-zones visible to the player.

- Added designer notes.


Link to updated version:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/nv7ig16e4ttbeys/The Bad Boys Updated.btt?dl=0


I will also try to upload it to the scenario depot

Enjoy !  😎


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