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I did a brief search here but found no hits. Maybe I missed them.

With CMFI R2V bringing us "good stuff" <the French Adrian helmet, French names file and French voices> I was thinking of the possibilities of a Fall Gelb mod (Invasion of France)

From my limited modding experiences with CM, I think it is easier to drag all that "good stuff" to here at CMBN. Mostly because the vehicles are best left in the title they originated from.

Here we have the what? Those French tanks from Market Garden? Some of the earlier panzers too! (IIRC)  ..and Fallschirmjagers for early war missions! @mjkerner

I bought CMFI R2V and JUST YESTERDAY installed it. Does it have any French weapons? I think I read they just have US springfields. Oh well.

So, just thought I would see if anybody wanted to collaborate/partner up for a Fall Gelb mod. Steady long term progress over the next year...

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OK, I did what I usually do. I created a folder on my desktop. That is where kohlenklau starts it all off...


modtag will be [fallgelb] I guess

I start to sweep stuff into subfolders in the main folder...French voices, French names, French fries

I don't want to feel like the PTA with the same group of parents always doing everything.

@Warts 'n' all Spike! Come on and join in the team...  :-) 


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Ha! bon chance with this project, mon copain.

Did the 1940 Armee de Terre have any special tactical strengths (intrenchment, mine warfare, use of field guns, etc.) brought in from their 1914-18 Calvary?

...This brings back memories of my 2012 effort to recreate a rather different AdT, at Dien Bien Phu.  One possibly relevant point I recall is that the Hotchkiss and Reibel air cooled MGs and the MAC 24/29 LMG had quite distinct characteristics (although the Bren is probably close enough to stand in for the latter). Postwar feedback from Indochina:

The 1924-1929 machine rifle "is an accurate, sturdy, powerful and light weapon, remarkable in its simplicity. But our good-old machine rifle has a weak point: its cartridge clips are heavy, burdensome and rather fragile. It is these cartridge clips which cause most of the firing accidents.... 

The 31A machine gun (Reibell) "permits... firing at night. In an established position it is advisable to use the round cartridge clip. The 40-round cartridge clip is very satisfactory when moving....[but] the tripod mount is heavy and difficult to handle...

On 10/29/2012 at 3:12 PM, LongLeftFlank said:


Foreground: US Airborne modded (poorly) to French "lizard" camouflage; Canadian airborne.

Background: Polish infantry with LW wireframes and camo with US webbing added to represent Algerian Etranger units; using the officer uniform eliminates the chinstrap and allows a mix of helmets and berets.

With support for the war waning in France, the all-volunteer CEFEO (Corps Expéditionnaire Français en Extrême-Orient) was a pretty cosmopolitan force by 1954, with nonwhites (Vietnamese and North Africans) making up nearly half the headcount even in elite Metropole, Coloniale and Etranger Para battalions. Vietnamese supplementifs (porters, runners, translators and scouts) had given way to autochtones (soldiers) at squad level, in addition to all-Vietnamese companies with local officers. Reverting to ancient custom, these men commonly took their families along with them to war!

Few CEFEO units retained parade ground uniformity in terms of uniforms and equipment in the field; a mix of US, French and British WWII surplus was issued.

I tried retexturing the Garand to look like the French MAS36 service rifle but gave up. A better modder than me will need to push this forward from here. I will probably mess around some more then release what Indochina mods I have.


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VISION OF THE MOD (3/30/2021--but subject to change)

Mod the main fighting nations of the Battle of France (Britain, France, Germany) to try and portray their CM infantry uniforms in best manner possible. Fallschirmjagers too! Vehicle crew uniforms too. Drag in as many vehicles as we can! Do road signs and some buildings. Maginot line type stuff? Get French names file, French voices, French weapons/helmet from CMFI R2V. Do a simple UI mod in the flavor of Juju. Wart's music mod for ambiance. Release a few small scenarios with the mod. Leave behind a kit for scenario writers to use for the future.

This is not going to be H&E! <<reverent salute towards those folks>> and just like I woulda told Anna Nicole Simpson on that -date with a fan- I mighta won:  "I cannot tell how big it is until I actually get my hands on it..."

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15 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

Ha! bon chance with this project, mon copain.

Did the 1940 Armee de Terre have any special tactical strengths (intrenchment, mine warfare, use of field guns, etc.) brought in from their 1914-18 Calvary?

...This brings back memories of my 2012 effort to recreate a rather different AdT, at Dien Bien Phu.  One possibly relevant point I recall is that the Hotchkiss and Reibel air cooled MGs and the MAC 24/29 LMG had quite distinct characteristics (although the Bren is probably close enough to stand in for the latter). Postwar feedback from Indochina:

The 1924-1929 machine rifle "is an accurate, sturdy, powerful and light weapon, remarkable in its simplicity. But our good-old machine rifle has a weak point: its cartridge clips are heavy, burdensome and rather fragile. It is these cartridge clips which cause most of the firing accidents.... 

The 31A machine gun (Reibell) "permits... firing at night. In an established position it is advisable to use the round cartridge clip. The 40-round cartridge clip is very satisfactory when moving....[but] the tripod mount is heavy and difficult to handle...


Very interresting job @LongLeftFlank I wish to see more about your Indochina mod !!

I know that you made already always good job and I am happy to support yours eventuals future projects, with the relaese of CMCW you will have some more stuff appropriated and if you need help...just ask ! 

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26 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

VISION OF THE MOD (3/30/2021--but subject to change)

Mod the main fighting nations of the Battle of France (Britain, France, Germany) to try and portray their CM infantry uniforms in best manner possible. Fallschirmjagers too! Vehicle crew uniforms too. Drag in as many vehicles as we can! Do road signs and some buildings. Maginot line type stuff? Get French names file, French voices, French weapons/helmet from CMFI R2V. Do a simple UI mod in the flavor of Juju. Wart's music mod for ambiance. Release a few small scenarios with the mod. Leave behind a kit for scenario writers to use for the future.

This is not going to be H&E! <<reverent salute towards those folks>> and just like I woulda told Anna Nicole Simpson on that -date with a fan- I mighta won:  "I cannot tell how big it is until I actually get my hands on it..."

Sounds good !

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4 minutes ago, Warts 'n' all said:

OK Mate, I'll give it some thought, although up till now I've only done them for my own private use.

If I may...

Your presence and your support will be already a help and appreciated... like everybody's on this forum and around it !
We will have the feeling to do something to let living an interresting community.


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39 minutes ago, JM Stuff said:

Very interresting job @LongLeftFlank I wish to see more about your Indochina mod !!

I know that you made already always good job and I am happy to support yours eventuals future projects, with the relaese of CMCW you will have some more stuff appropriated and if you need help...just ask ! 

Merci bien for the kind words! 

The reason I gave up on DBP was that although bunkers have been hardened some since 2012, regular entrenchments don't provide anything like adequate infantry cover vs direct fire. So you can just stand back and blast infantry out of their holes, even with small calibres. Besides the lack of slit trenches, there are no embrasures or firing ports, even abstracted. Unpinned defenders 'prairie dog' up constantly to spot, and in time just get their heads shot off: law of averages.

Alas, that hasn't changed much since 2012, as @RockinHarry and @Kaunitz have attested in their attempts to recreate positional assaults.

This has potential to impact this project too, since I vaguely recall 1940 French infantry tactics were very much still rooted in seizing favourable ground and digging in deep, while preventing the enemy doing the same.

IIRC, many of the late WW1 'storm' tactics the Germans get credited with were in fact French field innovations, learned by lethal trial and error in the Verdun salient. These include rifle grenades, trench mortars, flamethrowers and claymore mines. The Germans had mastered the best of these by 1918 and used them on the British.

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