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PBEM opponents quiting mid-game

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Ever have this happen to you? You agree on a set-up everything is fine and going good and you're fortunate enough to start winning a PBEM game. So after a while you notice the return emails are taking longer and longer to come back. And then eventually they stop, either mid-game or near the end, I even had one guy quit in the second turn because I nailed one of his tanks. He never returned the game file and then after I sent an email to him asking if he got it he comes back with he doesn't like CM anymore and that he doesn't like the way the TAC AI works and all this BS. I asked why he ever started the game with me if he felt that way and he didn't respond. So fine he's got a problem with CM and doesn't want to play anymore, but since then I've seen he's played like 6 more games at the Blitzkrieg where I met him and he even pasted me in the standings. So it's obvious that it's losing he doesn't like not CM. What a coward. No one likes to lose and CM can get emotional, but you need to take the loses with the wins and learn from them, thats how you get better. I don't like to lose, but if someone is getting the best of me I try my best and I FINISH THE GAME. And always report it at the appropriate ladder.

I am defending in another PBEM and I was winning again and with 5 turns left and his attack has stalled and he quits. He hasn't come out and said it, but he never returned my last turn from over a month ago and I've emailed him 3 times asking what's up. Hey you're defeated and the game has lost it's appeal for you ,then surrender or ask for a cease fire. That's why those options are in the game. I don't want to rub the win in anyone's face, but I do want to see the AAR and know the level of victory for reporting the game to the ladder. I've had this happen to me time and time again. And I think it's about to happen in another game Im playing. It's another defense and I"m whooping this guy, defending is hard to do too. It's pathetic, I never quit a game and I always report my losses to the which ever ladder it's on. You know who you are out there and you're spineless losers. Anyone else ever run into this problem?? Sorry about the gripe and negative post but this is bull**** and it's taking a lot away from a great great game. And playing the AI sucks anymore so that's not an option.

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I'd report to whoever runs that ladder and report him. I find that if you get people you trust to play all the time that's the way to do it. But sometimes I get bored of playing the same person 10 times in a row and I tell them I'll get a hold of them in a month or so. But you should always finish or demand they send you a surrender.


"If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." - Jack Handey

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This is even more prevalent in TCPIP online play, and is very frustrating.

You can make this less frustrating by having as I do a policy of never refusing a request for a ceasefire and letting your opponents know it. At least this way, you sometimes get an evaluation of the position as it stands at the time. And if the opponent just disappears, you consider it a win.

Under these conditions I consider it very unethical to just abandon a game and disappearing without comment.

On the other hand, there is not much point in continuing a game with an opponent who is not interested in playing.

If it happens too often, make a point of discussing it with a player before the game begins.

I guess all else one can do is to take note of the player's identity and not playing him again.


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Same thing happened to me. In Vot, I was the Allies. The defender (name anonymous for his sake) took out my vet Sherman, but then I got the one AT pillbox of his. After this happened (the third turn, I think), my opponent just split, no replying to e-mails, no word why. Unfortunately, I am not involved in a ladder because I didn't get the full game for Christmas frown.gif , so I can't report it or anything.

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Yep, have had this happen to. REALLY PISSED ME OFF.

Especially because the person posted on this board how he wanted to play SOOOO badly!!


Ok, I did. We did a couple of turns and then never heard back. The guy has the nerve to drop me a note weeks later. "Wanna try TCP/IP?"

Pffth. Blow.

[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 12-29-2000).]

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Guest Mikey D

If you're picking up unseen opponents on the web maybe you were playing a 50 year old or maybe you were playing an 8 year old. MOr maybe you were playing a 50 year old with the personality of an 8 year old!

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What we are talking about is poor sportsmanship. Sometimes, I wonder what happened to all the good sports. Don't they teach that anymore in school or at home? The media seems to be highlighting all the bad conduct and none of the good.

rant off

The main reason I haven't been playing PBEM or TCPIP is that until very recently I haven't the time to finish a game. And, I will not start something I can't finish, because my reputation or lack thereof is dependent on my actions.

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I must admit that in a recent TCP/IP match I was called to step away from the computer for an urgent phone call, fortunatly I had just finished giving LONG and detailed orders to all my units, I quickly requested a pause and then stepped away, withnout seeing the result.

(True Story)

We were on a two minute timer and my opponent did not know how to "pause" so the timer kept going and all my units kept on following my orders in my abense and after every 2 minutes the game went on without me.

Guess what ?

I come back about 12 -13 minutes later, about 5 turns have gone by and my opponent is ready to surrender.

so if you deny a request to pause the game it will go ON anyway. And you basically play against the Tac AI with the last orders they were given.

ALSO if you have the luxury of two computers you can play your self head to head via tcp/ip and give both sides LONG detailed standing orders then, having already set the timer to 1 minute turns, stand back and watch the two computers play themselves. I did it once just for fun. the game via tcp/ip goes on and crunches the turn FAITHFULLY every minute, rain or shine, winning or loosing, it doesn't care, but like the say in Show biz, the Show must go on.

So Moral of the story....

Play TCP/IP and deny all pause requestes, ( ok only deny unreasonable pause requests smile.gif ) the game will go one until you win or he surrenders.

Just my thoughts

-tom w

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I'm on the RD Ladder and have'nt had this problem yet. I think it is the way they structure the ladder, you must have started and finished 3 games before your name goes on the ladder. This insures that people on the ladder are dedicated players who play for the love of the game. Some people are so into "winning" that they can't stand to lose a game. I play because I love the game, winning is just frosting on the cake for me.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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I think the person you were refering to is me and I'm sorry. I hit a really busy spell at work and the game fell between the cracks because I had so many other games. I know it upsets people, but not evereyone just bailing on games because they are jerks. I'm sorry if it seemed that way. I don't recall seeing any requests for (hey, gonna return that game?) or anything like that. I just plain forgot.

Once IP came out, I thought it would be a good time to try and pick a game again. I'm sorry if I offended you. My main oponent just joined the Airforce and will not be able to play for months and I really need to find more players.

Sorry I upset you so much, it wasn't on purpose.

scott karch

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I tried to do this to General Petrovsky once but he kicked my ass so fast I didn't have time to quit. smile.gif I have to say this has only happened to me once but it does suck, you spend 15 - 20 days playing a game, you are about to get the upper hand and boom, they stop sending turns back. What's up? Now days I tend to play the same people so it doesn't happen anymore.


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Heck, I had a guy stop sending in a PBEM game BEFORE I saw the playing of the first turn. I wonder, did he meet some untimely demise, get abducted by an alien, or find a pretty sweetheart?

Either way it isn't very nice. You gotta communicate -plain & simple. I won't mind if someone tells me that he can't play anymore. This is a game after all. Real life always takes precedence.


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I'm still waiting for 2 guys to reply to my "Did you give up?" e-mails. I only like PBEM games, so this is something I see alot. This sucks big b/c my CM time is limited & I rather not waste it!

I try to play the same people over & have developed trusted friendships, however, I'm always on the lookout for more competition. If someones "quits" unofficially I'll never play with them again.


"Far better it is

To dare mighty things...

Then to take rank with

Those poor, timid spirits

Who know neither

Victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt 1899

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Umm, Figured several people might read this thread so I'll post here also.

First I hate people that just up and dissapear. Second, make sure you give someone the benifet of the doubt.

I've left a couple people hanging twice now. Both were due to severe cases of real life intrusions. Car wreck, close friends passing. Just make sure you try to give some reason for your absense and try to pick up those games when you get back, Or at least offer the person your playing to continue or play a new game.

That being said.

I am back after almost 3 weeks with no way to play CM. I believe I have contacted and resumed playing all the games that were not finished. If I was playing you ( I usually have 12 or more games going) I might have lost your name or address over that time. Please just contact me or send me a file and I'll be happy to pick up where I left off.




"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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Yep. This has happened a couple of times (no, Lorak, not our game). It's lame. Some of it I attribute to ladder play, i.e. someone not wanting to jeopardize their position if the game is going bad. (I'm on two ladders but could care less about them. I only got on for the benefit of my opponents). But others just up and quit for no apparent reason ... and I don't think I was even winning. Must be bad breath or somefink.


"Moriarty, you suck." -- Dunno, but somebody must've said it somewhere along the line

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Personally, I don't mind if someone disappears on me ... I just chalk it up as a victory. Frequently, if I feel that I have victory all sewed up, I will let my opponent know that further resistance is futile and that it may be in their best interests to accept a cease fire. Conversely, if I feel that I cannot win anymore, I will let my opponent know that victory is out of grasp. However, in both cases it must be clear that further fighting will not change the outcome of the game.

In the one loss that I suffered before time expired (against Kwazydog - and only cause he is a lucky slimebag smile.gif ) I offered a Cease Fire and explained why, and in my other loss it was close enough to the end of the game that I just toughed it out to the end.

I've had several games where I was punishing my opponent so badly that I offered him a cease fire to end his misery. I really don't get much enjoyment out of a battle once the outcome is decided, and I actually encourage an early finish in those situations. Usually they will respond with e-mails, but I seldom see a game summary screen. One of my local friends (an old ASLer) basically quit sending files to me about three battles. The last time I asked for a surrender file, and about four days later he finally sent it. In his e-mail he said that there was just something about clicking that surrender button that really didn't sit well smile.gif . Anyway, just chalk it up to a victory and move on.

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LOL Moriarty,

I know it wasn't our game. I had to make sure that one got back on track. If for no other reason than to win my little bet that I could infact lose! Now that I have indeed lost our little fracus I feel all the world is at peace now. smile.gif



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

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If anyone comes by a person by the name of MoJo, please tell me. smile.gif


"You see, while I've been gone you loony chumchucks have thrown Peng in a ditch, ran Frenchie out of town and reduced Seanachai to a four-sentence-max-posting wretch. To compound this, you have managed to create an entire fantasy world for me to occupy that consists almost but not entirely of a Polar Bear's rectum. And, AND, you moved the Cesspool to Australia. You should be ashamed of yourselves." - Elijah Meeks

RUN LIKE HELL - CM/Cross Country motto

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wilhammer:

Consider this guys - especially if the "bail-outs" have been recent - this is the holiday season.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ya but everytime they stop playing they are losing and you never hear back from them.

Very inconsiderate if you ask me. When I have an online game going I finish out to the end. Also I do only play one online game at a time. A couple friends of mine are pretty much all I online with any more. Everyone else seems like (at least for Pbem) the wait is unbearable. Now I hardly Pbem though.

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