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New Player Questions

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I've just worked through the training scenarios.  I have SF2 plus the Marines.  A couple of questions:

1 - For play against the AI I'm looking for recommendations on what Battles would be a good next step in the learning curve.  There are several to choose from.  Any suggestions?

2 - For PBEM play what's the best way to find opponents?



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Sort by size ascending and work your down the listing. It's a good mix of situations and you can jump down the list as you develop your preferences. If this is your first modern title then the smaller scenarios will introduce you to the lethality of the setting comparatively to the WWII titles.

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There's a fair number of turn-by-turn gameplay Youtube videos. They'll show players going through the basics of movement orders and whatnot. It doesn't much matter which CM title the video is showing, the basics are the basics (ATGMs and anti-tan gun use excepted). Just go to Youtube and type CMSF2, or any other title name, into the search engine. Though a 'CMBS' search might give you a lot of mortgage loan tutorial videos. You'll need to narrow the search to 'CMBS game'.)

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