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Is there any cure for CM obsession?

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I finally got my hands on my very own copy of CMBO about10 days ago a mere 12 days after ordering.Trouble is I cant stay away from it AT ALL!I have become obsessed with this game,with the mods,the gameplay,the sheer unadulterated beauty of the graphics,the haunting sound effects,the atmospheric weather effects,the sheer terror of battle(im a little bit sad,i know)and above all,the Battlefront.com chat.My wife is seriously pissed off,my children regard me as a stranger,and ihavent phoned my parents in over a week.Is there any chance of a cure,does the effect wear off after a while?Surely one of the short timers out there can give me some words of hope!PLEASE!

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Same boat, and the best solution is to A)move the computer to a high traffic area in your house where the wife and kids hang out so they can see you at least, B)ask her when she complains why she doesn't want you to have a hobby, and C)call it a "squad level tactical simulator", and not a "game" when talking to her.

Tell her it's educational(and prove it by asking her the ground pressure and sillouette of a PzIV and then telling her the correct answer). Discuss things like overwatch and perimeter defenses in depth whenever she brings up the subject and(if she's anything like my wife) after 5 or 6 times she'll no longer want to mention the game in any context, which includes arguing about it.

Also, show your kids the cool explosions and they'll take an interest in it to some degree, and move a phone next to the computer and practice saying "Mmmm hmmm, really? You don't say." over the din of battle before calling your parents.

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With great regret I inform you that as of today there is no known cure.

Be assured however, that scientists are working on it 24-7.

As I type this letter, test subjects collected from "The Cesspool" are being put under a variety of painful, grotesque, and embrrasing experiments.

With one tested antidote, the patient did lose the will to play CM for a whole 2 minutes and 23 seconds. However, this came to an abrupt end when the patient was accidently exposed to the lab's test hamster. Upon seeing the creature, he collapsed to the floor into a fetal position and urinated on himself, all the while rambling "CM MUST HAVE CM MUST HAVE..."

Not to worry, tests will continue. Since the people who habbit the Cesspool are awful scum of humanity, nobody will mind when their gone either.


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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I did the high-traffic stuff and all that, but went for a more devious solution. When I upgraded from my P2-450 to an 800, my wife got the old one - and a copy of Asheron's Call. (She used to play D&D a lot, back in the day).

She now puts more time in on that than I do on all my games. :) Moral: Identify her game weakness and set her up with her new hobby...

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You poor fool. Deep down, didn’t you know this was going to happen? Aren’t you just kidding yourself when thinking that you can escape the web that is Combat Mission? Forget it. The more you struggle, the harder it will be to get free. Soon you’ll be trying new strategies and force mixes, reading AARs, making Amazon.com profitable with your wild purchases of 40 year-old book titles...

It’s not too late to reformat your hard drive! smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by crepitis:

Trouble is I cant stay away from it AT ALL!I have become obsessed with this game,with the mods,the gameplay,the sheer unadulterated beauty of the graphics,the haunting sound effects,the atmospheric weather effects,the sheer terror of battle(im a little bit sad,i know)and above all,the Battlefront.com chat.My wife is seriously pissed off,my children regard me as a stranger,and ihavent phoned my parents in over a week.Is there any chance of a cure,does the effect wear off after a while?Surely one of the short timers out there can give me some words of hope!PLEASE!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There is no escape.

You have been assimilated


Resistance is Futile

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>and move a phone next to the computer and practice saying "Mmmm hmmm, really? You don't say." over the din of battle before calling your parents.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I agree with Pham's suggestions, they may be your only hope. But I prefer to hook-up and EARPIECE to the computer, thus when the phone rings the callers don't even hear the battle sounds. It heightens the the notion that you really care about them. Works when my wife calls me from another room too! biggrin.gif


"Do not needlessly endanger your lives until I give you the signal"

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Well, getting blind drunk to the point where your eyes no longer function properly is an option.

However, this has some of the same negative side effects (ie: making the wife mad, ostracizing the kids) plus the bonus of risking unemployment, liver damage and serious carpet stains.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Do you really want to break away? I'm not looking for an escape. CM is keeping me from playing EverQuest. and anything that does that is golden in my book.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah CM is my Anti-EQ medicine as well. (Actually I stopped playing quite awhile before I found CM).


Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

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by the Commissar

Not to worry, tests will continue. Since the people who habbit the Cesspool are awful scum of humanity, nobody will mind when their gone either.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats a good start.... If you could have found some way to belittle my tactics and insult my herritage, you would be closer.

I think with a little work you would fit right into the pool.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 09-28-2000).]

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There are 5 steps all recovering CM addicts go through before becoming cured.

First comes denial. "Me? I don't have a problem. I just play it once in a while, all for the graphics."

Once they are past that, anger is the next step. "I'll kill that wife/girlfriend/parent of mine, taking CM away from me!"

If they and their relatives survive the anger stage, bargaining follows. "Please, let me have the game back, just for today. I'll do the dishes, take out the trash, sell my soul..."

Next, addicts feel guilt. "What have I done to lose CM? I went to church every day I wasn't playing or reading this forum."

Finally, addicts move into acceptance. "I'll never play CM again. Oh well, all I ever did was cry when my tanks were KOd. I'll never play CM again. (sniff)"

Strangley enough, these are the same steps termainally ill people go through before dying, if I remember last year's psych course right. Perhaps someone could investigate the relationship between the loss of CM and death?


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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