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  • 2 weeks later...

46th special battalion "Donbas-Ukraina" in action near Zaytsevo, May 2018.

First part of the video - enemy sniper shells Ukrainian position. Ukrainians try to suppress his position with DShKM, but HMG has jammed. Several sniper bullets whistle near soldiers. Further, UKR SPG-9 team fires on the enemy. Therd part of video - enemy heavy mortars or 122 mm howitzers fire on Ukrainain position and soldiers hide in blindage - good picture of emotions under fire



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25 minutes ago, IMHO said:

@Haiduk, in case you know what was the end result of "volunteers patrolling the gray zone" conflict? Guess they're there but it was tacitly decided not to bring up the topic lest it poisons Normandy talks?

That was mostly political PR action, though it based on lack of  information from authorities and big mistrust to Zelenskyi - there was many rumors and fake messages, that Ukraine have to leave Zolote completely.

As I know police had a meeteing with volunteer veterans (thay are all FORMER fighters) and they handed over to police own legal civil weapon. Probably some veterans (about dozen) still present in Katerynivka or nearby Zolote, but all patroling missions around withdrawal area provided by police and National Guard. Observation of withdrawal area directly provided by OSCE mission. In other withdrawal areas - Stanytsia Luhanska and Petrivske there weren't any veterans.

On the other hand, veterans demarch in Zolote has gave to DNR exellent opportunity to claim that all UKR forces losses caused not because of their fire, but because of regular army and "unruled nationalist battalions" withstanding.

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@Haiduk, I recall ORDLO side was very much against National Guard since "terrbats" like Azov were the core of NG. So it seems they decided to go easy in anticipation of the Paris talks. Hope they'll be able to extend disengagement zones to the whole front there. National Guard or National Guard it's significantly quieter in the disengagement zones. And seems disengagement and prisoner swaps are the only outcomes to expect.

And what do you think about the yesterday's article in Gazeta Wybozca claiming anti-corruption investigations against Poroshenko's people are launched by Putin? :D :D :D

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16 hours ago, IMHO said:

@Haiduk, I recall ORDLO side was very much against National Guard since "terrbats" like Azov were the core of NG.

You piled up all :) "Terrbats" - territorial defense battlions are Army units and their conception was developed as far as 2010, but in Yanukovich time it was "burried".  "Terbats" mostly consisted of mobilized and in less number of veterans of Afganistan war, peacekeeping operations, former ofiicers etc. Now they re-formed in motorized infantry and included either like 4th battalion in mech.brigades, or like security battalions in artillery/MLRS brigades, or united in motorized infantry brigades. 

Core of National Guard is old Inner Troops, not "Azov". "Azov" is special purpose detachment (about BTG level), included in 18th NGU operative regiment. Also combat units in NGU are Donbas special battalion, new-formed 4th light brigade (currently less than battalion) and old inner troops regiments Bars, Gepard, Jaguar, which now re-formed in operative regiments without old "animal" names. Most of all other NGU units are public order security units, convoy units and special objects security units. 

16 hours ago, IMHO said:

And what do you think about the yesterday's article in Gazeta Wybozca claiming anti-corruption investigations against Poroshenko's people are launched by Putin?

I didn't read that, but I never was fun of Poroshenko. Obviously,  he is corrupted person and there is much work for investigators. 

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10 hours ago, Haiduk said:

You piled up all :)

Mea culpa - I don't follow military developments so closely :( More interested in economy in general and Military Industrial Complex in particular. Sensing RUS elite sentiments - they're not particulary against UKR civil police keeping order in no man's land, they rather want to avoid UKR forces suddenly overtaking the positions that L/DNR vacated plus they want to have more or less a balance of responsibilities between UKR and L/DNR units. And the last but not the least they want the ceasefire to succeed and that can be achieved only through geniune disengagement. If lots of real combat troops are kept on no man's land (whatever side) then tensions will flare up sooner rather than later irrespective of intention of higher echelones of power. There's no less war fatigue on RUS side than it's in UKR. Seems like disengagement and POW exchange are the only two areas where an agreement is both possible and desirable for everyone. On all other issues the positions are world apart and there's no compromise in sight. Anyway the end of active phase of hostilities will be huge step forward for both sides.

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10 hours ago, Haiduk said:

I didn't read that, but I never was fun of Poroshenko. Obviously,  he is corrupted person and there is much work for investigators. 

Have a look if you have time. It's the first so direct a statement in an A-list newspaper saying that Poroshenko is untouchable whatever facts one may dig up. It's a pity since if Ze will not be able to clean up the corruption mess then his popularity will fade away quickly :(

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5 hours ago, Holien said:

Let's hope some way can be found out of this, either way Russia will claim victory, while Ukraine will have to compromise and look weak...

There will be no victory for RUS to claim however it ends up. The grand aim of RUS to sway UKR pro-Western choice is unattainable. And if it ends up with Ze "building a wall" around L/DNR then the latter will be a huge drain on an already weak RUS budget.

And the wall around L/DNR is not a loss for UKR. The grand aim of UKR to bring L/DNR back on its terms is unattainable as well. If L/DNR is back then there's no fast track to the West - there need to be a national compromise.


Oversimplified and one-sided to a great extent, IMO, but to the point in many ways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reading Ukrainian mass media is real fun.

18.12.19 17:51 Ukrainian artillery successfully attacked DNR's fortified positions

18.12.19 22:25 Ukrainian Foreign Minister complains the ceasefire that was agreed upon is constantly violated, 40 people died since July

Video of artillery attacks from the very Ukrainian press - https://storage2.censor.net/video/3/181219_uni.mp4


PS Finally, ...full scale disengagement cannot be discussed now as Zelensky is unsure he'll be able to persuade all Ukrainian forces to pull back from the front line.

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6 hours ago, IMHO said:

full scale disengagement cannot be discussed now as Zelensky is unsure he'll be able to persuade all Ukrainian forces to pull back from the front line.

This is impossible for both sides. 

5 hours ago, ikalugin said:

The issue for both sides is control over the actors on the ground.

This is hybride war. "This is not we are", "only return firing from our side". Both sides is providing policy of controlled VERY low-intensity conflict. On the meeting of Donbass Volunteers Union in Moscow, the Putin's advisor Surkov, which keep control over DNR/LNR claimed that despite all negotiations and agreements, Russia never will allow Ukraine to gain REAL control over the border and "self-claimed republics", so such war will go on further until Ukraine makes concessions in Minsk-2 implementing. Kremlin need to have these "districts with special status" as lever of influence on Ukranian policy, so Russia will try to turn back occupied territories in the body of Ukraine on own conditions and will not recognize their independence or bring its to itself like Crimea.

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Hybrid war is a very bad term in the current usage (because it is not clearly defined) so I would prefer to avoid it.

From Russian standpoint we are fairly flexible on Donbas, as there are no key interests there, so we can go ahead with compromises on Minsk-2 that seem to be less than popular in Ukraine such as Steinmaer's formula. The issue is in implimentation of those compromises both on the ground with many semi-independent actors that you need to pull from the front line and in the rear - where Kiev needs to pass the relevant (and unpopular in certain circles) legislation.

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On 12/19/2019 at 11:30 AM, Haiduk said:

This is hybride war. "This is not we are", "only return firing from our side".

Nope, that was not an alleged return fire - that happens every day and not remarkable in any way. It was exactly when firstly an honest soul from Ukrainian Armed Forces issues a video celebrating how accurate they are in hitting DNR positions with UAV observation capability and in few hours the Ukrainian Foreign Minister complains the Minsk cease fire is not heeded.


On 12/19/2019 at 11:30 AM, Haiduk said:

This is impossible for both sides.

Why was it possible for every conflict in the world but becomes impossible for Ukraine? Full scale disengagement WAS agreed by ALL four sides including Ukrainian representatives. Russian, French and German leaders were going to Paris talks expecting to sign one. It's just Zelensky chose his internal political expediency in the last moment. And why he did so? As we can see from the results of the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary elections the majority of Ukrainian population is for the end of the hot phase of the conflict. Yet there's 8% minority that wants the war till the end. They range from ultra-nationalistic yet comparatively peaceful to the outright Nazis armed to teeth and organized in paramilitary and military structures. They lost the election so now they resorted to wield the influence through the threats of armed acts.

Proofs that the Ukrainian Nazis are real and not a feat of Russian propaganda:

  1. Official slogan of all Ukrainian nationalistic forces is "Украина по над усе" - "Ukraine above all" a conscious rephrasing of "Deutchland uber alles" used by Nazi Germany.
  2.  Here's the Azov batallion - not some street crazies but the SF detachment 3057 of the Eastern command of the Ukrainian National Guard. They are armed with MRAPs, BTRs, MT-LB armed with 23mm antiaircraft guns, and even have a company of T-64B1M tanks

Azov's flag (left) and Das Reich SS division (to the right)


And here are Azov's members and sympathizers




Blue-yellow flag in the pictures is the flag of SS Division Galizien


Some of the last known feats of this radical minority:

  1. Dec, 1, 2019 a sniper tried to assassinate Vyacheslav Sobolev a member of Kiev's city council who founded and reportedly still owned the biggest Donetsk's food chain. Ukrainian Security Service opened an investigation in 2016 into suspected payment of taxes to DNR yet the killers decided not to wait for the results of the investigation. The sniper tried to shoot Vyacheslav when he boarded his car yet unfortunately the car moved and instead of killing the mark the sniper shot away half the head of Vyacheslav's three years old son who was sitting next to his mother at that moment. Two members of Right Sector's Aratta battalion were quickly apprehended thanks to the CCTV camera feeds. One of the two had even been awarded a Ukrainian medal "For gallantry in action". Aratta battalion itself is well known when it refused to obey the C-in-C order to leave the front. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ukrainian Security Service SOF troops were used to besiege and forcefully disarm the battalion. Needless to say not a single Aratta battalion member was disciplined for insubordination.
  2. Dec, 12, 2019 a sergeant of Ukrainian SOF, a medic of 25th Airborne Brigade and three "volunteers" - all members of the Right Sector were charged with killing of Pavel Sheremet - a Russian/Belorussian/Ukrainian journalist. The journalist was blown up in his girlfriend's car in 2016. Members of the Right Sector besieged the court building where arraignment hearings were held and SF unit of Ministry of Internal Affairs had to storm the court building to put the suspects into detention center. No Right Sector member was charged for the siege.
  3. Dec, 17, 2019 17 Ukrainian policemen were injured in clashes with members of the political wing of Azov battalion headed by former Azov commander - Andrey Biletsky. Dozens of Azov members were apprehended but were let go after Biletsky demanded their release. That's despite the fact that one of the policemen received a severe head injury requiring cranium trepanation.
  4. Nov, 6, 2019 Ukrainian State Bureau of Investigation opened a case against an MP from Poroshenko Party and a member of Right Sector - who recorded a video threatening reprisals against President Zelensky after he visited one of the three sectors agreed for disengagement in Minsk. They said that an "accidental shelling or a sniper bullet or a roadside mine may end Zelensky's life prematurely if he continues his acts". Search warrant was issued and a search was performed at the house of the Right Sector member where three pieces of small arms were recovered. Marussia Zverobiy - the Right Sector member - repeated her threats in another video after the search.


Marussia was not apprehended and goes around absolutely free.


On 12/19/2019 at 11:30 AM, Haiduk said:

Russia never will allow Ukraine to gain REAL control over the border and "self-claimed republics", so such war will go on further until Ukraine makes concessions in Minsk-2 implementing. Kremlin need to have these "districts with special status" as lever of influence on Ukranian policy, so Russia will try to turn back occupied territories in the body of Ukraine on own conditions

  1. These are not concessions, Russia demands Ukraine stick to the Minsk agreement it signed. First elections - then control over the border. It's just Ukraine signs agreements when it's convenient for it then breaks them when it's not no longer so. But there's a good reason for that, even Zelensky - a normally very careful in his language - said recently that he believes the people of Donbass who feel too attached to Russian cause should pack and leave for Russia.
  2. Certainly the Kremlin plan was exactly as you indicated but there's no reason Ukraine should indulge. The security track and political tracks are separate. Both sides can effect a full scale disengagement yet nothing precludes Ukraine from keeping DNR/LNR in a political limbo they exist in today. This would have ended the killings yet it would have given no political acceptance to DNR/LNR.
  3. Ukrainian pro-war parties clearly lost the elections - Zelensky counts 303 MPs in the Parlament together with pro-Russian parties whereas pro-war Poroshenko's and Svoboda - only 29. Hell, even clearly pro-Russian parties in Ukraine elected almost TWO TIMES MORE MPs than pro-war ones - 49 against 29. But having lost the elections Ukrainian ultra-nationalistic minority wants war at all costs, it's well-organized, armed to teeth and it considers itself above all laws and wishes of the majority of Ukrainians. "Ukraine above all" as Ukrainians nationalists say and they mean it.
  4. As Zelensky said in Paris: "If I discuss Minsk accords here you'd be speaking to a different president of Ukraine next time".


PS All events and quotes mentioned in this post are checkable against the very Ukrainian mass media.

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3 hours ago, IMHO said:

Why was it possible for every conflict in the world but becomes impossible for Ukraine? Full scale disengagement WAS agreed by ALL four sides including Ukrainian representatives.

This is not inner conflict, we are victim of proxy-agression, so we have a nature right to repell such agression in any way. Our troops on own land and any step back from such points like Maryinka or Avdiivka wil be considered by society like betrayal. The same situation with separs - their field commanders and some politics claim there is completely unapproriate for them to step back and to leave part of Horlivka or Donetsk.

And only disangagement in next three points, was declared (not agreed!!!)... in not defined period.


3 hours ago, IMHO said:

SS Division Galizien

"Waffen der SS division". This is a big difference with "true" SS-division.


3 hours ago, IMHO said:

Russia demands Ukraine stick to the Minsk agreement it signed.

Minsk agreements were signed under urging of military force and military defeat. Accordint to art.52 of Conventions about International agreements we have a full right to refuse from these agreememts in any appropriate time. And who is Russia to demand from us anything? The agressor, who annexed Crimea, who directly invaded and suports separs all these years. This is a top of impudence! 


3 hours ago, IMHO said:

The problem is though having lost the elections Ukrainian ultra-nationalistic minority wants war at all costs, it's well-organized, armed to teeth including tanks and other armor and it considers itself above all laws and wishes of the majority of Ukrainians.

Show me these well-organized armed-to-teeth with armor ultra-nationalistic units. Ok, I am starting: 1) Azov, regular not paramilitary unit of 18th NGU operative regiment in the force about 600 men. Next? 

"Majority" is always a "swamp", which want "bread and entartaiments" only. The history always creates by active minority if circumstances demand. A half of Zelenskyi's "majority" in case of possib;e uprising will sit on own sofas and other half will supoprt Maidan - personally or in mind.

I also will surprise you about this "majority". Zelensky have big support because many people were angry on corruption, covered by Poroshenko, but not because they wanted "a peace for any cost". 60 % of his followers will never forgive to Ze any betrayal of national interests and concessions to Russia. Last polling showed more than 20 % voted for military way of Donbas returning and about 60 % for diplomacy, but without any concessions like "special status in Constitution". Even Zelensky on eve of voting directly claimed Donbas never will get any constitutional "special status".

And well, stop to post here about "nazi, eating a russian-speaking babіes in the center of Kyiv". This is was ridiculous in 2014, but now this is OMG-facepalm level 

PS. This is thread for videos. I don't understand any sence of this political discussion exept an attempt to make all that this topic will closed.

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19 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Do you know where I could find decent images of an Azov T-64BM.....I'd like to convert one from the Modelcollect kit.  B)

T-64B1M if correctly, T-64B1 upgrading project for Congo.  Here, from different points







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15 hours ago, Haiduk said:

This is not inner conflict, we are victim of proxy-agression, so we have a nature right to repell such agression in any way. Our troops on own land and any step back from such points like Maryinka or Avdiivka wil be considered by society like betrayal. The same situation with separs - their field commanders and some politics claim there is completely unapproriate for them to step back and to leave part of Horlivka or Donetsk.

You are not going to make peace with people of Donbas if you do not accept the existence of their grievances and agency.

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1 hour ago, ikalugin said:

You are not going to make peace with people of Donbas if you do not accept the existence of their grievances and agency.

There is no such nation like "people of Donbas". They are all citizens of Ukraine, which during dozen years were under pressure of propaganda of local elites, loyal to Kremlin. Their pro-russian moods mostly have consumer nature and based on phobias - from "Bandera-followers will massacre us" to "they will force us to change our faith to greko-catholician". In 2014 they believed if Russia comes here, they would get Moskow-level salaries and soviet-time prices like sausidge for 2.20 and vodka for 3.62. Even Strelkov told, they expected "Donbass people will rise and join to us in own struggle, but only 0,5% of all Donbas men enlisted to "peoples milita" - rest either left Donbas, or did nothing in hope that Russia will do all instead them". 

In liberated cities - Dobropillia, Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut, Kostiantynivka, Lysychansk,. Siverodonetsk, Mariupol and dozen settlement and villages so called "people of Donbass" have a peace. There is no demonstrations against Ukraine or partisan resistance. And from our side there is no any "Srebrenitsa" like threated Putin. Do you know why? Because the source of disturbance was cutted - Russia. No Russia - no stream of "volunter fighters for Russian world", no "vacationers", no banditism, no political  and weapon support of separatists. So, if Russia will go away, the peace will come quite soon.    

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12 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Thanks.....Not really detailed enough for my purposes TBH.  :unsure:

Reckon Azov might do a walkaround for me?  :P

Hm... Maybe these videos with stop-cadres will show more details.... Alas, I don't see any schemes of T-64B1M in network


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1 hour ago, Haiduk said:

Their pro-russian moods mostly have consumer nature and based on phobias - from "Bandera-followers will massacre us" to "they will force us to change our faith to greko-catholician". In 2014 they believed if Russia comes here, they would get Moskow-level salaries and soviet-time prices like sausidge for 2.20 and vodka for 3.62.

Why do you want to live in one country with such greedy and stupid scum? Let them go. You want to punish them or what? What if they vote for pro-Russian political parties? Will you make them 2-nd sort citizens without right to vote, like in Baltia states? Just curious.

About fortifications and ROE in urban areas:



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2 hours ago, DMS said:

Let them go

They are already doing it. Russia gives to them own citizenship ( inner conflict, yes) and they are going to Russia. And this is good. Donbas under rule of Russian proxies completely turned out in depressive region with plundered mines and factories, cutted into the metal. Less pro-russians, less problems after liberation.  But Russia also doesn't want neither recognize, nor take occupied part of Donbass. 


2 hours ago, DMS said:

like in Baltia states?

I'am always wondering why "supressed 2nd sort of so-called Russian-speaking population" don't want to turn back in blessed  Holy Russia even by the state program of "compatriots returning". Looks like EU passport, salary in Euros  and even "2nd sort" status is much better, then living with Russian citizenship in Syberia or Nechernoziemye. Respect to Baltia states - they initialy have created the barrier of citizenship, which didn't allow Russia to use local non-baltic population in own political games. 

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