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What have we seen

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1- Grenades being thrown in close combat

2- a sherman moving a panther out of the way on a road

3- a house blowing up to bits

4- dirt being thrown into the air after a shell hits

5- a sherman bogged down

6- a HMG jamming

what else? Everyone try not to post what has all ready been listed.

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Guest Pham

(some spoilers, beware)

7-A house being set on fire by an artillery strike.

8-A sherman hitting a mine field in the road at full speed, becoming immobilized, but still rolling almost into town due to momentum(where it was promptly killed).

9-Forest fires set by artillery, direct tank fire, or flamethrowers.

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Guest Schuggerbaby


13- ( oh yeah, it must be that number) a wide shot from my IG that lands bang on my flanking force in the forest. ( man, i hate that gun!)

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Guest Madmatt

I saw this women down in Mexico once do this thing with a Donkey where she...Oh??? Sorry, I didn't know we were limiting this to Combat Mission.



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

Combat Mission HQ


Proud members of the Combat Mission WebRing

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Well guys this is what happened to me-


I had a Sherman 75 knock out the panther in the 'weak spot on the front turret' said the detailed armore penetration. Then the sherman suffered a hit by a Panzershreck penetrating the fron hull, but didn't get knocked out, instead suffered one casualty. A second hit did knock the brave sherman out. Another sherman firing at the Panzershreck teams (there were two teams hiding in the trees) after seeing his friend being fried reversed, fired one machinegun at one Panzershreck team and the main gun at the other team. I really do love this game!

Happy gaming,

Pvt. Ryan

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I got to see my infantry firing at enemy infantry while knocking out an enemy tank with faust. Not once during playback did the targetting line go to the sherman but upon close inspection a faust get launched anyway taking out the tank with a side turret penetration.

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The surviving member of a panzerschreck team fleeing from an angry Sherman into some woods, and when the Sherm fired a 75mm HE to kill him at just the right moment, it looked like the guy ran into a tree and fell backwards, dead or unconscious. The Keystone Wehrmacht?

[This message has been edited by Supertanker (edited 05-21-2000).]

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I had the 75mm pillbox gun shoot a Sherman, miss short as the Sherman reversed behind a crest, yet have what I can only assume to be the shrapnel from the miss immobilize the tank behind the crest.

I swear that had to happen. I replayed it many times.

Damnedest thing I've seen. That immobile Sherman was out of LOS of every part of my force on the north side of Hill 216 for the whole scenario yet was otherwise perfectly operational.


Laurie Nyveen a.k.a. Webs, member of the WarBirds training staff


Editor, Netsurfer Digest - http://www.netsurf.com/nsd/index.html

101 Sqn opus-in-progress - http://101.warbirds.org/

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Guest Babra

-- Bridges collapsing.

-- Snipers picking off tank crew.

-- Squads crawling behind walls from cover to cover.

-- Tantalizing screenshots of things we haven't seen yet...

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Now this is something that I am sure doesn't mean much to others, but all of the weapons HAVE A RECOIL!!!! I've never seen that before!!

PS I've seen a lot on this game that I've never seen before.



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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

A sherman and a stug in CE firing almost simultaneously and killing each other. Funny to watch.


Yeah I had that happen too. smile.gif My StuG against the Sherman. frown.gif

14. But on another note, a hillful of dead American bodies in VoT where I snuck 2 1/2 platoons of German infantry along the extreme left flank and came up behind the American infantry in the woods.

15. But then again on a similar note, a hillful of dead German bodies on the woodsy crest in CE where two platoons of American infantry chopped up the last remaining platoons of Volkgrenediers. tongue.gif

16. Hand grenade chucking like you wouldn't believe! eek.gif

17. Oh, best one yet. The Germans in CE, calling down their 81mm mortars on their own hill due to #15 above. (Actually, most shells fell on top of their own troops.)

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 05-21-2000).]

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How about standing behind a tank,, looking into the turret and the main body,, seeint the tank commander's lower body,, a upper turret hit,, and he dives into the tank while it rocks and rolls from concussion,, a lower turret hit, and the tank is taken out,, debree flying all around INSIDE the tank,, then billows of smoke and flame all around me!! Awesome

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I watched a squad of German Infantry "execute" the remainder of a US squad that had surrendered. It happened very quickly but the unit had clearly surrendered. They were mowed down by an adjacent German unit.

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I watched Surrendered US units being shot by German Units. I watched surrendered US units being slaughtered needlessly because their nearby platoon HQ refused to surrender and carried on fighting (they got caught in the crossfire). I watched the US AI player lure me into two buildings and then had my assaulting troops fried Big Time by their flamethrowers (that one was awesome). I watched my FO's expanding their LOS by destroying buildings along the way.I saw (and heard) immersion like I've never seen before in a computer game.

Need I say more?


Combat Axiom #49. It could be worse. It could be me.

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I saw a panzerschrect fire from the second story of the church in CE and start the building on fire with the backblast of the second shot. A HQ and two other german squads fighing on the first floor were forced to bail out and seek cover elsewhere. smile.gif

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I played a game of VoT (SPOILER?) where my Panther had whacked the last of the Shermans, then charged down into Plomville where a whopping infantry slug-out was taking place. My few Germans were in the houses (or in the rubble of them), with squads and heavy weapons trying to suppress them while multiple squads charged the buildings. The Panther rolled into town and started shooting everyone up, and the Allied FOs dropped so much smoke that the entire area, from the slopes of the German hill to the road T, the whole village, and the upper slopes of hill 198 where one dense mass of smoke for several turns, with more coming all the time. I had to turn smoke off with the hotkeys just to try and issue orders (what I could, as no one could see or do anything!).


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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