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Ideal Tool for the Pacific

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Having read the posts on full squad graphics pertaining to the Pacific, let me say I am already lobbying privatelyvery strongly for BTS to include a Pacific module.

There is no game out there that can adequately portray small unit level warfare that was so prevalent in the Pacific as CM.

Can you imagine, Guadalcanal (Bloody Ride, Battle for the Ilu, Matanikau), landings on Betio, raid on Makin by Carlsen's Raiders, the tank fights on Saipan, Guam, the bloody assaults on the Shuri Line and Sugarloaf Hill from Okinwawa, or taking the airfields on Iwo Jima?

Or what about the Marauders' last stand an Nyphum Ga? On and on.

The Pacific is one of my favorite periods of 20th century military history.

But I need help, guys. BTS just ain't gonna do it unless we let them know there is a market for this.

Assaulting caves, bunkers, charging hills, planting the flag on Mount Suribachi, suidcide charges, snipers, flamthrowers, demo charges being thrown into pillboxes...Wow!

Stirs my blood just thinking about it! You fellas gonna help me ask for this?


Wild Bill

Wild Bill's Raiders

Director of Scenario Design,

The Gamers Net

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Anyone who makes the PanzPanzPuma should be followed. Yes, a Pac War CM, but only if you insist on a Korean War one. smile.gif Isn't it nice we determine Steve and Charles' life for the next 8 years? heheheh


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Assaulting caves, bunkers, charging hills, planting the flag on Mount Suribachi, suidcide charges, snipers, flamthrowers, demo charges being thrown into pillboxes...Wow! Stirs my blood just thinking about it! You fellas gonna help me ask for this?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

DAMN STRAIGHT!! Not to mention fanatical troops on both sides wink.gif. I've GOT have a PTO version of CM.

BTS, I'd ***MUCH*** rather have a PTO module than a North Africa module. I don't care about rinky-dink tanks armed with popguns creaking around maps with no terrain features. Big yawner there for me. I want the stuff Wild Bill is talking about here. Hellacious terrain problems, nasty defensive positions, naval gunfire. I want my Marines!


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Id rather see italy or western europe during an early 40's than pacific.

I think with the terrain varations we get in the other theater's and the force mix there is more intense action ,where as with the pacific we are alot more limited to just a **** load of troops ,with the yanks really dominating the armoured side of thinngs if the was a battle where they showed up .

I dont think a chia type 35 or whatever they were called would match a stuart or lee/grant .

And also the germans and russians had so much cool stuff to use nothing beats a long range tank duel or the big wide open spaces to work with.



New Zealand

Superpower waiting to happen

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Auck, I learned early in participating with the Alpha testing for this game that it is not primarily a game of armor.

It is a game dedicated to recreate infantry unit actions. Oh yes, there are tanks, and lots of them. But if all you are thinking is tanks, you probably should rethink.

Here is a game that probably for the first time captures the spirit of small unit (up to battalion level) action, supported by artillery, tanks, etc.

I think you would agree that through the ages, even today, infantry wins wars. Tanks help infantry win wars. Artillery helps the infantry to win wars. But it is the grunt, the grenadier, the trooper, that finally takes the field.

And if anyone out there thinks that the game would not be as thrilling with this kind of focus, they also need to think again.

I love tank warfare games as much as anybody out there. The boom, clang and whoosh of steel monsters wrestling to the death is exciting.

But so is the footsloggers engaged in taking that bridge, or fighting through the streets of Aachen.

Do you remember the old Avalon Hill SL/ASL games? Well, CM is not the same game, but it does focus in the same way on infantry in a myriad of situations, with all the tools of war as corollaries.

This is not an official view of BTS. This is how I see the game and how I so immensely enjoy it.


Wild Bill

Wild Bill's Raiders

Director of Scenario Design,

The Gamers Net

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Hey I would love to see a battle in the Pacific war, and also in China!!!

The chinese is one of the good guys too!!!!

They fought soo hard and many many many many asian die during the war fighting.....

it would also be nice to see troops suidcide by running in a crowd of enemy and blow himself up.... note: this really happen alot with the jap, they send what they call hero and sneak in and blow himself up before he get kill.....

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I'm with rune- you get my Pacific vote in return for Korea. Saipan and Wake would be fun, but Korea...

Gotcher tanks, terrain nasties, cool weapons, and of course bugles (no war game should be without). This hummer is made for Korea.

Jets and mounted infantry in the same scenario- Pershings and T-34s- real live Commies, and all the Marines you can shake a stick at. Puh-lease!

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Humm ??? "canceled"??

"...cancelled your credit card??...cancelled my plans for the months of January thru April 2000??...cancelled the greatest game ever created !??!?!?!"


uhhhhh, sorry guys..........

Maybe the pre-order period is over?? Could that mean the "prize" is going gold??

No answers, just questions, Stoner

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Guest Tom punkrawk

That would be great, but I think there should be a level devoted to surviving Pavuvu.Which to some Marines was just as bad as combat


We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show

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Guest Mikeman

Korea would be nice. Very nice.

North Africa would be nice. Very nice, and the terrain might not have much color, but it would have plenty of sand dunes and escarpments for hull down positions and undetected movement. The small guns on the tanks wouldn't matter because the armor was thin too. It's all relative. You wouldn't have a King Tiger, but you'd have something that was better than most others. For infantry stuff you've got Tobruk and maybe Benghazi. Lots of supply problems to worry about too. I vote for North Africa, then Korea, then Iwo Jima, then the TET offensive as it pertained to the city of Hue.

Mikeman out.

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SimonFox said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Pacific is OK but a bit one sided for most of the war at the CM scale.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

One sided? Why? Just because the US won consistently once we got the strategic initiative? But didn't that happen in North Africa, Italy, and France as well? Same on the East Front, too. After 1942, the Axis lost steadily. Were those other theaters one-sided?

There are a lot of dead Allied troops to show the Axis was still full of fight after 1942. In fact, in the Pacific, our casualties INCREASED, in total AND in percent of forces engaged, as the war went on and the Japanese got better at defending islands. So the Japanese were quite capable up to the end of winning fights of CM's scale.

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I am going to have to go against the PTO. Although I could go for a Korean War CM!

As a fellow beta tester (with Wild Bill) I have made and played several scenarios that are tank/mechanized heavy (one with over 50 tanks), and I have to tell you that the CM engine works just fine in representing this kind of combat. What is the draw for North Africa, you ask? I think the long range gun battles and the maneuver aspects of that war are what get me excited. I would rather maneuver using the terrain to shield my tanks, than slog through a dense forest fighting with strictly Infantry. Hell, you can make those kinds of scenarios right now.

In my opinion, I think CM is great at representing combined arms. This is what I love about the game. I love the Infantry only actions too, but in small doses. Give me the European theaters, Russia, North Africa, Italy, France 1940, Poland, etc. In fact I believe that this is what is planned for the future iterations of CM anyway, so I win! smile.gif

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PTO... YES! Hmmm, I think I actually started this smile.gif

Korea, another yes... It would do well in CM as it was mostly an infantry war.

Drop North Africa/Med... NO! North Africa doesn't interest me that much on CMs level, but Sicily, Italy and Leros are a definite must.

Vietnam? Hell no! Let's see, a balanced scenario... hordes of Cong against a platoon of Americans wink.gif

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You mean hordes of chong's vs a platoon of marines + 50 Phantom's and 40 batteries of arty smile.gif

Saw a documentary on the Vietnam war and the americans kicked some serious behind (kind of stupid writing butt twice), but air and arty support saved more GI life's than anything else.

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Every war in every epoch has its foot soldiers in moments of anguish and glory. Korea, Nam, even the highly mechanized Desert Storm, plus the many other small conflicts of the 20th Century all provide opportunities for a game like CM.

It is a tribute to the quality of the game. Since, however, the focus is WW2 primarily, I again advocate strongly that the Pacific be given a place in the sun.

Thanks to all of you for saying your "yeas" and "nays."

I'm firmly convinced it would be in CM's best interest

It will be interesting to see how the upcomig Rising Sun game does, won't it?...


Wild Bill

Wild Bill's Raiders

Director of Scenario Design,

The Gamers Net

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It is a game dedicated to recreate infantry unit actions. Oh yes, there are tanks, and lots of them. But if all you are thinking is tanks, you probably should rethink.


Wild Hill Billy ,I agree with you thats what i want to,but ww2 warefare was won by combined arms not just the grunt on his own.

I dont want huge tank clashes but as far as pacific goes vrs europe or nrth african theaters i think we will get more varation's in battle's and equipment aand of course style of battle. I know a huge infantry clash on a desert atoll with the sunsetting as the jap's launch the final banzai charge might suit a few miltary romantic's but i for one would rather not go to bush. smile.gif




New Zealand

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