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PBEM OPPO pls read tho

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Id thought id found an ideal pbem oppo in BN. Unfortunately when he won several games i didnt cry bugs or whatever. Then i start winning a battle and he cries bugs. I highly doubt the bugs he claimed - cmbn as it is is pretty refined. But i suggested he submit a bug report and also include the saved games. If they were bugs confirmed id give him points or redo battle otherwise at least he.d learn abt the game mwchanics etc. He refused. No offense to him but i find it had sportsman ship that id fight out the battles he won until conclusion but when it looks like im winning and i didnt even do anything but ko one churchill and lost a sherman he claimed the game is wayyy to buggy and surrendered. I mean cmon man play it out at least.

So please any pbem oppos be good sports. Dont cry bug and if u do back it up with proof or by submitting a report. Dont gleefully win ajd first game looks like its going south say your done with x2 and quit.


That said lets play!! Msg me!

Also RT or BS but i peefer BN

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I wouldnt go that far though an email from him claiming i was jockeying for an advantage when i suggested defenders get 300 pts for foxholes or trenches only was odd. Same with my idea of reinforcements after several battles for both sides..?

Anyway regardless I think he decided before any action of my own that hes done with CM. I just dont understand why if you.ve played since CMx1 you wouldnt put a bug report thread on alleged bugs to a. Either help everyone or b. Learn that you were using the tank or unit wrong /playing wrong/or its a game limitation.

Oh that and his absolute insistence I use a password after checking my file and noticing I leave the password part blank on for fun games. I mean he was absolutely insistent and didnt seem to get that if its for fun I dont really care who wins (as oppossed to if we were gambling at hold em) and two if someone I play isnt trustworthy enough not to cheat on a game I generally dont play them anyway.

It takes all sorts i just want a pbem oppo for BN

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Indeed it does. I am in agreement with @weapon2010 just don't play him again. After firing the odd opponent I have a larger than I can deal with pool of good people to play against. So finding oppents while at times frustrating works out in the end. 

As for passwords, I always set a password but am happy to share with my oppent and since I use the same small set they can always get in if they like. The reason I set one though is to prevent accidentally seeing something I should not. If I ever type my pw and get refused entry I know I goofed up and loaded the wrong turn. I would hate to accidentally get into a reply file. Yes, sad I know but I gave managed to get myself messed up several times over the years and each time I was glad I had a password which prevented me from seeing an opponent's turn.

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Finding good opponents can seem challenging at times.

Even with the group here that in general are a little more mature, you will find that there is many players that have not learned to handle defeat when playing a game and are childish.

Just move on as suggested, when you find someone that is good and a polite player. Try to build a friendship and play them as much as they are willing. For they are as gold and should be treated as such. Even then, you find with time you have a tendency to part ways and move on because of many different reasons. So you are always on the search for someone new to give you good competition.


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I joined a ladder a few years ago as a way to get pbem opponents and was immediately hammered with request to play because people thought me as a newbe would be an easy victory.  After 2 or 3 rage quite me for some reason or another I gave up.  I swear some people think they are getting paid to win.  This is a game and is suppose to be fun; win, lose or draw.  

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It sucked because I very very carefully maneubered my men and tanks and literally took about 40 minutes to move to the main objective. The map was huge. His repeated emails about how boring the game was going were sort of alarming and i responded i wasnt going to be rushed. Finally we made contact and within 3 exciting turns of combat he rage quits. That was excruciatingly annoying bc. A. All the work i put into carefully moving my men and armor to scout properly and have fire support ready 

B. The fight came up and was intense. I looked to be winning this initial fight but had lost an m4 and an m5. He had lost a m4 and a churchill however and I qas advancing. Still it was an exciting firefight we were in the midst of.

C. It by no means meant the battle was over. There was an atg there I hadnt encountered a main body of infantry and I knew he had another sherman and churchill as a fact.

D. And again. As defender all he had to do was fast fotward and click go until contact. I had to continually order a battalion split into teams to pause hunt move quick deploy pack up arc this arc that bla bla. I dont mind but its very frustrating to move a battalion combined arms three quarters of a huge map into position to assault the enemy and keep it so when contact happened units were in cmand had armor with them, 60mm mortars and mmgs in overwatch, and radio contact to my mobile 81mm batteries.

I didnt care when I lost against him - i just like to play non gamey battles. It really annoyed me he quit and hadnt even lost for sure at all.

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Ya my experience as well. I have regulars in fact Ian is one of my fav opponents but i think hes a lil busy right now

:D thanks.  Yes I am busy but *I* think I am waiting for you.  When I get home I will verify what WTII? is telling me manually to look for problems.  Expect an email one way or another so you know what is what...

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The 40 minutes consisted of H and I fire from my mortars, me losing 2 men in an ambush that canister ended badly for his 3 man team, losing one man and killing another 3 man OP and 50 cal recon by fire of a building which convinced him I saw an OP that I didnt. He ordered his men to dash out the back and they got choppped down. Otherwise no nothing for about 40 min.

In this and the previous few games he kept getting upset that I was inflicting large casualties and he didnt seem to be causing any despite reality being contrary and me reminding him that fog of war was in effect. Mind this is someone who played CMx1 on ladders all the time supposedly. Idk. Its over. It was just like flushing his men out of the bldg, i got an email lamenting how the hell I could have spotted his men and the game was buggy as all hell and then no response to me saying 'I didnt see any of your men but a heavy walled 2 story building on a bluff overlooking part of my advance is gttn hosed with .50 cal fire a few turns whether or not I see someone in there...'

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You are waiting on my turns :) but i figured you were busy. If u can squeeze me in lmk and expect turns

Oh I see.   Sure I am busy (testing, new job, tons of snow just landed on us etc.) but I play the oldest turns first in my queue with a bit of priority given to tournaments and multi player.  So, always send me back turns some days I'll get to them with in 24 hours (like I should) some times it might take 48 over the weekend it is possible to go a bit longer but I'll get to them.  If you are holding turns back that just means that my other opponents are getting their turns faster - I am sure they thank you :D

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The 40 minutes consisted of H and I fire from my mortars, me losing 2 men in an ambush that canister ended badly for his 3 man team, losing one man and killing another 3 man OP and 50 cal recon by fire of a building which convinced him I saw an OP that I didnt. He ordered his men to dash out the back and they got choppped down. Otherwise no nothing for about 40 min.

In this and the previous few games he kept getting upset that I was inflicting large casualties and he didnt seem to be causing any despite reality being contrary and me reminding him that fog of war was in effect. Mind this is someone who played CMx1 on ladders all the time supposedly. Idk. Its over. It was just like flushing his men out of the bldg, i got an email lamenting how the hell I could have spotted his men and the game was buggy as all hell and then no response to me saying 'I didnt see any of your men but a heavy walled 2 story building on a bluff overlooking part of my advance is gttn hosed with .50 cal fire a few turns whether or not I see someone in there...'

Well now I see the problem. You are playing someone that cannot handle the fog of war concept. He needs to go back to his CMX1 and leave those of us alone that understand the concepts of CMX2 spotting. 

I recall how hard it was to adjust to the fact that my units were not going to get that spot on the enemy like they were guaranteed too in the older games I played.

But being ex military, it did make for a game that played more realistically. so I fought through the challenges of adjusting my game play.

The funny thing was, all I did was play more realistic tactics than what I was doing before because I had learned game skills that really were not very true to how it plays out in R.L.


Of course CMX2 still has plenty of unrealistic actions, but it does a better job than the old stuff.

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I recall how hard it was to adjust to the fact that my units were not going to get that spot on the enemy like they were guaranteed too in the older games I played.

Indeed.  Some people just cannot bring themselves to embrace it.  Sad really :(

The funny thing was, all I did was play more realistic tactics than what I was doing before because I had learned game skills that really were not very true to how it plays out in R.L.

Good to hear - but no surprise.

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But being ex military, it did make for a game that played more realistically. so I fought through the challenges of adjusting my game play.

The funny thing was, all I did was play more realistic tactics than what I was doing before because I had learned game skills that really were not very true to how it plays out in R.L.

Speaking as a non-military person, I also found the relative spotting easy to adjust to. It's as simple as, "Each guy can only see what he sees." It's a very simple concept, but it seems there are people unable to grasp it.

Then again, the 'Basic Training' skill level exists for those who want more of a CMx1 feel to the game. I'm sure that, had the opponent merely asked, then things could have been done that way. We're all here for love of the game, not to have a dick-measuring contest on who plays the highest skill level the most often.

Honestly Sublime, if your opponent can't handle a little recon-by-fire, then good riddance I say. Then again, back in CMx1 days, those (-2) Conscript squads were good for little else anyway. ;)

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Yeah its whatever. Im sort of glad now i stopped the email exchange post game got more and more realistic with it becoming obvious that he just had to get the last email in no matter how ridiculous his statement was.

Now that I think of it Sly CMx1 is the problem because he endlessly talked about CM1 and ladders and CM1 ladders. I mean yea I was there too. Sorry but imo the x1 series sucks compared to x2. You can say whatever you want but noway Id willingly go back to abstracted squads and firepower ratings.

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 You can say whatever you want but noway Id willingly go back to abstracted squads and firepower ratings.


Hi Sublime, as a newcomer to the series, and I've never obviously played CMx1 at all, I am curious what "abstracted squads and firepower ratings." means in terms of gameplay?


Does that mean pixeltruppen in CMx1 were not 'individuals', with individual eyes and individual weapons, for which each firing was accurately modelled as in CMx2? Ie they aggregated each squads firepower into say a single number/LOS, and that the graphics of a squad firing were also some kind of amalgamation?






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Yes. Squads were represented by 3 menand after loss of a few men itd go two a 2 man marker etc. The marker moved but all the 3 or 2 or 1 guys moved in sync. Also each small arm wasnt modelled instead the squad got a firepower number.

Each squad had los from itself that wasnt broken into individuals and also once one of your units saw an enemy all your units spotted it and would engage usually immediately unless preoccupied even if they wouldnt have spotted the target on their own. This is what became known as borg spotting. Of course in x2 the player can see everything spotted anyway and order say area fire but its a ne essary evil and the difference between borg spotting in x1 and x2 is huge.

X1 had close combat but it was almost cartoonish with a 3 stooges esque smack smack smack noise and all the men in one of the fighting inf. Units recoiling at once etc. It really was an immersion killer.

Theres a lot lot of other differences as well to get an idea just google combat mission beyond overlord/barbarossa to berlin/afrika korps. You should almost immediately see what Ive described. 

I like tank combat but infantry combat is at least if not probably more compelling to me, my favorite being combined arms really. The modelling of each soldier and their weapon really really made the CM games what I dreamed of.

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