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RockinHarry Scenario Thread


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This will be the first one of a planned series of missions on the topic "Siegfried line campaign", autumn battles at the western german frontier between september to november 1944 (when CM Bulge is out). It´s kind of prototype mission (hypothetical), where I try different concepts with regard to fortified positions, offensive AI scripting and dedicated modding (Mod Tags). AI triggers are used extensively, as well as some pieces of the vehicle pack module. A featured mod pack is included as well and contains various terrain mods, flavor objects and bits of cosmetical stuff for various buildings. I split it into 2 packs. One is "essential" and one "optional". "Essential" contains all the files that make the map looks as designed (see screenshots). "Optional" includes additional files that deal with minor details setting the finishing touches, but are only visible at few map spots.

Name is "You enter Germany", to be played by a defending human player vs. the US AIP, which is attacking. Map size is rather small (1328 x 544m), german player forces roughly company size, with the US AIP obviously pushing some more troops across the map. The german player has a 2 staged task: Defense and Counter Attack, within a time frame of 1 mission hour (4:45 to 5:45 PM). Weather is overcast (no Airforces), ground is damp.

Although this mission is finished and playable, it only has 1 AI plan. In order to get it from Beta to Release Candidate, I´d like to add 1-2 more AI plans, but yet need some playtesters who by providing some feedback, should give me the hints how to implement the additional plans and how to possibly adapt the existing one if necessary.

So if any of you is interested test playing this AND investing bits of time to give feedback on certain parts of game play, please drop me a PM here! :) Starting tomorrow, I should´ve the remaing briefing text worked over and mod files uploaded to my dropbox. This possibly goes to TPGII at a later time as well.





Edited by RockinHarry
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Hey Harry, send it my way.  I'd love to playtest it.  I have fiddled with the same concept in the past, but never finalized any of the scenarios.  I did mess with various fortifications based on several good books on the subject, including the US Army Center of Military History series.

Thanks! Check you PM! :)

I also downloaded tons of files from USCMH, CARL, Fort Benning ect. which are quite valuable resources. B)

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Looks good and I like the screenshots.

Thanks! :)

A question: I just checked the scenario upload matrix at TPGII and figured, there´s no option to select between showing the playtest form send request at email, or not. I´d prefer to not have chosen email address made public, nor do I personally need a premade playtest form. Is it possible to make this an option instead?

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Btw, the mission has now the remaining parts finished (briefing, mod tweaks & documentations) and is available to be downloaded from my dropbox.

Scenario file size: 582 KB

Mod files sizes: Essential: 27,9 MB, Optional: 16,6 MB (packed RAR files)

Mission data overview:

Hypothetical /semi historical battle

US AI Attacker vs German human player Defender

Game Mode: WEGO, at Warrior level and up. (Ammo Dumps are in use)

Mission setting: Attack/Defense of a fortified position (Siegfried Line/Westwall)

(loosely based on events encountered by the US 3rd Armored Division and its german opponents in mid september 1944, Aachen area)

September 1944, day battle (late afternoon)

Medium map and force sizes

Play time: 1 game hour (preliminary) 

The briefing: (bear in mind, english is not my native language and it likely goes through further revisions)

"September 13, 1944, 16:45. Somewhere near the western german border at the Siegfried line. Hauptmann (Captain) "Kretzberg", 1st company leader of the 524. Training & Replacement battailon is holding a small staff meeting at his command post to discuss with some his subordinates about last measures in his company sector, before the relieving force, Kampfgruppe "Metzler" of 9th Panzer Division takes over, beginning at 17:15.

After taking over a part of the Siegfried line fortifications in preparation for defense, "Kretzberg" figured that lots was left to be desired. Fields of fire have been grown over, barb wire entanglements were removed from local peasants, wire communication non functional and all that. He was lucky that earlier that day, an engineer unit, the last german force retreating from the Amerikaner, could be convinced to help blocking the road through the dragon teeth, since the steel gate couldn´t be made operable and closed. The engineers weren´t successful as well and thus the passageway was blasted, leaving a big crater in the road that should at least temporarily halt any enemy vehicles, that might try. Few anti tank mines were hastily laid in the gap as well, but then the engineers went off as quickly as they came towards the rear. Reports from this engineer unit indicated that the Amerikaner was following just cautiously behind, only temporarily be held up by undefended road blocks. Advanced enemy detachments aren´t believed to be arriving before dusk, when hopefully take over by 9th Panzer should be completed and the defenses ready.

Hauptmann "Kretzberg" with his training unit (1st Coy, 524 T&E Bn), composed of newly drafted men, reconvalescent veterans and a mixed bag of Luftwaffe guys, now with little that he could have improved of the Siegfried line defences in that short time, awaiting the relief force of 9th Panzer Division, the force then responsible for the sector. Parts of his 1st company already prepared for the move off and just a security detachment is yet holding the bunkers, awaiting take over from 9th Panzer.

Just as "Kretzberg" is giving further instructions to some the present unit leaders, suddenly the sound of not so distant artillery shots can be heard...."

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@RockinHarry, your English is far better than my Deutsch will ever be.  As my native tongue, here are some copy edits for you to use as you see fit.

Date:               September 13, 1944, 16:45 hours local time.


Location:        Somewhere along the Siegfried line, western border, Germany.

                        1st Kompanie, 524 Training & Replacement Battalion occupies defensive positions within sector.


Mission:          Having hastily improved disrepair of local defenses, 1 Kompanie / 524 Bn to hold in place and prepare for relief by 9th Panzer Division.


Friendly Forces:         1)  1st Kompanie, 524 T&E Bn.  A unit of Volksgrenadier still in training composed of newly drafted men, re-convalescent veterans, and redeployed Luftwaffe support personnel.

                                    2)  Kampfgruppe "Metzler", 9th Panzer Division, en route to relieve in place

                                    3)  Stragglers, Pioneers & Engineers, withdrawing through local sector and departed this area


Enemy Forces:            Unknown elements, American Army advancing to the Fatherland




You, Hauptmann Karl Kretzberg, command 1st Kompanie, 524 Training & Replacement Bn. You are concluding a small staff meeting at your command post.  Discussion with subordinates focused on last measures by the company in sector, before a relieving force from Kampfgruppe "Metzler" of 9th Panzer Division arrives at 17:15 local time.


Siegfried line sector fortifications are in disrepair.  Your Training company arrived recently to find Fields of Fire neglected and overgrown.  Barbed wire entanglements had been removed by local peasants.  Wire communications were vandalized and are nonfunctional.  1/524  improved what they could with the time and resources available.


Earlier today, an engineer unit of the last Wehrmacht force withdrawing from France helped block the road through your Dragon Teeth, since the steel gate is inoperable and cannot be closed.  The engineers could not repair the gate.  Instead, they blasted the passageway which created a large crater in the road to temporarily disrupt any enemy vehicle advance.  The engineers hastily laid several anti-tank mines in the gap as well before proceeding towards the rear.   Parts of 1st Kompanie have already departed per orders.   A security detachment currently holds the bunkers under your command, awaiting relief from 9th Panzer.


Reports from this engineer unit indicated that US forces were following closely but cautiously behind.  Advancing enemy detachments are not expected to arrive before dusk in 30 minutes, at which time the 9th Panzer should be in place and their defenses ready.


Now, you and your remaining unit leaders, suddenly hear the sound American artillery falling nearby.

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@RockinHarry, your English is far better than my Deutsch will ever be.  As my native tongue, here are some copy edits for you to use as you see fit.


Date:               September 13, 1944, 16:45 hours local time.


Location:        Somewhere along the Siegfried line, western border, Germany.

                        1st Kompanie, 524 Training & Replacement Battalion occupies defensive positions within sector.


Mission:          Having hastily improved disrepair of local defenses, 1 Kompanie / 524 Bn to hold in place and prepare for relief by 9th Panzer Division.


Friendly Forces:         1)  1st Kompanie, 524 T&E Bn.  A unit of Volksgrenadier still in training composed of newly drafted men, re-convalescent veterans, and redeployed Luftwaffe support personnel.

                                    2)  Kampfgruppe "Metzler", 9th Panzer Division, en route to relieve in place

                                    3)  Stragglers, Pioneers & Engineers, withdrawing through local sector and departed this area


Enemy Forces:            Unknown elements, American Army advancing to the Fatherland




You, Hauptmann Karl Kretzberg, command 1st Kompanie, 524 Training & Replacement Bn. You are concluding a small staff meeting at your command post.  Discussion with subordinates focused on last measures by the company in sector, before a relieving force from Kampfgruppe "Metzler" of 9th Panzer Division arrives at 17:15 local time.


Siegfried line sector fortifications are in disrepair.  Your Training company arrived recently to find Fields of Fire neglected and overgrown.  Barbed wire entanglements had been removed by local peasants.  Wire communications were vandalized and are nonfunctional.  1/524  improved what they could with the time and resources available.


Earlier today, an engineer unit of the last Wehrmacht force withdrawing from France helped block the road through your Dragon Teeth, since the steel gate is inoperable and cannot be closed.  The engineers could not repair the gate.  Instead, they blasted the passageway which created a large crater in the road to temporarily disrupt any enemy vehicle advance.  The engineers hastily laid several anti-tank mines in the gap as well before proceeding towards the rear.   Parts of 1st Kompanie have already departed per orders.   A security detachment currently holds the bunkers under your command, awaiting relief from 9th Panzer.


Reports from this engineer unit indicated that US forces were following closely but cautiously behind.  Advancing enemy detachments are not expected to arrive before dusk in 30 minutes, at which time the 9th Panzer should be in place and their defenses ready.


Now, you and your remaining unit leaders, suddenly hear the sound American artillery falling nearby.

Thanks Badger! Some your rewriting is of help and much better in parts. :) I need to note that I purposely do not want to apply to the usual METT-T format, at least not for this mission. I´d rather like the point of view of a force commander put in the midst of a chaotic, uncertain situation, without much knowledge beyond his actual level. I´d like to translate this to the player in a more (short) story telling style, also supported by the tactical map and (mis-) use of the op map window for some condensed info. How much this style "works", depends highly upon player feedback, from players who actually played that mission with given info.

Just for info: The "Ausbildungs- und Ersatz" (training and replacement) units are not Volksgrenadier units. These are part of the normal german replacement army who provided replacements for all kind of units in the field. A german emergency plan has larger parts of them moved to the westwall positions to prepare and hold them, before the retreating remnants of german combat divisions reach the borders and officially take over. In many cases that did not work and either there were no german combat units arriving or these were arriving too late. The Ersatz Truppen then performed quite differently. At some places they had time enough to organize and settle to offer stiff resistance (SE of Aachen) without much help from normal army units. At other places they simply run from first sight of the allies approaching, while in other places they did not even reach their intended sectors and the allies moved in unopposed.

My mission makes partly use of the german Army Ersatz OOB, but also units typically to be considered belonging to a (battered) panzer division. "Kretzberg" does not know further details about composition of KG "Metzler", so the player put into his shoes does neither, unfortunately... :blink:

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Looks very promising, I would like to try it out. Can I play it with just CMBN base game, or do I need any of the paid modules?

Also, why is it called "You enter Germany", if you play as the Germans?

Yes, the name is somewhat misleading indeed, yet this one is more of a "prototype" mission for a series then mostly played from US perspective (3rd US AD, Task Force X as a start). I´d like to test with this if the mission concepts, particularly the setup of fortifications, is readily accepted from a majority of players then. Same for briefing formats and usage of dedicated mods. :)

One reason to get this played from a human player vs the US AIP is the way the AIP uses certain units when set to attacking, which is also a nice challenge to learn about offensive AI plans and triggers. Another reason is the way I did set up some the (german) fortifications. The AIP has no idea about moulds in the terrain, where I buried some bunkers and trenches (see screenshots), while a human player, by looking at the map could more or less guess about the presence of these forts. (FOW affair)

It needs the Market Garden module (cause of german Ersatz units I think) and the Vehicle Pack, of which the US AIP got some goodies to play with. 

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Thanks! :)

A question: I just checked the scenario upload matrix at TPGII and figured, there´s no option to select between showing the playtest form send request at email, or not. I´d prefer to not have chosen email address made public, nor do I personally need a premade playtest form. Is it possible to make this an option instead?

Sure that can be done leave it with me.

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For TPGII @ Bootie 

"September 13, 1944. You are in command of parts of a german training and replacement company (CMBN Ersatz), occupying a sector of the Siegfried line near the german-belgian border. The Amerikaner has not shown up yet, but stragglers reported that he´s cautiously approaching and likely to show up any time soon. A kampfgruppe from german 9th panzer division is on the way from rearward assembly points to relieve the ersatz company and take over the positions, so that an effective defense of the sector can be assured with combat worthy troops. Preparations for the relief are already be made, with the siegfried line strongpoints now just beeing held with a small core of the ersatz company, with the larger part ready to move off. Until the 9th panzer kampfgruppe arrives, the task remains the same. Prepare for the arrival of 9th panzer units and in case the Amerikaner attacks (lol), defend and hold the strongpoints at all costs."

To be played only by a german human player vs the US AI and with realism modes warrior and up. The german force includes some ammo dumps, that get removed by the game in any the other modes.

This scenario requires both the MARKET GARDEN and VEHICLE PACK module installed. Additionally a mod package (essential) needs to be downloaded from the dropbox link and file content with folder structure unpacked into your games data/z folder.

This package includes a number of ground tile textures, as well as some unique flavor objects and other stuff. An included "CMBN YEG Mods.txt" file describes all the content and its usage in the mission. File size (RAR) 27,9 MB.

link:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/e0io38lhe9yjrs0/YEG RHZ Mod Tags.rar?dl=0

Also available is an optional mod package and as its name implies, can be downloaded and installed optionally. This contains additional tweaks and edits to map parts and objects, to make the map look "perfect" (in my eyes). This should ONLY be downloaded/installed if the essentials mod is already in place. File content is to be unpacked into the premade "optional" folder of the essential mods folder structure. File size 16,6 MB.

link:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/mb2chwvl1i3vu3w/Optional.rar?dl=0

The scenario plays without any the mods installed, but then expect certain parts of the map look ugly and various flavor objects to not show up and beeing replaced by the game with default flavor objects.

Any feedback is welcome and you need not to send any premade play test form. Yet you can also contact me at the email below. :)


And the scenario file link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u1na2uz53w6eq43/MG VP You Enter Germany V1 Beta.btt?dl=0

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Since the whole package includes a number of terrain mods and flavor objects added, it can´t hurt to show a couple more pics. Not all of the terrain is beeing fought over in this scenario, but remains a prototype for future missions & maps (to take place in late summer, early autumn).

Trenches with sandbags removed. Physically they´re still there, but the game does not show them due to the alpha map beeing opaque.


Dragon Teeth substitute. I hope for the better in CMFB


Rabenheim town entry. Nothing special but the custom made town sign.


Rabenheim rubbled building. Ground tiles combined with some ditch locked action spots, to make rubble look more like 3D.


Pine tree forest ground tiles. Ground tile looking more similar to ground in forests composed mostly of evergreens.


Forest doodads. Xtall grass changed to some late summer fern.


Rabenheim town square. A number of ground tiles are edited to better blend with surrounding structures. Some Independent buildings got some changed wall parts in the roof section, as well as 2 modular buildings received wall changes. One of them to look like a concrete bunker.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Testing phase for "You enter Germany V1 Beta" has been completed thus far. I´m about to upload a revised version at SDIII very soon and thus test version files are non available anymore. I´m currently looking for a good pic sharing service as I just quit with Photobucket, beeing too much of a burden for my scrappy dongle internet connection. Suggestions welcomed! :)

Next in the line: I./60 infantry of 9th US infantry division in the huertgen, sometime between 21st to 25th of september 1944. Working title: "Into the Green Hell". Map is roughly 2x2km of erm....all forest and 90% finished. The remaining 10% will mostly be refining and modding the terrain some. Other researches have been largely completed and OOB, historical events ect. will be recreated as accurately as possible from the available sources. This will be a "historical" rated scenario then.

This scenario will take a US human player force vs the german AIP.

Area of operations:


The "Todten Bruch" area was all forrested in 1944 and the little community of Raffelsbrand did not yet exist then. I´d also been able to walk this particular area 2-3 times the past 30 years. :)

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Hey Harry, I'm finally getting around to sending you my comments on the first 20 minutes or so (later today!).  In the meantime, I hope it is OK to show an interesting little vignette around one of the bunkers.  I split off an AT team from a German squad and left it in the bunker, while the rest of the squad died in and around the adjacent cellar/bunker (great mods and use of terrain and buildings, btw!), along with the HMG team there.  The team stayed in Panic Mode throughout the action, which surprised me.  I figured they would just hide and cower....



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During my 40-50 times of test playthroughs I noticed some the overly heroic behaviors from exited pillbox occupants as well. My guess is that the particular placement of pillboxes and the adjacent building limits some the survivors paths to the outside and thus although the pillbox is in destroyed/abandoned state, it still gives full cover to the guys "in" there (actually just in the same AS as the destroyed pillbox, looking like an illegal game situation). Combined with this and despite the panic state, the game obviously figures it can keep up the fight (to the last), instead of simple surrendering. Need to note that the initial german units in the pillboxes are mostly low morale green troops, with few regulars and rather average leaders. Sometimes it very much depends on leaders, with "+" ones providing a more tenacious defense and "-" ones (preset, or replacement leader) oftenly triggering a quick surrender of the whole team.

Even more striking is the massive use of hand grenades and a Faust from that panicked team in close defense in shortest of time. :o Same goes for the US units, at least as long as the pillbox remains in functional state. Looks like a sort of pillbox obsession so to say that carries over as long as the original crew remains in the same AS as the PB.

Thanks for taking the time, Mark! :) Looking forward to anything else you can yet report.

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  • 1 year later...

Greetings :)

CMBN v4.0 finally gave me the means to finish a scenario that actually was finished a year ago. The CMBN V3.12 patch unfortunately broke some basic features of this scenario (mortar and Arty shells easily penetrating pillboxes at any angles), so I was forced to take a longer break. Now with V4 having that bug squashed (more or less), I felt I needed to overwork the mission some and also make full use of the new V4 AI scripting features, which are "retreat", "face" and "area fire", which I think I combined quite creatively with various trigger events.

Basically this mission served me as kind of prototype for follow up scenarios (CMBN & CMFB V4) that deal with events at the german border in September 1944, when the US first time bumped into the famous Siegfried line defenses, with germans more or less unprepared. I´d chosen for a US AI attacker in this mission, as I figured this to be the most challenging way to learn about CM AI  scripting features, its strengths, but also the limits. Another challenge was perfecting the map with any the available means given in the map editor, but also by use of terrain and custom flavor object mods. Thus far, I´m pretty satisfied with the results and it was a great learning experience as well.

You enter Germany - Introduction for CMBN V4.0, MG and VP.

German human player defense/counter attack vs. US AI player attack. Not playable as US or H2H!

September 13, 1944, 16:45 hours local time.
Somewhere along the Siegfried line, western border, Germany
1st Kompanie, 524 Training & Replacement Battalion occupies defensive positions within sector.

Having hastily improved disrepair of local defenses, 1 Kompanie / 524 Bn to hold in place and prepare for relief by 9th Panzer Division.


1)  1st Kompanie, 524 T&E Bn.  A unit still in training composed of newly drafted men, re-convalescent veterans, and redeployed Luftwaffe support personnel.
2)  Kampfgruppe "Metzler" (mot. infantry Coy & Stug Plt), 9th Panzer Division, en route to relieve in place
3)  Stragglers, Pioneers & Engineers, withdrawing through local sector and departed this area


Unknown elements, American Army advancing to the Fatherland

Mission and Setting:

You, Hauptmann Karl Kretzberg, command 1st Kompanie, 524 Training & Replacement Bn. You are concluding a small staff meeting at your command post.  Discussion with subordinates focused on last measures by the company in sector, before a relieving force from Kampfgruppe "Metzler" of 9th Panzer Division arrives at 17:15 local time.
Siegfried line sector fortifications are in disrepair.  Your Training company arrived recently to find Fields of Fire neglected and overgrown.  Barbed wire entanglements had been removed by local peasants.  Wire communications were vandalized and are nonfunctional.  1/524  improved what they could with the time and resources available.
Earlier today, an engineer unit of the last Wehrmacht force withdrawing from France helped block the road through your Dragon Teeth, since the steel gate is inoperable and cannot be closed.  The engineers could not repair the gate.  Instead, they blasted the passageway which created a large crater in the road to temporarily disrupt any enemy vehicle advance.  The engineers hastily laid several anti-tank mines in the gap as well before proceeding towards the rear.   Parts of 1st Kompanie have already departed per orders.   A security detachment currently holds the bunkers under your command, awaiting relief from 9th Panzer.
Reports from this engineer unit indicated that US forces were following closely but cautiously behind.  Advancing enemy detachments are not expected to arrive before dusk in 30 minutes, at which time the 9th Panzer should be in place and their defenses ready.
Now, you and your remaining unit leaders, suddenly hear the sound of American artillery falling nearby. Take action!

(briefing overhaul by Badger73)

I intend to upload this at SDIII, as soon as I´m granted author status, but here´s link to files already. Mod file download is required (55 MB of terrain, some building tweaks and custom flavor objects) and without the mod, things might look rather crappy or at worst, the game might crash!

Further requirement is CMBN V4 update (off course), as well as having the Market Garden (building/roof type requirement) and Vehicle Pack (Sherman Crab) modules installed.

Unzip Mod file into Data/z

https://www.dropbox.com/s/r9ew1202odgx7vb/YEG RHZ Mod Tags.zip?dl=0


Copy to Game Files/Scenarios

https://www.dropbox.com/s/z9vo6iazps0pgwz/MG VP You Enter Germany -Introduction for V4.btt?dl=0

The US AI has only one plan that carries it through half the mission sufficiently. Some trigger events and off course player actions add lots of varity and replayability I think. Dependent upon player feedback I could add some more at a later time, but I´d prefer working on new missions instead. :)

Special thanks to mjkerner for providing valuable feedback on the "old" V3.11 version and Kohlenklau for helping some with the custom flavor objects. :)

Any feedback is highly welcomed, as would be more detailed discussion on AI scripting and map making topics. :)

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