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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Because Bradley


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Yup, there's an enormous difference between the two timeframes in terms of points and what to do with them. The lethality factor is major part of that difference. A modern day mech infantry platoon could probably decimate a WW2 battalion if they went head to head.


Combat Mission: The Final Countdown confirmed.

But yeah that would be a cool scenario. For the first three times, then it would get boring. "Oh look. A T-34 brigade. I'll let my M1A2 kill them like baby seals until its out of ammo."

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Consider this a response... we looked into it, couldn't reproduce it, nobody else is experiencing the problem. It seems that the issue is limited to you specifically. And not even all the time, as your current game proves. I don't think people would be too happy if we dropped everything else and tried (most likely without success) to fix a sometimes problem for one person.

You certainly have an odd sense of humor, but I did get a laugh out of this anyway. "Lack of support"... hilarious :D


Hmm. And I think I'm starting to recognize a pattern that is more present and more relevant than something from 7 years ago.



A better choice would have been to respond to my tickets, professionally, back when I filed them.


Another choice would have been to hire a Mac programmer you could get a response out of through standard channels.


A lack of support may be hilarious to you, but it wasn't hilarious to me. Or to us.


When you're older, seven years ago will be like last night.

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Doesn't the game balance the victory conditions to the type of battle?


I know the probe maps are different from the assault maps, even for the named places.


I thought the victory conditions were different. I know that against the computer, I can sustain a lot more losses and still win in a probe than I can in an assault.

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Against the computer is different than a human my friend. Yes. assault victory locations are usually deeper etc. however not as much deeper as you.d think, and what good are your victory locations if you.re men are all dead anyways?

p.s. i knew it was a bradley ghost that attcked me at work! it musta been the bradley thats side hull was just penetrated by an rpg7 eh ?? shame my T90 in ambush didnt blast that latest abrams before your cowardly capitalist lackeys popped smoke and reversed...

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Sorry about your head injury! Speedy recovery, especially with all the balls you're juggling. With capital matters (your head) now addressed, what has whatever they're calling Frontal Aviation's replacement these daya accomplished? Have your Red Eagles (sorry, Rooks) covered themselves in glory? Sure seems like your zenith rocket troops have!




If there was a Nobel Prize for laconic, super wry writing, you'd be a shoe in. Love the way you so elegantly and succinctly put things!




John Kettler

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QBs have a pool of 1000 victory points that are divied up between terrain objective and casualties.


ME: 400/600 pts
Probe: 500/500 pts
Attack: 650/350 pts
Assault: 750/250 pts


The points ratios are 1.84 to 1 for assault, 1.65 to 1 for attack and 1.49 to 1 for probe.

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A lack of support may be hilarious to you, but it wasn't hilarious to me. Or to us.

No, the statement that we don't support our products is hilarious because it's so ridiculously contrary to the facts. Not being able, or sometimes willing, to give a customer exactly what he wants when he wants it isn't a sign of poor support. It's usually a sign of a customer having unreasonable and unsupportable expectations.


When you're older, seven years ago will be like last night.

This weekend I saw a friend's daughter I've barely seen since she was in high school. I was not pleased to discover that she's 33. At least she doesn't have kids that can walk and talk yet. That really gets me down.



Sorry, Steve, I just checked my email.


You are, in fact, the one who responded to my latest ticket.


It was the "Mac programmer", not you, who didn't respond, according to your emails.

Thanks for saving me from spending the time dressing you down for not doing your homework. Your correction is appreciated.


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thanks for the ratios vanir.

even if not 3:1 it sure as hell feels like it and plays like it in assaults.

Kettler my Su-25s strafed some enemy armor and left. I only had one bought, as I deleted one to save points. Hes on his way back now to use his bomb and rockets. I had him do a strafing run first to either kill bradleys or scour an abrams (I believe this is what happened)

Dont have los of said bradley, but did see definite penetration from about 150-200 meters of an rpg 7 on a bradley's side hull.  A T90 (not the one with two rings on his barrel) in ambush spotted an abrams, sprayed him with 12.7 and was about to fire the cannon when the abrams smoke and reverse saved the cowardly imperialist dogs. 

The T90 has moved to ambush spot B and lurks in wait for another victim to either soil their underwear or soil the inside of their tank.

Some infantry are being repositioned as Jammersixes schewerepunkt  has been ID'd. He has about 9-10 minutes of two 155mm modules raining down on him, along with about 6 120 mm mortars also bombarding him.  These shellings are common to all my games and will shift with his advance until ammo is expended. The shelling will continue even if it does get danger close or hits my own men UNLESS its a platoon sized element or larger in danger. and then Ill still prolly just order them to hide to kill HATO dogs, and destroy subsystems and immobilize vehicles.  Plus in my hundreds of PBEMs Ive seen even in WW2 titles random shells KO tanks.  One can dream.  

Before the above mentioned abrams crew shat themselves and reversed from my mighty Shtora T90 I got a clear picture of his remaining armor.  I didnt bother counting exactly its about ~10-12 brads and abrams.  No sweat.  He nears my main anti tank line and soon will get ... a surprise.  well lots of them. from lots  of angles which is a key factor for being a redfor player and I will discuss once initiated.

p.s. thanks for the compliment on my boy. people always say he looks and acts just like me. I tell them ' I know, the poor bastard..' ;)

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Well the tank repositioned to ambush position B. however the enemy was immediately in sight.  2 Bradleys were shot and catastrophically killed in short order. They exploded like they were BMPs from a Russian B grade movie with a Plywood Bradley frame over them. However the heroic T90 crew was also killed by counter fire by what I assume was an Abrams.  No matter. I still have armor left. One tank?  2? 5?  Who knows?  I still have plenty of men, artillery, anti tank weapons, and the SU25 is on its way back, this time with a heavy attack selected instead of light.  Oh and the armor, forgot to mention that. Still definitely T90s around.

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