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New Scenario - Der Ring der 5. Panzer-Division

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Edited by LukeFF
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George, i took a look at the scneario recently and it looks really cool, but what kind of hardware specs do you have? This thing is HUGE :o! And on your screenshots it looks like you have all settings maxed out AND and some sort of HD vehicle mod installed! The inside of your PC kinda has to look like that i imagine:




Yes, those are 3 x Titan Z, each costing about 1000 € :D.


I think i will have to delay giving this a go until i get a new graphics card.

Edited by agusto
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Well it' s 'running' on my PC as well - but i doesnt look as good as i am used too. It may be my subjective taste, but i want to play at least on Balanced/Balanced with Shaders & Shadows on. I have the 'trees disappearing in the distance' stuff and similar things going on, so i kinda supsect i dont have enough VRAM. But i have been planing on upgrading my system anyways, probably next month i am going to spend ~500 - 600€ on a new graphics card, it' s currently the weakest part of my PC. (and Wiggum15 should you read this, i dont want to discuss with you what i am spending my money on - please keep your thoughts on this matter to yourself. Thanks)

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So, I just finished my first playthrough of this. I cease-fired with about 29 minutes to go, as I had got a little sloppy in my orders and lost a few guys due to inadvertent movement orders. Even still, I managed a minor victory, probably due mostly to me taking out a whole bunch of the enemy's armor (having my Panthers concentrated really helped with that).


I'll definitely play this one again. This map really forces the player to use their recon assets properly (one of the few scenarios I've seen where recon units are actually useful) and yeah, to screen their flanks before moving forward. :) Additionally, with the size of the map, IMO it really forces the player to choose an attack route and just stick with it. I wasted too much time scouting possible routes, had my guys too far spread out, and by the time I had a coherent plan I was already up against the clock. If I had just concentrated my forces more on one particular route, I probably would have saved myself quite a few casualties. Put another way, there is no way the player is going to occupy and touch all of the objectives (unless they are very) efficient, so one just needs to prioritize which objectives are the most important to winning the mission. He who attacks everything attacks nothing. :)


But yeah, great job on this one (as always, George!) :)


On a side note, I had a lot of fun overrunning the mortar position in the center of the map, blasting mortar tubes and light vehicles as I rampaged through the forest.


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George, i took a look at the scneario recently and it looks really cool, but what kind of hardware specs do you have? This thing is HUGE :o! And on your screenshots it looks like you have all settings maxed out AND and some sort of HD vehicle mod installed! The inside of your PC kinda has to look like that i imagine:




Yes, those are 3 x Titan Z, each costing about 1000 € :D.


I think i will have to delay giving this a go until i get a new graphics card.

Hi Agusto

Oh they would be good :)


However I'm not running anything as powerful. In fact I thought my rig was pretty average.


Specs are:

MOBO Z87-GD65 Gaming

NVIDIA GTX 970 (it's a pretty decent card I think?)

Windows 7 64bit

Intel i5-4670K @3.40Ghz


Samsung SSD 840


Game settings are set to 'best'

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Hi Lille

Thanks for the update. Good effort on your victory :)


That mortar battery can be a tough one. I overran it with some recce SPW and ended up getting my arse handed to me! I thought they'd manage to take out these mortars. They did but cost me most of the dismounts and a few gunners on the SPW.

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More action :

On the left flank the Panthergroup took the town Sazony and moved on to Point 202.8 (near river Yeryamka) and bumped into Soviet Tank Coy. destroing 9 x T34/85 without losses.

In the center moved my Tigers to point 201.2 in overwatch KO'ed 2 x Su76 near Vasilievicy.
Reserve Coy moved into Vasilievicy with one Pz. IV. Platoon
lost one Pz. IV. to SU76, then KO'ed 1 SU76 with infantry and
one with a Pz. IV.
Managed to get total victory spend 1h. 53min.

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Hi guys, I'm playing this as the Russians with Frankster65 as the Axis: looks fantastic, but I'm having a technical problem: any advice?


I'm playing on a Mac (iMac), which is operating normally in general and with all CM games including CMRT for other battles: just a problem with this battle.


I can appear to quit the battle - with a part-saved turn - and CMRT normally ... but my Mac thinks CMRT is still running. (A "running app" icon in the dock.)


I cannot force-quit CMRT (never known that before?), nor "soft" close down my machine: I can do other things, but it will not shut down normally from this state. I have to "crash" it by turning of the power "manually".


Any ideas what is going on?


I know it is a (very) large scenario, but the Mac has (should have) plenty of capacity, and will play the battle fine whilst it's open ... but the above happens each time this - and only this - scenario is loaded and closed???


For a three hour +/- battle, I don't really want to spend 180 turns over the next 6 months having to hard shut down my Mac after that day's installment of Der Ring.


I think it's beyond my knowledge to work out how the scenario is making CMRT use my Mac such that CMRT doesn't close normally and it won't respond to the Force Quit command. Is there a way around this?


Thanks in advance for any help, and apologies if the answer (or rather the question!) is really dumb ... :)

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Hi Phil

Sorry can't help. I've a PC. I've not heard anyone else having the same issue with this scenario (or anyother large ones - it's a similar size to some of the stuff that shipped with the game) - although I'm not sure who downloaded it and uses a MAC.

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Hi guys, I'm playing this as the Russians with Frankster65 as the Axis: looks fantastic, but I'm having a technical problem: any advice?


I'm playing on a Mac (iMac), which is operating normally in general and with all CM games including CMRT for other battles: just a problem with this battle.


I can appear to quit the battle - with a part-saved turn - and CMRT normally ... but my Mac thinks CMRT is still running. (A "running app" icon in the dock.)


I cannot force-quit CMRT (never known that before?), nor "soft" close down my machine: I can do other things, but it will not shut down normally from this state. I have to "crash" it by turning of the power "manually".


Any ideas what is going on?


I know it is a (very) large scenario, but the Mac has (should have) plenty of capacity, and will play the battle fine whilst it's open ... but the above happens each time this - and only this - scenario is loaded and closed???


For a three hour +/- battle, I don't really want to spend 180 turns over the next 6 months having to hard shut down my Mac after that day's installment of Der Ring.


I think it's beyond my knowledge to work out how the scenario is making CMRT use my Mac such that CMRT doesn't close normally and it won't respond to the Force Quit command. Is there a way around this?


Thanks in advance for any help, and apologies if the answer (or rather the question!) is really dumb ... :)


This is a wild guess but are you sure you are allowing sufficient time for the turn to actually be completed?  It is (as you've noted) a very large scenario.  Sometimes with these large scenarios, I wait a couple of minutes before I hit the "OK" button in order to complete the registered turn, giving the computer time to digest this big meal.  Also something else to mention; in the past when playing extremely large scenarios, I've had the issue where the very first real turn, the turn where movement takes place, is extremely choppy and practically unplayable.  Well, if I just get through the turn, hit "OK" and create the next turn and send to my opponent, it plays smooth as silk for the rest of the match.  In other words, get past this first turn and see how the next several turns work and see if your machine sorts it out.  I have a PC by the way, not a Mac.

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This is a wild guess but are you sure you are allowing sufficient time for the turn to actually be completed?  It is (as you've noted) a very large scenario.  Sometimes with these large scenarios, I wait a couple of minutes before I hit the "OK" button in order to complete the registered turn, giving the computer time to digest this big meal.  Also something else to mention; in the past when playing extremely large scenarios, I've had the issue where the very first real turn, the turn where movement takes place, is extremely choppy and practically unplayable.  Well, if I just get through the turn, hit "OK" and create the next turn and send to my opponent, it plays smooth as silk for the rest of the match.  In other words, get past this first turn and see how the next several turns work and see if your machine sorts it out.  I have a PC by the way, not a Mac.

Good point - some of the save turns take a few minutes to save.

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Thanks for the thoughts / comments.


I don't *think* it is a "time" thing:


- if I save off a part turn, yes there is a wait (with an inactive screen) while the save takes place, but then the game nicely allows me to exit the battle back to the splash screen, and then hit "End" and exit CMRT. Surely I couldn't (shouldn't be able to) do this if the file was still being saved?


- if I merely watch the previous turn replay and then quit, without saving anything, the same problem after quitting CMRT still arises.


It's not as if I'm trying to "force quit" CMRT, nor close down the machine altogether, whilst CMRT is still working saving the file: CMRT alllows me - apparently! - to quit it as normal, which I'd have though would only happen after the system has done whatever saving of files needs to be done?


Anyway, I'm going to try the "brute force" approach, and just save one or possibly a few more turns, and see if it "goes away" ...


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This is a wild guess but are you sure you are allowing sufficient time for the turn to actually be completed?  It is (as you've noted) a very large scenario.  Sometimes with these large scenarios, I wait a couple of minutes before I hit the "OK" button in order to complete the registered turn, giving the computer time to digest this big meal.  Also something else to mention; in the past when playing extremely large scenarios, I've had the issue where the very first real turn, the turn where movement takes place, is extremely choppy and practically unplayable.  Well, if I just get through the turn, hit "OK" and create the next turn and send to my opponent, it plays smooth as silk for the rest of the match.  In other words, get past this first turn and see how the next several turns work and see if your machine sorts it out.  I have a PC by the way, not a Mac.

Well, having played a few turns, sadly this has not gone away ...


re my bold bits of your post:

I have been and am waiting while the file saves etc; as I said above, the game is exiting nicely, and the saves are happening as normal, as CMH finds the files in outgoing email and puts them in dropbox, and you can evidently play them OK, so the file save is happening fully and properly.


And re the "choppy and unplayable" bit: the turns play fine, and I have no problem in game, my machine handles them well in (I think) max settings.


But I still get, after an apparently normal exit, an app that hasn't quit, won't force quit and won't allow the machine to be powered down normally.


So ... I'm stuck!!!

Edited by PhilM
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I'm not a Mac user but the OS has a reputation for being pretty robust and being based on Unix you should be in control and able to take out a wonky process.  I did a quick search and found this really good article outlining how to  kill processes on a Mac:




The terminal window kill command is the Unix heritage showing through and that should get the game out of the way and allow a normal exit (or just to continue working if you prefer).


As for how you ended up in this situation I have no idea and I am certain it is not right but I don't know how to fix it.  I would start by uninstalling and re installing the game and hope that works.  In the mean time being able to kill it should unstick you.

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Hi Ian,

Thanks very much for researching this as a non-Mac user, and for the link.


But I may have mislead you (and anyone else reading my post!) ...


I was / am aware of the methods in the link: by "stuck" I meant not literally (as in a frozen machine), but figuratively as in a way to stop this happening each time I play this battle.


The non-responsive copy of CMRT doesn't hang the machine (though it does stop it powering down normally), nor stop me from running any and all other apps - even another iteration of CMRT(!) - in that session. (Or not so far, anyway.)


I just don't want to get to the point of needing to run Terminal and a Kill command each time I play this battle.


And although it is based on little more than intuition, it doesn't seem like uninstalling and reinstalling CMRT will work either, given that, as I've said above, I can still run CMRT normally with any and all other scenarios, and the non-responsive state doesn't result ... it's only with this one battle loaded that the problem occurs.


I'm thinking of opening up a ticket to see if Phil C can help with any ideas: but if my problem is literally unique then it may be hard to replicate and cure? Not to mention that he may not have the time!

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I'm thinking of opening up a ticket to see if Phil C can help with any ideas: but if my problem is literally unique then it may be hard to replicate and cure? Not to mention that he may not have the time!


Sorry to hear you are still having problems.  I think opening up a ticket is the best you can do at this point in time.  Two questions or thoughts if I may; one, it only happens with this particular scenario?  No others?  Two, could H2HH be doing something to cause this?  Would it be possible for you to disable H2HH and see if that does anything?

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Sorry to hear you are still having problems.  I think opening up a ticket is the best you can do at this point in time.  Two questions or thoughts if I may; one, it only happens with this particular scenario?  No others?  Two, could H2HH be doing something to cause this?  Would it be possible for you to disable H2HH and see if that does anything?

 Thanks for the thoughts ...


Yes, it is only this scenario which causes the problem with CMRT ...


Will try disabling CMH; but I don't think it can be that tbh. CMH works by recognising that there is a new file in the outgoing email folder, and then follows the instructions as to what to do with it ... I don't see how it can (e.g.) "grab" that file before it is completely saved and so cause CMRT to think something is unfinished, etc etc ... CMH works fine with all CMx2 titles, and with all other battles in CMRT. And if this aspect was the issue, I don't see how the files would NOT become corrupted in some way, yet we both get playable turns from me letting it operate as normal.


I'll do a ticket ...

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I'm about 20-25 minutes in.


Highlight so far has been a tank kill at over 3km ! :o  Took about 10 shots to get the hit, but still :)


Other than that, my men are dying ( in the approved c3k fashion ) to reveal the locations of enemy AT assets.

Men are cheap, armour is not. I think they agreed with the sentiment.

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