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For lack of new info, how about this poll . . .

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Not much brewing right now, so how about this - y2k and the turn of the century. How many of you anticipate any weirdness, plan on stocking up on supplies and ammo, think the end of the world is here and some spiritual stuff will happen or think that it will be much ado about nothing? Any comments - whip 'em on me!

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Well since i'm a web and systemmaster i'm expecting lotsa long days. Not because everything will be bugged to jiggery, but just because my boss won't let me take a day off (or vacation).

Think it will be the same night as every year: blowing up cars, burning down churches and so on and so on.

Unless the Ruskies invade half of Europe, forcing this world into world war 3...giving BT another reason to continue creating CM's.

Yeah...that would be cool smile.gif

Happy Newyear


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I get to come in and baby sit our calling card and operator services platform through the roll over. My preperations consist of buying a case or two of soup, getting a 2 month refill on my prescriptions and taking out a hundred or so in cash. I figure most of the problems will be caused by people freaking out about the whole thing.


If something cannot be fixed by hitting it or by swearing at it, it wasn't worth saving anyway.

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I'm going to have some fun in Mexico ! I figured hey if it's the end of the world might as well have some fun before it's over smile.gif Some booze, sun and women, yeah that should do it !


PS: My trip starts on Dec. 30 1999 to January 6th 2000....should be fun

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Well, since I am a electrical engineer at a power company, I get the priviledge of hanging out at the office during the roll-over... Of course we will know if the lights will be on many hours before, because Japan gets to test the waters then over to Europe etc.. etc... In the end I will just go to bed at 12:15 instead of 12:01 like every other year...

Biggest problem we see in the power industry... Terrorism...

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I work for a major airline company in Canada and everything should be Y2K compliant beore the end of the year...Thousands were spent to get our A320 Airbuses Y2K compliant since this Aircraft basically flies by a computer.

But..you will not find me in the air come January...it is airport traffic control systems that worry me more than luggage getting lost!

In Canada the military has been told by Parliament to be on alert in case of

emergencies brought about by Y2K come this January.

In January as long as I have power to my computer to play CM I'll be happy smile.gif

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I've seen two Y2K ads that bother me. One listed batteries and candles, and that may make sense if you think there will be extended power outages. But the ad also listed tents as a Y2K need. Are people thinking their front doors won't work come January, and they'll need to camp out?

The other ad was for a gun show, asking ominously, "Are you ready for Y2K?"

I hope that people won't live down to their lowest impulses, and give in to their fears. We are planning to lay in a supply of canned foods, bottled water etc. JUST LIKE WE DO EVERY WINTER. If there is a severe storm, that stuff could come in handy. I live in the mountains of North Carolina, and the weather usually moderate, but you just never know. The only extra , "Y2K", supply we expect to get is toilet paper. I figure if people get that deprivation model in their heads, toilet paper will be the first thing to be sold out.

[This message has been edited by PaulieG (edited 10-06-99).]

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I sell Information Systems to the healthcare community for billing, scheduling and clinical records for a $4 billion behemoth. The amazing thing is how many of these absolute frickin moron doctors are buying right now. Believe it or not, highly educated doctors in general make rather poor business decisions. Many are beginning to look for new systems now. God how stupid.

I had a meeting Tuesday and another meeting next Tuesday with a practice that needs to get a new system installed, converted, trained all by year end. In the meeting Tuesday, a smokin red-hot babe office manager said, "what is your time frame?" I replied, "giggle..giggle... well I can give you the official BS, which is November 10 cutoff for new purchases or I can tell you the truth and the truth is you have waited way, way, way to long and you stand a good chance of not being live by the year end if you buy today". I could go on and on about how backlogged our company is, how grim the healthcare industry looks and litter the board with gobs and gobs of horror stories, but it would waste precious board space.

OK, one more. 2 Doctors/ 2 Nurses /2 Smokin red-hot office staff / 1 doctor-wife / 1 old computer software system. Doctor brings wife in to run office. Fires staff. Hires staff and opts to buy my system. The fired red-hot staff calls me to party and tells me what happened. I call doctor and tell him no deal (i can't afford the headaches). All in the last 10 days. Moral of story - Y2K will suck huge for many people and "the only person I have seen consistently make worse business decisions than doctors are doctors wives". And on average installs take 6 months to a year to complete.

Oh yeah, I rarely see babes in these offices, very rare. Low pay and extremely hard work for office staff.

If I have offended any doctors I apologize.

Richard Kalajian

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LOL.. Oh, I'm by FAR NOT a typical doctor wink.gif

Don't think all that applies to me but FWIW he's right.. If I was anyone here I wouldn't be in a hospital on January 1st..

A lot of the various monitors etc simply aren't y2k compliant and would have to be replaced to become y2k compliant. It shouldn't affect much cause they don't usually deal with dates BUT most of the fancy MRI stuff etc is gonna be affected.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Tom punkrawk

I got bored and thought I would contibute to this thread, I myself am 17, so I don't have to worry about any work related problems smile.gif

I'm planning to go to southern California the day after christmas and spend new years w/ my girlfriend,although I have the tempting to carry a small fire arm w/ me I doubt I'll have many problems, just lock the doors and turn the lights off.I was supposed to play a show w/ a band I'm in on new years,but that part of town scares me everynight,I wouldn't want to be there this specific night. I mean there's wackos out there every year,but they'll be even wackier this year and I have a feeling the religion nuts are going to be out and about.Other than that nothing really bothers me,as was mentioned before,just as long as my computer works to play CM,i'll be fine...if something breaks out,like WW3 or something, at least my grandfather will finally get his wish of me going into the army or marines.


We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show

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Guest PeterNZ

Well living in New Zealand we'll be pretty safe.

Got our own food (some.. 60 million sheep hehe wink.gif ) .. it'll be summer so no harsh climates/failed heating worries. Also we don't have half the country thinking it's rambo with firearms hehe and on top of that, dad has a big boat which i'm sure we could escape too smile.gif

I think air traffic control, outdated power management software and so on will be the biggest problem. Unfortunately i think it will hit the third world much more than the wealthy first where at least some y2k efforts have been made.


(ps. good luck in the US hehe smile.gif )

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A good friend pointed out to me that if y2k is going to be a huge cataclysm, those of us in the US will get a good warning as Japan and Asia will cross into 2000 well before us.

I already have the stockpile of firearms (I'm an american, dont ya know..).. I think I'll limit the rest of the preparation to tp and milk.. and only because all the other idiots are going to empty the store shelves of it.

I volunteer with a rescue squad, and I'm really torn between spending new years eve in an alcoholic haze, and running calls. Should definitely be a wacky night.


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Guest John Maragoudakis

I hear John Travolta will be in a plane on new year's eve. He wants to cross the time zone over and over. If the plane's cpu doesn't freak out when it crosses into the new millenium, will it when it comes back into the old?

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Talk about doing the MOST stupid thing possible.

I mean crossing the dateline in a plane isn't all that smart but doing so multiple times is just pretty dumb.

One question though. Does he realise that the earth's rotational speed is going to make that incredibly difficult for him to do? When he flies eastward after crossing the dateline his closure speed will be only a few tens of miles per hour (assuming he isn't in a specialised personal jet but just an ordinary run of the mill one.)



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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The dateline is pretty much fixed, so crossing it multiple times shouldn't be too difficult. I myself would like to be in the eastern hemisphere just on the other side of the dateline for the very first entry into the year 2000. After the new year, I'd have 23 hours to sober up, cross to the far side, get drunk again, and celebrate the new year all over again.

As for repeatedly crossing the point exactly opposite the sun, I think that would require an extremely fast jet. I believe you need to maintain on the order of Mach 2 for that sort of thing. I know that the SR-71 can fly fast enough you can watch the sun rise in the west.


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Well said, I think that sums up my new years plans too!!! But it really is amazing to see so many intelligent people, with apparently no horse-sense whatsoever.. It's almost like everyone has turned into the kind of person that can't wait to take a pic of their odometer turning over, and showing it to everyone they know. A day is just a day, and I don't think that God cares when we started using the gregorian (sp?) calender.

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Well, guess I outta get out my granddaddy's WWI rifle and clean it up a bit... Wonder if those 3 boxes of shells are still any good...

(btw, yes they are original, still have the "Shell casings must be disposed of according to US DOD FAR Reg. 10-1" or something like that tags in them)


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