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Mods tutorial:



Mods must be placed in this directory (Win7 64)

C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Black Sea\User Data\Mods

Just unzip the content (extract from the winrar files you download) and place them as they are in that directory.


That's the default one, instead of "your user name" you should see the name you picked when you installed the operative system.



I should have added a readme with each download but got lazy on that front.

Edited by Kieme(ITA)
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Darwinian Selector 

Democracy Inaction

Display Only This was the original name for the Company Commander's tank

Brilliant names. I totally love Display Only on the Company CO's tank. You gotta love a good sense of humor.

Deus Irea I almost went with this, but did not want to have to explain what it meant on a daily basis

Indeed I had to look it up - tricky

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Kieme CMBS USA Bradley vehicle names add on


Special thanks to panzersaurkrautwerfer for this one.

This mod adds a name to the back of Bradleys turrets. The names are stenciled in low-visibility black color and are based on panzers' advice on the starting letters, only A and B. There's a total of 22 different names.




Preview: please see the screenshot in one of the replies above (the name has been moved a bit up in order to avoid the repetition under the turret sensor tower).

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Hi Kieme! 
I know you have already done the MT-LB for UKR forces but I found this little one on the net. Looks pretty cool with its brown stripes with black edges, Something you would like to mod someday perhaps? :)




(why can I not post a picture as a picture? says I do not have the rights to do it?)


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One teeny, tiny quibble for future naming of names type mods:


Names that are too profane or sexual will get shot down by their Company Commander (I also shot down names because "They were dumb" but I reserved that judgement only for Platoon Leader's tanks).  It's not really a prude thing nearly as much as the last thing you need is an irate phone call from the Brigade's SHARP (basically your sexual harassment person) representative because "Dildo" drove by the BDE HQ on its way to the washrack.


That's like my one complaint, just played a QB to ogle all the pretty eyecandy.  The dirt level is awesome, and honestly the game's visuals are much improved by your efforts.  I check this thread whenever I come on the forums to see what's about to get improved.

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Panzer, I wondered so, but really couldn't resist. Also, didn't want to show any kind of disrespect to US military, in case that was somehow felt about that name mod.

Thank you for your suggestions, I find them very precious. 

Whenever you got an occasion and remember a detail, let us know about a dumb name you rejected, out of curiosity.


Now that I am at it, is there any kind of markings ever used by the hummers?

Seems to me these vehicles never spot an insigna, tactical number or similar.

I tried a mod add on with a national flag taped on the back cover, but didn't really convince me.

Edited by Kieme(ITA)
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One teeny, tiny quibble for future naming of names type mods:


Names that are too profane or sexual will get shot down by their Company Commander (I also shot down names because "They were dumb" but I reserved that judgement only for Platoon Leader's tanks).  It's not really a prude thing nearly as much as the last thing you need is an irate phone call from the Brigade's SHARP (basically your sexual harassment person) representative because "Dildo" drove by the BDE HQ on its way to the washrack.


That's like my one complaint, just played a QB to ogle all the pretty eyecandy.  The dirt level is awesome, and honestly the game's visuals are much improved by your efforts.  I check this thread whenever I come on the forums to see what's about to get improved.


You do know you can easiely remove files you dont like? Very happy though that you share your knowledge on the matter. And thanks Kieme for making the mods :D 

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The best Advisor is a former military, that's for sure.

I really enjoy the fact that such people share their knowledge and interest on this forums, which are dedicated to a videogame in the end, a serious game yet still a game. And I feel a bit silly for myself, sometimes, to discuss about matters I have no idea of, if compared to people who lived such things. I have never even seen an M1A2 with my eyes, just to say one. 

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Start on Strikers...


As a first thing I wanted to make a very good wheel (the original one is still very nice); first of all, I doubled the resolution (HD wheel!) of the original file, then I grabbed the pneumatic (and tread) out of a real striker photograph, changed the colors a bit, and "mounted" it on the original rim.



Still needs weathering and maybe a bit stronger normal map (I have corrected the trim after looking at this picture to match the correct scale):



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Also, didn't want to show any kind of disrespect to US military, in case that was somehow felt about that name mod.


I at least did not think it was disrespect, and Dildo is totally something a tank crew might try to name their track, I'm just saying CPT D Co commander type would have rejected it.




Whenever you got an occasion and remember a detail, let us know about a dumb name you rejected, out of curiosity.


Dracul (Dracula would have been sort of lame, but Dracul just looks like a typo, and after Twilight, vampires are lame)

Dragon's Breath (NERD ALERT.   Also our sister Battalion had a Dragon on its unit crest, so I generally shot down Dragon related names to avoid the confusion)

Daddy (just weird)


I can't remember the rest too well, this is a conversation I had nearly a year ago.  One of my PLs was rather attached to the game "Bioshock" and I remember having to tell him "dude, just no" over some name related to that game, but I can't recall the name now.  I also rejected anything that was just "Da' XXXX" on principle.  


On the other hand I did allow an appeal if the entire crew wanted a name I considered dumb.  I just did not want the crew to be stuck with a stupid name their LT dreamed up.  I made sure my dudes were okay with it when I renamed my tank just because at the end of the day, they're the one doing most of the work on it.




Now that I am at it, is there any kind of markings ever used by the hummers?


Here's some markings that sometimes occur:


1. Driver's and vehicle commander's names on the front window (this is common on all trucks, but it's done in black so it's not super-obvious.  Honestly think it's more of a way for the Battalions CSM to know who to yell at if the truck is parked poorly)


2. Bumper number and Battalion number on the front/back.  Also worth skipping unless you're making a mod to spectically put C Company 1-72 Armor into the game though.


3. Sometimes a "VS-17" Panel will be displayed on the "trunk" lid.  It's a two sided canvas deal that's got an orange side or a pink side, and is a very common recognition symbol, usually mounted on the top of a vehicle to ensure the USAF doesn't shoot you.  


I have not seen a named HMMWVV. 


I am also zero help on Strykers.  I spent my entire career in the armor type recon units, or combined arms battalions.




You do know you can easiely remove files you dont like?

Yep.  Dildo is already out, but it had more to do with I had a QB with an entire platoon of Dildos.  I'm just contributing what I know in the hopes it's useful.

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