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Rearm, repair, recover?


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any plans to allow this recover repair feature for immobilized or tracked vehicles?

I tired of having assets available but can't repair them, when they get tracked.

Cant you place a M88 or engineers in for repairing under fire?

pop smoke recover a vehicle and pull it back for repairs?

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any plans to allow this recover repair feature for immobilized or tracked vehicles?

I tired of having assets available but can't repair them, when they get tracked.

Cant you place a M88 or engineers in for repairing under fire?

pop smoke recover a vehicle and pull it back for repairs?

Repairing vehicles would generally happen outside the scope of a CM battle. And engineers wouldn't know how to fix **** on a tank, generally speaking.

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I would think that the closest thing BF would consider is modeling wreckers that could drag around disabled vehicles. I imagine it would use similar coding to how AT guns are hitched, un hitched, and towed behind trucks (something I haven't experienced yet in game, only having the base version of CMBN). That way you could at least recover vehicles. It would be interesting, especially if you could move them off the friendly edge (which I think has to be enabled via the scenario design, as opposed to something like TacAI, which happens regardless of scenario).

Even then, I think Apocal's point stands in the scenario above. Recovering vehicles probably happens outside of combat generally. In order to make it happen you'd have to do a few things. You would have to research and model wreckers and their crew. You'd also have to come up with some system for how long the process would take, and figure out interruptions (because surely the crew could com under fire and be pressed to retreat in the context of a CM scenario). Finally you would have to code it all (and like I said, you could probably pull from the other towing code, but it might also include an overhaul of all towable vehicle properties by adding a "towable" category). Oh, and of course there is testing and the like. All of that would be a lot of work for what is probably very little gain, especially compared to other things that are high up on their list.

However, it could make for some interesting scenarios. Provide security for a crew extracting a downed vehicle, which (of course) ends up getting contacts (because that would be a boring mission otherwise). There probably is a more abstract way of accomplishing a similar scenario with current versions of the CM franchise.

Now if only they had unlimited time and money…...

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However, it could make for some interesting scenarios. Provide security for a crew extracting a downed vehicle, which (of course) ends up getting contacts (because that would be a boring mission otherwise). There probably is a more abstract way of accomplishing a similar scenario with current versions of the CM franchise.

In CMFI there is a scenario (I think it's called "catching a tiger") where a US force has to destroy a stuck Tiger. I think that's as close to that type of mission as we'll get. I don't know anything about US doctrines regarding evacuation of stuck vehicles, but to me is seems cray to attempt something as complex as trying to move a disabled tank under fire.

You probably could use a "hold" objective next to a wreck and a "engineer" unit which has to survive the battle to get a similar result. Adding in depth mechanics into the basegame seems like a waste of ressources to me.

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I don't know anything about US doctrines regarding evacuation of stuck vehicles, but to me is seems cray to attempt something as complex as trying to move a disabled tank under fire.

I was an 0481 in the Corps for the first decade of this century, and there was rumor one time while my company was in Iraq that we might be involved in recovering a downed Blackhawk somewhere out in the desert. The plan would have been to fly in via some CH-53e, have them drop us off, and then we would go to work rigging it up so that one of them could do an external lift (hooking up external lifts was the "coolest" part of an 0481's job).Of course we would have needed security to do that, so it wouldn't have just been a couple of helps and a squad of 0481's doing the work. One of our SNCO's was trying hard to get the mission approved. Instead I think they did it via trucks and Heavy Equipment in a convoy.

Battle damaged stuff does need to get extracted, and that bird did get recovered. The way the mission was planned included security elements (probably grunts from our base security in Al Assad). The plan there was never to extract something under direct fire, but to be able to provide security to deter that from being a possibility to the enemy. A scenario would probably be modeled best around similar circumstances (random enemy reinforcements, with very few on map at the start?).

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back in my day as a 2AD MP, we did recover security for tracked Tanks M1's, the M88 came in hooked up pulled them back to a secured area and the tank crew went to work repairing their tracks. So I was just wondering why this is not an option. It can be done and in real life the tank was back in action about 4 hours later. but in game this could be sped up I suppose. I bring this up because of a scenario in Sock Force, Al Allahs Tanks

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back in my day as a 2AD MP, we did recover security for tracked Tanks M1's, the M88 came in hooked up pulled them back to a secured area and the tank crew went to work repairing their tracks. So I was just wondering why this is not an option. It can be done and in real life the tank was back in action about 4 hours later. but in game this could be sped up I suppose. I bring this up because of a scenario in Sock Force, Al Allahs Tanks

BF has discussed and they don't feel it falls within the framework of what the game is intended to cover. Also it's usefulness is so limited they'd rather invest their resources on other stuff. As noted adding it is more than even just adding in the tow vehicle. There are animations, AI actions etc etc.

You will find this a lot in BF's veto of different ideas that get tossed out there. There is a certain amount of work that anything requires. BF weighs the value add to the game and the work required (not just to do it, but to support it from then on) and makes their own judgement call.

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Its been a VERY long time since I've looked at this so I may be all wet on this, but I believe in campaigns vehicles that are disabled but not knocked out have a chance of being repaired returning to the inventory a battle or two later - assuming later battles are recycling those old core units and haven't moved on to fresh forces.

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back in my day as a 2AD MP, we did recover security for tracked Tanks M1's, the M88 came in hooked up pulled them back to a secured area and the tank crew went to work repairing their tracks. So I was just wondering why this is not an option. It can be done and in real life the tank was back in action about 4 hours later. but in game this could be sped up I suppose. I bring this up because of a scenario in Sock Force, Al Allahs Tanks

See the bolded part. 4 hours is the maximum length of the game, currently. From your description, I can't tell whether you're counting time from when the M88 arrived at the stricken Abrams, or when they got back to the "secured area". But either way, the point of the exercise was to get the wreck out of the line of fire ASAP, preferably without the M88 getting shot at. Thus, a perfectly good representation of recovery ops in CM would be a scenario where the protagonists are contesting the security of an area centred on a vehicle wreck. That's the tactically interesting part, and the recovery vehicle wouldn't even be sent in until that contest was resolved, though the judgement of "secure" would be looser for the recovery operation than for the repair location.

And there seems little point in arbitrarily accelerating the actuall process of repair when it's going to be such a variable feast in the first place (an M-killed Abrams is probably going to be suffering system damage to other elements; do you want a list of times-to-repair, and which elements can be worked on concurrently etc?), just in order to have actual repair going on in the face of fire?

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Nice video A co! Biggest thing I've seen a bird drop was a HMMV (pre up-armored version). There was that one time a Blackhawk's tire dropped right between the legs of Lcpl Pierson while he lay on his back on top of the load being slung.... but that's a different kind on dropping.

Back to on topic, it is a clear call that we are talking about something that would fall outside of the scope of a CM mission. With most missions focusing on the most intense parts of a battle battle happening in a less than 2 hour period, actions like this are very administrative in nature that would generally fall outside of the time frame captured.

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I created a wee scenario for CMS based around a real life incident where two M1s became mired in some muddy ground in Iraq and have to be protected against Syrian insurgents taking them out with RPGs. It's in the Marines module if I recall. I think I also did similar for the British module. They make fun scenarios :)

I have seen a Syrian recovery crew hook up a disabled Syrian T72 under fire. Life video footage of them driving up under suppressing fires, duck out and hook the tank up. I've also seen this go horribly wrong, when the crew dove out only to be cut down by rebels hiding in a building right next to it. Obviously their close support had not cleared that building. Not the one I refer to but this video shows two T72 engaged in a recovery operation of another T72.

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