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An embassy with non-combatants

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With some pointers from Combatintman I was able to get unarmed civilian types into a test scenario. Ironically the trick to get the non-combatants into the game only works in the oldest CMx2 title CMSF. Below is a screen shot of embassy staff walking around inside the walls of the embassy compound. Also shown are a few Marines stationed at the embassy.


Here is an overhead shot of the embassy taken several hours before rioters and armed militia filled the streets. Note Marine snipers on some of the roof tops.


Photo of the front gate area.


The mission would be to go rescue the embassy staff and bring them safely to an exit zone before the embassy was overrun. Just one of many examples of how non-combatants could add interesting / challenging scenarios to the game.

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Years ago I did a '3rd party' CMSF scenario using spies to represent hundreds of rioting protestors storming a UN compound. It was great fun while it lasted but BFC abruptly changed spy behavior in the next patch making spies unworkable for my scenario. I half suspect they changed spy behavior deliberately to kill my scenario off - they didn't much like the concept of shooting down waves of unarmed civilians. ;)

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Years ago I did a '3rd party' CMSF scenario using spies to represent hundreds of rioting protestors storming a UN compound. It was great fun while it lasted but BFC abruptly changed spy behavior in the next patch making spies unworkable for my scenario. I half suspect they changed spy behavior deliberately to kill my scenario off - they didn't much like the concept of shooting down waves of unarmed civilians. ;)

so it is your fault then....?

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Years ago I did a '3rd party' CMSF scenario using spies to represent hundreds of rioting protestors storming a UN compound. It was great fun while it lasted but BFC abruptly changed spy behavior in the next patch making spies unworkable for my scenario. I half suspect they changed spy behavior deliberately to kill my scenario off - they didn't much like the concept of shooting down waves of unarmed civilians. ;)

Wish I would have seen that scenario with hundreds of protesters. Sounds cool.

I think it is a good idea to try and keep the simulation within reasonable civilized boundaries. With non-combatants playing a role in modern conflicts it would be realistic to have the ability to have them portrayed directly in the game during appropriate scenarios. Maybe the non-combatant "unit" type could be treated like surrendering soldiers are in the game. So if the rescue mission (or whatever) fails and the OPFOR reach the non-combatants a white flag goes up and after a few turns of uncontested OPFOR control the non-combatants disappear from the map. No war crime allowed but we still get the challenge of working through this type of tactical problem.

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Nice screenshots - is a scenario forthcoming?

In theory I would like to however I have never made a scenario for release before. I am in the process of making this one for myself. If it eventually gets refined enough maybe I will give it a shot and release it. It is almost as much fun working in the editor as it is fighting the battles. I still have a lot to learn about the whole scenario making process. I gave the scenario a test run last night. I got about 10 minutes into it. (I think the scenario will be about 45 minutes to an hour long) I kept a list of things to change/improve as I fought the battle. My list had eleven items noted in ten minutes of play. If I make it polished enough for release I will probably need some adult supervision every once in a while.

Also I am reading the book Company Commander by Major Russell Lewis in preparation for downloading your scenario Into the Green. Interesting to read about the differences in TOE and C2 between the US and UK. I had to Google the Viking vehicle to understand what the Major was talking about.

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Consulate staff cower inside one of the the buildings. Outside, through the window, Marines fight to hold the perimeter. Will the relief column arrive in time?

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k208/kas4107/MarineinaWindow_zps5fce4c0d.jpg' alt='MarineinaWindow_zps5fce4c0d.jpg'>

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The column finally arrives at the front gate of the consulate. (I downgraded it from an embassy to a consulate. An embassy would have a bigger area on the map and more non-combatants to evacuate which would require a larger relief force etc...)


Captain Reynolds walks through the front gate of the consulate with his radiomen and an M-240 Bravo Team.


The next phase of the mission is to load the non-combatants into the Strykers and transport them safely to their exit zone the soccer field.


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With the firepower of the relief column added to that of the Marines the area immediately around the consulate compound is temporarily secured. The non-combatants from the consulate exit the front gate and head for the Strykers.


Captain Reynolds orders the non-combatants into the Strykers. He does not have to repeat himself.


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Tested the same scenario during hours of darkness this time. A thunder run through the city to the consulate front gate. Probably not the best tactic but it made for a cool light show with the tracers and explosions.



The non-combatants listen to the chaos outside as the Marines keep watch.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Okay this one is about ready to go to the repository as the scenario: Consulate Evacuation.  It has two AI plans and requires the Marine module.  Human vs. AI only.  It is a fairly small mission where you command a reinforced Stryker Platoon (Task Force: Two-Bravo-Three) and are tasked with evacuating non-combatants from a consulate and safely transporting them to a landing zone for helicopter evacuation.  Below are some screen shots from numerous test runs.  There are multiple ways to accomplish this mission and two AI plans so I don't think the screen shots will give away very much.  Just enough to get your interest I hope.


Task Force Two-Bravo-Three fights through the narrow streets of the city of Al Mout. 



Fighting roadblocks, militia, IEDs and the clock.



During one test the militia broke through the Marine perimeter before the task force arrived.



The Marines, who are almost black on ammo, fight to repel the intruders. 





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Two-Bravo-three takes the fight to the streets, alleys, buildings and rooftops.  (If we had sewers in CM I'm sure they would have fought there also.)  Below a fire team takes advantage of a rooftop position.


Firing the M203 at a militia technical.



Grenade in flight.



His buddies are going to buy him another six pack for that shot.


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I tried to upload this scenario, Consulate Evacuation, on Saturday, January 3rd but it did not show up in the repository.  Then, of course, we had a winter storm roll through here and lost our internet connection for about three days.  Luckily we did not loose power and have to go to the generators. That is life in a rural area.  I just tried uploading it to the repository again.  This is my first scenario.  Let me know what you think.  (If and when it shows up).    

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Okay I uploaded the scenario Consulate Evacuation to the repository again.  This is my third attempt.  I uploaded it on Saturday January 3rd, Thursday January 8th and again today January 10th.  This is my first scenario and my first time uploading something to the repository.  So the odds are I am doing something wrong.  


About a minute after I hit the submit button a repository message pops up advising "All Done" implying the upload was completed.  With no other feedback from the repository telling me what I screwed up I don't know what to do differently.  I would try at GAJ site but my understanding is GAJ no longer supports CMSF.  


On the bright side I learned a lot about the game messing around in the editor.  So if it shows up this time cool.  If not CMBS will be out soon anyways.   :)       

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