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Any feedback about close assaulting tanks and firing AT weapons from buildings

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I haven't been able to buy Market garden yet, so could some of you lucky fellas tell us how the game feels like now when close assaulting tanks or firing a bazooka/Schreck from a building ?

I'm curious because this looks like game changing features to me yet nobody wrote about that on the forum since the release of MG :confused:

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One of my pixelated warriors shot a faust out of a 1st floor window at a British CS Cromwell about 20m away. Didn't work out that well. He missed and got a 95mm hello in return. Still it was cool to see.

No additionial suppression was noted until the 95mm round came in. ouch.

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It feels great and a lot more realistic, the dynamic of the game has improved a lot.

Tanks are a lot more vulnerable, their spotting seems to have been reduced greatly and losing the optics will effectively render them blind. It is a lot easier to pull off infantry close assaults against tanks stripped of their infantry screens.

AT weapons fired from buildings work nicely and is just as great a feature as I expected it to be. Effects vary depending on the building, size of the room and weapon type. Expect injured, suppressed and occasionally routing troops fleeing the building. Especially if it's a Panzerschreck fired in a very small space.

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I have had the AI close assault one of my tanks and survive to tell about it (the tank survived but was so panicked it was unable to play the support role it was intended for).

I have successfully ambushed armor with Pf30s. In one case the AT team cowered but survived, the second team fled their position safely but took a few turns to get sorted out and useful again.

Overall the enhancements for 2.01 I think have dramatically altered the nature of urban anti armor combat and in fact any close assault situations against armor. I'd suggest players examine the behavior they have learned since the release of CMBN as some tactics may no longer be valid and will find you sadly watching the smoke rise from the burning wrecks of your armor if you do not adapt. :D

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It has made a significant change; more so that I was expecting.

I was playing yesterday and there was a Sherman about 10 meters away from a long rowhouse, lined up parallel to it and using it for flank protection. I moved a half squad into that building hoping that they could grenade or close assault the tank, but it saw them as they moved into the building, rotated its turret, fired the MG, and caused a casualty and a lot of cowering. Just as I was thinking I was screwed (because you can't close assault when you are being machine-gunned), I hear the Pssss!, and someone in the building fires a faust (30k) and knocks out the Sherman.

Troops were "rattled" afterwards, but I think that has more to do with being machinegunned. I was most surprised by how quickly the faust was fired; it was very fast.

I think that this has really opened up the usefulness of the 30k, which I was only rarely able to use with any success before - it was just too hard to get close when you had to fire from outside.

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Yum yum, thanks for sharing ! Can't wait to try that myself.

By the way, it the next CMBN patch going to include those game changes ?

Yes.. this will be carried over both to CMBN/CW and CMFI/GL as soon as their respecitve patches are released. One of the many great things with the new engin and BFC model.

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Just replayed Barkmann's Corner under 2.10. Barkmann's Panther got taken out after taking out 8 Shermans. Then the US armor proceeded to break through... to be stopped in their tracks by German grenadiers firing their Panzerfausts from their flanks and inside houses. Not to mention that now it's possible to sneak a PanzerSchrek team around to get a good shot at short range.

A German rifle team managed to take out 3 Shermans (1 shot, 1 kill).

This just made me so happy I wanted to come over here and tell about it to the OP.

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Which part? The faust shot or getting shot back at? As far as the faust shot, the squad was on the West side of the room. The window was on the East side with the tank in question in the street adjacent. The shot went out through the window within the 1st 20 seconds of the turn as near as I remember. I don't recall exactly on which turn I got shot back at.

Ask Nelson1812. He's the one I shot at.

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I'll be truthful, it might have been another tank. If h2hh hasn't cleaned it out, I'll go back and try to see. There was a fair amount going on that turn. All of this took place on the 1st floor of the building so geometrically speaking, it would've been a straight line of sight return shot.

Well I'm afraid I don't have that file anymore so I can't recheck.

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That the tube dude get shot back at 20m. It may be plausible given the right geometric parameters.

They've not constrained the firing arcs of tanks, just slowed down their reactions and reduced their visual acuity. AIUI, at least. So given enough time and some good spotting rolls, you'll still see "tank adjacent to building shooting at PBI on 8th storey" shenanigans. They'll just be even less frequent than they ever were because they won't see the target so often, won't get their gun pointed in time so often before the target ducks out of sight, and will be killed before they reach that point more often than was historically (game history, I mean) the case.

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