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Fallujah Hospital

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Imperial Grunt ... hope I have not triggered any unpleasant memories, with Northern Ireland (twice), Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan (thrice) under my belt myself I know how this can be.

Also - no pressure on me to get this mission right then ...

No problems...I can't believe that was almost a decade ago. One thing that would be hard to represent on your map was that forces along the banks of the river often got sniped at or just engaged from the west side of Fallujah proper. The insurgents liked the water barrier and were emboldend to attack us from there since they knew we would not enter the city from the bridges or cross the water.

That ville to the south was a mini-slum filled with trash and really poor folks. They didn't care about Fallujah or the war. The Hospital staff were lying motherf*ckers who tried to play us but we needed that thing helping Iraqis.

The other homes in the area where well furnished and built. Basically upper middle class to weathly Baathist types lived there prior to the war.

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Also...the large building just south of the hospital and near the northern bridge... before and during the first battle it was an ICDC ( precursor of the Iraqi Army) compound which was fortified and it had a HESCO wall put around it. I believe it was turned over to the 'Fallujah Brigade' before that whole plan went to sh*t.

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No problems...I can't believe that was almost a decade ago. One thing that would be hard to represent on you map was that forces along the banks of the river often got sniped at or just engaged from the west side of Fallujah proper. The insurgents liked the water barrier.

That ville to the south was a mini-slum filled with trash and really poor folks. They didn't care about Fallujah or the war. The Hospital staff were lying motherf*ckers who tried to play us but we needed that thing helping Iraqis.

The other homes in the area where well furnished and built. Basically upper middle class to weathly Baathist types lived there prior to the war.

Interesting seeing you "On the Ground" comments. I was just reading "OnPointII" PDF last PM. I don't think many folks in the US truly realize how things really are in a modern... "low intensity conflict."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have grabbed up all objectives except for the hospital and hospital grounds with only 1 WIA. However, I may have been too cautious as I don't think I have enough time to clear the hospital.

I found the going easy so far (easy being relative) but I suspect the real fight is just ahead.

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I have grabbed up all objectives except for the hospital and hospital grounds with only 1 WIA. However, I may have been too cautious as I don't think I have enough time to clear the hospital.

I found the going easy so far (easy being relative) but I suspect the real fight is just ahead.

Doing better than me then and I know where the enemy is!!! I don't think I got to the hospital without losing about 8 or 9 guys before. The hospital will be tough if for no other reason than you'll lose VPs if you use heavy firepower against some of the buildings and cause damage. The bonus is that you shouldn't be short of small arms ammunition so you can suppress with those as you clear the complex.

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Yes, that would be me. And my name most likely was taken in vain by those who played Joker 3 because the small changes you made to that scenario made it much more difficult to replicate that feat (I play tested the Joker 3 scenario)

My success is part system mastery of CMSF, a obsessive amount of micro managing of my forces while playing real time (the only way I play) with frequent pauses and a whole lot of good luck. Having had nearly 20 years in as a combat arms officer does help for tactical savvy and planning.

But the real stars are you guys creating wonderful and challenging scenarios. Scenario design is something that intimidates me so I haven't tried it. Maybe some day...

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BlackMoria also rescued the JOKER THREE squads in Ramadi with only a single casualty, if memory serves. He may have missed his calling as a Marine CO.

holy crap. I think I succeeded playing that scenario with only one casualty...one AI casualty. My side on the other hand....

Still one of my favorites LLF.

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BlackMoria, has your experience and luck bagged you the hospital objectives yet?

Real life stuff has had to divert me from finishing up the scenario just yet but I intend to finish up this weekend. I did load up my save point the other night and stared at the hospital complex for about 10 minutes with the game paused, considering different ways to breach in.

I have only seen one group of insurgents in the hospital complex in my run up to the hospital and I think I neutralized them. How many more enemy are in there is the question which haunts my deliberations.

I will let you know how it turns out.

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A meeting got cancelled so I had time to finish this bad boy.

My results were a Tactical Victory, playing on Elite Real Time. I don't know why I didn't get any points for the Surgical area as it was fully occupied by my forces, cleared of enemy and none of the building were visibly damaged.

My Losses: 1 KIA, 3 WIA

Enemy Losses: 216 KIA, 69 WIA, 1 MIA, 16 Vehicles.

Screen shots available if I can figure out how to take them, as I have a game save just before game end.

A very fun scenario, Combatintman. I will not spoil it but the 'surprise' that happens at 10-15 minutes left on the clock took me off guard but fortunately, my forces were ideally situated to deal with it and just need some minor adjustment in position and orientation to deal with issue. The 1 KIA and 2 of my WIAs actually happened in the final push into the hospital proper. The hospital complex fight was one tough one and I had to micromanage some 25 squads in the massive assault into complex from two sides. The assault on the hospital proper was intense given the multi floors of the 4 buildings and that is where all but one of my casualties occurred.

Great scenario. I look forward to your other scenarios.

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A meeting got cancelled so I had time to finish this bad boy.

My results were a Tactical Victory, playing on Elite Real Time. I don't know why I didn't get any points for the Surgical area as it was fully occupied by my forces, cleared of enemy and none of the building were visibly damaged.

My Losses: 1 KIA, 3 WIA

Enemy Losses: 216 KIA, 69 WIA, 1 MIA, 16 Vehicles.

Screen shots available if I can figure out how to take them, as I have a game save just before game end.

A very fun scenario, Combatintman. I will not spoil it but the 'surprise' that happens at 10-15 minutes left on the clock took me off guard but fortunately, my forces were ideally situated to deal with it and just need some minor adjustment in position and orientation to deal with issue. The 1 KIA and 2 of my WIAs actually happened in the final push into the hospital proper. The hospital complex fight was one tough one and I had to micromanage some 25 squads in the massive assault into complex from two sides. The assault on the hospital proper was intense given the multi floors of the 4 buildings and that is where all but one of my casualties occurred.

Great scenario. I look forward to your other scenarios.

Don't know how you do it - I have never played this scenario and lost so few of my own and of course I know where the opposition is!!!! Glad the surprise was something that needed thinking about - it was a late addition in terms of the scenario design but ... if you forgive the pun ... an easy win.

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Real Life has curtailed my play time last few weeks so have not gotten too far into my attempt #2 at Fallujah Hospital. Enjoyed what I have played so far Combatintman Thanks.

BlackMoria good job! Impressive results in Elite Real Time. I start Elite Turn Based and look forward to completing as well but will not keep my #s at 1 KIA, 3 WIA! How much real world time did it take you to "See the Doctor" at Fallujah Hospital?

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Real Life has curtailed my play time last few weeks so have not gotten too far into my attempt #2 at Fallujah Hospital. Enjoyed what I have played so far Combatintman Thanks.

BlackMoria good job! Impressive results in Elite Real Time. I start Elite Turn Based and look forward to completing as well but will not keep my #s at 1 KIA, 3 WIA! How much real world time did it take you to "See the Doctor" at Fallujah Hospital?

I wasn't really taking stock of the real world time but I would say around 3 hours to complete.

I did say I was obsessive about micromanaging my forces and I came at the hospital with around 25 squads and that is a lot of forces to coordinate in the method that I mastered to minimize casualties while assaulting buildings.

The Iraqi commandos that represent the majority of the infantry forces you have sure love to use the RPGs they have within the squad and that is a problem in the Hospital complex where you lose Victory points for damaging the buildings. I haven't played much Red force so it took me a while to get accustomed to the 'tempo' of using them because of the embedded RPGs in the squads.

Trying to take the hospital complex with kid gloves on is a REAL challenge. After I finished the scenario, I reverted to a previous save just before the assault on the complex and I indulged the Iraqi Commando tendency for swift violence and they love of the RPG and bought the full weight of my indirect fire resources to bear. I took NO casualties that time but the victory was considerably downgraded due to preserve conditions and once I was done, the entire complex would only be fit for bulldozing, so much damage was done to all the buildings.

You have the fire power available to literally level the entire hospital complex to the ground. But you can't.... and that is the challenge here.

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Elite, Real Time, micromanaging 1 KIA, 3 WIA, around 25 squads to coordinate to minimize casualties while assaulting buildings all in about 3 hours real world time is stunning.

I had gotten to the hospital complex in run one but had taken too many silly casualties, done too much damage to the hospital and restarted. The work got in the way. The ability to render resistance to a smoldering pile of ash is available but does not get you a win. Thanks for the insight on the commandos. I will be going at it again maybe after next weeks holidays.

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Sorry, I miscalculated my time. I was going off memory and I thought the scenario was a 1.5 hours when it was 2.5 hours for run time. That makes it 4 to 5 hours instead of the 3 hours I initially said for the time investment. As I said, I don't really keep track of my time but it usually double the scenario run time but I felt the run up to the hospital actually went pretty swiftly as I focused on the objectives.

Given the night conditions about a hour into the game, the enemy really doesn't have any long range visual capability and one can actually get squads fairly close without being engaged. I actually was surprised at the end of the game of how much of the enemy I had by-passed near the factory complex and the highway junction.

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If it helps, my plan was to use the berm of the highway running down the center of the map from the highway junction objective to the north bridge objective for cover. Once darkness sets in, almost nothing can see your vehicles moving behind it and you can move freely your forces west and east without being spotted.

I only crossed the berm at the far left to seize the highway junction with scouts, at the center to move a platoon into the factory complex to seize that, and the rest of my forces went up the right side through south bridge objective to north bridge objective and finally onto the hospital complex. Most of the objectives are hold so you will need to leave some forces at each (hint: you do want to leave forces at the south and north bridge areas for certain for reasons that will be apparent towards the end of the game ;))

If you use the route I outlined, you will avoid the largely unproductive fights with multitude of insurgents that are between the highway junction and the factory and the factory and the hospital complex.

If you move carefully and skirt out for possible occupied buildings once darkness is fully set in, you will be surprised of how close you can sneak your forces forward without being seen and engaged.

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Thanks for the tactical advice. I may just restart run #3 this week using this smarter approach. Who needs "largely unproductive fights with multitude of insurgents" when you yearn for the "smell of victory in the morning" ... after a warm cappuccino :)

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