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Flames of War vs CMBN

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I'm looking for an opponent who plays Flames of War and who would like to play a battle with the use of FoW list from the latest Atlantik Wall and D-day books.

I play German Panzer Lehr

3000 points each

elite setting

further settings can be dicussed

Anyone interested?

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Forgive me if I'm slow on the uptake (long, ugly night), but do I understand that you want to play CMBN using forces from the referenced FoW books? If not, what do you mean, please?


John Kettler

I saw this thread earlier and was completely confused. Probably why no one bothered to post anything...

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I saw this thread earlier and was completely confused. Probably why no one bothered to post anything...

If you don't understand, then you're definitely not the target audience :D

It's a good and interesting approach to selecting QB forces.

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Sorry for the confusion but yes I would like to play a game of CMBN and pick forces by using the Flames of War Normandy books. We shall play on a large map and both have 1 objective to take and 1 to defend.

What you do is you go to easyarmy.com (if you dont have an acount I'll give you my password). You then create a list from the Overlord book (3000 points). I shall then create your army in editor and we are good to go.

Here is my OOB

Panzer Lehr


2x HQ team, 2x panzerschreck team, 3x SdKfz251/1

Combat platoons

Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon: 3x squad, 3x panzerschreck team, HQ, 1x SdKfz251/10, 3x SdKfz251/1

Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon: 3x squad, 3x panzerschreck team, HQ, 1x SdKfz251/10, 3x SdKfz251/1

Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon: 3x squad, 3x panzerschreck team, HQ


2x SdKfz251/9 Stummel

PaK40 platoon: HQ, 3x PaK40

Panther platoon: 3x Panther

Panzer platoon: 5x PzIVH

Gepanzerte Aufklarung platoon: HQ, 6x aufklarung team, 6x SdKfz250/1, 1x SdKfz250/10, 1x SdKfz250/1, 2x SdKfz250/9

Flak88 platoon: 3x Flak88

Artillery platoon: 4x medium howitzer, 2x observer, 2x SdKfz250/1

Exactly 3000 points

So pick a nation


Pick a company

Tank, mechanised, infantry... So many choices to be made. I'll help

Does this sounds less confusing?

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Flames of War is a tabletop wargame set in the WWII era. One of the things you need to do with this game is to create an army by using an armylist selected from the dozen of armybooks available.

What I propose is to use the Normandy books (Overlord-Allies, Atlantik Wall-Axis) to create an army. This is indeed a new fun way to play since players select an army that can't be cheesy or overpowered.

I posted my army OOB. This is an example of an armylist. There are many options and selections.

You can always google Flames of War to find out more.

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Sorry for the confusion but yes I would like to play a game of CMBN and pick forces by using the Flames of War Normandy books. We shall play on a large map and both have 1 objective to take and 1 to defend.

What you do is you go to easyarmy.com (if you dont have an acount I'll give you my password). You then create a list from the Overlord book (3000 points). I shall then create your army in editor and we are good to go.

Here is my OOB

Panzer Lehr


2x HQ team, 2x panzerschreck team, 3x SdKfz251/1

Combat platoons

Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon: 3x squad, 3x panzerschreck team, HQ, 1x SdKfz251/10, 3x SdKfz251/1

Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon: 3x squad, 3x panzerschreck team, HQ, 1x SdKfz251/10, 3x SdKfz251/1

Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon: 3x squad, 3x panzerschreck team, HQ


2x SdKfz251/9 Stummel

PaK40 platoon: HQ, 3x PaK40

Panther platoon: 3x Panther

Panzer platoon: 5x PzIVH

Gepanzerte Aufklarung platoon: HQ, 6x aufklarung team, 6x SdKfz250/1, 1x SdKfz250/10, 1x SdKfz250/1, 2x SdKfz250/9

Flak88 platoon: 3x Flak88

Artillery platoon: 4x medium howitzer, 2x observer, 2x SdKfz250/1

Exactly 3000 points

So pick a nation


Pick a company

Tank, mechanised, infantry... So many choices to be made. I'll help

Does this sounds less confusing?

Yeah this makes sense now. Actually seems really fun!

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So are you up for a battle? Are you in posession of the Overlord book or a easyarmy.com acount?

Are you familiar with FoW?

Elite setting

1h 30min lenght


Light rain

I'll post a screen of the map incl the setup zone's

I use dropbox and shall pm you my email adres

Depending on my shifts (police officer) I'm good for 2-3 turns a day (sometimes more, sometimes less)

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Well you see something new every day. I must say I like the thought of seeing how balanced the game is by using other rule sets. I am not a FOW player, but I do play TT 15mm WW2 and what an interesting thought.

Would like to know if it gives a balanced game, so if you have played this way before please let us know.

Hope you get some one to play you, I am busy on other projects at the moment so I can not oblige.

Good luck

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Well you see something new every day. I must say I like the thought of seeing how balanced the game is by using other rule sets. I am not a FOW player, but I do play TT 15mm WW2 and what an interesting thought.

Would like to know if it gives a balanced game, so if you have played this way before please let us know.

Hope you get some one to play you, I am busy on other projects at the moment so I can not oblige.

Good luck

Beter yet I even had a CMBN tournament based on these lists. So this will work well. Games are more balanced this way. You don't have to be afraid some is playing a cheesy list with loads of big cats or rocket arty.

Of topic:

I play both FoW (15mm) and Bolt Action (28mm)

Back on topic: :D

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It is a good idea for PBEM QB's as it should encourage more realistic/less gamey unit selections. One of the reasons I prefer playing PBEM scenarios.

My only reservation would be how well FoW points translate into CM points giving the completely different game systems.

Here is a pic of my Bolt Action Russians. Looking forward to Bagration :)


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So in your system must you buy formations or can you arrange your forces in any way so long as they match the ones in the force list.

For instance if you are allowed 3 Panthers can they be assigned to different commands.

I am NOT a FoW guru, but my understanding of the way the purchasing thingamabob is structured is that you buy a core force (say, a company HQ and 2 rifle platoons), then augment that core with related forces (day, the third rifle platoon, and the weapons platoon) then supplement the force with attachments (say, a platoon of tanks, some mortars, and some engineers). From what I've seen the purchasing mechanism and the Army Lists (different for each nation, and lots of variations within each nation) for FoW has been really well thought out to try and ensure that any given force selection is credible or at least plausible.

There're examples of some specific army lists here. If you click on the link for, for example, 17. SS-Panzergrenadierdivision then open up the PDF down the bottom of the page then (bear with me) from page 4 onwards are the purchasing choices for what FoW calls an 'Army' from that division. You can set whatever points pool you like as the upper limit - bram used 3000pts in his list above - then purchase up to that amount.

To use the lists in CM would take a minor amount of work translating the FoW ratings ('Fearless-Trained', etc) into CM-speak, put that'd not be very difficult. It would also be fun, I think, to ignore CMs QB setup altogether and instead create a few stock '3000-pt Army', '5000pt Army', and so on, as stand alone scenarios, using the FoW lists and then import them into scenarios to fight against other player's stock armys. At which point you'd basically be playing FoW through CM (or playing CM using FoW purchasing rules). I think that's what bram meant when he talked about a tourney.

Finally, some ego photos of my own little foray into FoW :D




(clearly I need a macro lens :rolleyes: )

(I've never played FoW - I just like the models )

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IMG_3405 by msj_1, on Flickr

I have helped run some UK tourneys (not played) and here are some really good photo's (not my kit)

It is a very big fan base and if we could get some FOW players it would expand the gaming base for CMBN.


IMG_3407 by msj_1, on Flickr

If you want to see more stunning kit you can see more from the tourney here.



Puts my kit to shame...

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Puts my kit to shame ...

Me too. It's astonishing what some people can do with these little models :eek:

nice photos - I think of that lot the US infantry (and the Shermans on p.2) are have the nicest paint job. The dio with the Alsatian, and the British MPs, are nice though :)

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Yes some excellent models and painting, some of the best in the UK and I had the job of helping to judge for awards. Really tough choices.

There are some talented and obsessive people out there.

FOW is really a tourney system and could work well for force structures in CMBN, but not sure it will make that cross over. As mentioned earlier would be good to hear how any of these games go.

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(clearly I need a macro lens :rolleyes: )

More to the point, you need to use a smaller iris opening that will give a more natural looking depth of field.

Aside: years and years ago I did some Micro-Armor™ Brit tanks for North Africa that turned out rather well. I have been tempted to photograph them just to share some time, but I don't even know where they are now.


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