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CMPzC Normandy '44 Operation - Caen

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Below is a screenshot of a small Panzer Campaigns Normandy '44 (PzC N44) scenario that i have created. The scenario covers the combat on the outskirts of Caen on the 7th June 1944.

The battle is seven turns long, starting at 08:00 hours, and ending at 24:00 hours, with each turn representing 2 hours real time, and each hex representing one square kilometre.

The Allies are attacking North to South, with the objectives being the villages of Buron and Authie.


This operation is a test of the system i have created to use PzC N44 as an operational layer for CMBN.

I will post two threads on this forum. One will represent the Allied HQ, one the Axis HQ. In each thread i will post a screenshot showing the deployment of the forces, and an identification key.

The operation is open to all members, so anyone that wants to play a side must look only at their sides HQ thread to maintain FOW.

Before the Allies perform their operational movement and firing, I will provide them with screenshots showing the reachable hexes for any unit, and the visible hexes from any hex requested.

The Allies will perform their operational movement and firing first. I will provide screenshots showing the reachable hexes for any unit, and the visible hexes from any hex as requested. Once this has been done, the Allies can then decide on a plan of attack. Once a plan has been decided, it will be communicated to me using diagrams or text. If there is a conflict over different plans, a vote can be taken, with me casting the deciding vote in the case of a tie. After the movement and firing phase, any units adjacent to an enemy unit may initiate an assault, thus creating a CM battle. I want the players with the highest turn rates to fight the CM battles, with a minimum turn rate of seven CM turns a week.

Anyone wishing to participate please answer this thread with the side you want to play, and your CM turn rate if you want to fight any operational CM battles that occur.

Players that fight operational CM battles will be required to create an AAR in their teams HQ thread.

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Cool noob! Will be fun to watch this unfold :) . Have you made the scenario from scratch?

Yes, it has been created using the Osprey book about the battle, however, as i have removed some artillery that was present, it should be regarded as semi historical.

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Hi noob,

I know this is my first post at this forum, but at least I am a long long time lurker. I especially followed all threads concerning Meta-Campaigns for CM as I really would like to participate. So if you still got a slot left I would be glad to join the Axis side. My turn rate is quite good (at least 1 turn a day, mostly even more depending on the opponent turn rate) and I also would like to post AAR`s on operational battles. Also I am used to be involved in larger PBEM-battles and won`t loose interest or let somebody down.


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Hi Strachwitz, thanks for showing an interest. I will pencil you in as Axis for now, however if there are no players on the Allied side that can process one turn a day or more you will have to play the Allies.

I will wait a few days to build up the teams before i create the HQ threads. Also, I should point out that i want all participants to use version 2.01.

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Im looking forward to seeing the OOB´s and how experience and motivation will be handled.

Experience will be Green for all forces except for the Axis CO HQ's. Motivation will be Fanatic for the Axis, and High for the Allies. The motivation level will be a hard factor, and will therefore remain unchanged for the duration of the operation.

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Hi Strachwitz, thanks for showing an interest. I will pencil you in as Axis for now, however if there are no players on the Allied side that can process one turn a day or more you will have to play the Allies.

I will wait a few days to build up the teams before i create the HQ threads. Also, I should point out that i want all participants to use version 2.01.

Roger that! Thanks for adding me and of course I can also play on the Allied side. I am really looking forward to this!

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Sound great. Normally I can do a turn per day but I have to many side projects on the go and a new job so, as my PBEM partners can a test, I am not able to keep up my end at the moment. I do have a few games ending but I still cannot commit to a high turn rate. You can use me if you get desperate but I suspect you will get a lot of takers. My preference would be the allied side.

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sounds interesting, before i jump in can you tell me what scale do you expect the average battle to be? (platoon, company, battalion)

The sizes of the CM forces is determined by the PzC hex stacking limit. This has been set by me to cap the size of the CM battles so the initial forces are no more than a battalion of foot, plus support weapons.

For more details look in the guide at the section called Combat Mission / Battle Parameters at the link below.

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Sound great. Normally I can do a turn per day but I have to many side projects on the go and a new job so, as my PBEM partners can a test, I am not able to keep up my end at the moment. I do have a few games ending but I still cannot commit to a high turn rate. You can use me if you get desperate but I suspect you will get a lot of takers. My preference would be the allied side.

You don't have to play the CM battles to be part of this. I also want people to create orders for the operational phase, so feel free to play at that level.

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This sounds intriguing.

So, depending on how many people get involved, some players will take on the role of the LtCol or Major, playing the battles out in CMBN, and a few will be taking on the role of the Brigadier- or Major-General, directing the operation?

And you're looking for players who can average a turn a day, right?

I'd like to read more on this first but having a go as a Canadian Bn commander sounds like fun.

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You don't have to play the CM battles to be part of this. I also want people to create orders for the operational phase, so feel free to play at that level.

Great, I was not 100 percent sure about that. Count me in for that at least.

This sounds intriguing.

and a few will be taking on the role of the Brigadier- or Major-General, directing the operation?

It sounds like @noob intends the top level decision making to be democratic like a city council (tie breaker to the mayor) rather than having a General in charge. :)

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This sounds intriguing.

So, depending on how many people get involved, some players will take on the role of the LtCol or Major, playing the battles out in CMBN, and a few will be taking on the role of the Brigadier- or Major-General, directing the operation?

And you're looking for players who can average a turn a day, right?

I'd like to read more on this first but having a go as a Canadian Bn commander sounds like fun.

Anyone can be involved in the operational planning, but only players with high turn rates can play the CM PBEM's the operation generates. I need CM players that can process at least one CM turn a day, but anyone that can process more will have more of a chance of playing the CM battles.

If at any point the player cannot process the required amount of turns, the battle will be passed to a substitute.

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This looks really interesting. :) Any chance you could upload the test scenario somewhere?

I have permission from John Tiller to distribute a stripped down version of Normandy '44 along with the test scenario. However the folder is 270mb, so i wanted to know if there was a way I could make such a file available to the public without having to give individual permission to people to share a folder.

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The sizes of the CM forces is determined by the PzC hex stacking limit. This has been set by me to cap the size of the CM battles so the initial forces are no more than a battalion of foot, plus support weapons.

For more details look in the guide at the section called Combat Mission / Battle Parameters at the link below.

You have control over the stacking limits? I would keep the battles to rarely larger than company plus rather than battalion plus... that is going to get overwhelming I would think.

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Great initiative and thank you for organizing! Will watch this event with interest :)

I have permission from John Tiller to distribute a stripped down version of Normandy '44 along with the test scenario. However the folder is 270mb, so i wanted to know if there was a way I could make such a file available to the public without having to give individual permission to people to share a folder.

I would suggest you to upload it to Google Drive and change the sharing settings from "Private" to "Anyone with the Link".

You have control over the stacking limits? I would keep the battles to rarely larger than company plus rather than battalion plus... that is going to get overwhelming I would think.

'noob' is no noob, he's already thought about it (from his ruleset):

In PzC, a hex has a maximum stacking limit. This value can be found in the parameter data table located in the Help menu of the PzC game toolbar.

In PzC Normandy '44, the maximum stacking limit is 1400 men. In PzC, each gun or vehicle is classed as 10 men for stacking purposes. This means a battalion of 500 men, 3 tanks, and two AT guns, would have a stacking value of 500 + 30 + 20 = 550 men.

Given that CM battles that have more than one battalion of foot plus support can be too big for most players, myself included, I would advise changing the maximum stacking limit of a hex from 1400 to 650.

This means that CM battles cannot have more than one battalion of foot units unless the number of support weapons are reduced. The only exception to this is if reinforcements are used, then it will be possible to have two battalions of foot on one side in a CM battle. However, as the second battalion will not appear until half the CM battle is completed, its addition should not increase the players workload too drastically given that the reinforcements will probably replace blown units from the first assault.

Stacking limits can be changed with the pzparams tool of Tiller's engine. So I guess the idea only up to a whole Bn will be able to participate in a 'close assault' (in Tiller's grand tactical games the attacking units stacking points cannot exceed the stacking limit of the attacking scenario).

I've got another question for noob: single unit close assaults are allowed to be declared when there are several in the same hex? Or are close assaults only allowed to be declared by one or more stacks (with the provision of 'stacks' consisting of a single unit in a hex)? Or there's a limitation of just one assault allowed from a given hex each turn?

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I have permission from John Tiller to distribute a stripped down version of Normandy '44 along with the test scenario. However the folder is 270mb, so i wanted to know if there was a way I could make such a file available to the public without having to give individual permission to people to share a folder.

Could it be uploaded to the bf repository ?

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