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Hi :) ,

I noticed several things here and there while playing:

- Paris' tile being the only one "frozen" in France (pic below).

- Port submarine defense is 0 ? Quite easy for subs to kill ships in ports.

- China seems very weak, only 1 HQ in the south, no rail under control between northern and southern fronts to transfer troops. Central and southern armies will probably be wiped out by the end of 1940 in my 3 ongoing games (2 axis 1 ally).


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We'll get Paris's weather zone fixed, thanks for reporting that.

In China, are you able to use the engineers to make strong positions in order to buy time and make the Japanese suffer when they attack? I generally wouldn't suggest going for the fortification type that takes the longest to build.

I'd also recommend switching Xue's HQ setting to Manual or Auto-Assist so that you can make sure he's controlling the units that most matter. Pending another being bought and arriving to fight alongside him, if possible.

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@ abukede:

- There never was a chance to save enough MPPs for that, China had to repair units constantly to avoid a disaster.

@ Bill101:

- I don't think China has enough time to fortify critical tiles with only 1 engineer. I usually select the 1 edge/2 corners fortification, the 1 corner one doesn't take long but is easily flanked. I find it good only for mountain tiles or when enemy contact is limited to 1 tile corner.

- Here are screens from 3 ongoing games:

1) I play Axis (pic 1) may 1940

chinese central front is gone and the southern one, well, see by yourself...

2) I play Axis (pic 2-3) december 1939

chinese central front barely hanging, all fortifications destroyed

3) I play Allies (pic 4-5) december 1939

chinese central front ok because Japs didn't push

but further south they just rolled over one of the fortifications

and chinese forces can't even kill a no upgrade infantry division

Chinese managed to take back Canton because it was empty

- So I welcome any opinion on that ^^ .






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Hi Strategicalyabout,

I'd be curious to see how the campaign unfolds by 1942 and beyond as in testing we found that China is still a bit of work to crack even if cities like Chagsha and Chengchow fall earlier than expected.

Additionally once Japan is fighting in the Pacific with the US things can become even more challenging.

If we find there are still some changes that need to be made we will certainly implement them but as this is a new version of the Global map things might not always unfold as you expect them to based on the smaller versions.


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As Abukede said, buying a chinese HQ early on is the Top Priority all players will soon find out. True, the Chinese loose quickly cities and mines and can be pushed back as far as Lanchow by the end of 41 but japanese pressure will slowly decrease to become a rather static defence all over China by mid-42 when mpp are needed for expensive sea-amphibious operations, 60 mpp on average for just 1 Specialcorps and there is a lot of these guys to move around to conquer the Co-prosperity sphere. Later on Naval losses and the need for every available land unit to hold the Empire perimeter will prevent further japanese attempts beyond the mountains barrier.

Over the first years though, the chinese front evolve pretty much like Strategicalayabout showed us.

Early mistakes or panick may give the Axis player more tickets than he need to wipe out the untech chinese forces ( although a full conquest would be quite an achievement before 43) and rebuilding the chinese would take so long, I guess the Japanese wouldn't have to worry about them for a couple of years. They would still divert a sizeable japanese force, not so bad after all!

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Thanks for the comments everyone :) . Seems that second HQ in the south in pretty popular ^^ .

I'll toy a bit more with China and see if I can think of some better defense.

Maybe a different use for fortifications or even full retreat from the start on some fronts.

@ Hubert:

I'll keep you updated for mid-41 and mid-42 ;) .

I agree it's still early, no need to balance anything yet !

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Please do keep us updated, and not just you of course, for we appreciate all feedback to help ensure balance is as good as can be.

It will certainly be interesting to see how the Japanese fare once the war widens to the Pacific and beyond, as that will cost a lot in MPPs.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi back ^^ ,

- AoD games terminated because of the patch but as promised, here is a small update about China situation though it's less relevant with the new changes.

- Two games were trailing behind but by the end of 1940 (sorry, stupid me deleted the screens):

* one had the Japs surrounding chinese (first) capital in the south

* the other had the Japs breaking the defensive line at the city just to the east

- The most advanced game saw the worst case scenario with China nearly wiped out by summer 1941:

1) overall Feb 42 situation

2) Summer 41 offensive in northern China

3) Winter 41 battle of Hwang Ho river

4) Feb 42 China has 10 land units left

- What was the most surprising, was bad supply/morale/readiness for chinese units (inf tech lvl 0, unlikely in most games) in the north allowed my experienced japanese infantry (elite steps and inf tech lvl 2) to roll over fortifications and entrenched units without even using air power or artillery (though I had them ready to attack)...

- After that, "only" two HQs/army groups (around 12 units on the frontline) were enough to push back KMT each turn.

- I hope this feedback will be of help !





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Hi :) ,

- With one of my opponent (Amona, playing Allies), we decided to try some things in Asia to weaken the Japs and see what happens.

- Playing WaW 1939 (email multiplayer), Japan disbanded 11 armies at start, keeping the experienced ones (1 or 2 stars), all corps/lesser troops and the SF unit. List of disbanded units:


3rd army Manchouli

40th army Kiamusze

37th army Taiyuan

1st army (Kwantung) Wuhan

13th army Wuhan (moved then disbanded on turn 2, supply 9)

2nd army (Kwantung) Suchow

17th army Suchow

6th army Suchow

11th army Wenchow

17th army (Korean) Taipei (landed then disbanded on turn 2, supply 8)

NC army Nanchang


- Disbanded armies are worth 1745 MPPs (including infantry lvl 1 upgrade for several of them). Disbanding also gave back 233 MPPs to Japan (vary for each unit depending on supply level).

- All in all it's a 1500 MPPs "penalty", nearly 4 carriers without upgrades. Extra MPPs from disbanded units can be used to boost research early or buy units.

EX1: It is enough for the 2 GAR and 2 divisions available (hard builds) that will quickly free up 4 corps tasked with rear duty

EX2: It is enough to buy the elite mechanized unit (with infantry lvl 1 upgrade) that will arrive for 1940 and give great punch to jap offensives

- So far it's very interesting/challenging:

0) Japs have a clear choice between spending for China (land) or USA (navy)

1) Japs have enough HQs to command remaining units

2) Japs have enough units to cover manchurian/partisan tiles

3) Japs have barely enough units to man frontlines

4) Japs have enough power to attack but not everywhere

(have to balance forces between coast and center)

5) Japs have to maneuver more aorund chinese fortifications

6) Putting chinese units out of supply is much more rewarding

7) Japs still have the MPPs/tech advantage

Thanks for reading ^^ !

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Hi Eisenhammer ^^ ,

- Actually, Japs are stretched thin for 1939-early 1940 but after that it's still hard for China. Amona played very defensive and got a second chinese HQ in the south. I suppose being more agressive before summer 40 can slow down Japs but it would probably have a big MPPs cost for China.

(see pic 1 below)


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Taking the full game time and the later conflict with the US, the first 2 years can't be rated only by the pure progress in China. The more important question is, what did the progress cost?

When the Axis player decides to conquer China at any cost, he will do so. But in this case he will soon lose naval supremacy because he can't buy enough carriers. China will fall but they have served their purpose by draining Japans MPP.

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