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Allied AAR: A Route to Ribera or "A Bridge Too Far" (CMPzC)

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Thanks for your perspective. You did what you could with limited means. Some casualties inflicted and that's a few less men to deal with in your inevitable coming counter attack.



Hi guys, enjoying the AAR.

Would love to give the the campaign system a try over at the FGM.

If I may ask a question, if a HQ unit is attacked, what 'CM unit type' is the HQ unit in a CM battle?

Thanks nathangun! Cool that you want to try it out. In a lot of aspects I think that you should use the rules that we use here (and the ones noob has presented in various ways) as inspiration and change/alter in a way that fits your group of players and what you find realistic/reasonable etc.

The way that we would handle an attack on a PzC HQ unit (which has yet to happen in our campaign, but it might in the next turn actually) is to use a fitting formation as its base and build on the Bn Commander with a number of infantry platoons to fill the PzC headcount. No heavy weapons such as MGs or mortars attached at all. I have Ranger HQ (use the Ranger Bn as base), Airborne HQ (use Airborne Bn as base), and regular infantry HQ as well as armored or higher echelon HQ:s (for which we would use the Infantry Bn as base). We check the PzC units information panel (hold right mouse button) to see if any given unit has transports (motorized/mechanized etc.)

In no case do we allow a PzC HQ to take part in the offensive part of an assault (as it is not possible in PzC). In many cases the HQ will have a lower morale value than its subordinate combat formations which nicely simulates that its not supposed to take part in actual combat (we use morale in PzC to simulate motivation in CM).


The advance continues at a slow but steady pace. The trap closing and soon fire fights erupt around the Italian defensive positions. The Italians don't have much fight in them and are soon overcome.


Paras from 2nd Platoon C Coy use grenades and rifle fire to rout out the last Italian defenders.

All exits covered by long/medium range MG:s, or in close by the units of 504th PIR and 3rd Ranger Bn.


Overview of the situation above. Nowhere to run.

A bit further to the NW a few men with their guns are trying to move out to a new defensive position. The guns slowing them down soon have them caught by the Airborne of 504th PIR.


The Airborne use defilade to close the distance to the enemy guns before they open up with small arms.

The last two guns are soon abandoned under heavy fire.


End result as the Italians surrender.


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One thing that puzzles me after my change to a new computer is the way my screen shots come out.

Im using fraps and paint on both computers. Below a screen captured with the old computer and thats actually what I see when playing with the new as well, the screen shots on the new, as you can see in the posts above come out very washed out for some reason. Any ideas why?


From kohlenklaus battle.. so vibrant and colorful! Screen taken with my old computer.


A few more thing concerning the campaign. The two assaults that I played (Rangers/Airborne vs Italian gun batterys) was pretty easy and straight forward to edit.

Kohlenklaus battle had more different units and as per the rules we use the casualties was high enough (over 40%) to induce a morale drop of two levels (a drop at every 20% losses).

When editing the morale level of the PzC unit one needs to keep in mind that the PzC units morale will shift during a PzC scenario for various reasons (it will get lowered when the unit is low on ammo or isolated for instance, it will get higher again once these situations are resolved). To get it right I should therefore lower the PzC unit morale (in this case) by two levels based on what level the unit has in the editor, not what I see in the PzC scenario a the given turn.

Example: a PzC unit that starts out a scenario with B morale (this is also the value that you will find in the editor) and is reduced to "LOW AMMO" in PzC will drop down to C morale. If this unit then is involved in a CM battle an lose 40% of its men, it will drop a further two levels of morale. In the editor I will change from B to D. Not to E (C which is the actual morale at the current time in the scenario minus two levels would be E but PzC will figure this out by itself as that data is saved for the current scenario). Not sure if this made any sense at all :o


As for the campaign Im awaiting the Axis side to update their part of the OOB. When this is done I will use the PzC assault function to take hex 13,12 and 10,8 and destroy the Italian units holding these hexes. After that its time for the Axis movement phase where they are forced to vacate the hex 18,7 which kohlenklau fought (as they withdrew).

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Shame about the washed out pics. I thought that was some preference of yours. The "natural" pic above looks great. Lovely map.

It has to do with fraps in some way. Will see what I can do to fix it.


Below map shows the current development. The Italian forces blocking my main force passage over the Maggazola river have moved out from their entrenched positions, pulling back towards Ribera. This is a bit of a surprise as I thought they would remain in place delaying our force for another two hour turn.

But the extra amount of men holding Ribera will be increased and it will be a light fortress by the time we are able to mount our main assault on the city.


At the same time, further to the west. The German force that has been in contact with the Rangers of 3rd Bn earlier during the morning hours are now following my force and prepare to assault over the Verdura river to the 300 VPL. The move that my units did during the allied assault phase.

The VPL hex is framed by a yellow rectangle.

They only have one bridge to cross over which will make things easier for the Rangers and Airborne occupying the hex. I was able to inflict another six casualties to the PzGren of the 15th PzGren Div as they moved into positions (during my defensive fire phase, caused by the Rangers/Airborne as well as the pack howitzers that I will be able to call upon once the Germans attack).

Its unfortunate that this fire didn't disrupt them as that would have made it impossible for them to assault this turn. Buying time for my reinforcements to move in.

The Rangers and Airborne will have to fight again. The Rangers involved will be in their 5th CM engagement in this operation. I expect to be outnumbered by 1.5:1 and the Germans will surly bring their Grille SPA:s (I believe 5 are remaining). The Germans will also be able to call on their Bn organic weapons such as 81 mm mortars (Im not sure if they have any 75 mm IG:s left or if all of them was destroy earlier in a USS Buck barrage - I'm hoping they where all destroyed).

The allied force is a mix of Rangers of 3rd Bn and Paratroopers of 504th PIR - 184 men in total. They are supported by 4 pack 75 mm howitzers.

The force still has high to normal motivation. Some units are low on ammo, and one is severely low.

A tough fight lies a head...

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  • 1 month later...

All eyes are turned to the Eastern front at the moment.. but battles continue to rage in all theaters. The Allied liberation of Sicily being no exception.

I'm sad to say that I haven't been able to fix my problem with fraps on my new computer. The screens I take with it turn out very washed out. I will continue anyways and hope that I will find a solution down the road.

Its turn 6 of our Sicily campaign and currently the Axis side is calling the shots. As the Allied combined force of Paratroopers and Rangers was able to take the 300 VPL location (destroying an Italian 75 mm battery in the process) during the last hour, the Germans have moved up their reinforcements and are about to counterattack over the Verdura river to take it back.

These German reinforcements have already been engaged during the morning hours as the Rangers of 3rd Bn have occupied them and slowed them down. The Germans down here in the southern part of the campaign map/area have a capable force but they have been cut repeatedly by the Rangers and long range naval fire as well as air attacks by P-38 Lightnings.

The German force is believed to be 3rd BN, III PzGren regiment, 15th PzGen Div. This force consists of a depleted Battalion of PzGren (with organic mortars and Guns) as well as five Grille SPA (150 mm).

The Germans goal is surely to take the hex and then dig in to hold it from any counterattack thrown at them. There is one last obstacle in their way.. the determined and experienced men of 3rd BN Rangers and 504th PIR, 82nd Airborne Div. The allied force is depleted with 184 fighting men remaining (Rangers G and H Coy as well as the Airborne C and A Coy - and as a side note.. all these units where depleted as the operation began).

Below, the map and the only surviving bridge (the other bridge was destroyed during the last battle by off map Grille fire - I'm sure the overall German CO is cursing the CO in charge of that action for this - It wont make it any easier to say the least).

Blue bulges mark Allied defensive positions/lines of the Rangers and Paras.


From my right, MG:s are trained on the Bridge.


From my left, MG:s will have good LOS/LOF of the crossing.


One of 11 MMG:s covering the crossing. Got to love the Rangers and Paras and their MMG heavy TOE.


Further back in my center I have another couple of MMG:s able to provide long range fire as well as an FO ready to direct 60 mm mortars and 75 mm pack howitzers (off map) on enemy troop concentrations.

My initial plan is to deny the enemy the opportunity to cross for as long as possible. I hope to be able to inflict a fair number of casualties in this process. As the enemy is able to establish a bridgehead I will start to conduct a fighting withdrawal to exit the map. I cant exit before 30 minutes have passed so its important to time this in a good way.

Once off map I believe I will be able to send M4:s forward during the next operational phase to do a quick counterattack with the Rangers and Paras.

This has sure been and will continue to be a back and forth slog between these formations.

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Thanks guys. All maps are QB or scenario maps from FI that have been heavily modified to match the PzC hex as much as possible. For battles that are fought on the same map we also make a new version for each battle with added battle damage from previous battles.

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  • 2 months later...
Love the work Fizou!

Is there a site or google drive with your ruleset maps? Etc. Are you running another session?

Thanks Sir.

Thanks RCMP!

We have a shared dropbox. PM me with your email and I'll give you access. We have it all stored there but there is also a ongoing email conversation between me and the Axis CO about the rules for various situations that developes as we go along. First time arround so a lot to sort out.

The campaign is going along nicely, we are at turn 10 of 11 in the PzC op layer. Im on vaccation soon and then I will have more time to getting back to this thread, bringing it up to speed.

Most of the participants have enjoyed the campaign immensly so Im sure we will start a new session as soon as this one is finished. Question is what theatre to choose with all these options BF has given us (and there is PzC coverage for all of them).

If you want to take part you're more than welcome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally have some time to continue this AAR. My original intent was to just have it run for a full PzC turn but just feel I want to finish what I started, so here we go again.

Unfortunately, FRAPS is still giving me very gray colors so the screens are not as pretty as they used to. Fortunately this is not what I see in game, but I cant seem to get the true colors saved with any screen shot program.


We are in the 10:00 to 12:00 AM period of the 20th July 1943. The operation has been underway since 08:00 PM 19th July 1943.

The combined force of Rangers from 3rd Bn and Airborne from 2nd Bn 504th PIR have taken the victory location, and vital bridge over the Verdura river. The bridge is the main way leading west and bottlenecks the Axis reinforcement. This bridge is located just southwest of Ribera, the main settlement that also contains a VL in the AO. This was done during the last hour. We are now closer to 11 AM and the German PanzerGren of the 15th PzGren Div are counterattacking to take back the bridge, previously held by their Italian allies.

The Paras and Rangers have taken up good defensive positions and only need to cover the one crossing as the Axis managed to destroy the other bridge in the area during the last hour. The Allied force has not had time to dig in though.


It doesn't take long for the Paras to spot the approaching enemy.


A Grille SPA in overwatch, the Rangers of 3rd Bn have learned to fear these beasts during the morning of the 19th July. Beautiful art by Aris/Fuser.

Just next to the bridge the first Grenadiers take up positions, ready to make the crossing.


Down the main road a Kübel comes driving at high speed. During the morning hours we have learned that the Axis CO of 15th PanzerGren Div, General Major Kuderian, is really bold. He will use speed when ever possible to outflank and gain ground as quickly as possible. It also helps to draw fire from my concealed men.


Kuderians men are truly inspired by their leader, crashing forward in this softskin.

The Kubel grinds to a halt as it takes round after round of .30 cal to the engine and wheels.


Grenadiers break for cover as their ride is rendered useless. No signs of casualties yet.

A well coordinated smokescreen is deployed by the Axis mortars as the first Grenadiers start to make their way over the bridge. Some of my MGs have their LOS blocked by the smoke but several others can see over the bridge and starts to pour fire down range. In the same instant my first 60 mm mortar spotting rounds are starting to land around the bridge.


Grenadiers about to get a warm welcome from the 504th PIR.

My defense is depending on its MGs and that they can stay hidden from Axis view. As soon as positions are located I'm expecting 150 mm Grille rounds. As long as he is forced to fire blind into probable positions I have a good chance of slowing him down.

The ability to remain unseen will determine for how long I can hold this bridge before forced to withdraw and reorganize for a counter attack.

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Overview as we are two minutes into the battle.


Red 1 & 2 are HMG setting up. Yellow 3 is the Kubel that was destroyed by MG fire.

The Grenadiers are meet with a hail of MG fire and 60 mm mortar rounds as they try to push over the bridge.


Notice in the top of the image, a 60 mm mortar round about to impact just behind this unlucky landser. In the background, the destroyed Kubel. The big smoke screen is a Grille 150 mm smoke shell that has fallen short.

The Axis try to hit back, they fire 81 mm mortars blind towards the hill that covers the approach over the bridge. They are right in doing so as my FO and a couple MGs are set up there. My FO is key to my overall plan as I need him to direct the 75 mm pack howitzer battery with speed. The other officers take longer and with the German commanders favor of speed I wont get many opportunities to deliver the fire where It can have effect.


Im forced to hide my FO and a MG as mortar fire are starting to drop on their position. The FO cant stay hidden for long as he is plotting a 75 mm pack howitzer battery. The excellent unit icons are by Bil Hardenberger.

Mortar and MG fire keep raining down on the bridge and all who get close.


A Grenadier goes down by a combination of .30 cal bullets and shrapnel.

Overview after 4 minutes.


Red 1, 2, 3 and 4 are HMGs, Im directing 60 mm mortars to take them out or at least harass them. The red fives, show three Grille SPA. I know the Germans have another two hiding somewhere.

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@Erwin, @Frankster65, Thanks guys!


A few of the Grenadiers that are able to get over the bridge without getting killed or pinned soon run into more trouble.


A few groups of scouts are hiding in the field. With short cover arcs they soon take out the leading landser.

Just as the turn ends another kraut is trying to find cover in the field.


Intense end of the sixth turn.

The Grenadier doesn't see it coming and is soon shot by both .30-06 and .45 cal at point blank range.


One of the scout teams is to close to the river and from the other bank a Grenadier takes out revenge. Within a minute the whole team is taken out.


Precise Mauser fire hits home.

The teams hiding in the fields will slow down the Germans even more as they now really have to think twice about where to put their feet. That and a storm of MG and mortar fire. Things are looking rather good so far.

On the down side, other than the dead team, is that my 75 mm pack howitzer mission is falling short. The FO doesn't seem to see the spotting rounds. I really need that harass mission to hit home around the bridge. This will even further slow down the Germans from crossing.


Spotting round falls short and is dangerously close to a team of volunteers covering the bridge.

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The German HMGs are starting to get effect. Firing blind or on know locations they suppress my teams in the field just next to the bridge or my MGs that are located further back.


On the left, in line with the road you can see the arcing fire of this MG42.

Seconds later they start to receive 60 mm mortar bombs. I'm happy that I ordered these missions a couple minutes ago as those HMGs really suppress quickly. I also have two of my 60 mm mortars in direct lay of the bridge, they react really quickly and that speed is a godsend. The high quality of the airborne make sure they put most rounds on target.


Id be surprised if the HMG here will fire any more after this barrage. Bombs hitting on both sides of the wall as well as in the tree directly above the HMG.

I can start to feel a slight frustration from the enemy. They are starting to understand that this will be one really hard fought battle. The Axis commander has decided to call in his Grille closer to the action. To get better accuracy I'm sure. A few long shots have fallen short of the mark.


Four Grille move up, just a couple 100 meters from the bridge. The last one is located on my left side, up on a hill with great overwatch. Thats all of them accounted for.

Overview after 12 minutes of combat.


The lone Grille fires down range without any effect. Note the new massive smoke screen deployed on my right side of the bridge.


LOS down the tube of the Grille on the hill. The explosion and earth hurled to the air by the 150 mm shell is massive.

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As the new thick smoke screen starts to cut of much of my LOS I see at least a platoon or two dash for the bridge. Im losing and gaining LOS back and forth as the terrain is covered with shrubs and bushes. I will have to area fire with all MGs to try and halt this advance!


The Grenaiders running towards the bridge.

Overview at the 14th minute:


A cluster of contacts are closing in on the bridge. Luckely a few of my MGs can still see the area they have to cover up to the bridge.

2nd Platoon C Coy, commander, Lieutenant Blum has taken up position in the farm house overlooking the bridge. From here he is watching the enemy movement and picking targets for the Platoon sniper, Private Lewis.

They soon draw the attention of a Grille commander. The ensuing explosion is massive as the shell impacts with the stone house.


XO and radio operator meet a violent end.


Blum does what he can for the two men while Lewis cowers on the upper floor.

Meanwhile.. the Germans seem to get a foothold on my side of the bridge. My 75 mm pack howitzer battery is still spotting, and all the smoke doesn't help. As soon as it starts I hope the situation will be easier to control.

I will have to be careful what MGs I use and for how long. To stay undetected for as long as possible.


Over the bridge, but what now?! MG fire keep raining down on the landsers that has made it across. And close by more deadly ambushes are waiting.

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Both sides are putting out a lot of MG fire. I'm taking casualties from the MGs and from the Grille SPA.


Trying to stay low these men soon take casualties when a HMG starts to put fire on their location. The man to the bottom left just took a bullet. They need to relocate if they are to survive for long.

The longer my MGs fire the sooner they get spotted. The MG furthest to my left, closest to the river has attracted to much attention as it has been firing non stop for several minutes.


A Grille SPA obliterates this MG team.

But its not only the krauts that dish out the hurt. Close to the bridge, the Germans try to make their way further inland and towards good cover. They run into another ambush.


These Thompson SMG equipped paras make short work of the approaching Germans.

A Green landser goes for cover as he hits the dirt but he is outside the concealment of the field making him easy pickings for the paras.


Another dead landser. The paras are giving at least as good as they are taking it from the enemy.

Overview after 20 minutes:


Heavy fire sees to it that the reminder of the German force still are on the opposing bank of the river. I intend to keep it that way. One major problem is that I cant seem to get good LOS to the bridge with my FO. And the Germans are hammering his position. I decide to redirect the pack howitzers with another officers, closer to the bridge. I really count on the howitzers to hold the Germans back.

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@Frankster65, Thanks!


The heavy fire from MG and mortars around the bridge seems to have stopped the assaulting platoons of grenadiers. They have now taken up positions behind the small stone wall on top of the hill.


Grenadiers taking heavy fire from MG's and start to take casualties.

Retaliation to known and probable positions are swift from the Grille SPAs. Its a game of hide and seek. Its really important to keep heads down when the big rounds come traveling your way. I try to foresee where they will shoot next and hide, and unhide units to fit this pattern.


The SPA do their best to suppress and kill off the defenders.

Hugging the ground saves a lot of lives and the Grille are not as effective as I first feared. They do take their tool but it takes time to route the stubborn paras. This must really frustrate the attackers!


Keeping their cool and heads down. But will have to relocate a bit further back to avoid tree bursts.

Overview after 24 minutes.


From atop the hill, the majority of Grenadiers start to relocate after taking a beating from the US MGs.


Relocating or moving round for another attempt to rush over the bridge? They must be running out of smoke soon. If they are not over when its depleted.. things will get very deadly.

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@c3k, Thanks Ken!

@AlexUK, Thanks! Not sure what setup you are referring to. I play on best/best with vsync on. Lots of mods, mainly from Aris/Fuser. I play on a i7 Asus laptop with 16gb ram and a GTX 780m. The faded colors are caused by FRAPS, and are not the true colors I see in game.


The enemy has used two big smoke screens. Supplied by a couple mortars and the Grille SPA Im not sure what more he can muster. So far both screens have dissipated with only a few Grenadiers being able to pass the bridge. The ones that have crossed are stuck on my first infantry screen. The Germans are getting nowhere..


Just one of several MMGs with great overwatch/LOS of the bridge and great concealment. The Germans are paying a heavy price for getting a few men over the bridge.

I imagine the Germans are starting to give this bridge nicknames, showing of its heavy tool on anyone that tries to cross.


Bridge of death. Crossing without smoke is all but impossible.

And as if things where not bad enough for the Germans.. my 75 mm pack howitzer support is finally starting to hit home with their spotting rounds.


75 mm shells score direct hits on the bridge.. deterring the Germans even further.

Several hundred meters away from the bridge I can see several trucks moving about, redeploying German support weapons. Not a big concern when you have 5 Grille bombarding you already.


A 75 mm le.IG destined for a new position to shell my defending paras.

Overview after 30 minutes.


A few Germans have been able to cross, but shot up and cut off from their main body this depleted platoon wont be able to cause any problems.

My initial plan to hold of the attacker for as long as possible, punching his nose bloody before withdrawing are starting to change. I think I can hold him here. So far he has not been able to mount anything successful and with his smoke running out, and Grille SPA wasting their few precious rounds it looks like the Verdura river bridge might just be a bridge to far for the Germans (and in this scenario its supposed to be the Allies that are struggling with the bridges). As a side note, this scenario heavily favors the Allies so my results are far from stunning. But being able to hold of the German counterattack (15th PzGren Div) without the regular infantry (3rd Marne Inf Regt) and tank support (2nd Armored Div) would truly be a feat for the Paras (504th PIR, 82nd Div) and Rangers (3rd Bn).

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Another Grille round going long.. I know they don't carry to much ammunition and every miss is good news for the paras.


The SPA have a hard time with their accuracy over long ranges. Not sure if this is due to the weapon system itself (low velocity) or due to green German crews.

Just by the bridge things are starting to go south for the paras making up the first defensive screen. In most cases my ambushes has worked beautifully taking down a lot of Grenadiers as they make their way through the fields. In this particular case the para was to cool and waited for a better shot when he in turn was taken down by a Grenadier (too short cover arc). In the background an advancing German.


Its never good to lose the SMG in close quarters, his buddy quickly brakes for better cover with his Garand now that the Krauts know of his location.

Same German as in above pic dashing towards cover and concealment with MG fire from two directions closing in on him. Note the tracers and his fallen kamerad just to the right.


Hot lead passing just inches from the advancing Grenadier. Their resolve under heavy fire has to be admired!

Being filled with joy and thoughts of ultimate victory just minutes ago soon start to change as I make some disheartening discoveries.

First, my 75 mm pack howitzers (battery of 4 guns) are delivering shells as planed. But after the two failed missions by the FO I decided to change the mission from harass to light. This means the rounds are coming in a bit to quick and they wont hold the Germans back for as long as I intended. Only five minutes of fire returns. Redirecting the mission will take to long. Bad news..


Lieutenant Spencer directs the pack howitzer fire on the bridge and its surroundings.

Even worse.. as I do a ammo check for my MMGs I discover that three have run out and that the others are down to a couple 100 rounds each. The new MG code being a god send but man your MGs will dry up fast if you use to much area fire. This puts thing in a whole new light.

I feel really jealous of the enemy trucks.. he is able to resupply his MGs all day long.

Its obviously my MGs in the best positions that are running out of ammo the fastest as they have been able to open fire more often on good targets of opportunity as well as on areas that the Krauts have to cross.

With the long distances involved the Germans will be able to cross the bridge and close with my forces if I run out of MG ammo. The Garands just cant reach out like the MGs.


Private Harper is out of ammo for his MMG (his location some 600 meters from the bridge). Its time to withdraw.

With the situation changed I have to alter back to my initial plan. I need to disengage and get out quick. My men will have to cover between 600 and 1300 meters to get out. In many cases within range and LOS of the Grille and HMG of the PzGren.

A fighting withdrawal is really tricky to pull of and things have to be timed perfectly. I have gained a lot of experience during this campaign as my Paras and Rangers have had to fight through such withdrawals at several occasions. On the down side the German commander really excels at closing the distance quickly. I only have 5 minutes of artillery bombardment left falling on the bridge.. I have to get moving and not waste another second if this is to succeed.

What for a few brief minutes looked like a stunning victory and end to this campaign for the Para and Rangers is quickly changing and this could end really badly for the Allies.

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