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AoD Official AAR/Walkthrough #2!!!

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You can see I was successful in taking Manila, but took some casualties doing it. Jim’s bomber was destroyed. Make sure you always nail the bomber and do not let him escape. US heavy bombers can cause the Axis a lot of economic headaches. Better to delay their entrance for as long as possible. I would rather have Jim rebuild it and face it a year from now, than having him in action in 2 or 3 turns.


Here are Japanese forces storming the Solomons to gain a foothold near Australia for potential future operations. The Solomons make a good staging point for any assault in the region. There are plenty of ports. I also landed troops on an island nearby.


Here you can see Japanese forces about to storm their way ashore in the DEI.


I used overwhelming firepower to take the DEI. The Dutch destroy the port after you take it and before the island gets to full production it must be repaired taking 5 long turns. Japan needs the DEI’s income fast… so the DEI should be one of your primary objectives when opening the war in the Pacific.


Japanese forces also took Brunai, however Singapore got a pass… primarily due to Japanese forces landing in Hawaii… however it will not be a long pass with the DEI having rapidly fallen. Japanese forces also pushed into Burma this turn as well. Hong Kong was also assaulted and occupied among a number of US islands in the Pacific, including Wake. Japan got off to one heck of a start in the Pacific.

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In Southern China the Japanese occupied Nanning and cut trade to China.


Here is an over-view of central and southern China. I began the assault on Chungking this turn, reducing entrenchments and expect to take the city next turn, including the mine next to it. On the Sian front there was vicious fighting with 2 units mauled and 1 retreating.


To complicate Jim’s commonwealth position… now suddenly having to defend India, Burma and Australia, I unleashed the full might of the Luftwaffe on the defenders holding the line in Egypt. This is the picture after the airstrikes concluded and the ground assault got started. I hammered Jim’s defenders with 2 upgraded medium bombers, and 3 tactical units supported by 3 fighters. It is an awesome amount of firepower. Since there are winter conditions over much of Russia those units would have been useless in Russia at the moment. There was a titanic air battle over Egypt as Jim had 3 defending fighters. I also have 2 German HQs supporting the action to ensure maximum supply and readiness.


In this picture you can see the first army, that held the entrenched line, has been destroyed and I am in the process of destroying the second. Note the poor condition of the UK HQ… this means he generates less supply that translates into the defenders being less effective. Also note that there are only 2 corps defending. The rest of Jim’s offensive units are spread out in Syria (trying to take Damascus) or in Italian East Africa.


You can see Axis forces pouring through the gap and into Egypt proper. You can also see the worn down condition of Jim’s fighters. I assume the other 2 are in a similar state. Jim has also been using his carriers to strike Axis positions… which were protected by German and Italian fighters… so I assume those carriers are in rough shape… as well. Egypt has suddenly become a crisis. It will be interesting to see how Jim reacts.

In the East… there was some fighting with German armor mauling a Russian corps. At the end of this turn… Russian winter struck German positions. I carefully positioned my troops over the last few turns in defensive positions… waiting for Jim’s winter offensive. I expect Jim to strike me this turn. I feel I am more than ready to receive him.

Overall I am very pleased with my position. The German army has a lot of firepower deployed. The UK is in trouble in Egypt… just at the wrong time, with Japan now running wild across the Pacific. The DEI, Philippians, Brunei, Solomons, most of Southern China, Midway, soon to be Hawaii… have fallen into Japanese hands… Japan has the units and power to strike directly at either India or Australia. Jim now has to field and support forces in those combat theaters while Egypt is in crisis. If I am not successful in Egypt, I will likely be successful elsewhere… where he was unable to allocate resources. In addition, his preparations for liberating Europe have also become complicated. The upside for Jim… is that the US has entered the war.

Back to Jim

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Why wait until now - so late - to take Nanning in southern China? Was it some tricky move to keep US Entry down?

Also do you have to take all ports in Philippines or do they all fall to Japan once Manila is taken and the minor country surrenders? Same question for NEI?

How early did you have to launch Amphib forces to get them in place for all of these operations?

I'm curious how you decide what ports to take east of NEI to take with Japan? I'm glad that you explained about Wake, but what is the logic with other ports in the south Pacific? Does Japan pay MPP's to launch amphib forces to eventually take them all? Or only those listed as secondary or primary supply? What are the first targets and why? By the way what good is a secondary supply hex on an island that isn't linked by land to any primary supply source?

Doesn't it seem that Japan is perhaps too powerful in this iteration of the game? They have a huge income, are able to pursue an almost inevitably successful conquest of all of China east of the large mountain range (not historical), and at the same time build up a huge invasion and naval assault force for the Pacific including taking Hawaii along with clearly heavy research. Japan is quite a super power ya?

Thanks for the AAR btw, it's interesting.

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No need to take all the ports in Phillipines, just normally Manilla but sometimes by the #'s calculated for surrender Phillipines will hold out one extra turn.

Need to launch in stages as MPP is available. I usually start around June/July from Taiwan, Japan, and July, August from other islands to maximize MPP usage and not transport to a near island then amphibious launch.

My opening move with Gold and Democracy is virtually the same and that is taking Wake, Guam, Johnston, New Guinea (which maybe takes 2 turns but make sure to take Port Morseby, Lae, Wewak), Phillipines, DEI, Malaya, Hong Kong, Solomons, Rabaul, Nauru ( which will cause Tarawa, Ellice islands to surrender) both the samosa, Fiji. In effect quickly neutralizing any early advance from the US. This allows the Japanese to do what they wanted to in real life and that is wait for the US to come to them on their turns. Then next turn or 2 take New Hebrides, New Caledonia, followed by New Zealand truly makes life hard for the Americans.

I would agree that both versions there seems to be a balance issue with the Japanese (if aggressive, well planned and MPP not wasted in the Chinese campaign) able to neutralize any future US island hopping. Japan in both versions can then consolidate the islands, and complete the conquest of 1st Burma, India, then China and then focus either on Russia or the US. In this campaign Abukede is going straight for the jugular and that is Pearl which can be dangerous as they are not build up yet and have not conquered all yet but at the same time Pearl is right now vulnerable and the US can do nothing about it, yet!

Curious on the supply issue too as they all seem to be at 3 no matter what once conquered. Also noticed when Pearl is conquered it also goes to 3. Could this not be 8 if there are docks and perhaps the Japanese might make these workable over time to further their conquests and a good reason to immediately conquer as perhaps the Japanese should of done in the real war?

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To emphasize how much you can bring to the 1st attack on Nov. 26.

Current game I am at that stage and have 17 special forces, 3 corp, 2 armies, 2 div all on amphibious boats waiting to invade various locations. There are in support 8 heavy carriers and 3 light carriers.

You can do this even against a human opponent if air is somewhat skipped (I have purchased 1 fighter, 1 strategic bomber this game), and do not heavily go into all aspects of research in the beginning, along with minimalizing China purchases. In this AI game though I am already attacking Kunming, Sian and the entire south under Japan's flag.

So I do think there is a balance issue at times with Japan, but this is also maximizing all MPP's that you can is a key to this game, not wasting anything.

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In answer to your questions:

“Why wait until now - so late - to take Nanning in southern China? Was it some tricky move to keep US Entry down?”

My objectives were to wear down China by destroying her army in the South and in the process keep Jim’s production focused on replacing losses. I figured that if I destroy the army the key towns, cities and mines will fall to me in the long run, which has started to happen. So under that scenario Nanning was a secondary objective.

Also do you have to take all ports in Philippines or do they all fall to Japan once Manila is taken and the minor country surrenders? Same question for NEI?

No you just need to take that capital city.

“How early did you have to launch Amphib forces to get them in place for all of these operations?”

I started moving amphibious forces around in June. From January to December I was prepositioning forces for my massive push in the Pacific. From the beginning of the game I focused my builds exclusively, with the exception of 2 arty for China, on what I would need in the Pacific.

“I'm curious how you decide what ports to take east of NEI to take with Japan? I'm glad that you explained about Wake, but what is the logic with other ports in the south Pacific? Does Japan pay MPP's to launch amphib forces to eventually take them all? Or only those listed as secondary or primary supply? What are the first targets and why? By the way what good is a secondary supply hex on an island that isn't linked by land to any primary supply source?”

The secondary supply hexes help naval units better operate, in my experience helping keep morale and readiness up. Those are critical to extended operations in the Pacific and one of the reasons I went to take Midway and the Hawaii. I have also found that these areas tend to be main objectives

“Doesn't it seem that Japan is perhaps too powerful in this iteration of the game? They have a huge income, are able to pursue an almost inevitably successful conquest of all of China east of the large mountain range (not historical), and at the same time build up a huge invasion and naval assault force for the Pacific including taking Hawaii along with clearly heavy research. Japan is quite a super power ya?”

No… I actually think Japan is underpowered in this game. Against another player... you have to work very hard to make Japan a powerhouse and you are permitted few mistakes. By choosing the path I did I had to sacrifice/slow down production in several key areas that I hope will not come back to bite me… primarily in Aircraft, Naval and to some degree investment in research. My gamble is that by taking Midway and Hawaii and then moving to take the rest of the Pacific islands and opening another theater in either India or Australia I will buy myself enough time to catch up and balance things out again. That said… Japan has a large navy however the US will shortly be able to challenge Japanese supremacy in the Pacific. Should things go poorly for me initially I could be in real trouble long term. So I have to play smart. I think the Allies in this game are much more powerful than the Axis with the US being more than an equalizer. The UK is clearly in trouble… however it all will hinge upon what Jim has done and will do with the United States. He needs to immediately help take pressure off the UK and Russia, while at the same time checking Japan. It will be a tall order, however it can be done.

Also In China… I pretty much used the forces that were already in China to clean up on the Chinese. It took some creative reorganization on my part to make it happen. Also… if you notice throughout the AAR I rarely gave the Chinese a break but kept the hammering up constantly… even taking additional casualties to keep the pressure on.

Had I not invested heavily in Japanese industry I would not have been able to pull off what I was just able to do. At all times I had 3 chits invested in Industry… and my industry level is now 3… and I am working on level 4.

I hope this helps in answering your questions... wait until you see what I have planned next.

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As is obvious from the previous summary screens, the war situation for the Allies is at a crisis point with Japan's entry into the war. However, the Chinese reminded us that their alphabetical character for "crisis" is the same character used for "opportunity". There are indeed some opportunities here for the Allies.

The first order of business is to make some decisions:




The first decision regarding Argentina is one that can affordably go either way---if one chooses to let the Peronist's take over in Argentina, that country may join the Axis. That is hardly something that any Allied leader would lose sleep over. But at the same time, 30 mpp's a turn is not going to crush the British economy. Maritime shipping losses are costing the British more than that.

My feeling is that first of all, I always say "no" to this---and I'm curious to see how it goes when I say "yes" :) Secondly, if Argentina does ally itself with me, then a friendly naval base down at the tip of South America might be a useful thing at some point.

The second and third decisions, in my opinion, are ones that should always be a "yes" for the Allied player. China's situation at the moment demands it, I think.

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Japan got busy this turn… there is no time to waste on continuing my offensive push into the Pacific and beyond. I spent a lot of time beginning the shift of units to begin phase 2 of my Pacific push.


Last turn I pushed into Burma and this turn I assaulted the capital using airborne forces to complete the defenders destruction. Jim had placed an American fighter there and he intercepted the paras doing near catastrophic damage… 6 steps to the unit! Not one to shy away from risking it all… I attacked anyway and completed the defender’s destruction. Unfortunately I was not able to take the city, however I have reinforcements following up so I expect to take the city, even if Jim reinforces it from the sea.


I successfully completed the conquest of Honolulu, using carrier strikes (which were mostly ineffective) followed up by ground assault, destroying the defender and occupying the city. I was able to loot 50 MPP and the USA took a morale hit. I destroyed a CA near Peal Harbor and also one that was trying to escape from the Philippians using carrier air.


In China the Japanese pushed hard on the Sian front, destroying a corps and mauling another that retreated further into the mountains. Facing Chungking I continued my assault destroying the defending army holding the mine next to the Chinese capital.


This is how the front looked at the conclusion of my attacks. You can see upgraded Chinese units… but I fear it is too late to save the capital. I expect to begin the assault in earnest next turn.


Here is an interesting picture on the situation in the Middle East. Look at all of the UK combat power in Syria! I think that had Jim had most of the UK combat power in Egypt, he could have made a real fight of it… however he is too far away to make much of a difference in the battle for Alexandria. I would have launched a major assault on Alexandria this turn, however a sand storm grounded most of my airpower. Should I have good weather I hope to take the city next turn and then push further.

The Germans are pouring reinforcements into Africa… to exploit the success of breaching British entrenchments. Right now I see the real possibility of capturing Egypt, securing Syria and Iraq, which is currently Axis. After that… I have no idea what I would do with those units.

On the Eastern Front… I expected a major winter offensive. There was no action.

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Happycat chose the option to send Stillwell and noted that it's an always "yes", but in a game where Chungking is about to fall, I think he shows up near a small city on the border of Burma or IndoChina - near where a Garrison unit starts the game. If Chungking falls then you have a good HQ - Stillwell - stuck in the middle of nowhere China. Is there any strategic significance to the mountain towns that are along the road leading southwest out of Chungking once Chungking falls? Does the allied player want Stillwell stranded there?

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Here is an interesting picture on the situation in the Middle East. Look at all of the UK combat power in Syria! I think that had Jim had most of the UK combat power in Egypt, he could have made a real fight of it… however he is too far away to make much of a difference in the battle for Alexandria. I would have launched a major assault on Alexandria this turn, however a sand storm grounded most of my airpower. Should I have good weather I hope to take the city next turn and then push further.

On the Eastern Front… I expected a major winter offensive. There was no action.

1. I had hoped to have better success with my carrier air strikes on the Italian, and quickly eliminate him from Syria. Alas, it did not work in my favour. However, I think with the Axis strength in the western part of Egypt that Egypt would have been a lost cause anyway. The Canadians (why do we always get the s**t jobs?) can make a last stand and allow me time to dig in on the eastern side of the Suez.

2. Soviets being attacked a turn earlier than expected put a crimp in things---my counter-attack capability is only now starting to manifest itself. Even so, there are over 90 German land units deployed world-wide, and the Soviets have just a bit over 50. Taking away the African theatre and German defensive units in France, etc. I figure that Russia is facing over 70 German land units. Not an ideal situation for a counter-attack...yet.

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Happycat chose the option to send Stillwell and noted that it's an always "yes", but in a game where Chungking is about to fall, I think he shows up near a small city on the border of Burma or IndoChina - near where a Garrison unit starts the game. If Chungking falls then you have a good HQ - Stillwell - stuck in the middle of nowhere China. Is there any strategic significance to the mountain towns that are along the road leading southwest out of Chungking once Chungking falls? Does the allied player want Stillwell stranded there?

You are right. Stilwell shows up at Kunming. To the southwest is wha I like to call the "Road to Mandalay".

The Japanese better have reinforcements showing up near Rangoon. Because I intend to make a fight of it for everything north of there, and Stilwell can also command American air units, not just Chinese land and air.

So yes, I want Stilwell "stranded there" :)

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The weather was pretty poor across much of the Eastern Front and there was very little action… the Germans primarily took the entire turn to repair and upgrade units across much of the front. I expect things to heat up again in a couple of turns. Then it should get ugly for both the Germans and Russians. The Soviets have built up a large army and it is questionable whether the Germans can break it in 42. Keep in mind the Germans and minors now have units in multiple theaters, with a major commitment in the Med which is paying dividends as the UK is really struggling.


My offensive drive in Egypt succeeded it capturing Alexandria. My attack began with a heavy air bombardment of the city. Once again British fighters defended and there was a large air battle for air superiority over Egypt. German and Italian ground forces assaulted the city and finished with the Italians successfully taking the city.

Jim assaulted Damascus last turn in an attempt to take that city. The defending division was fully entrenched. His supply situation in Syria is very poor with some units at supply level 3 and 4. He took very heavy casualties in the attempt.

In Egypt things are little better for him supply wise. Due to secure supply lines, having seized Malta the Axis units are comfortably operating with levels 6 and 7. Since the Alexandria fell Jim’s supply in the region is now unhinged… meaning larger problems for him…

Having taken the Alexandria I pushed forward in the direction of Cairo arriving 1 space away. With luck that city will fall in the next 2 or 3 turns, which would be nice as I should be able to secure Italian East Africa and then either liberate Syria or ensure that country is secured and safe. Jim has taken a beating in Egypt and I am not sure what his plans are… at this point… the US is a big wild card capability wise. I have already begun taking steps to secure the Moroccan Atlantic coast.


In China I began my assaults on Chungking. You can see the city is only hanging on by a thread. With luck it will fall next turn fatally disrupting Chinese operations in the South. To make matters more interesting for the Chinese… Japanese strategic bombers began operating this turn… hammering one of Jim’s northern cities.

Elsewhere in the Pacific… a Japanese carrier caught a UK Cruiser off the coast of Northern Australia and sunk him. Japanese forces also successfully occupied Rangoon, which was followed by the country’s surrender. Jim is occupying the Burmese mine… shortly I expect to push northward and confront him.

The US is still occupying Hilo (I think the city is named Hilo) on the Hawaiian islands. Japanese forces fresh from their conquest of Honolulu began working their way toward Hilo. I wonder if Jim will leave the marine unit there in place or evacuate before they arrive? Also… Jim has to wonder where the Japanese carriers have gone and what the next major goal for the Japanese is?

It has been a very interesting game so far.

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Marc is doing well in China and he Mideast, but I'm not giving up on either. That annoying Italian unit in Aleppo is still there, although disentrenched at least. My readiness sucks, although now that the British HQ is on the east side of the Canal, that should change soon enough.

Not much action in Asia or the Pacific, but the Russians conducted a couple of operations.

Following are screen shots of the previous turn summary as well as the action in Russia.





Only one decision event to deal with this turn:


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Still terrible weather conditions on the Eastern Front. Jim is pushing a bit of a limited winter offensive… trying to push his way toward Riga. I shifted a few units around to block him better. We are into March now… and ground conditions should soon be improving. I am ready to conduct operations once the ground is good and have planned a few surprises for Jim when the time comes.


I was able to successfully bombard Cairo with German medium bombers, while tactical units struck at the unit next to Alexandria. The unit in Cairo was entrenched only to level 2… so the medium bombers easily took the entrenchment down. My HQ with my German aircraft is Kesselring and he is now at 3 bars of experience… so with solid supply lines and a second HQ in Africa for my ground component… I have been seeing some very good results from my airpower. German armor destroyed the defenders in Cairo… The defender’s morale and readiness were in a terrible state. My Italian corps essentially just walked into the city. (Yes I gave Egypt to Italy…. She needs the money and morale points) German and Italian ground units finished off the corps in the north next to Alexandria.

Jim is still occupying the Canal Zone, but with my combined arms firepower I expect to remedy that. I was also surprised to discover 2 UK BBs just south of the canal. They are in easy range of my airpower and should they remain I will likely begin hitting them next turn.

Once the canal is in my hands… the Med will essentially become an Italian lake, removing the need to garrison much of Italy and most of North Africa. Italian defenders can pretty much be moved to likely points of contact or formed into combat groups. So far… I am very pleased with the results of my Africa campaign.


In Asia… I took Fiji and a number of other islands. I also invaded French Indo-China. Why did I not do this earlier? Simply put, when you take France out of the game with a complete surrender… French Indo-China is defended by colonial French troops. So I waited and then after taking Nanning… pushed right into the country… smashed the defending corps and took the capital.

I also attacked Chungking and destroyed the defending corps but was unable to actually take the city. I screwed up my attack order and the finishing unit did not have the movement points to actually take the city. Next turn I will take it.

Japanese strategic bombers struck a second Chinese city with solid results.

I also began the assault on Hilo battering the defenders. I should take the city next turn. I am still in the process of redeploying massive amounts of forces with Japan for my next major operation. I have no idea what the US is up to.

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Next turn the Japanese will take Chungking...maybe. I took advantage of Marc's non-occupation of my capital by moving in the anti-aircraft. It may not defend well, but I can rebuild it later and at least put the darn thing where it will do some good :). If it slows him up by one more turn, even better!

Below you will see the game summaries that I saw at the beginning of my most recent turn; nothing else. Several things are brewing right now, and until I pour Marc a cup or two of what I'm brewing up, I need to maintain secrecy.

It is no secret that the Middle East is a mess for the Allies, and I need to plan now (as the Soviet) as if the entire thing falls. Hopefully it doesn't but my hopes haven't been satisfied too often of late in that particular theater of war.

Russia will definitely defend on her southern border with Iran now, and may have to consider attacking it. It depends upon how I decide to guard my southern flank.

Britain needs to get over the setbacks in North Africa, and now guard against any breakout of the Italian fleet into the Atlantic (or less likely, Indian Ocean via the Red Sea). Britain can cover the Red Sea without risking air attack (besides, those German bombers probably need to get back to Russia soon). America can help the British Atlantic Fleet cover Gibraltar.

China will lose Chungking, but I think that might just be the Japanese stop line too. China has no choice in any event but to retreat westward into the mountains, where at least there will be American and British support.

My move of Stilwell's HQ presumably looks a little more rational to everyone now. Far from being stranded, he is actually taking command of the American air units already operational in Burma and will soon have some troops to command as well.

India itself was vulnerable earlier in 1942 but I now feel that I can defend on the ground well enough in Burma, but will need to cover the Indian Ocean well with what used to be my Mediterranean Fleet and is now my; what? Red Sea Fleet? Sounds like a good name.

America, as my friend Marc reminded me, needs to quickly get an offensive operation going to force the Axis to spread its forces around a bit more thinly. That will be done very soon.

Marc is doing extremely well and his mistake near Chungking last turn (with his attack sequencing) is a rare thing indeed. So I can't depend upon any opportunities provided by my enemy, I have to create my own. As it was historically, in this game 1942 is the "make or break" year for the Allies. There needs to be at least one, preferably two strategic victories for my side if I hope to win.




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Happycat: I'm interested in hearing how your winter offensive in the Minsk area is going. That 'reconnaissance in force' of those tank units probably put the Abukede into a difficult strategic position.

He either has to divert away from the Leningrad front to blunt your offensive or ignore your offensive & risk his whole northern front.

I know you probably can't answer this for strategic reasons but have you thought about some minor British diversionary amphib landings in Europe? If you pre-scout his defenses surely he has undefended costal cities such Copenhagen or Bordeaux. Lightning raids with divisions to take the city and then retreating would indirectly weaken his eastern fronts by forcing him to react against these attacks.

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The Germans got busy once again on the Eastern Front. It has been very quiet for them for sometime now. Time to shake things up!


This picture does not do it justice, but I launched a surprise major offensive drive in Southern Russia. I slammed into Russian advance units destroying both light armor in view. Most of Jim’s combat firepower appears to be in the north… so I hit him early in the South with a lot of force using the principal of hitting your enemy where they are not. Supply rebuilt and as a result German moral and readiness is up… You can see from the picture that the weather is not perfect yet… which is why I struck now… I wanted complete surprise. I have been preparing this operation since January and it is finally nice to kick it off.


In Egypt, I was able to push into the Sinai mauling the defending corps and also the HQ. It is official… the Med is now an Italian lake! Italy and the Germans are now working to consolidate gains, secure Syria and ensure that Iraq is safe.


In Burma… Japanese units moved with surprising speed and occupied Mandalay. In the process, I destroyed this US fighter that was understrength. I was also able to cut the UK corps defending the Oil well off from supply. Japanese reinforcement are pouring into Burma. I also have Japanese units pushing into Singapore… where I was able to surprise and maul an advancing UK corps.

In China, I was finally able to take Chungking this turn, destroying the defender, and also bagging an engineer.


This is the final shot of what the Chungking front looks like. You can see fighting is nearly over in Southern China… I also have Japanese forces coming up from French Indochina. On the Sian front I was able to destroy another army and am actually contemplating pushing across the mountains. China has taken massive losses and the Japanese are on a roll. I am also having surprising success fighting in the mountains.

Elsewhere in the Pacific… I unzipped my fly around Pearl and used carrier air to help destroy the defending marines in Hilo. So… Jim knows where at least 1 carrier is. The Hawaiian islands are now officially Japanese occupied territory. Beyond that still working on repositioning massive amounts of firepower to open my next operation.

Back to Jim.

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