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Because the pixel troopers know they pop back to life after the game is over, unlike those guys. My big problem with CM is the theoretical approach they take, especially with support weapons, if a human feels under threat it's amazing what they can do, and how fast they can do it, manuals be damned. For example German SFMG crews were reported to carry the gun, deployed on tripod, forward, not faff around dismounting and remounting it.

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They're not, they are being slowly taken apart, look at the latest news and Assad's new confidence.

Possible, i havent followed the details of the conflict very much in the past months. The mainstream newspapers i ve read werent detailed enough to see if the situation has changed.

Question, how many members of the regime have recently defected?

I bet neither the various rebel groups nor the SAA themselves know the exact number of defectors and they are probably both flooding the media with propaganda.

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2 more ATGM vids in one link:


FSA infantry combat...i cant believe these guys really appear to be winning this war:


Wow, the second video really reminds me of CMSF. Terrain, weapons, background guns and chatter (mod).

Wonder if the game is/was being used for training purposes there.

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Hezbollah has committed major forces to the battle and I *think* this is showing effect. Hezbollah has veteran fighters from various conflicts and Iranian training. Could be just misinformation though. Official supplies of weapons from France / England might make some difference in the near future.

I don't see any side winning though, too much too lose for both and not enough resources to secure a major victory.

This has really turned into a proxy war between Sunni and Shiite powerhouses for dominance in the middle east, with the West and Russia trying to get influence on the winning side. Israel must be happy since two potential enemies are duking it out. However, in the long run it might be worse for Israel. A Shiite state with veteran forces and stronger bonds between Teheran, Damascus and Hezbollah or a united Sunni belt around it?

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Sayyed Nasrallah said.... Hezbollah will not rely on anyone. Like all the battles before this one: We will be its people, its men, and we will be the ones who bring its victory. We will assume this responsibility and endure all the sacrifices and consequences that come with taking such a stance....

"Nasrallah justified this [move] was [by implying] that essentially, Hezbollah was fighting Israel in Syria. In other words, as he put it, if the Salafists--extreme Sunnis--took power in Syria, Israel and the United States would exploit this, and they would effectively turn against Hezbollah, which is largely Shiite. So what he effectively was saying is that the conflict in Syria was necessary for Hezbollah to engage in because this was a way of defending itself against, as he implied, this alliance between the takfiris (extremists), the Salafis, jihadists (Sunni extremists), the United States, and Israel."

The cup spills over.

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Hezbollah lost 400 out of thousand men deployed, in a matter of weeks, as they face an enemy not constrained by the usual niceties of 'civilised' warfare. Assad is now fighting a typical tribal conflict, where defeat means fleeing your homeland, humiliating servitude or a horrible death. So the wind is at his back, he's weathered the storm, the SAA are getting more supplies and his opponents are reduced to using more and more foreign fighters, just to stabilise the situation.

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Not to argue but when was Hezbollah ever constrained by the usual niceties of 'civilised' warfare?

When I see what is happening in RL it makes me wonder if BF had some "crystal ball" when they dealt with their "developers conundrum" in 2002.

From the CMSF Manual... "Once we chose the setting we dedicated a considerable amount of effort to ensure that we made a fair and accurate representa- tion of Syria’s ability to defend itself militarily. While we would have done this no matter what the setting was (realism is, after all, our hallmark), it does serve a double purpose in this case. Not only does CM:SF’s setting make for a challenging tactical wargame, but it also demonstrates Syria’s likely real- world ability to inflict significant losses on a foreign invader while at the same time not being able to overcome the awe- some lethality of Western military forces. Therefore, it is our opinion that if such a conflict should start to develop a true diplomatic solution would be in the best interests of all parties concerned."

Hezbollah stating they are fighting Israel in Syria is not going to lead to a true diplomatic solution.

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Not to argue but when was Hezbollah ever constrained by the usual niceties of 'civilised' warfare?

He means Hezbollah is used to fighting the IDF, which is constantly picked apart by mislead and manipulative peaceniks while trying to fight a war and thus has to exercise extreme restraint in it's operations.

But when fighting the FSA no media baiting, human shields, stockpiling arms in orphanages and shooting RPGs out of hospitals will amount to anything.

Completely offtopic, but I had a good laugh about reading some sensationalist article when the IDF used dampened bombs to take out targets in Gaza. The idea was that Israel is an evil empire because it used novelty bomb technology that "mutilated and maimed it's victims." Yes, normal bombs do not do that. I bet the "journalist" felt real proud of his gem. :D

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Completely offtopic, but I had a good laugh about reading some sensationalist article when the IDF used dampened bombs to take out targets in Gaza.

What are "dampened bombs"? Google doesnt find meaningful results on this term an neither does the dictionary give me any translation of "dampened" that would be meaningful in connection with a bomb. I dont think that these bombs are wet or that they have no hope to "survive" their mission?

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They were bombs surrounded by AFAIK somekind of carbon shell that inhibits shrapnel formation and explosive power, designed to take out high-priority targets in a civilian-rich environment.

So even when they tried to minimize casualties they got shat. Do this, do that, people will still hate you.

EDIT: Here you go. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dense_Inert_Metal_Explosive

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Off topic of the footage but.... Heard another term yesterday re: US drone strikes / kills in Pakistan...."Good Will Kill" . The Pakistan Taliban have killed many more Pakistani citizens than US drones and have no trouble blowing folks up or assassinating people if they do not agree with Taliban societal enhancement. Even though Pakistan Military and general population denounce US drones... they are not too upset when US drones kill the bad guys and miss the collateral citizens = "Good Will Kill".

Made me wonder when someone's (not US) drones will appear in Syria spreading "good will" if they have not already.

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Spot on Zebulon, spot on. Don't forget, he who lives by the IED, dies, or is horribly mutilated, by the IED. Hezbollah have made a strategic error entering the war now, to little too late, and just when the SAA are making serious inroads.

If I were the IDF I would be covertly passing serious intel on Hezbollah's positions, just to make sure the artillery barrages, cluster bombs, napalm and high altitude CEP 500m bombing gets a little closer to its target. Tactics, by the way, that if used by Israel, would cause liberals to scream so loudly they'd be classified as sonic weapons.

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SAA tanks and infantry in darayya, ANNA news with english subs:

More SAA tanks and infantry:


Is anyone else finding all these similar looking videos boring? They are starting to look staged at this point.

What's up with the Syrian soldiers wearing baseball caps? Some type of special unit? Why are the faces blurred out, they are killing each other any way does it matter if someone recognizes a soldier "Hey thats Malik from Damascus, I always knew he was in the SAA"

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More like, 'that's Feydor from St Petersburg! WTF is he doing in Syria he's meant to be in Kublakicenestahn!

I don't think they are staged, I just think, after the, hey wow, a T-72, you are just left with the mundane nature of war, oft reported by veterans. 10 minutes of running, peering, exchanging nervous glances and then sporadic firing from somewhere. Even death has a shockingly banality, one moment alive the other dead, no music, just lying in a heap.

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Why are the faces blurred out, they are killing each other any way does it matter if someone recognizes a soldier "Hey thats Malik from Damascus, I always knew he was in the SAA"

For those whose families live in enemy controlled areas it could be a big deal. No doubt the secret police watches these.

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The rebels have access to these videos too and i have seen videos of rebels torturing especially such soldiers in front of the camera after they were captured who previously appeared in other videos. They sometimes treat them like trophys. In the video i saw they were like "See who we got here! That wanna be TV star! *snip* Well, there goes his right ear..."

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Why then were not all the soldiers faces blanked, especially the guy finishing off the obviously wounded rebel?

On a side note, imagine if a MAG wielding IDF trooper was filmed killing a wounded member of Hamas or Hezbollah?

Nice videos you watch Augusto, I tend to steer away from those ones, gazing into the abyss and all that.

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Yeah, there is some disgusting sh*t on the internet, and in genral i try to avoid such videos too. But on the other hand, such sick things happen are a part of reality. I really hope that after the conflict in Syria is over, those who commited such atrocities are going to get punished, no matter what side they were on, but i doubt that is gonna happen.

I dont know why not all of the soldiers faces were blanked out, but i am pretty sure though that those who had their faces blanked out had that done for security purposes.

"On a side note, imagine if a MAG wielding IDF trooper was filmed killing a wounded member of Hamas or Hezbollah? "

Well i am pretty sure that if he gets captured and the ones who hold him as prisioner saw that video where he kills a wounded member of Hamas or Hisbollah, he is not going to have pleasant death.

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