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Even more cmx1..

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I had forgotten all about it, but the cmx1threads made me remember that in CMBO we had the "target next" command.

If properly used it could prevent your troops from neglecting a serious target a little further away, while at the same time they were waisting precious ammo on non-threatening targets close by.

Is there any chance of getting this back in the future?

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dont ask for extra things until the things we are supposed to have now work properly.

I don't believe asking hurts anyone or anything, but even if it did, how will you define "properly"? My definition of "working properly" could be very different from someone else's.

This besides the fact that, in my understanding at least, great inventions usually originated from people who asked for/wished for/ thought of extra things just BECAUSE of the fact that other things didn't work properly.

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I had forgotten all about it, but the cmx1threads made me remember that in CMBO we had the "target next" command.

If properly used it could prevent your troops from neglecting a serious target a little further away, while at the same time they were waisting precious ammo on non-threatening targets close by.

Is there any chance of getting this back in the future?

All the "Target Next" command did in CMx1 was cycle through the enemy units the currently selected unit could actually see and target. This was important in CMx1 because with CMx1's Borg Spotting and UI, it could be difficult to tell exactly which enemy units a given unit was currently able to target, and which it was not.

Functionally, you can do exactly the same thing in CMx2 by simply clicking on a unit, at which point only the enemy units that unit can currently see will be shown. Then you can target whichever of these enemy units you want to by simply using the target command and clicking said enemy unit, or its icon.

Would it also be nice to have some sort of "Target Next" cycle to the UI? Ehhh... I guess. Seems like a command of only marginal use if you ask me as simply clicking on the enemy unit I want to aim at via the Target command would usually be much faster. But different players have different playstyles, so perhaps some would find it convenient.

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Am I wrong in thinking that seeing a unit did not necessarily mean your armour/atg could fire at it. Something to do with the commander being higher than the gun. Is that no longer the case?

Are you talking about CMx1 or CMx2? If you're talking about CMx2, yes. It's uncommon, but in the right circumstances one or more of the "pairs of eyeballs" associated with a unit may be able to see an enemy, but view through the main gun sight may be obstructed. In a case like this, the unit will not open fire (with the main gun, at least; secondary weapons in a different position on the vehicle that do have LOF may still open up). The most typical example seems to be the one you mention, where where an unbuttoned Tank Commander may be able to see over a rise or other obstacle, but the gunner looking through the gunsight cannot. But it can happen in other ways as well.

Note that the game will still let you issue a Target command in these situations, and if things change such that there is a clear LOF (typically by movement of either the shooting unit or the target), the unit will (usually) obey the Target command.

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Correct. In CMx1 the units had no targeting memory to speak of, so if you targeted something and 1 second into the turn it moved out of LOF and then moved back into LOF a few seconds later your unit would have no memory that you wanted it targeted. MAYBE it would retarget, maybe it wouldn't. Entirely dependent upon conditions.

In CMx2 your units do remember what you want targeted. If something goes out of LOF and then back in your unit will prioritize retargeting that unit. Obviously conditions can change to override such behavior, such as an unexpected threat popping up, but inherently your unit does try to follow your target orders even after a break.

Given Relative Spotting, floating icon feedback, and target memory, I don't see any use in "Next Target". In fact, I'm not sure I've seen anybody request it in the 5+ years since CMx2 has been out in people's hands. So I suppose I could stick it on the list with 10,000 other requests, but me thinks it isn't important enough that it will ever be gotten to.


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What, in your opinion, is not working properly right now?

The only way I ever play this game is QB PBEM. It is currently broken. The stuck at 5% loading thing.

That is not working properly.

Yeah, there may be a work around, but I am sick of game companies putting out broken buggy products and taking my money. *BFC is far better than most, don't think I am bashing them overly hard here, but... my $10 v2.0 upgrade does not do the one thing I bought it to do.

What is it about consumers of games that settle for buggy products?

People would not accept a car that would not start unless you did a work around by first opening and closing the hood twice, or a pen that would not write unless you held it over a candle before each use, or a DVD player that you had to stick a paper clip in to make the DVD tray open, so why do we as consumers let games be of a lower standard at their initial release? The game I was most recently let down with was Sword of the Stars II.

Again, BFC is far better than most...and I am confident that all will be patched and great... in time, but why release the thing if it was not ready for prime time?

Am I being too demanding of a consumer to ask that all features of a product work as advertised?

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What is it about consumers of games that settle for buggy products?

People would not accept a car that would not start unless you did a work around by first opening and closing the hood twice, or a pen that would not write unless you held it over a candle before each use, or a DVD player that you had to stick a paper clip in to make the DVD tray open, so why do we as consumers let games be of a lower standard at their initial release?

Because the "appliance" of gaming is a console and PC gamers enjoy niche products that aren't viable console games.

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Correct. In CMx1 the units had no targeting memory to speak of, so if you targeted something and 1 second into the turn it moved out of LOF and then moved back into LOF a few seconds later your unit would have no memory that you wanted it targeted. MAYBE it would retarget, maybe it wouldn't. Entirely dependent upon conditions.

In CMx2 your units do remember what you want targeted. If something goes out of LOF and then back in your unit will prioritize retargeting that unit. Obviously conditions can change to override such behavior, such as an unexpected threat popping up, but inherently your unit does try to follow your target orders even after a break.

Given Relative Spotting, floating icon feedback, and target memory, I don't see any use in "Next Target". In fact, I'm not sure I've seen anybody request it in the 5+ years since CMx2 has been out in people's hands. So I suppose I could stick it on the list with 10,000 other requests, but me thinks it isn't important enough that it will ever be gotten to.


When playing combat mission, be it cmx1 or cmx2, I am frequently amazed about the unbelievable possibilities this game gives us.

An AI that performs mostly wonderfully well, graphics and sound that give a real feel of how battlefield mayhem can be (Just try a hotseatgame with yourself on the receiving end of a massive rocketartybarrage! Even in the safety of my home I wanted to desperately duck for cover).

Ballistics, terrain, soldiersbehaviour that ranges from courage to cowardness, wind and weather and much, much more are things that not so very long ago were completely unimaginable.

When I play Combat Mission I feel like a kid in a candystore. Well, to be honest, that's usually when I'm winning. If I'm struggling for victory, or get my ass kicked, I tend to behave like a child and I have to blame someone other than myself. And so I ask for a NEXT TARGET option, or complain about not being able to shove wrecks aside or not being able to re-man ATguns or whatever.

It's a human characteristic I think, not being satisfied with abundance. Therefore I would like to apologise to the Battlefrontboys, for not mentioning my thanks for such a magnificent game often enough.

(BTW Steve, the fact that no one hasn't requested something in 5 yrs doesn't mean everything. I could be brilliant, you know :D)

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nah, the product is the game itself, not a console or PC on which they are played

It isn't a perfect analogy but it suffices. There is mostly bug-free, press button to start gaming available in the form of console games. The consumers that don't settle for buggy, unintuitive products migrated to consoles.

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So I suppose I could stick it on the list with 10,000 other requests, but me thinks it isn't important enough that it will ever be gotten to...



10,000 requests? Why, you'd better get back coding quick sonny; by hand; like we used to do in them 'ol COBOL days.

Time for me medcin I guess....

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