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Which way to the Hermann Goering Division-bitte ?

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Taking a break tonight on my graffitti mod. Next week it'll be trundled out-the readme with screenshots is a pain.


There are -or were - 6 buttons to choose from for milestone 'flavors' in the scenario editor. On mine now there are ....7

Ach du lieber, Gott!


Before I go any further am I stepping out of bounds telling you how to do this? I like the game and this forum and do not want to get banned.

And before somebody gets all 'Groggy' on me about the accuracy of the tactical signs this was just an experiment to see if I could get a another 'flavor' instead of vanilla and chocolate or strawberry on my waffle cone.

And if this can work with this flavor....

This 7th flavor sign can be manipulated and moved and deleted and saved to. You have an extra sign to play with without losing a sign. No Ying & Yang (I hope.) Let me know if it is okay to say how I did it.

Really quite simple-didn't even use a hex editor.:D {Notepad++}

Apologises if somebody already discovered this.


ooooh sheds hmmmmm Nacht Ost


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Holy crap, man! That is one helluva a discovery! I had no clue about this. You aren't gonna get in trouble. It's no different than hex editing mods. Let's hear it. And if this works for all flavor objects it opens up many avenues and solves that shed problem I high lighted the other day. VERY cool!


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I volunteer to playtest this mod if that would help you. Maybe PM me the readme and whatever else would be downloaded and if I have any problems getting it to work based on your instructions I will give some feedback. Or I can wait til you get it on the "suppository".

I just installed paint.NET on my PC. Is that the kind of toll to do these sign mods with?

Oh, I like those cool telephone poles in the bottom photo! I wonder what the spacing was?

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"Did you see that??!"

1) Explode the Fortress Italy v100B

2) Go to exploded b file---->terrain---->flavor objects---->milestone

3)Let's choose the it-mile-sign6 bmp. That's the GELA sign graphic.

Open it and change the graphic color it do what ever-make it distinctive.

You want it to look different when it shows up on the map-otherwise it just looks like the stock GELA sign.Then SAVE AS it-mile-sign7 bmp

4) Copy the milestone 6.mdr file and change it to milestone 7.mdr

5) Now I guess you could use a hex editor -it was late I didn't want download one so I opened the new milestone7.mdr file with notepad ++.

There was typical gibberish script but not a lot of gibberish-what I was looking for was the number 6. I wanted to change it to a 7. Luck would have it the first 6 I selected was the number that needed to be changed. There weren't a whole lot of 6's to choose from-like I said-I was lucky.It evidently makes the file identify with the new it-mile-sign7 bmp and makes the new milestone 7mdr. file show up as a 7 button in the Scenario Editor etc etc.

Below is a screen capture an opened altered milestone7.mdr file where the 7 is in the screen capture-use to be a 6. (Don't get confused with Notepad++ Line number 7 to the left of the added 7)

CORRECTION-screncapture cut off a portion of Line 7--look for it-mile-sign7 my screen capture cut off it-mile-sign and left only the 7.

See hexeditor screen capture further in this string waaaay below in replies for line number on where to alter.


6)Drop the new modified milestone7.mdr & mit-mile-sign7. bmp into your Z file.

That's it.

Now I wasn't using a hex editor-but as you can see it does work-a hex editor that compares the altered and unaltered file will be more specific on location in the mdr file.

PM me with your e:mail and I will send you the altered and unaltered files so you can do a comparison in a hex editor-this really was a smash and grab job-not elegant at all. I'll RAR file (all total around 700 kb in size) you the altered graphic and mdr file.

I live in Hawaii so there is a worldwide time difference with Battlefront fans .

I will get back to you.

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This will work in CM:BN I'm sure.

mjkerner- I'll try tonight. But lets see what you can do hehehehe :)

kholenklau- Tactical signs were a screencapture from a site off the net-just rectangular select the emblem you want from the screen capture bmp you took-with PaintNet and sized and copied/pasted them to the Gela sign. Simple decal-one side the tactical sign has to be backwards-kind of like the house fascist posters I'm doing. One side is correct facing the other side is backward facing.

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Just a guess-I haven't tried-but I'm sure you can-I'm up to 10 graphics for homes in my fascist poster mod (those aren't flavor objects). The stock choice/ and number of building203 storage shed is 2. one of those 10 different textures for structure is in the background behind the alted Gela sign.

I just found out how to do this with the flavor object before beddy bye.:D.

Yeah-I'm gonna go out on a limb you can do more-but how many I don't know-you probably will run out of space for buttons on the Scenario Editor Userface. HAHAHAHA

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sdkfz234-1 Flavor from the Normandy demo :) Now don't get Groggy now on type and scheme

Armor values? Does it burn? Idunnknow. Will the AI react to it-well-does it react to signs? Will this block LOS? I doubt it will shot. Flavors have no people/crews. Will vehicle drive around it or -ugh-through it? Still a lot a questions I can't answer.:confused:

All I know is Aris better start firing up his palette his brushes & layers for 'burnt schemes'



And mjkerner I went looking for the junk car-the Villars Bocage sign came from the demo on Normandy-the full game is still in my broken computer. I don't think a junk car mdr got up to #8 (even though I did see the junk car in the manual). Junk went to 6 mdr files only.

Now if you want a burnt Jeep or Kubelwagen....;)


Okay how to do it.

1) Rename the sdkfz234-1-lod-2 mdr file {from the Normandy demo}to milestoneX (X being the number next available after the last milestone mdr in your flavors file (somebody can figure a new mdr name later (hmmm JUNK?)-this is just to get it in the game.). That's all you need to do with that file. the aforementioned mdr files is about 300KB in size. What ever you number it will show in the scenario editor.

2) Dump all the sdkfz234-1-wheel bmp textures in your Z file-hull, wheels and turret. No need to rename the bmp's -BUT that could be an issue-I'm only using the stock armored car and stock scheme from the demo. What happens if you have decals-hey I don't have all the answers -yet.

And I got my building graffitti addon to finish.

The Mdr will reference those bmp's.

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I was afraid of this. The infantry didn't react. Thats ok. The Stuart didn't react. Thats ok. But the Stuart drove THROUGH the armored car. Is this because this is from the Normandy demo or the armored car isn't being used that's in Fortress Italy because the Stuart crew isn't coded to drive around a vehicle not in the game? Iused the 300KB and the600 kb mdr in the demo ac file-same result hmmmm

Es muss eine Antwort auf diese Frage sein,......



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Maybe special look damaged AFV's could be nicely modded and created as flavor objects and then placed in heavy forest tile or other tile if available so vehicles would not pass through them.

Perhaps wheels off the rims, peppered full of holes, hatches open, stereo missing? Some darkening from fire. Or for tracked vehicles: Broken track, barrel spiked, engine grates opened, packs askew.

The Mod Gods can do it, I can't yet. I just look at my icon for paint.NET and kind of tremble.

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I guess I could do a flavor object under JUNK (or somebody else does it) and you could have an armored car or truck as flavor object.

But remember the ceiling is 9 objects.


I did a FIAT626 truck and it shows on the map as a 6th Junk Flavor-but the problem is it's all black. If I let it use normal textures I don't know or haven't solved how it can only reference damaged texture bmps. Usually junk textures have one bmp. Vehicles have several. I edited the mdr file to reflect the new bit map names (EXAMPLE: fiat626-hull changed to fiat62J-hull and it still comes up black. You have to respect the amount of spaces the name of the bmp file takes when hex editing. If I don't change anything except the mdr name the truck will reference undamged textures and if I make a new hull map with damage textures with stock names-perfectly good trucks will have damage textures.


You can have a truck as a flavor.


No solution yet for this junk truck to reference it's own junk textures.

The truck would only be decoration-no cover and vehicles would drive through it.


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Erwin and Smeel:

The only limits I see on using other models is that they have to have.

1) One bmp to reference. Haven't figured out how to get a new flavor mdr file to reference it's own multi bit maps.

2) Depending on what flavor you want the upper limit is 9 flavors-not all the flavors have reached that limit yet.

Haven't looked for the dead soldier model yet. But if it only has one mdr and one bmp-it will show.

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Erwin and Smeel:

The only limits I see on using other models is that they have to have.

1) One bmp to reference. Haven't figured out how to get a new flavor mdr file to reference it's own multi bit maps.

2) Depending on what flavor you want the upper limit is 9 flavors-not all the flavors have reached that limit yet.

Haven't looked for the dead soldier model yet. But if it only has one mdr and one bmp-it will show.

cars, tractors and trains?

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