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Interesting documentary about the war


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Judging from the time you posted, you might want to go back and carefully read what I dug up following my initial discovery. Let's say it goes way beyond what even I first thought might be the case.

You may wish to believe I don't have the contacts, but if I don't, then why have my site, my communications and myself been and remain the target of harassment going as high as several death threats? People who aren't problems don't get treated this way.

If you don't like the jargon, complain elsewhere, for I didn't create it. This is how people in the defense and intel communities talk about such matters. White world consists open source, publicly known sources and equipment (Unclassified). It's in the light. Black world (TS/SCI+ USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Program)) is hidden, deeply secret and profoundly unlit. The Pentagon is legally permitted to outright lie about such programs; those working them MUST deny them. In between are the Gray programs (SAP (Special Access Program)). These are known to exist, but their details are shrouded in layers of secrecy. I worked one such program, NDV (NASP Derived Vehicles), which had four levels of clearance once inside the program itself.

When I say "highly sensitive sources," I say it that way to show this isn't some rumor or wild conjecture. Rather, I'm presenting information way above Obama's Need to Know, material so sensitive the CIA redacted parts of 10 of my posts it photocopied and sent to all 27,000 of its intel staff at Langley! There are sources and SOURCES. Mine fall under the second rubric. A single source, now known to have been FBI Assistant Director W. Mark Felt, was instrumental in bringing down Nixon. Mine are hard at work destroying a whole series of coverups. And the price paid has been terrible. See Urgent Warnings on my home page.

For the record, this whole part of the discussion began with an argument by analogy as to why the Russians would dare expose such an expensive toy as a HEL to such a forbidding and dangerous environment as Afghanistan. How about combat testing under harsh environmental conditions and in at least an intermittent combat situation? The rest of the discussion sprang from that. We're having a wide ranging, informative, stimulating discussion, one which has clued me into a bunch of things which were so nebulous at the time as to make a cloud look substantial. Now, there's high resolution imagery to look at and analyze.


John Kettler

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You must have taken quite a blow to the head if you believe your own delusions.

When I say "highly sensitive sources," I say it that way to show this isn't some rumor or wild conjecture. Rather, I'm presenting information way above Obama's Need to Know, material so sensitive the CIA redacted parts of 10 of my posts it photocopied and sent to all 27,000 of its intel staff at Langley! There are sources and SOURCES. Mine fall under the second rubric. A single source, now known to have been FBI Assistant Director W. Mark Felt, was instrumental in bringing down Nixon. Mine are hard at work destroying a whole series of coverups. And the price paid has been terrible. See Urgent Warnings on my home page.
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Kettler, no thanks I'm not going over to your site. Death threats dont prove anything. I could go push around some crazy bum and get death threats. I could threaten some 10 year old kid who thinks he's a gangbanger and get death threats. What's more, death threats over the internet prove even less.

Also you were stating quite a bit more than what you ended up mentioning in your post regarding Soviet lasers in Afghanistan. You went from HEL (which I have no stance on, I dont know anything about them) to 'laser revolvers and handguns' (bull****.) and now you.re quoting laser range finders as proof lasers where there. To use your sources, and sources analogy: There are lasers, (range finders, lasers for guiding in munitions) and then there are lasers (see any sci fi movie)

Look man I'm done with this. I really am Im not going back and forth over this, I really have better things to do. Nothing you say is going to convince me the US faked landing on the moon, we had men in robocop suits in Panama,(convenient that the movie was released around that time) or jet packs in widespread use in any combat conditions at all, or that theres UFOs, ETs on Mars, Panzers on Mars, or any of this other nonsense. It really is all nonsense.

And by the way some SS guy killing scientests doesnt prove squad either! There were Nazi 'doctors' who did all sorts of twisted experiments 'in the name of science' that were really just excuses to air their perversions. And also I'd like to point out that by the end of the war the Nazi regime had lost any and all coherence, Hitler thought the people who'd sacrificed millions were too weak and therefore deserved to be completely wiped off the earth, the Nazis were killing prisoners and their own people sometimes randomly, and gangs of SS roamed the rear lines and cities hanging young men, old men, boys, and anyone who didnt have the right papers or even if they felt like it. It should also be pointed out many Nazi's also believed in COMPLETE nonsense. Why dont you read about Hitlers astrology obsession, and the little party they had learning Roosevelt had died and it was a sign they would win?

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What if things are as I've portrayed them? What will you do then? While you run around intoning "Attempting to disbelieve," the most astounding revelations occur, sometimes daily. Things I never thought i'd ever see are now there for the viewing on YouTube. Instead of getting an oral report on a nearly 100 megaton Russian nuclear bomb test, I can go watch the test footage and see for myself. But that pales in comparison to the information I receive. Think of it as being more like this.


Deciphering the security cover page, we get the following:

TOP SECRET (the minimum clearance level for hope of access), accompanied by a Control Number and the document copy. EVERYONE who sees this document MUST sign for it, even the mighty Director of Central Intelligence.

Then we have BYEMAN (CIA black technology projects and their "take"; Christopher Boyce, of "Falcon & the Snowman" notoriety, held a BYEMAN clearance at TRW where he worked in a CIA center in which spy reports were received and advanced satellite tech was developed) TALENT (airborne overhead reconnaissance assets) KEYHOLE (reconnaissance satellites) COMINT (communication intelligence).

Each of these names has its own particular security and handling requirements, which is why the cover sheet has provisions for different compartments. In this case, the document is BYEMAN, signified by the BYE prefix to its control number. Therefore, it's handled as such. So far, so good. But wait, there's more!

TOP SECRET BYEMAN "I've got those, so I can read it, right?" No, you can't. Why? There's another compartment after that, called TRINE. TRINE is the compartment for certain classes of electronic intercepts, under the general heading of COMINT.

TOP SECRET BYEMAN TRINE "Now can I?" Nope. You're not program cleared yet, and that's AFTER obtaining all the preceding clearances, signing stacks of paperwork and so on. "So, how do I read the bloody thing?" You need OXCART (best codename ever for a blazingly fast aircraft). Mind, you can't WANT any of these clearances to get them. They are ALL based on your Need To Know, and that is a function what you must know in order to do your job. Your boss or someone else higher in the food chain decides this, not you!

The above is what is meant by Sensitive Compartmented Information, with BYEMAN being but the first after TOP SECRET. This is security within security, operating under blankets of cover stories, misdirection, clever lies, personnel surveillance, intimidation and worse, if needed.

These are the realms in which I operate, in which people risk their lives, and sometimes, theirs and/or their loved ones' are forfeit in the process. Many who do what I do have wound up dead, suicided with their wrong hand; permanently disappeared, made to look as though they killed themselves via carbon monoxide poisoning in their cars; both arms chopped to the bone, yet supposedly killed with about nine machete blows to each arm; or, my favorite, decapitated but ruled a suicide. Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal was pitched right through the blinds of his high hospital room and fell to his death. Suicide. Again. Yeah, sure. Nixon was going to spill the beans about one of your hot button topics, but found himself getting a free trip to Bethesda Naval Hospital. After his stay there, and he wasn't sick, he no longer had anything to say about such sensitive topics.

You haven't the faintest clue how things really work, what you don't know and the terrible price paid to bring people, willing to learn, the oft terrible truth. Maybe, just maybe, this'll serve to clue you in a bit.

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Truer words were never spoken.

Brain Injury

I sustained the brain injury in the first week of July, this year. I was writing about red hot topics before the end of 2011, at which point, I came under disinformation operative fire. See, for example, what Janos Clare had to say over in the Y 55 post's comments. This has happened again and again, with increasing lack of subtlety over time. So, no delusion here. Recommend you check YOUR mirror!


John Kettler

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Then don't. But please don't ascribe to me what I haven't said. I have presented multiple evidences in support of the back channel report I got on a Soviet HEL's being used in Afghanistan. And when the claim became no lasers were used, I disposed of that one outright. The laser pistols you're so on about were something which turned up in an effort to see what I could find on manpack lasers. As it turns out, this laser pistol was a real project, and the weapon really worked, your disbelief and derision not withstanding.

There are lots of different types of lasers, and lasers used for one thing can also be used for another, with the simplest example being using a laser rangefinder as an impromptu blinding device. What will disable optics and operators at, say, 12 miles is something else again at one or two. All other things being equal, power on the target diminishes as 1/Range(2)--if nothing is done to offset certain atmospheric losses. Adaptive optics allow for significantly more power than the straight equation would predict. You can have a laser rangefinder which is also a designator, and you can make very hot an area on the ground using the self same orbital laser which would vaporize an ICBM, 3000 miles away, in boost phase.

Nor did I say we didn't go to the Moon. I said we went to the Moon, that there was some sort of still enormously sensitive assistive technology employed to get there and back; that the U.S. had images prepared to show the world of its success even if things hadn't worked out. Not the same thing.

Likewise, an SS general in a high position on Germany's "essential for the war" Bell, who kills 60 scientists formerly working on the program in order to protect its security, is NOT, from a military-technical standpoint, not a moral one, in the same league as Mengele.

I'm well aware, not only of Hitler's interest in the occult, the suppression of practically everyone else's occult access and the Nazi origin in the black occult (Vril Society and Thule Gesellschaft), but of operations to screw with Hitler via faked Nostradamus prophecies, Himmler's arcane rituals at Wewelsberg and the occult war waged against Hitler by the magickal lodges of Britain. Had you ever been on the receiving end of an occult attack, and I have (not fun!), you might not be so quick to dismiss and deride.


John Kettler

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Re. Your secret sources

So lets get this straight, you ascribe much of the super secret stuff you receive is telepathically told to you from aliens from alternate dimensions, which is confirmed by super secret spooks in the CIA, while the Pentagon is out to get you and make your life hell by sabotaging your life? Did I miss anything?

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You don't even have it close to straight. But then, you don't want to. Why? Then you couldn't have your perverse fun--at the expense of both myself and the truth. You have zero interest in advancing the discussion of either the thread topic or what it evolved into. Instead you actively seek to disrupt the whole discussion. Please go away so those having a rational discussion can talk in peace!


John Kettler

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JK - you have filled a few pages with extravagant claims citing secret sources. I am interested in knowing where you pluck your fanciful grandiose ideas from so anyone stumbling on these threads is aware of the truth. That's what your afraid off isn't it? The truth of the fantasy world that you've wrapped around yourself so many times that you sincerely believe it.

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Nice hoax this laser pistol is :) Checked the first two people listed. They actually exist(ed) :)

The General guy was in an artillery academy. Actually got PhD but his scientific work is mostly around plain vanilla artillery and pedagogy in military education.

The R&D guy is now teaching at an Academy of Labor and Social Relations. In the Soviet union they were teaching labor conditions inspectors (workplace conditions are officially regulated in Russia). That must be proving his scientific credentials in physics :D except for the fact that he's actually got a patent for the laser pistol. In Russia if one is crazy and persistent enough you can get a patent say for an anti-gravity engine. Technically speaking no prior art exists and nobody would volunteer his indefinite work time to argue with loonies.

Bravo, John!

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I'll happily debate the facts and the issues all day, but your insistence on tarring and feathering me and everything I have to say is beyond tiresome. I have tried to educate you as to certain realities. I have presented quotes from black program insiders. I have explained how high level classified materials are handled, using a declassified example of one such document. I have explained that protection of some of these matters can and does rise to lethal levels. I told you where to find one such account. I have explained how even one high level source can dethrone a sitting president.

If there's anyone here who fears exposure and can't handle the truth, it's you. What I report is so extraordinary I couldn't make it up. I therefore have no need for fantasy. Frankly, knowing what I know, I wouldn't want to be an SF writer these days.

I'm out in the Internet world, day in and day out, under my true name, and I have done so, for this particular exercise, since October 2011. I'm on YouTube. I don't see your potshot taking, snide dismissive self there. I care not whether or not you believe me, what is, is. No amount of refusal to accept or long trips by you on the River Denial will change that situation even a whit. We are ALL now well aware of your views on me and the information I provide, so there's no need for you to linger here. Please leave.


Where did you find what you turned up? In English, at least, there didn't seem to be much, but the translated piece was most useful. My understanding is that the now dead general-major was on the faculty of the RSVN Academy, as were the other main players in the project. Are you saying the general finished out his career here?

Mikhail Kalinin Military Artillery Academy/Military Artillery Academy "Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich"

Mikhailovskaya Artillery Military Academy (Russian: Михайловская военная артиллерийская академия) in Saint Petersburg dates back to 1698. It was given the name Mikhailovskaya in 1849 after Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich of Russia. Merged into the Red Army Military Technical Academy in 1925, it was restored in 1953 as Kalinin Artillery Military Academy (Военная артиллерийская академия им. М. И. Калинина) as a spin-off of the Dzerzhinsky Academy.

The Grand Duke's name for this academy was restored in 1995.

I suspect the other guy's happy to have a job right now, with an academic position being a huge plus. If you look at the devastation the end of the Cold War wrought on the Russian scientific-military-technical sector, causing horrific technologies to be let loose upon the world in a desperate search for money, for a techno type to be forced to work way out of field doesn't surprise me. We have former doctors and PH.D.s from Russia driving cabs here, that being better than starvation! Therefore, I'm not at all concerned over what that man's doing now. I'd be very interested in what degrees he has and from where.

Anything to do with the space program was, by definition, a big deal. The Soviet space program was even more militarized than ours (NASA's an auxiliary DOD organization), and what they'd call combat against enemy space reconnaissance means would've been super classified by its very nature. "Did we harm your satellite? Nyet. We're up there conducting innocent scientific experiments on Earth limb optical scatter!

Appreciate the expanded info!


John Kettler

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What I report is so extraordinary I couldn't make it up. I therefore have no need for fantasy.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

-- Carl Sagan

"The weight of evidence for an extraordinary claim must be proportional to its strangeness."

-- Pierre-Simon Laplace

Googled-up internet links to questionable sources and references to unnamed secret informants don't cut it. They just make you look crazy. That is why no one around here believes a word you say about anything anymore. And why I'm probably going to put you on my ignore list as soon as I'm done with this thread.

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So, operational October 1983, not announced until 1988 and not seen publicly until April 1990. Thus, the F-117 had been operational for seven years when first used in combat. And all this came after extensive design, development and testing of the predecessor technology demonstrator aircraft HAVE BLUE. The whole thing was deep black, with pilots volunteering without having the faintest idea for what they were volunteering. This is but one set of black world programs. The Army has its own black programs.

Yet a former insurance salesman turned writer managed to find enough information to put a plausible and somewhat accurate account of them into a fictional NATO vs. Warsaw Pact conflict in the same year it achieved operational status. Either Clancy is a top-notch spy, Bond was leaking classified information he wouldn't have had access to or nobody can keep a secret that well.

I wonder which of these is true?

In regards to the OP, interesting documentary, inaccurate in some degree with the benefit of hindsight, but still interesting.

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Where did you find what you turned up?


John Kettler

1. Google him in Russian.

2. Believe me good and/or active scientists would never end up at the the Academy of Labor. It's not THAT bad and never was.

Sorry, it was meant just to amuse and not to incite an actual fact digging on the the laser revolver.

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Debating rationally, facts and the truth of what you claim is as futile as getting the time of day from the Mad Hatter.

There were hundreds of 300-ft. tall fiends, along with an army of witches behind what appeared to be machine guns, firing poison. "


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Vanir Ausf B,

Am well aware of those concepts, but sometimes, only indirect proof can be supplied. I explained that already. If you have moderate-high level Pentagon contacts or at the other alphabet soup agencies, then you can confirm parts of what I said by talking to them.


There are several reasonable explanations for how Clancy put together what he did, though the F-117 never had any air-to-air capabilities that I know of. He could've gotten a friendly nudge, in the form of a suggestion or several. I had a number of such nudges during my sojourn in military aerospace. I doubt he got it from Larry Bond, who's ex-naval intelligence and seems highly circumspect when it comes to classified matters. The there's the repeatedly observed phenomenon of an idea which gets picked up, seemingly from the ether. As a result, we get simultaneous invention and simultaneous discovery, over a spectrum of areas of human endeavor. Authors, though, have their own known special talent: an uncanny ability at times to key into what's coming, with a particularly notable one being FUTILITY, or THE WRECK OF THE TITAN, by Morgan Robertson. This 1898 novella eerily describes much of what happened to and aboard the R.M.S. TITANIC, to include sinking via iceberg and insufficient lifeboats. Please see the Wiki for details.


Thanks! I would, but I don't read or speak Russian.


That part was a quote, not my writing. But don't let a little thing like truth stop you, as if it could!

In closing, I'd observe how remarkable it is to see that LukeFF, who has me on Ignore, continues to hammer away at me. Methinks he doth protest too much.


John Kettler

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I know just enough Russian and understand lasers well enough, to know this astounding military-technical documentary, had it existed at the time, would've been worth, easily, tens of millions of dollars to the U.S. Intelligence Community during the Cold War.

I've never seen anything even remotely like it for our own systems. How I wish Dad were still around to see this! He worked on lasers from rangefinders, designators, target locators and IR missile tail defense clear through the Lawrence Livermore Shiva program (laser contained fusion of a frozen helium pellet) and would've been able to provide a mind warping commentary without knowing a word of Russian. I never expected to see such in-depth material on Soviet strategic lasers, laser firing tests, laser design, assembly and a smattering of material on tactical HELs, too.

Would greatly appreciate any insights you could provide. The Muj saw some remarkable things going on over at Sary Shagan, which features so prominently in the doc.


John Kettler

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Remember when I said the U.S. Army had its own black programs? Take a look at what turned up on insurgents' video of an IED attack in Iraq. While the white world tech is officially making headway in optical stealth, it appears to be already in combat here.


I watched an episode of Brad Meltzer's "Decoded," the other night. In it, John Lear, arguably America's premier pilot, who holds all 150 FAA type certificates, has flown for the CIA and worked on all kinds of exotic aircraft, flatly told Brad's research team

"You have no idea what you don't know."

Here's another example of how truly advanced technology has become. The British have a way to make practically anything IR invisible or disguise it as something innocuous. They can make a great hulking tank be seen as a compact car!


So, if these things are true, then what else is in the cupboard, what else is/has been in combat without our even knowing it? What's there waiting for the next confrontation?


John Kettler

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"You have no idea what you don't know."

This is probably the dumbest sentence I've ever heard quoted. For one, obviously you have no idea of anything you dont know. That means nothing. Or could mean anything. Proof plz.

Theres a difference between IR camouflage, which isnt far fetched, and robocop suits and laser revolvers.

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You may view the sentence as dumb, but I find it profound. It speaks to ontology, to the very question of existence.

The fundamental premise by which most people unconsciously operate is that if they don't know about something, it doesn't exist. "If a tree falls in the forest..."

Then there are those who think that they know and arrogantly ascribe to themselves the notion that if the object in question existed, then they, in their august scientific, political, opinion making and so forth position would know about it.

There are those who know intellectually (are not ignorant), but can't handle that particular reality. Therefore, they go into denial and tend to shoot the messenger, too.

There are those who know, know full well whatever it is is real, but deliberately suppress, distort and deny this information to advance their own agenda or that of others.

What I've been running into here is the notion that white world tech is all there is, and I've been at pains to present evidence to the contrary. People are looking at the tech base, as publicly reported, then assailing me because what I'm talking about is, to them, flatly impossible. From this ineluctably follows the branched conclusions that I'm massively deluded, insane and/or a liar. What if I'm right?

I'm in the process right now of putting together a new post for my site. In it, I'll show apparent evidence that not only has the impossible been accomplished, but that it's been operational for some time. No, I don't have a vid of manpack HELs, but I've got something very much on par with such.


John Kettler

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I'm massively deluded, insane and/or a liar.

The UFO War entered a scary new phase October 29, 2012, 4 a.m. local time. This was when the U.S. Navy successfully nuked and destroyed 1 of the estimated 7 or 8 undersea bases (size of nuked base unknown) operated by the mind shattering sentient species called the Blobs.


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Fabulous abuse of a quote to completely invert what was said! Recommend you get yourself a job as an Internet shill--assuming you aren't one already. The government could probably use you for disinformation operations. Is GCHQ hiring?

As for the other, I report what is, not what I'd like things to be. I've talked to people who've been exposed to what you so deride. I daresay you'd find talking to normally cool, calm and collected spooks who are about to crack under such a mind shattering, profoundly other, exposure, rather unsettling. Of course, to you, ANYTHING not of orthodox reality is unsettling.

In closing, I'd observe you're on me even more than some known disinformation operatives. Why are you so obsessed with attacking me?


John Kettler

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Fabulous abuse of a quote to completely invert what was said! Recommend you get yourself a job as an Internet shill--assuming you aren't one already. The government could probably use you for disinformation operations. Is GCHQ hiring?

As for the other, I report what is, not what I'd like things to be. I've talked to people who've been exposed to what you so deride. I daresay you'd find talking to normally cool, calm and collected spooks who are about to crack under such a mind shattering, profoundly other, exposure, rather unsettling. Of course, to you, ANYTHING not of orthodox reality is unsettling.

In closing, I'd observe you're on me even more than some known disinformation operatives. Why are you so obsessed with attacking me?


John Kettler


You really said that, didn't you? :) Do you have more information on the second quote? My clandestine underwater contacts once gave me bits of information about this atomic bombings of alien bases as well...

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I did, but by removing that one line from its context, he completely reversed what I said. Regarding the second, it's a line from one of my posts. Google "war goes nuclear" to find it.

This isn't the place to discuss this stuff. What I've said here was directly pertinent to my larger point about how advanced the technology really is and where some of it came from, per credible public testimony. My own interviews with various people on the inside confirm the accuracy of Corso's statements. I invite you to see my newest post in which I dissect the invisible soldier video and explain why I believe it's real.

Did you get a chance to watch the Russian HEL doc? If so, I'd welcome your thoughts on it.


John Kettler

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I did, but by removing that one line from its context, he completely reversed what I said. Regarding the second, it's a line from one of my posts. Google "war goes nuclear" to find it.

This isn't the place to discuss this stuff. What I've said here was directly pertinent to my larger point about how advanced the technology really is and where some of it came from, per credible public testimony. My own interviews with various people on the inside confirm the accuracy of Corso's statements. I invite you to see my newest post in which I dissect the invisible soldier video and explain why I believe it's real.

Did you get a chance to watch the Russian HEL doc? If so, I'd welcome your thoughts on it.


John Kettler


If you excuse me, I'd rather have fun with underwater alien bases :)


PS And I liked your site. I actually strongly recommend everyone who actively posts in this thread to visit the website first.

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