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37mm M6 GMC - any chance we'll see this in CMFI?

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Some 1943 units in the Med had the M6 "Fargo," a nasty little jeep with a 37mm gun on it that could fire canister.


Unfortunately, I don't see it in CMFI currently. Just wondering if we might eventually get it.

In my El Guettar scenario I'm making for the Tunisia mod, the 601st TD Battalion had 5 of these, along with 31 of their oridinal 36 M3 GMC heavy destroyers with 75mm guns on them.

I'm thinking these 5 M6 vehicles were in the recon platoon that the 601st took into this battle. Anyone know?

I'm also wondering how to structure the 601st for the scenario, since when I buy the M3s from the Armored Infantry menu as SP gun sections, they're all independent. I'd like to have the three company HQ's over them, or a battalion HQ.

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According to the last paragraph in that wiki, "After the Tunisian campaign, many M6 Fargos had their 37 mm gun removed and reverted to a cargo truck role as the (WC-52)."

Maybe there were a few in Sicily. But not enough to warrant the resources to make one for CMFI, in my humble opinion. I'm willing to bet. :)

Although...that is AWESOME! :cool:

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Battlefield reports from commanders in the field said the M6 was a complete and utter disaster. Less than useless. The gun mount did live on, though, retrofitted to M2 HTs at depot level by some units.

If I remember correctly. There was an AA version of the M2 HT, it was fitted with a 37mm plus 2 50cal. I believe that they were included in CM1.

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I recall some years ago walking past a delapidated 'gate guaridan' at a VFW post not far from my old home town and discovering to my great surprise that it was the full triple AAA gun mount pulled from the M15A1 half-track! Minus the twin .50 cals but you could still sit in the seat and traverse it. How the heck it got all the way up to northern Maine I'll never know. :)

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I recall some years ago walking past a delapidated 'gate guaridan' at a VFW post not far from my old home town and discovering to my great surprise that it was the full triple AAA gun mount pulled from the M15A1 half-track! Minus the twin .50 cals but you could still sit in the seat and traverse it. How the heck it got all the way up to northern Maine I'll never know. :)

Probably separated from the HT to make a training aid. And those HT's were particularly favored postwar to make farming utility vehicles/tow trucks, though I doubt they lasted long in that service. From what I hear they were being almost given away by then.

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I located the quote, I knew it was around here somewhere - from lessons learned, armored operations of the 1st armored div in Tunisia by Major general Harmon.

(1) The division is at present equipped with 120, 37mm anti-tank guns, self-propelled, mounted on a 1/4 ton chassis and approximately 60 towed anti-tank guns. the self-propelled ...is positively worthless and has never been used in this division. It has not fired a shot and and has never even had the muzzle cover removed except to clean the gun. It is desired to immediately replace these weapons with 64. 57mm anti-tank guns, the guns to be towed by the 1/4 ton truck with the 37mm gun removed.
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The M15 and M15A1 GMCs were not field mods, but factory produced.



John Kettler

Interesting link John. Note the water cooled 50s. Must have had a very long burst capability and been a hell of an anti personnel weapon and it continued into the Korean war. Hope we see them in the game. Georgie

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Interesting link John. Note the water cooled 50s. Must have had a very long burst capability and been a hell of an anti personnel weapon and it continued into the Korean war. Hope we see them in the game. Georgie

Don't believe the M-15's were used after WW2 but I could be wrong. M-16's definitely made it to Korea and some of the Maxon mount quad 50's were being used in Vietnam, mounted on trailers and on gun trucks.

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