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Hi all,

So I'd like to get into Combat Mission. I'm an ASL player who really doesn't get to game as much as I would like to as the person I would play with lives miles away from me (and the games I do get play last forever because we're too busy being fat, lazy, and/or drunk). Anyway, the hunt has been on for a PC wargame that scratches my panzer itch without making me want to vomit all over it. I think I found it with CM:BN!

I have the CMx1 anthology in a cupboard somewhere, and it occasionally resurfaces. Somehow though, there was something about them that fell a bit flat for me (despite the fact they swallowed up small portion of my life). I managed to miss out on CM:BN when it was released, and have been kicking myself ever since - I think you really need a print manual for this sort of thing, for important things like learning to play the bloody game or for toilet reading.

It looks like a great game and everything, and I'm really pleased to see that there's an awful lot more of it to come. However, my main problem is that I'm really rather strapped for cash. In the forseeable future (like, the rest of the bleedin' year) I can only really afford the CM:BN bundle OR preorder the new Italy game. What would people suggest?

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Oooooh. Italy has so many new command bells and whistles and its still got that 'new car smell'. Normandy, on the other hand, has all the 'classic' Western Front tanks that WWII grogs love. But Italy, on the other hand, has some of the funkiest little Italian tanks you could hope to see. But Normandy, on the other hand, you can buy & download right now instead of in a month. I bet I'm not helping much, am I.

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Two main factors: Do you want the upgraded features now or later? Do you prefer Normandy or Sicily?

I guess something else to consider would be that there are already tons of scenarios and mods available for CMBN, with CMFI they would take a while to get the ball rolling.

Just to throw a curveball in there: You can get CMSF and all the modules for the same price. This is far and away the most bang for your buck. There are at least 20 campaigns out there and dozens of quality scenarios, and you get to play with a massive variety of soldiers and vehicles. It really is a gem of a game.

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Get CMBN now...get CMFI in August.

Do you buy coffee while on your way to work, or lunch while at work? If so, pack your lunch every single day, and take coffee in a thermos or mug, until August. You'll save more than enough for both games. Or set aside a buck every two days until August. You can get the CMBN bundle now and those dollars will add up for CMFI.

Just a couple suggestions. Trust me, brother, I know that money squeeze! I am always looking at ways to pinch a nickle into a quarter.


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MikeyD: You've pretty much just summed up my thoughts. Argh! The indecision!

Whilst both new games and new cars smell really good, new games are much more likely to crash. The Italians do look like a laugh, but will the game simulate the sandbags to keep the doors closed?

Ranger33: I'd like the upgraded features sooner rather than later, but I think I can wait. I am more than a little bit worried about paying for what looks like little more than a big patch in the near(ish) future though.

I know quite a bit about Normandy, and it's certainly a setting I'm happy to play in - provided it does something new with it. Or at least gets the feel right, if you know what I mean. However, I think the theatre is rediculously over represented. I know next to nothing about what went on in Italy. I'd have to go out and buy more books...

As for Shock Force, I've heard nothing but bad things about it previously, but I'll definitely hunt down more information. Thanks for the idea!

Mord: Again, great ideas. Trouble is, I don't have a job at the moment. Nor can I in the forseeable future because of a long term illness. I think you're probably right though, I might well be able to scrimp and save until I get enough money for both.


At the moment I'm swinging more towards Normandy, but I'll certainly do a bit more thinking first!

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May I suggest you download all the CM demos (including CMSF and CM:Afghanistan). Play each of them to your heart's content before making a decision. On the plus side they're free. All total might be something like 7-8 scenarios to play, maybe more. You may discover you're a major modern war buff without realizing it! At the very least you'll figure out whether the CM brand of tactical sim is your cup of tea. By the time you've decided CMFI might've come out.

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As for Shock Force, I've heard nothing but bad things about it previously, but I'll definitely hunt down more information. Thanks for the idea!

You should definitely check out the demo. The game was total garbage on release, I don't think I visited the BF website for a year or two after getting frustrated with it, but then I came back randomly one day and tried the demos for CMA and CMSF, discovered that the engine had been massively improved and immediately bought the CMSF modules and CMA. Now it's one of my favorite games ever.

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Mord: Again, great ideas. Trouble is, I don't have a job at the moment. Nor can I in the forseeable future because of a long term illness. I think you're probably right though, I might well be able to scrimp and save until I get enough money for both.

Sorry to hear that, my man. Times are tough enough without being sick to boot!

How about this as another idea...do you do Ebay or know someone that does? You could try listing a few auctions if you have any games, comics, collectables, brick a brack or the like, you might wanna get rid of. That's how me and my brother get by.

CMSF was pretty gnarly because it was a forced release but BFC hammered the crap out of it and whipped it into shape. Most of the bad vibes came from people that didn't have any faith it would get fixed, didn't like modern to begin with or both. LOL it was quite hot around here for some time. Anyway, it turned out to be a GREAT game and a lot of fun...like MikeyD/Ranger said, give the demo/demos a spin. You may find something you didn't expect in modern...and you'll definitely get a feel for WWII CMX2 style.


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Ditto the above on CMSF. The initial release needed polishing. :) It was patched and resolved almost all BIG issues very rapidly. It is now mature (and has been for some years). If you have any itch at all to see modern weaponry in action, that's the game to buy.

Demos: download them. Find the one you like. Buy the game.

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Well, I tried out the demos today. Shock Force and Afghanistan do look interesting, but there are some nasty glitches on my laptop. Graphics look great on various settings (except for the ubiquitous shadow issues everyone seems to have), but for whatever reason the sound doesn't play right. I can hear it fine in the menus, but when I'm in game it's like radio static. Multi-core issue maybe?

It's a shame, as I hadn't realised the Afghanistan game was about the Soviet war there not our modern military escapades. Russian history is one of my particular interests!

Normandy worked beautifully on the other hand. Messed around with a couple of scenarios, didn't do massively well in them. Highlights:

1) Went SQUEE over Daimler Dingos then got them blown up.

2) Completely cocked up a smoke barrage and ended up blocking my LOS, rather than cunningly cover an infantry advance.

3) Went SQUEE over a Lynx then got it blown up by a Daimler Dingo.

4) As the Yanks, I executed a perfect set of bocage clearing, with smoke on the corners and everything. It was against an Ear and Stomach batallion(or was it one of the conscripted prisoner formations?) so it probably doesn't count.

I'm buying Normandy anyway. I can end up with the best of both worlds as I also found a copy of Shock Force for sale on Amazon for £5. Cheers for the help guys, I'm sure you'll see me around here some more :P


$20 for sending a couple of dvd cases to Europe? Are you serious?

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as I also found a copy of Shock Force for sale on Amazon for £5.

Shock Force on Amazon is likely an early Paradox commercial version. DON'T PANIC! It can be patched and reconciled with the BFC product. I don't think Paradox supports the game anymore. An early unpatched game and the final-patch game play like night and day.

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