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I haven't played CMBN for awhile now, infact after a recent HD format I don't even have it installed.

This isn't because I don't like the game as such, though I never played it as much as I should have mainly due to the theater\campaign. Normandy has never really do much for me and the Bocage fighting became a touch to painful rather than fun.

Really I'm waiting for the EF game but it's such along wait:(. I will buy the MG game but not sure about The Bulge again the theater bores me to be honest as Normandy and The Bulge are your bog standard wargame fodder.

Anyway here's the deal I really enjoyed CMSF and I found the Brit module to change the whole feel of the game in a very positive way. So to those who played CMSF and also played the Brit module and understand where I'm coming from, would you say the Commonwealth module has the same gameplay impact that the Brit module had for CMSF? Is the new area of operations different enough? DO the new forces make it feel like a new game again?

Obviously being a Brit myself I have a connection more to the voices and pixeltruppen which helps.

Anyway if someone can answer me, and say i they think the Commonwealth module will bring me back to CMBN and actually play it more than I did previously I'd be happy.

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honestly I loved it. great scenarios, and it reaaallly ads a lot of variety of forces to the game. Not only that, but they had very different terrain, its a lot more open.

Id opt for it - plus you'll be helping the EF game (thats what I really want too) come along.

Though I do prefer the US infantry myself. But then again Im American. gotta love the paras on both sides.

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Personally, I have not found the addition of the Brits to make a big dufference to CMBN. In CMSF, the Brits has some specialized toys that were fun plus had other limitations like vehicular ammo etc.

In CMBN, I find the Brits to be the same as the US with tons of ammo and maybe slightly less firepower due to bolt action rifles etc. (I have started playing CMSF again actually...)

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I think the main thing the CW module brings is much higher quality scenarios. A lot of the stock scenarios from CMBN base were always "Attack through bocage and capture some little town" over and over and over. Not to mention the rampant use of brick wall hedgerows with few gaps and no way to blast through them. In CW the maps are much more interesting I think, with more complex objectives. The Engel campaign highlights this, every mission is radically different.

One will notice the same with CMSF. The original stock scenarios are pretty dull compared to the stuff created later.

(No offense to any scenario creators intended here)

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This very much reminds me of past conversations on the CMSF board from people who were getting bored with Stryker Brigade warfare against low quality Syrian units and would ask if that game's Brit module (or Marine or NATO) made any difference. The answer was universally "HELL YEH!"

One thing I do chuckle over is posters often write "CM(x) bores me... after having played it continually for six months". You mean compared to that other computer game that you played for three days after buying it? :D

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This very much reminds me of past conversations on the CMSF board from people who were getting bored with Stryker Brigade warfare against low quality Syrian units and would ask if that game's Brit module (or Marine or NATO) made any difference. The answer was universally "HELL YEH!"

One thing I do chuckle over is posters often write "CM(x) bores me... after having played it continually for six months". You mean compared to that other computer game that you played for three days after buying it? :D

I never actually got into CMBN as much as CMSF and funny enough I never really liked modern warfare before.

Nothing to do with the game more the theater I suppose. I probably finished two campaigns and played about 6 scenarios. I actually doubt I will buy any other West front games\ modules now the EF games are on their way \not even sure I will buy the upgrade, however one day I may get an itch for the West front and buy them)and I may also buy into Italy (however I want to play out Monte Casino at some point)

Now CMEF will get hours of months and months of play and something I never thought I'd say is I'm looking forward to CMSF2 just as much. I found I missed all the modern toys! set in the Ukraine and more even matched opponents sounds amazing to me.

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This also bodes well for us seeing the Ost Front a lot sooner than previously anticipated

LOL it oughta, they said they were working on Bagration and looking to release it in 2013!


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