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Live chat with Steve Grammont !

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The CombatHQ will be hosting a Live Chat with Steve Grammont of Battlefront.com on Friday the 12th of November at 9pm New York Time ( that is 2am GMT for all of us Europeans).

Simply go to The Gamer's Nets main page http://www.thegamers.net at a little before 9pm to find the link to click.

Can people intending to show up please post in this thread if they intend to show up? I'd like to get a feel for who'll show up.

You'll all get a chance to ask questions and generally chew the cud.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Madmatt

"And I promise not to ask about...well, you know." You mean that rash!?! Dang Steve, that still hasn't cleared up yet!?!

As I am sure you all could have guessed, (perhaps not, how the hell would I know!?! wink.gif) I and my keen wit, will both attempt to be in attendance!

Fionn, perhaps a compliation of user submitted questions (if you plan to do a Q and A) to ask might be welcome to assemble and send to Steve ahead of time in order to maintain some ummm err....order...

Madmatt out...and brushing up on his interviewing skills...

p.s. What kind of tree does Steve want to be?

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-12-99).]

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LOl, Tom. smile.gif I shall attend.

P.S. I heard a rumor that Steve will be announcing tonight

the recent inclusion of the Stuka G-1 in CM. And

furthermore, it will be made available to my forces

retroactively for my game with Fionn and will begin it's

attack run on turn 10. wink.gif

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Guest Scott Clinton

I'll prob. be a little late. 8:00 PM Central is my boy's bedtime. Would not miss reading him "Cat in the Hat" for ANYTHING! smile.gif


The Grumbling Grognard

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Well, I'm working unfortunately. Too bad I wasn't in europe, I would have been home by then. frown.gif

Hope the transcript will be up smile.gif

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Hmm... Now this is a tough one. An evening out with my wife (babysitter already arranged, etc) or a Chat session about CM with Steve? Hmm..

frown.gif It's okay, she'll understand...

smile.gif No, a nice guy like you would choose your wife

frown.gif Don't listen to that pansy, go for the chat. Go! Go! Go!

smile.gif Ah ah ahhhh. It's getting awfully cold around here, winter's coming...

Hmm... Hmm...

Aw hell, I don't have to sleep with Steve, so I guess it's dinner and an evening out with my wife.


[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 11-12-99).]

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Questions will be handled in TURN.

Anyone speaking out of turn will be in mucho trouble wink.gif.. You'll all get a chance to ask your question if you stick to the order I appoint to ask them in. If any one person gets disruptive they'll be kicked.

I have zero problems making the chat hyper-regulated but so long as everyone is orderly there's no reason we can't keep it nice and friendly.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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