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    Twisk got a reaction from paxromana in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Contextually I think it points out Russia's continued imperial existence as opposed to the U.S.'s federal one. In the U.S. someone from Florida and Washington are equal and the civilian population has internalized that. You couldn't run a war by only drafting Florida men. Politically it would be a non starter.

    However, in Russia you can go outside of the core and draft men and send them off to die. They aren't Russian although they are under Russian rule.
  2. Like
    Twisk got a reaction from Joe982 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Contextually I think it points out Russia's continued imperial existence as opposed to the U.S.'s federal one. In the U.S. someone from Florida and Washington are equal and the civilian population has internalized that. You couldn't run a war by only drafting Florida men. Politically it would be a non starter.

    However, in Russia you can go outside of the core and draft men and send them off to die. They aren't Russian although they are under Russian rule.
  3. Upvote
    Twisk got a reaction from Holien in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Contextually I think it points out Russia's continued imperial existence as opposed to the U.S.'s federal one. In the U.S. someone from Florida and Washington are equal and the civilian population has internalized that. You couldn't run a war by only drafting Florida men. Politically it would be a non starter.

    However, in Russia you can go outside of the core and draft men and send them off to die. They aren't Russian although they are under Russian rule.
  4. Upvote
    Twisk got a reaction from Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Contextually I think it points out Russia's continued imperial existence as opposed to the U.S.'s federal one. In the U.S. someone from Florida and Washington are equal and the civilian population has internalized that. You couldn't run a war by only drafting Florida men. Politically it would be a non starter.

    However, in Russia you can go outside of the core and draft men and send them off to die. They aren't Russian although they are under Russian rule.
  5. Like
    Twisk got a reaction from Seedorf81 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Contextually I think it points out Russia's continued imperial existence as opposed to the U.S.'s federal one. In the U.S. someone from Florida and Washington are equal and the civilian population has internalized that. You couldn't run a war by only drafting Florida men. Politically it would be a non starter.

    However, in Russia you can go outside of the core and draft men and send them off to die. They aren't Russian although they are under Russian rule.
  6. Like
    Twisk got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Contextually I think it points out Russia's continued imperial existence as opposed to the U.S.'s federal one. In the U.S. someone from Florida and Washington are equal and the civilian population has internalized that. You couldn't run a war by only drafting Florida men. Politically it would be a non starter.

    However, in Russia you can go outside of the core and draft men and send them off to die. They aren't Russian although they are under Russian rule.
  7. Like
    Twisk got a reaction from Bearstronaut in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Contextually I think it points out Russia's continued imperial existence as opposed to the U.S.'s federal one. In the U.S. someone from Florida and Washington are equal and the civilian population has internalized that. You couldn't run a war by only drafting Florida men. Politically it would be a non starter.

    However, in Russia you can go outside of the core and draft men and send them off to die. They aren't Russian although they are under Russian rule.
  8. Like
    Twisk reacted to Bearstronaut in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It's absolutely wild to me that Russians can feel that way with a war that has killed or maimed hundreds of thousands of their men and led to (now) near nightly drone raids into their cities. I spent most of the last decade on active duty in the US Army and I felt that the general American public felt that our wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan didn't concern them. In a sense they were correct. Our casualties were relatively light and the war was fought entirely by volunteers. I remember being in high school during the worst days of the Iraq War in 2006 and talking to a girl who didn't even know we were at war. However, I really don't think that would be the case if we were in the type of war Russia finds itself in. Says a lot about Russian society and culture to be perfectly honest.
  9. Thanks
    Twisk reacted to L0ckAndL0ad in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Re: possible insurgency
    1. First off, as Steve already said, things can theoretically happen. We're talking about the most likely scenario. Anyone who predicts future with 100% certainty is a fraud.
    2. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of bad blood. Just as you saw a lot of Crimeans genuinely cheering up and supporting the invaders in 2014, the Crimeans saw people on mainland Ukraine cheer powerlines being blown up as 2 million people plunged into darkness, water channel being cut off, the roads being blocked for cargo traffic, with all the little nasty consequences that were actually physically felt here. The reactionary post-2014 policies, laws and rethoric weren't great either. But compared to all the mayhem what's been happening since Feb 2022, this is nothing. And people are TIRED of chaos, flying jets, drones, explosions and death. Those who are currently in the trenches or came from there are tired as well.
    3. What would be "the cause" to rally behind? They can't even formulate victory conditions for the current war. Nor can they achieve anything significant, with all their men and equipment in the field. Rallying (who, civilians?) to do something a huge army can't do? That requires guts and there's none. Only stupidity and hubris. They are unable to say NO when told to do something stupid or illegal. Saying no requires guts.
    4. You need to understand the reality on the ground. Pretty much all Crimeans who haven't left have Russian passports. What, 1.5-2 million people? Myself included. Because living here without one is practically impossible. Hell, I know Crimeans who left and are currently on mainland Ukraine that also have Russian passports, issued in Crimea in 2014 (illegaly, obviously). For Ukrainian government to take back control, they'll have to deal with it somehow. And bunch of other documents. There's already been laws and decrees passed aimed to make the transition back as painless as possible. There's a whole ministry that's dealing with issues like these. Refer to Ministry of Reintegration sources for more information.
    5. That being said, it's been nine years, and nobody can pretict how much more time will pass before that. It can happen in two months, or in two years, or in ten. And with every single day, people are growing more tired. They are trying as hard as they can not to notice what's happening now. And there's no land warfare close by yet. When it comes, they'll have much more incentive to make it stop ASAP.
    Re: how am I doing?
    My life isn't as horrible as for some others out there. But things can change literally any minute, as for everybody else in the region. So I am trying to live in the moment while I can.
    For those who don't know, I tried to get to Estonia via St.Petersburg back in September. Before Feb 2022, it was illegal (by Ukrainian laws) thing to do. I managed to contact some Ukrainian officials and learned that it is okay during the war, if your purpose is to leave the occupied areas/Russia.
    But, as I also have Russian passport (issued locally after 2014, and almost impossible to get rid of without being put into danger), Russia views me as Russian citizen first, and by their laws, I had to get foreign travel passport in order to leave. I did that, and it took time. I also had to prepare money and other affairs. Thus I managed to get to the Estonian border only in September. My thinking was that it would be safer to deal with Russian documents after I cross the border, not before.
    I knew that Russian passports issued in Crimea are not recognized by the EU. My Ukrainian foreign travel passport was outdated by that point. The rules are: you can apply for asylum if you have no valid travel documents. But when I got to the border, Estonian police and border guard told me that everything is fine with my Russian passport (the travel document I had to use to leave the Russian side of the border, because Russian laws) and thus I cannot ask for an asylum.
    I told them many things about myself, and that I would be in danger if I return, but they did not care. They were angry and not cooperative, unwilling to listen. They blamed me for not coming sooner and for other things I had no control over. That night at the border is something that still haunts me to this day. Being rejected by the people who you considered to be good and being sent back to modern day neo-USSR. And there are things that I am not telling you here, because it is dangerous...
    Anyway.. I came to St.Petersburg. Got seriously ill. Still, I got tickets to Vladikavkaz in order to try crossing into Georgia. But soon I found a lot of info online that told me the same story would happen there as well. There were no other good alternatives that came to my mind. Going somewhere else eastward wasn't looking like a good idea either, legally, logistically and for other reasons.
    At that time, my little sister was still in Crimea. I've decided to come back here and deal with whatever happens to all of us together. Since then, there was a harsh winter without work. Serious depression, from which I barely managed to recover on my own, without meds or therapist. The dangers that are lurking out there are real. But I know who I am and what I stand for, and where my allegiance is.
    Most importantly, I know that the bastards have already lost. I knew that back in Feb 2022. They will not succeed, no matter what happens to me personally. They can't do anything good in this world, and there's no "winning" for them in any shape or form.
    I've stopped working on my Unity dev career for now. I tried to find some remote work, but failed and had to return back to working in a store. I do see a future where things go at least a little bit better. But for that to happen, a lot of people have to put in a lot of effort. There's nothing free, and freedom itself is not free. We all have to work for it.
    Alright, I've already said much more than I should've. Over and out.
  10. Upvote
    Twisk got a reaction from Jr Buck Private in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This aligns with The Capt's post and my images. If Ukraine is able to reach Tokmak they will put nearly 90 kilometers of the land bridge under fire. And while that won't stop the flow of supply it will create a dead zone where any large concentration are at risk.
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    Twisk got a reaction from LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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    Twisk got a reaction from paxromana in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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    Twisk got a reaction from kimbosbread in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  14. Upvote
    Twisk got a reaction from Seedorf81 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  15. Upvote
    Twisk got a reaction from Mindestens in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  16. Upvote
    Twisk got a reaction from Holien in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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    Twisk reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Best guess given what we have seen.

    So based on road infrastructure break through to Tokmak and one has expanding operational options.  The greatest Russian military weakness of this war is manoeuvre.  They really suck at it.  They can drive but rapid manoeuvre to effect is not their strong point.  Their artillery and ISR are not set up for it and their C2 is badly built for it.  I would also bet money that their logistics can't support, especially with stuff constantly blowing up in the backfield.  The Russians are good at static warfare.  Digging in and sending wave after wave to die.  Or digging in like a tick and making life difficult.  IF the UA can break through then they can effectively cut that corridor as long as they force the RA into reactive situation that will require rapid manoeuvre. In the area we are talking about that is Tokmak.  Vasylivka is a good secondary because it also greatly expands operational options.
    Take Tokmak and Melitopol is 40 kms away, they could sweep that area with ISR and artillery.  This would effectively force the RA MSR along the M14, plus any back country roads...that is a narrow branch to sit on, and the other guy is on the truck with a hand saw.  Could they keep up tempo? Going to have to or the RA will just dig in like a big red blob and they will have to do this all over again next spring.  They do not need to take Melitopol.  In fact that would play to Russia's strength of digging in.  Cut it off and Kherson the place.  Keep expanding the option spaces and get M14 within gun range and this thing is over as far as the strategic land bridge is concerned.
  18. Like
    Twisk got a reaction from rocketman in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yea, I think its easy to view the land bridge as a particularly large piece of land but it doesn't take that much to start to cut it by fire. Which I think speaks to the reason for the Russians defending forward so much. Currently they can still traverse the area by rail and can house supply in a fairly concentrated manner throughout the length of the land bridge. But its only a matter of 25-30km for that to no longer be true.

    Once Ukraine achieves that the bridge comes under fire of the relatively more numerous HIMARS (compared to Storm Shadow or other options). The marshaling yards at Melitopol come under fire. Even more weight will be placed on Russia's truck fleet. And Ukraine opens up its strategic options.
    I might be getting too "lines on a map" but compare the option Ukraine had to what it could have if it took Tokmak and solidified lines along natural boundaries. This presumes a certain amount of Russian abandonment of nearby areas as Ukraine gets closer to Tokmak. But Ukraine goes from essentially having a set of "into the teeth" options to being able to put Russia into a defensive dilemma.
  19. Upvote
    Twisk got a reaction from Holien in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The ISW bit about trucks is fairly short but this aligns with what I was talking about in regards to taking Tokmak. The drive from Melitopol to Mariupol (the two nearest rail depots if Tokmak is gone) is nearly 200km. And theoretically it should be under observation and fire from Ukraine (although given the distance perhaps infrequently). This would put  greater strain on Russia's ability to link its two sides of the land bridge.
    Given the distances involved I would assume that actually hitting individual trucks (convoys?) would be relatively rare. I've not seen much evidence of Ukraine hitting trains. However, it would mean that there would be about 100-150km where Russian forces really couldn't have a marshaling point for supplies and would need to run end to end without stop.

    I put this together real quick showing the additional range https://imgur.com/a/zXIHsVl
    I measured 80km from a bit back so its roughly 65km from the line of contact. But you can see how it can degrade Russia's ability to move and keep supplies through a significant portion of the land bridge that is currently "safe". Obviously not as good as physically interdicting it but it would effectively require Russia to keep any larger stores of supplies on one side or the other of the bridge.
  20. Like
    Twisk got a reaction from Richi in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yea, I think its easy to view the land bridge as a particularly large piece of land but it doesn't take that much to start to cut it by fire. Which I think speaks to the reason for the Russians defending forward so much. Currently they can still traverse the area by rail and can house supply in a fairly concentrated manner throughout the length of the land bridge. But its only a matter of 25-30km for that to no longer be true.

    Once Ukraine achieves that the bridge comes under fire of the relatively more numerous HIMARS (compared to Storm Shadow or other options). The marshaling yards at Melitopol come under fire. Even more weight will be placed on Russia's truck fleet. And Ukraine opens up its strategic options.
    I might be getting too "lines on a map" but compare the option Ukraine had to what it could have if it took Tokmak and solidified lines along natural boundaries. This presumes a certain amount of Russian abandonment of nearby areas as Ukraine gets closer to Tokmak. But Ukraine goes from essentially having a set of "into the teeth" options to being able to put Russia into a defensive dilemma.
  21. Like
    Twisk got a reaction from kluge in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yea, I think its easy to view the land bridge as a particularly large piece of land but it doesn't take that much to start to cut it by fire. Which I think speaks to the reason for the Russians defending forward so much. Currently they can still traverse the area by rail and can house supply in a fairly concentrated manner throughout the length of the land bridge. But its only a matter of 25-30km for that to no longer be true.

    Once Ukraine achieves that the bridge comes under fire of the relatively more numerous HIMARS (compared to Storm Shadow or other options). The marshaling yards at Melitopol come under fire. Even more weight will be placed on Russia's truck fleet. And Ukraine opens up its strategic options.
    I might be getting too "lines on a map" but compare the option Ukraine had to what it could have if it took Tokmak and solidified lines along natural boundaries. This presumes a certain amount of Russian abandonment of nearby areas as Ukraine gets closer to Tokmak. But Ukraine goes from essentially having a set of "into the teeth" options to being able to put Russia into a defensive dilemma.
  22. Like
    Twisk got a reaction from danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yea, I think its easy to view the land bridge as a particularly large piece of land but it doesn't take that much to start to cut it by fire. Which I think speaks to the reason for the Russians defending forward so much. Currently they can still traverse the area by rail and can house supply in a fairly concentrated manner throughout the length of the land bridge. But its only a matter of 25-30km for that to no longer be true.

    Once Ukraine achieves that the bridge comes under fire of the relatively more numerous HIMARS (compared to Storm Shadow or other options). The marshaling yards at Melitopol come under fire. Even more weight will be placed on Russia's truck fleet. And Ukraine opens up its strategic options.
    I might be getting too "lines on a map" but compare the option Ukraine had to what it could have if it took Tokmak and solidified lines along natural boundaries. This presumes a certain amount of Russian abandonment of nearby areas as Ukraine gets closer to Tokmak. But Ukraine goes from essentially having a set of "into the teeth" options to being able to put Russia into a defensive dilemma.
  23. Like
    Twisk got a reaction from Raptor341 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yea, I think its easy to view the land bridge as a particularly large piece of land but it doesn't take that much to start to cut it by fire. Which I think speaks to the reason for the Russians defending forward so much. Currently they can still traverse the area by rail and can house supply in a fairly concentrated manner throughout the length of the land bridge. But its only a matter of 25-30km for that to no longer be true.

    Once Ukraine achieves that the bridge comes under fire of the relatively more numerous HIMARS (compared to Storm Shadow or other options). The marshaling yards at Melitopol come under fire. Even more weight will be placed on Russia's truck fleet. And Ukraine opens up its strategic options.
    I might be getting too "lines on a map" but compare the option Ukraine had to what it could have if it took Tokmak and solidified lines along natural boundaries. This presumes a certain amount of Russian abandonment of nearby areas as Ukraine gets closer to Tokmak. But Ukraine goes from essentially having a set of "into the teeth" options to being able to put Russia into a defensive dilemma.
  24. Upvote
    Twisk got a reaction from Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The ISW bit about trucks is fairly short but this aligns with what I was talking about in regards to taking Tokmak. The drive from Melitopol to Mariupol (the two nearest rail depots if Tokmak is gone) is nearly 200km. And theoretically it should be under observation and fire from Ukraine (although given the distance perhaps infrequently). This would put  greater strain on Russia's ability to link its two sides of the land bridge.
    Given the distances involved I would assume that actually hitting individual trucks (convoys?) would be relatively rare. I've not seen much evidence of Ukraine hitting trains. However, it would mean that there would be about 100-150km where Russian forces really couldn't have a marshaling point for supplies and would need to run end to end without stop.

    I put this together real quick showing the additional range https://imgur.com/a/zXIHsVl
    I measured 80km from a bit back so its roughly 65km from the line of contact. But you can see how it can degrade Russia's ability to move and keep supplies through a significant portion of the land bridge that is currently "safe". Obviously not as good as physically interdicting it but it would effectively require Russia to keep any larger stores of supplies on one side or the other of the bridge.
  25. Like
    Twisk reacted to kimbosbread in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Absolutely. It’s not as big as retaking Melitpol, but it’s enough to cause enormous problems for Russian logistics, as well as making positions in Polohy, Vasylivka and many other places along the current front untenable.
    Tokmak literally presents a strategic fork in the road for Ukraine: Besiege or drive past Melitopol, or drive to Berdynask. Both options for Russia are unpleasant. Presumably those bastards are furiously laying mines all the way to the coast in anticipation.
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