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  1. RT changed the way air support worked but only in that game specifically. All the others work via a spotter and point/area targets.
  2. Mate, you may wanna reupload that pic w/o your personal details.
  3. You're correct, I must have been thinking about the older campaign. Just loaded up the revised one and saw you get two HQ and two MG teams.
  4. Hmm strange, when i played the mission I had two rifle sqauds and one had a bazooka.
  5. What I do in this case is send the bazooka squad after them. I usually take the platoon leader and break into the first hedge and rush the squad through. Then split that squad down, use one section the break bocage and get on the flank. Use the bazooka or grenades and destroy the bunkers. This also allows you to be on the flank/rear of the reinforcements when they come in. PT really did a fantastic job creating the mission and showcasing the Airborne philosophy of getting in close and knocking some teeth in.
  6. I move mine into a action square and wait a few turns. Engineers seem to be able to detect them within a few action squares.
  7. Have you Tried replaying the turn and seeing if anything changes?
  8. You did the right things. Sometimes the cookie crumbles in the wrong way. I know I've had the opposite happen too where a tank somehow spots another tank through several lines of bocage or trees. What level exp is your TD crews?
  9. Maybe I'm having a Mandela effect moment but wasnt the M26 and Comet in CMBO?
  10. Sounds like the tacAI is overriding your commands and knows that its best chance is to hit the flanks.
  11. Imo it should say destroyed if that is what the crew is doing, not abandon. To me abandon makes it seem like you can come back. If you use "detroyed by crew" that makes more sense. Ok, then add a "dismounted" option like vehicles have. You can recrew vehicles sometimes, you should also be able to do with field guns imo. Were on the same page here I'm just not as eloquent with getting my point across xD
  12. Yeah, I'm thinking more along the lines of timed charge breaches. Send the team in, plant the charge and run back to cover. It really makes no sense for the unit to lay down, explode the charge and run into the hole. of course that its a valid tactic to use but it would be nice to have a choice.
  13. Correct, but its not guaranteed, many of times I've tried that and watch the demo charge blow a hole into the bocage across the street.
  14. I have over 10k hours across the titles and have been playing since CMBO released on a demo disk in 2000. Yes there is workarounds. The point I'm trying to make is to make the game less convoluted and decrease the amount of workarounds. Its really a win-win. Less micro for people but also allows those that want more micro to do so. Adding a target briefly light command makes it simpler for players. IE I have tank in overwatch and infantry team stacked nearby. If I have a target light brief command, I wont have to add pause orders to the infantry and I wont have the risk of a the tank firing a HE and killing the team. The team wont be stuck out in the open either. Shoot the .50cal for 15 secs while the team moves in. Abandoned makes it seem like you can re-mount the gun, either BFC needs to change the text or let us use the gun after the crew stops crapping their pants. If I have mortars on a ridge overlooking a position with line of sight the crew should be able to drop the rounds on a line instead of manually moving the target spot over. Just some QoL changes.
  15. The ability of on map arty/mortars to do line/area direct fire just like calling in from a FO. Ability of selecting what weapons to target briefly with. IE ordering a tank to use only MGs or Main gun. Being able to order air support to stay in a area even if they dont spot anything right away. Returning ammo to vehicles. The amount of times I misclick on ammo the unit doesnt need drives me nuts. Allow us to return the 2k 7.62 my rifle squad took when I need 5.56. Remanning guns after they are abandoned. We can re-crew vehicles but not ATGs?! Fix breaching. If you breach a building with a wall the unit likes to run all the way around to the front door when there is a massive hole. Also along those lines, dont force the breachers to move after the breach. I want the wall down so my tank/afv can shoot. Not so the infantry runs through in enemy ambush.
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