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Everything posted by NamEndedAllen

  1. Thanks for that information, @kevinkin. Much appreciated. I didn’t know it was based on a Panzer Leader scenario. Regrettably, I never played it. Not knowing anything about how it would play out, I advanced cautiously, taking the hilltops in advance but finding no one home. At the outskirts I finally uncovered several guns and AFV back at the rear exit line - at center and right corner. Knocked them out. Three PzIVs and Stugs methodically hunting down the central avenue. Over on the far left, PzIVs and a Stug have knocked out several half tracks, and a foot infantry unit on the edge. The main body is just now reaching the T intersection at city front, beginning turns to the left side for less opposed exit. Lost one empty truck that was probing over on the far right in the city outskirts.
  2. From CNN's Tim Lister Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said about 10 million Ukrainians are without electricity Tuesday night after waves of Russian missile attacks earlier in the day. In his daily video address, Zelensky said, "In many cities and regions of our country, there are again emergency power cuts. About ten million Ukrainians are without electricity. Most of all — as of this moment — in Kharkiv, Zhytomyr, Kyiv and Lviv regions." Zelensky added that Lviv and some other cities suspended the supply of heating and that there also were issues with the internet and other modes of communication. Across much of Ukraine, temperatures are marginally above freezing.
  3. That was a case of incredible precision weapons missing (or not?) a target within a small area in one city. This is in another freaking COUNTRY. After months of claiming we will defend every INCH of NATO soil. I do appreciate your reminder to stay calm and not overreact. But can we not feel the water getting warmer and warmer and warmer? Recall all the other “accidents” and denials, as well as the ongoing cyber warfare waged against all Allied nations. Even now. In my opinion, humble as it may be, there comes a time when a clear and strong reaction must be made, that even “accidents” - perhaps *even* accidents will absolutely not be tolerated.
  4. Or deciding SOMEDAY to actually win. As in game over, Russia is defeated and gone. No more pussyfooting that “they didn’t mean it”, or “only civilians were killed”, or they might attack us with their mighty ferocious devastated military”, “or the best, “Ukraine can attack Russians with our weapons, but only in Ukraine because Russia is sacred.” We’ve had lengthy debates about nukes here, and lengthy discussions about how much Ukrainian territory is wise to regain so as not to upset the fragile Russian psyche. We’ve applauded the delivery of much Western or compatible Soviet weapon systems to keep Ukraine fighting, while lamenting the lack of war winning weapons - even those that would only be used within Ukraine; however intrinsically bizarre that rule is. Speaking of which, Russia gets to lay waste to the largest entirely European country without compunction while Ukraine is saddled with a variety of rules it must follow in order to remain in favor. And it must demonstrate that it can have some victories too. “Don’t back slide, or show lowered morale while you are being tortured and bombed into freezing rubble, and saways remember those Brit stiff upper lips in WWII - you must too! Or we might get tired of supporting you and demand appeasement of Russia.” No apologies for being blunt. This how many MONTHS of relentless war crimes, crimes against humanity,, sheer mass human suffering? And no ATACMS? No official designation of Russia as a Terrorist State? I sincerely appreciate the finely reasoned abstractions about the need for caution, carefully laid out here by our best minds. I really do. And the absolutely admirable and correct defense against demonizing all Russians, because many are not demonic and doing so lowers us to their level. But there comes a time…do you doubt it?
  5. The massive missile attacks on civilians in Ukraine and Poland come after THIS: From CNN’s Masrur Jamaluddin in Bali, Indonesia and Xiaofei Xu President Volodymyr Zelensky presented a 10-point peace plan to end Russia's invasion of Ukraine in a video speech to G20 leaders in Bali on Tuesday, according to a transcript shared by the Embassy of Ukraine in Indonesia. The steps includes a path to nuclear safety, food security, a special tribunal for alleged Russian war crimes, and a final peace treaty with Moscow, according to a transcript of the speech. He also urged G20 leaders to use all their power to “make Russia abandon nuclear threats” and implement a price cap on energy imported from Moscow. Foundation for victory: In the address, Zelensky compared the recent liberation of the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson to the battles leading to the Allied defeat of Germany in World War II. “It is like, for example, D-Day — the landing of the Allies in Normandy. It was not yet a final point in the fight against evil, but it already determined the entire further course of events,” Zelensky said in the address. “If the victory will be ours in any case, and we are sure of it, then shouldn't we try to implement our formula for peace to save thousands of lives and protect the world from further destabilization?” Zelensky also called on Russia to stop bombing Ukraine’s energy infrastructure as winter approaches. “Let Russia prove by its rejection of terror that it is really interested in the restoration of peace,” he said. Moscow has been isolated at this year’s G20 summit as multiple Western leaders vowed not to have any contact with its Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who is in attendance on behalf of the Kremlin.
  6. And yet no nation yet has formally officially designated Russia as a terrorist state. Will missiles killing Polish citizens not count either? Now whose frog is being boiled??
  7. From CNN, 40 minutes ago. 41 min ago Baltic states express solidarity with Poland after rockets or missiles reported to land on Polish soil From Antonia Mortensen and James Frater The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed concern about reports of two missiles or rockets landing in a farm in Poland near the Ukrainian border. "Latest news from Poland is most concerning. We are consulting closely with Poland and other Allies. Estonia is ready to defend every inch of NATO territory," the ministry tweeted. “We’re in full solidarity with our close ally Poland,” it added. Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks said that "Latvia fully stands with Polish friends." Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said that the country is "keeping a close contact" with Poland. "Lithuania stands in strong solidarity with Poland," he tweeted," adding that “every inch of NATO territory must be defended!” AND AN HOUR + AGO, Polish government official says national security meeting was called due to "emergency situation" From CNN's Tim Lister, Emmet Lyons and Antonia Mortensen A government spokesperson in Poland says a meeting of national security officials Tuesday night was called "due to the emergency situation." He added that details would be released after the meeting. The meeting follows reports that two missiles landed on a farm in eastern Poland, near the Ukrainian border. A Polish official told CNN that nothing was confirmed yet and the investigation into the incident was continuing. There's been no confirmation from Polish authorities that Russian missiles landed on Polish territory.
  8. In a fit of fevered retro gaming, I started up CMBO for the Wild Bill’s “Wiltz” scenario. And adding in ye olde MDMP 1 & 2 mods and sone winter troop and vehicle mods. In my defense, I had started the beautiful CMFB “Road To Wiltz” but before moving past the first few turns, got intrigued by the mention of the CMBO inspiration. I’d never played it. That is one LOOOOONG map!
  9. Whether excellent disinformation, like the big push was going to be Kherson, not a two pronged offensive…or part of the larger unfolding drive for all Kherson Oblast and beginning of munching on Crimea - ZSU is clearly not completely pulling in horns and resting. Possibly the Svatove and Kremmina front really has been a large pinning feint aimed originally at Kupiansk that wildly succeeded. But the Kherson/Crimea and land bridge objectives were the primary objectives all along. No matter what, they are keeping the Russians guessing. Not just us. Consider the looming appearance of a large tranche of better trained mobiks at the front lines, a cold winter in allied Europe and a colder battered Ukraine…and the bizarre gaffes from USA military like Milley claiming publicly that Ukraine couldn’t possibly win the war. Urgency for continuing momentum and major victories is not crazy! I could not believe Milley going tankie and announcing that Ukraine could not win! Comfort to Putin, urging him to even greater atrocities.
  10. In the so far successful efforts to keep Russian terrorist invaders off balance, AND to secure another critical junction here, the noise coming out of Kherson and the Mykolaiv Oblasts could serve as “confusion to our enemies”. Delaying some of the intended deployments away from Kherson. Odds are that no matter what is going on, the Ukrainian military planners had not stopped their work with the Kherson victory. It would be only a step towards accomplishing further efforts. Which are unfolding as planned in at least one of their scenarios.
  11. ArmA3 is quite strict in enforcing this. In our weekly co-op sessions, courageous attempts to heal a fallen comrade before taking out the threats
  12. As stated earlier by one who knows his WWII history, the Soviets kept establishing bridgeheads across rivers where the Germans had just crossed in retreat. Always keep the defense off balance and deny a secure new line. The ZSU obviously are very well aware of this. If the units in the region still have sustainable combat power remaining, we ought not to be surprised by any attempts to deny the Russians from solidifying another strong Kherson oblast defense. Bigger picture of “To what end?”: eliminating the land bridge, dividing Russian forces. Maintaining momentum, initiative. Or, just good propaganda!
  13. Good to hear. In the few instances Defender or another AV has interfered with any of my programs, the issue has been *mod* related. (except for poor old Longbow 2!).
  14. Steve, this guy and some of his Fellow Travelers are sooooo close to acting as foreign agents, and I’ll bet he hasn’t registered as one for Russia (yet). Another wrinkle is the fact that he and those of his ilk are arguably unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Which can be an actionable diagnosis. Accordingly, I’ve begun to consider him and some of these other nut jobs you referred to be a danger to themselves and/or to others. Certainly if we were at war, this would be the case. But we are not, despite being so intimately involved in one. However…what if Russia were finally declared a terrorist state? As it most certainly is. The war crimes now being unearthed in Kherson pound another nail in that ugly coffin, and underscore the scope of terrorist crimes not seen since perhaps Pol Pots’ regime. Support for a terrorist state might be an easier row to hoe. Hopeless, I know. Freedom of speech. And yet…
  15. As predicted! Washington Post By Michael E. Miller, Anastacia Galouchka, Kamila Hrabchuk, Bryan Pietsch and Leo Sands November 14, 2022 at 2:01 a.m. PT KHERSON — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited this southern Ukrainian city recaptured just days ago by his country’s troops, saying in a speech at the central square that it was the “beginning of the end of the war.” Standing in front of a raucous crowd of several hundred people, Zelensky said that Western-supplied weapons had played a crucial role in recent battlefield victories, but that the victories were paid for in Ukrainian blood. Zelensky’s visit comes as the city assesses the damage and evidence of what he said included “hundreds” of war crimes left by months of Russian occupation. Basic services — including water and power supplies to the city’s postal system — are slowly being restored for Kherson’s residents as efforts begin to return life to normality.Meanwhile, heavy fighting continues in the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine.
  16. Long time Mil sim friends and I have been playing this for several weeks. Written by Navy guy, and essentially Harpoon in space, so three dimensions. Perhaps a bit challenging to manipulate the controls for where you want to go, at least until you get the hang of it. Good practice in awareness of EW and jamming, using and countering. Not sure how finished it is at the moment, all these months later. - it could use more work!
  17. This why they fight! (not because the USA is tricking them into a fool’s errand)
  18. Can’t “like”, but I do! Stealable line that should come in handy: ”I don’t want to say anything bad about (a certain Senate Candidate) because he is black. But, um… -pause-…He is observably stupid.” Easily adaptable to a number of Russian officials of all sorts.
  19. No problem starting any CMx1 or 2 programs with Win10 (extremely stable on both my desktops) either with Windows Defender or Avira at plus Malwarebytes AND system Mechanic - all doing their real time thing, which are aimed at web protection as well as suspect executables. CM executables have *never* been flagged or quarantined by any of my AV or malware utilities. Longbow 2 has! Often, although those days are sadly over now that DCS replaced it. And mods for certain entirely innocent automobile programs that have nothing to do with any kind of larceny or mayhem or bodily harm or anything at all except shiny pretty cars and stuff. Honest.
  20. The Ukrainian drone boat in public and plans for future. In case this hasn’t already been posted. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/ukraines-shadowy-kamikaze-drone-boats-officially-break-cover
  21. Two scenarios 1. Weather, restoration of troops and equipment, consolidation of territorial changes, etc combine to bring the war to a slow grind of local probes and engagements., if not a complete freezing of the lines. Two boxers in a clinch. Europe is cold and some industries struggle for lack of energy. A mood of stagnation settles over the perception of the Western public’s sense of the war. The Russian mobilization training finally produces large numbers of fresh troops with more credible training, good for strengthening their lines and forcing local breakthrough attempts. With no significant victories or defeats on the battlefield, political initiatives to convince Ukraine to negotiate take hold. 2. Over the past few months, Ukraine has wargamed numerous versions of maintaining the overall counter offensive, with USA and European partners’ information and advice. Also, it realized that stagnation during a long cold winter with no progress could begin to undermine the political resolve of various European individual nations, while large segments of the USA public lose sense of urgency about the war and turn inward to address their own vexing issues. Meanwhile, frequent volleys of new Iranian ballistic missiles will take a toll on civilian and some military infrastructure. And the last thing Ukraine needs is for the Russians to have the time to construct serious, extensive defensive lines in more and more key locations. With all this factored in, Ukraine has committed to new coordinated powerful thrusts in ______.and______Also in a sudden and surprising effort______? Which scenario will happen? OK, my real question is how do you think the Ukrainian forces will maintain their momentum and keep the overall initiative? Will the presumed strengthened Russian offensive overcome the Bakhmut defense and continue? Will they attempt or threaten a second offensive, perhaps from Belorussian territory in an attempt to tie down freed up Ukrainian units from Kherson, and to lessen chances of a new major Ukrainian thrust?
  22. Agreed. But the best seat to be in for negotiations is to have an overwhelmingly strong position on the battlefield with no letup and no relief in sight for the other side.
  23. These are important points, and underscore the importance of not assuming as given the absolute long term support by the USA. It also underscores why delaying the weapons needed for an inescapable Ukrainian victory is such a gamble. And that gamble is with all the suffering and lost lives of the Ukrainians fighting for their nation’s survival. Wait too long and the *odds* shoot up that the notoriously fickle USA public will simply move on to internal issues and budget (madness).
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