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laurent 22

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Everything posted by laurent 22

  1. Stug F8 snowy with original BF.c bmp (seems to have no winter textures in FI). View: https://www.mediafire.com/view/et9jowjzzqbn632/Stug_F8_snowy.jpg/file Zip: https://www.mediafire.com/file/aqsy77eshcaui6n/Stug_F8_snowy.zip/file
  2. My opponent, 7thGalaxy, didn't send the 2nd game where I have to play the other side. On the 1st game, we have already played 15 rounds. I don't know if it's my mistake or his mistake, I started the game by sending the 1st file, so I should have received 2. I only see one file in my folder "PBEM in progress" each turn. I sent him a private message from the beginning, (he is registered here, not on the Matrix forum) but no response, he seems inactive since 2019. Despite everything, I like playing this pbem without knowing anything (good scenario, good player), however it will be a little unbalanced in favor of my opponent if he decides to play the 2nd game after the first ...
  3. V2 of PSW 233 with BF.c textures imported from CMRT, white and snowy: View: https://www.mediafire.com/view/mzh0di5mb0jzzy7/PSW_233_white_snowy_RT.jpg/file Zip White: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8jy8yz8hm7mzzhd/PSW_233_white_rt.zip/file Zip snowy: https://www.mediafire.com/file/qs62rczlv96s4f3/PSW_233_snowy_rt.zip/file Stug IV early imported from CMRT: Simple import of the original BF.c textures from CMRT, and modification of the names tags so that they appear with snow on the ground. View (it is not my work): https://www.mediafire.com/view/wngrdsj46qjeiat/Stug_IV_early_snow.jpg/file Zip: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mje6ryoetvid2qm/Stug_4_snow.zip/file (I'm going to put a little snow on the wheels when I send all these vehicles once finished in a single file to Bootie's CMmod.)
  4. Ah! ah! I have the silver cup !! Which will be taken away from me again as usual to give to others ... Battle over on both sides. I played the German side really badly, I wanted to be smart by not protecting my squads in the trenches and taking advantage of the anti-tank gap, but in close combat the Russians of Patrus massacred them with their numerous ppsh.
  5. Stug III G earliest snowy (on BF.c bmp textures). View: https://www.mediafire.com/view/kukequdlalpzupj/Stug_3G_earliest_snowy.jpg/file Zip: https://www.mediafire.com/file/m06528u1q1m5jog/Stug_3G_earliest_snowy.zip/file
  6. Thank you PSW 233 snowy- with original BF.c bmp (seems to have no winter textures in FI, RT and FB): View: https://www.mediafire.com/view/a2vcktx3pc0xnek/PSW_233_snowy.jpg/file Zip: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2aipzrxa5xvvop0/PSW_233_snowy.zip/file
  7. I didn't have any personal contact with him by email or on the forums.
  8. My snowy allied armor for FI completed (if you notice a missing armor don't hesitate to tell me) posted on CMMOD IV, now German armor: The Pz3 M - N and the Wespe seem to have no snow textures in FI, RT and FB. Here in 2 versions (snowy or white) for FI and probably compatible with FB and RT Wespe (from Aris mod): Zip snowy https://www.mediafire.com/file/4ut1pg1zust6nfl/Wespe_snowy.zip/file Zip white https://www.mediafire.com/file/5gwejghfcdplecs/Wespe_White.zip/file View: https://www.mediafire.com/view/gyc6m1izuctk0b6/Wespe_snowy.jpg/file Pz III N: Zip snowy(BF.c texture) https://www.mediafire.com/file/ewn7jrqmmh3bzko/Pz_3_N_snowy.zip/file Zip White (from Umlaut mod) https://www.mediafire.com/file/910v4usmvjare0y/Pz_3_N_white.zip/file View: https://www.mediafire.com/view/q8cqoldql2rmzok/Pz3_N_snowy.jpg/file Pz III M: Zip snowy https://www.mediafire.com/file/2zp0q0q6wc5feah/Pz3_M_snowy.zip/file Zip white (From Umlaut mod) https://www.mediafire.com/file/u2o1alfxsn08q9b/Pz3_M_white.zip/file View: https://www.mediafire.com/view/huif1p7rxs2k3kv/Pz__M_white_snowy.jpg/file
  9. Anodai was my opponent in round 2. Our pbem started late. Then he would send several turns/day, and sometimes he would go a week without giving any news. He is a good player, tactically aggressive. Beware he is without morale: I saw his guys take money and watches from the corpses of my poor murdered pixeltruppen, I have proof.
  10. Ah! Ah ! I have the gold cup for one day (I have one or 2 turns left on the American side)! I was really less of a tactician than my opponent Anodai. On the Syrian side I didn't know how to detonate the IED when the Strykers had gathered on it... I read the manual too late While Anodai managed to destroy one of my vehicles with his IED From the start he eliminated all my trapped Gi's in 2 turns. He managed to keep a squad alive that harassed me for the rest of the game. For round 3, would it be possible to send a court order prohibiting him from approaching a computer, and a summons from the International Criminal Tribunal for war crimes (prisoners shot, I have evidence) and no i'm not a bad loser.
  11. If I can help (but I have lot of work at the moment...)
  12. @Schrullenhaft, will the future Engine 5 be able to fix this problem? I am the opponent of Stimo. On my PC Linnet II (with lot of mods) is stable, runs fine (Dell xps mini-tower, i9, nvidia rtx 3060ti 8gb. ram 48gb). I haven't finished this scenario yet. Against the AI, I tested the scenario (US side) until the arrival of British armored reinforcements and giving them many movement orders, ie when the number of units is at the maximum. The video is very slightly choppy when observing the movement of fast vehicles.
  13. The bug about the soldiers riding the panzer 3 M Flame is still not fixed
  14. I don't think this is the best scenario adapted for mirrored tournament so far. If you do the setup first with the Americans, you have essential information: the arrival time of the US reinforcements. Also when you setup the Syrians after you can focus all your forces on the trapped Americans from the start. If you do the Syrian setup first, and therefore you don't have the information on the arrival time of the Americans, you will probably be more careful, and I'm not saying that because I lost all my Americans from the first 2 rounds while my opponent only half ... Même pas mal/not even badly
  15. Aussiegrit, actually it's a new version of the campaign, so you have to replay the campaign from the new cam file, i.e. delete the last save and start over from the beginning. Sometimes scenario writers create multiple variants of enemy AI tactical plans, so you may not feel like you're replaying the same battles.
  16. For Phill's mod France 1940 with the battle of Stonne: I reworked the camouflage from the textures of BF.c and Aris, I didn't redo everything. The camouflage of the "Indochine" tank roughly represents his historical model. The tags of the "Eure" tank reproduce those of the meager documentation I had, but its camouflage is not faithfully reproduced, sorry... In the probably distant future, I will completely repaint the tank with Blender (which I have done in part), but I am not yet familiar with this application (you can make a class action for visual aggression and obtain consequential damages, I will plead guilty...). View BF.c (Indochine): https://www.mediafire.com/view/siyggo0dmw184k2/B1_1940_aris.jpg/file View (Eure): https://www.mediafire.com/view/fg4tnk9f0b0i8fp/B1_Eure.jpg/file Zip Indochine: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ri8lep2xexj93p2/B1_1940_Aris.zip/file Zip Eure: https://www.mediafire.com/file/m5gxw9ispdg07yd/B1_1940.zip/file
  17. completely agree. And the iconic FFI car is already modeled in the falvor objects!
  18. The color of the cups indicates the true classification (temporary): - Lethaface: yellow = gold - lawran (me): gray = silver - Anodia: orange = bronze
  19. Dear Kohlenkalau, could you adjust the French and Polish MK3 helmets as you did for the British MK2 (lower the helmet a little on the head) This is not a BFC error, the helmet is naturally raised because of the interior protection. But with BF.c's poor 3D head models, the visual effect is not great(it's like the shoulder-high Zeltbahn of German soldiers, although it's realistic the visual aspect is weird -there's already a mod that removes it). I noticed that the light doesn't work properly on the British helmet object whose position you changed. The light effect varies according to the viewing angle. Maybe a light parameter should be associated with each object. Despite everything, I prefer his new position. View: https://www.mediafire.com/view/q6qkyejj3xf39z0/British_Helmet_Light_effect.jpg/file
  20. The french version 1940 of the R35 is finished (it's never actually over ). No it wasn't me who did it, it's a friend... 2 versions, with or without Aris mods. My friend tells me to tell you that the turret also exists in 2 versions, with or without the ace of spades. It could be better but it's better than nothing ... he said, my friend, not me. I told my friend that Kohlenklau, the master of Blender, will certainly do another one much better, the starting level to do better being very low (if you have small children they will do better). View: https://www.mediafire.com/view/gg3j0gs8pv6y66l/R-35_camo_1940.jpg/file Zip Aris: https://www.mediafire.com/file/yzv02cetjnemphk/R35_1940_Aris.zip/file Zip BF.c: https://www.mediafire.com/file/zilb4n6lln04gf0/R35_Bfc.zip/file
  21. For my part, I am finalizing the winter mods for the British vehicles, they are all done but I am still tweaking a few. I saved the images of the R35, I'll see what can be done. It would be my first real mod, because dusting already created textures with snow is very easy. But I'm tempted to try. About the German helmet it may not be possible, don't worry about it. If you can't, BF.C will make a better one with CMx3 and Unreal Engine 5. It's really a hard helmet to make. The Russian and American helmets are successful despite the reduced number of polygons they allow themselves. As I told you in a previous post a month ago, BF.C had corrected the very first version of this helmet when CMBN was released, really at first it didn't look like anything. But there remained this small detail on which many other 3D designers and draftsmen crash. I did not dare to ask BF.c to correct this small imperfection, because they had already done a huge job by producing a second version of this helmet. I was the only one to request this change at the beginning of CMBN because no one had seen the problem, and they agreed to redo it. This German helmet and the modern helmet are similar, but the modern does not cover the ear it is correct. In fact it is a design flaw of the German helmet of the WW2: the soldiers complained of hearing less well, and in the event of an explosion nearby the eardrums were more seriously affected due to a bell effect. The Germans made helmets that cleared the ears but gave it a weird look: https://www.mediafire.com/view/nxq7duqhcv81l0z/casque_échancré.jpg/file Finally the last DDR helmet from the 50-60s was the right solution: https://www.mediafire.com/view/b6iftgxhifrwflq/Casque-Allemand-DDR.-M56.jpg/file
  22. https://www.mediafire.com/view/pegojfxpwt79c78/yes-I-can.jpg/file
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