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Everything posted by Grey_Fox

  1. That's fine when moving one truck. What happens when you have to move a battalion of trucks? What happens when you need to move that battalion through dense terrain following a road?
  2. Yes, it is entirely reasonable to expect a WIP game with no release date should be fully functional today.
  3. The only change was to add the tournament feature to PBEM++. There were no gameplay changes or bugfixes.
  4. It's not really surprising, BFC just rarely releases patches in something that can reasonably be called a timely manner. @Chibot Mk IX is right that the thermal on the TOW humvee is on the launcher itself, so unless the gunner is turned out they won't use the thermal optic.
  5. The TOW LAV's thermals have been broken since release, with no sign of any fix coming.
  6. All due respect this conversation was finished several days ago, and then others came along and started it back up again - not me. You get your kicks from reading people sperg here about an ongoing conflict and posting links to twitter of all things, I get mine from among other things playing computer games.
  7. @Free Whisky has just released this excellent video on the use of artillery, showing the results of his experimentation: Some great stuff, such as how many guns of given calibers are needed to achieve a rate of fire which will suppress a given distance, the distances from impact at which units will be "pinned", the effects of regular smoke versus WP (regular smoke is better at obscuration), and the effects of weather conditions on smoke (turns out only wind affects smoke in CM, rain does not), and the efficacy of general versus personnel fire missions on infantry in the open, woods, buildings, and fortifications.
  8. Your sacrifice for Ukraine is that you're discussing the conflict here? I actually want to respect you because of the outstanding work you put in on CM Cold War, but that's ridiculous.
  9. I'm not going to go and get into an argument about which war is the "best", but I would question that assertion. Is it the biggest conflict so far in the Wars of the Soviet Successors? Sure. Is it the most important war since WW2? Who knows? You're right that nobody is forcing anybody to talk about this conflict. The problem is that very few are talking about your products on this forum. Fact is that this obsession with the war is unhealthy. I agree, we did have that discussion already, and yet first somebody else and then you went and decided to keep it going.
  10. I think you'll find that almost all activity on this forum is contained in this thread. The forum isn't about CM any more, it's about the Russo-Ukraine war.
  11. Yeah pre-war meme titles. I stopped livestreaming the BS Crossing the Dnieper campaign as the escalation of the frozen conflict became more likely. The meme titles are for a couple of reasons: Some of the absolute worst CM gameplay videos are from big streamers like DiplexHeated who have absurd titles and large view counts. I decided to do similarly-titled videos to see what would happen, with the caveat that I hope my gameplay isn't shockingly awful. There are a lot of posts on this forum about how terrible Russia is or how overpowered the US is in Black Sea, so I just thought it was funny to post clips from ongoing PBEMs which show that they can be competitive versus the US in the right circumstances.
  12. Sorry, I don't have the brainpower to come up with gems like solo armoured vehicles operating without infantry support or any support in general dying to ATGMs means that tanks are obsolete. Another I interacted with was arguing that because tanks are not wunderwaffe which can defeat all threats all the time they are obsolete. So no I don't think a whole lot of many of what can only laughingly be referred to as "contributions" in this thread.
  13. Yes, quite frankly it is an abomination and quite ghoulish, and what's worse is that conversation about CM games has almost ceased on this forum. Regarding lessons from this war - the only lessons have been how not to invade a country, and that armoured forces still need infantry to provide security.
  14. I think that's unfair. Many of us are just people who want to give you money for content. 1000+ page abominations like this thread don't do anything for me. It would be nice if this forum could go back to being about Combat Mission instead of just sperging about an ongoing war. Some of us are dealing with the human consequences of it right now - there are currently 46 Ukrainian refugees living a couple of hundred meters away from my family home - doctors, lawyers, dentists, logistics managers, business people etc who have become refugees whom we interact with on a daily basis.
  15. So that was my third attempt, which ironically enough ended up being the "worst" overall result because I didn't get control of the objectives. I made an unrecorded attempt the following day where I committed to the big flanking manoeuvre to take the defenders of the towns from behind and achieved a total victory:
  16. I get a clothing brand when I search for Armour Winter 2022. This is the actual source: https://www.benning.army.mil/armor/earmor/content/issues/2022/Winter/1Hines22.pdf
  17. So after a break I've decided to livestream again, starting with Valley of Ashes:
  18. Hardly a revolutionary statement, it's been a trend for centuries.
  19. Strong agreement. I've been playing the The Push From Dniprodzerhyn'sk campaign, and the maps are quite frankly absurdly small and disappointing. By contrast the maps in Crossing the Dnieper are far larger and makes for a better experience. The quick battle maps also need to be reworked or completely changed. They are by far the weakest part of Black Sea and Cold War, far too small and cramped and too often uninteresting.
  20. I'd question that assumption. QB maps only have a couple of AI plans at best (and some have none), and regardless of the force selection it will follow them. An infantry force will follow the same plan which was created with a mechanized force in mind, and what's worse the units are randomly allocated a part in the plan, leading to absurdities like a mortar team following a plan intended for a tank.
  21. Yeah, those would be the crappy AI script created for the QB maps. You'd be better off sticking to scenarios tbf as at least those would have appropriate AI plans. QB is only really useable for PBEMs, and the recent games use all the same maps and on the modern games (Black Sea and Cold War) they really are inappropriate.
  22. Artillery barrages preceding an attack is normal. The problem you have is with the scripted AI plans.
  23. Judging by where the posts are, this forum is for crackpot discussion of the Ukraine conflict and very little else.
  24. If you're talking about multiplayer, it's a matter of not playing with assholes and agreeing house rules prior to the start of the game.
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