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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 11 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    I never played as the Russians or Americans in any of the CM games and I never will. Just not my cup of tea.

    That's pretty hard core, respect :).  But what about the British?

    Being British, of course I usually play on the Axis side but I do still like to play as the Allies and a lot can be learned about your 'enemies' by playing as them.  Plus a lot of the content is designed for play as Allies only.  

    Thinking a bit more about it, I'm quite partial to Russian armour anyway.  My introduction to CM was playing Monster Mash in the RT demo.  Badly as the Germans first time.  Successfully as the Russians second time (which was great at the time).  And then finally successfully as the Germans, but obviously with too much 'intel'. 

    Thinking even more about it, I'm partial to armour full stop, so if it's a couple of Shermans that's fine and perhaps raises different challenges to a couple of Panthers or Tigers.  It's all good 😉.

    EDIT:  So your quote above suggests Cold War may be problematic?

  2. 32 minutes ago, Falaise said:

    By the way go see what he has posted on CMW since the beginning of the year, there is among other things a scenario on the battle of Buron "Bloody Buron overhaul" remarkable

    Yes @Kandu has been busy, which is great.  I have the Buron overhaul, but I have not found time to play it yet 🙄.

    Edit: maybe the link to Kandu is an old one, it shows last visit a long time ago in 2016...

  3. On 2/17/2021 at 4:08 AM, General Jack Ripper said:

    after some time spent with GWX in SHIII.

    Grey Wolves was (and is) an amazing transformation.  I chanced across it looking for a realistic flag 😁 - how lucky was I? 

    Sadly I have none of it or SH3 installed on this PC or I'd be tempted to fire it up again.  Life is too short...

    I do have War in the East however, which I have not spent more than 1 hour on so far and may never get round to it at this rate.

  4. 5 minutes ago, JoMac said:

    Ahh, that explains why I didn't see any F&R content when opening RT...I also pre-paid via PayPal, and got an the Activation Code (activating it), but no content 😞

    Joe, if you have activated F&R you may (or may not) want to cast your eyes over the thread below (just the bits about activation, not the missing textures). 

    Several of us noticed that we could activate F&R and did so, with little result except for some extended QB dates.  Steve's advice was to undo the activation using a tool which can be had from @BFCElvis by registering a ticket at the Helpdesk (or maybe otherwise, which is why I've copied him in).



  5. 27 minutes ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    The person that you are referring to is The Milk Snatcher. 

    Indeed, growing up in a coal mining area (not Somerset) that's part of something I often chant.  To myself, as no-one else gives a flying ****. 

    We are better served now of course 🙄, and I'm happy to wait for 3 weeks (+) for something to arrive from the continent...

  6. 17 minutes ago, BornGinger said:

    ... Watching Samantha Fox in her music video and Sabrina Salerno jumping in the pool with her boob falling out from the bikini top on the tv's teenage programs.

    Quick, call the off-topic police. 

    I had not heard of Sabrina Salerno until now, but I imagine what you describe was quite memorable (or should I say mammarable?).

  7. Not if you're playing as Axis 😁.  But if you're Allied then the following applies...

    Following some limited use by the British where the fuses would not be 'captured', and some use in the South Pacific, Wikipedia says:

    The Pentagon refused to allow the Allied field artillery use of the fuzes in 1944, although the United States Navy fired proximity-fuzed anti-aircraft shells during the July 1943 invasion of Sicily. After General Dwight D. Eisenhower demanded he be allowed to use the fuzes, 200,000 shells with VT fuzes or (code named "POZIT") were used in the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Lille Fiskerby said:

    A patch, the download is a patch with all the content in the base game.

    Example: If you have CM Red Thunder and buy Fire & Rubble FR module, when it is released hopefully soon, the FR module will also be a patch. Anybody can download this FR patch an it will bring their version up to date, but the FR content will be greyed out you cant use it before you buy the FR module and use the lisence key you get, then all FR content is released.

    That is true for F&R, but I think for Cold War the wording on the website was a small error and is going to be changed (if it hasn't been already) as it will be a downloadable base game not a patch? 

    I will await correction and punishment should this be wrong 😉.

  9. 1 hour ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    But do we really know what that means in Steve's world, Vacilllator? 😀

    Fair point, but we can be hopeful. 

    I imagine ideally F&R would have been shunted out before Cold War was announced, but I assume there are still a couple of hopefully* minor issues yet to be resolved and Cold War couldn't wait or was about to blow cover anyway. 

    * That's my second use of 'hopeful' in the same post 😁.

  10. 1 hour ago, chuckdyke said:

    We were addressing two issues. Terrain was in the event of calling artillery, we should assume a little knowledge where artillery is more effective. Wet terrain needs the proximity fuse so that the shells explode in the air instead of in the mud. 

    Yes, agreed.  Of course we may not have proximity fuses available to us.

  11. 4 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

     @Vacilllator what you think of move orders in which you can specify the number of waypoints.

    I hadn't really thought about this, but of course we do it all the time albeit manually.  For example we use more points if crossing bridges, negotiating narrow village streets, woods etc.  So you mean you would be able to issue an order 'get to Point X using (for example) 5 waypoints' and the points would be automatically positioned to avoid obstacles?  Might not allow for precise control of exposure etc. but then that doesn't always work anyway.  Or am I misinterpreting your tool?

    Using the swamp example (or bocage), it also occurs to me that you can sometimes tell if the game will not be able to drive a tank through as it will not let you plot a waypoint where you want it.  However, sometimes it will let you plot it and then sends your tank off on a sightseeing tour of the battlefied, ending up eventually at your waypoint if it hasn't been shot up on the way.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Soldat-Hans said:

    I ordered with Pay pal. I already made a ticket for this!

    I was just typing this when you replied 😁.

    If you mean F&R, it hasn't been released yet (it will be very soon).  So you are in the same boat as all the other F&R pre-orders, mine included.

  13. 19 minutes ago, sburke said:

    you don't need to kill it via the turret.  Heck I nailed a pair of M1s with recoilless weapons - just don't try to shoot em from the front.

    Dragons are good.  There are lots and lots of targets. And those Russian infantry AT4s are honestly better than using the vehicle mounted units - you are a lot harder to spot.  Only problem is they only have a 1000 meter range.  Killed a tank with a BMP mounted unit from a bit over 3km the other day.  The learning curve in this game is brutal (and in my case seemingly flat...)but the CMBS instant reaction days... well that ain't this game.

    So for someone who has only played the WW2 titles...  sh****t!

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