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    Nektoman reacted to Combatintman in Map size relationship with OOB size   
    @ncc1701e ultimately every tactical problem is unique which is why the military places great store in planning.  As a very rough guide to making your map an appropriate size for a company vs company engagement you need to consider what is a viable defensive frontage.  To do that you need an understanding of your key weapon ranges and force structure.
    Taking infantry as an example - the standard effective range for modern infantry weapons is in the ballpark of 300m.
    If your force size is a company, it will generally have three platoons.
    Applying some of the principles of defence:
    Mutual support Depth So with mutual support, that means that each element should be able to support each other.  Remembering that the effective weapon range of your weapons is 300m then your individual squads should be no more than 300m away from each other.  That would make the defensive frontage in the ballpark of 1500m to 1800m in open terrain.  For depth, most defensive layouts will have an outpost line and each platoon in the company will generally have two squads up and one squad back.  Likewise the company defence will generally go with two platoons up and one platoon back which would give a depth of about 900m to a kilometre.
    Now you have to build enough space on your map for the attacking force to manoeuvre - that would make the minimum map size for a fairly open map something in the region of 2.5km x 2km.
  2. Upvote
    Nektoman reacted to Haiduk in A bunch of maps of Ukraine I have made over the years   
    After Vuhlehirsk seizing, enemy attacked platoon strongpoint (ukr. vzvodnyi opornyi punkt - VOP) VOP 17, located on height 231,6 northern from Lozove (controlled by separs) and positions in Kalynivka village. Karapulka river (see Sgt.Squarehead scenario in other topic) between these points was not so suitable for forcing and demanded many reckon probes to investigate good place for crossing. In one day enemy tank tried to cross the river through wooden bridge, but the bridge is collapsed.
    Since 2nd to 8th Feb enemy conducted several direct attacks and shellings of our positions, but lost many vehicles and personnel with minimal losses from our side. UKR forces perhaps single time at this war successfully used platoon of 9P149 Shturm-S ATGMs - AT reserve of Sector C, they destroyed 3 tanks (T-64BV and 2 T-72B) and MTLB. Two other T-72B were heavy damaged by their missiles, launched from the range 6 km. 
    7th Feb after heavy bombardmnet of Kalynivka with 122 mm artillery, the group of UKR troops (about platoon size) withdrew from the village. VOP 17 was abandoned 13th Feb, but immediately was retaken.
    Enemy group started from Vuhlehirsk, crossed the ford in unknown place and came on M-103 road in 500 m southern from Lohvynove. The group cosisted of combined force from Russian volunteers from  "DNR Special forces company" (veterans of Rusian army, FSB, special units of police etc - 10 men) and recons of 5th motor-rifle brigade of DNR with armor support - 15 recons on BMP-2 and BTR-80 + 3 tanks. This group initially have an order to search frords near Nyzhnie Lozove village (according of memories of the participator, but looks like he has mistaken and this was Lozove) and recon UKR trops in Lohvynove, but later has receiced an order to support assault of Lohvynove. But because of assault group dindn't came to randezvous point, the assault was put on them. They really drove 12 km in the night, two tanks crews abandoned the group because tankers said their tanks have malfunсtions. 
    PS. For your scenario about UKR forces in Lohvynoive on 8th Feb
    - positions on the height 287 behing the village: 2 T-64BV+2 BMP-2 with 40 men of 30th mech brigade: full mech.platoon (without one BMP) with some support (1-2 AGS-17 and probably ATGM) 
    - around Lohvynove: 4 2S3 SP-howitzers and 2 MTLB + 2 MT-12 AT guns, UAZ, 4 trucks of 128th mountain infantry brigade (according other source 2 2S3 and 1 MTLB with AT-12)
    - in Lohvynove: observation post of 54th recon battalion - 4men + 1BRM-1K (immobilized)    
    7th Feb enemy artillery shelled positions of 2S3 in Lohvynove and damaged three trucks (2 KAMAZ and GAZ-66).
    All these forces, except recons of 54th battalion have left Lohvynove in the night from 8th on 9th of Feb according to order of Sector C command. In At first, own position left platoon group of 30th brigade, and next in 6-00 of morning - the artillery. When arty battery lined up to moving, enemy assault group already shelled Lohvinove with lighting mortar shells. Recons, seeing enemy advance left own immobilized BRM and joined to artillery in withdrawal.
  3. Upvote
    Nektoman reacted to Haiduk in A bunch of maps of Ukraine I have made over the years   
    There is no detailed research of battle for Lohvynobe even in Ukrainian sources. Several good articles written by different authots, as well as soldiers memoris, but all they light up only separate episodes. but not all battle in whole. 
    There were three clashes around Lohvynove, which was key point for conrol of M103 road - the single proper supply line of Debaltsevo bulge. Initially UKR platoon group. of 30th mech.brigade, positioned on the hill behind the village  gave order to leave own positions for rest. But command of Sector C didn't substitute them and separatists group (recon company, really half-company), which accidently in the same night had the order to assult Lohvynove, has taken the village without any fight. The UKR observation post directly in the village (four troopers of 54th recon battalion) just retreated and left for separs own BRM-1K, which could'nt move. Only close to  11-00 Sector C command turned back that platoon group with order to take back Lohvynove, but they even didn't know where the enemy and what its forces. Separs had time to set AT-mines and bringh ATGMs - they destroyed in ambush almost all UKR armor. Untill this time separs shot out dozens UKR soldiers, which drove by this road - the Sector C command didn't warn own troops that the road already cutted! 
    Next attempt was only on next day - there was heavy 120 mm and arty strike on Lohvynove, but this striкe was conducted without any adjustment - all shells hit ground in 200-300 m in front of separs positions, when UKR forces approached they again met heavy resistance and retreated. 
    Most heavy fight was on next day - both forces bring more reinforcements. UKR had the company of 79th air-assault brigade, company of National Guard battalion "Donbas",  per one companies of 24th and 30th mech.brigade. They have support of tank platoons of 30th, 92th mech.brigades (T-64BV) anf 1st tank brigades (BM Bulat). To the separs side the tank company of Russian 5th tank brigade has arrived (from Buriatia, T-72B mod.1989). UKR troopers could take the part of village, but all units were entering in the battle on own mind without coordination in different time from diffrent directions. In the early darkness nobody couldn't understand what's going on, where the enemy and where own troops. Further advance failed because separs tanks were shooting from the hills around. Suddenly our tanks have retreated for reloading and in this time Buriatian tankers counter-attacked. Light armor BMP-2 and BTR-80 couldn't resist and  withdrew. On next day there was next attempt and several tank duels "platoon vs. platoon". In one of them UKR crew, turned out one against three, could hit all Russian tanks, evading from their fire between hulls of knoked out vehicles (one Russian tank blew out on own minefield). Next day UKR forces conducted strike with heavy arty and even ballistic missiles Tochka-U, the decisive assault would be started, but Poroshenko canceled operation - they had hope negotiations in Minsk, will dtop the fight and diplomacy agreements will force enemy to withdraw. Naive man... 
    So, as you see, without new module there is impossible to make "historiacl battle". 
    Destroyed Russian T-72B mod 1989 near Lohvynove and separs T-72B further. Looks like AT-mines work. 

  4. Upvote
    Nektoman reacted to Zveroboy1 in A bunch of maps of Ukraine I have made over the years   
    Okay here is the last and hopefully final version of Nikishyne.

    I added a winter version, changed the cultural centre building, fixed a bunch of small details all over the place and in particular re-designed tons of interior walls/doors in buildings like the secondary school and the warehouses in the industrial area of the map and elsewhere that were not connected.
    There is one small quirk that players should be aware of.

    The map is full of houses like this with a shed attached to a house. Some of them are connected and you can go from one to the other even though you can only see a door in the house, not the shed, but they work both ways. In some cases there is a window and you can shoot from the shed to the house and vice versa. So pay attention. It is on purpose because in some cases you can't have a window just on one side of the house and I didn't like having this particular house with a blind side there and for some other reasons that are too long to explain.
    Download :
    Here or in the first post, both links point to the same file.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5vfid5og72t0c7/CMBS map Nikishyne.rar?dl=0
  5. Upvote
    Nektoman reacted to Zveroboy1 in New wonky rickety barn/shed   
    Here is a mod for one of the small barns : one concrete and a wooden one.  The building uses two different sets of textures that you can swap in game. Just copy the folder in the usual spot.
    They're not perfect but I am getting tired of working on it.
    Oh yes, I didn't bother modding the interior, didn't seem like it was worth the hassle.


    I hope you enjoy them.
    Here is the link :
  6. Upvote
    Nektoman reacted to Zveroboy1 in A bunch of maps of Ukraine I have made over the years   
    Nikishyne / Nikishino
    North-east of Donetsk and south-east of Debaltseve.
    map size : 2100 X 1900 m
    type : village
    Nikishyne saw a lot of fighting in 2015 during the battle for Debaltseve. I might post more in depth background info later. But at the end of the battle, it was basically a field of rubble with barely any house intact.
    Google Earth view :

    View from the South West :

    From the North East :

    Notes :
    Again the setup zones aren't that big. They're sufficient for a small force.
    I added objectives and setup zones for a meeting engagement so people could give the map a go and have some fun either as a pbem or a hotseat game. Historically the setup zones don't make a lot of sense though. I am aware of that. As far as I understand, the Ukrainian forces were reinforcing the village from the North and North-West and the separatists were coming from the South or South East. I picked these setup zones because I think they offer the most interesting tactical options and are more or less fair for both sides but they're not historical at all.
    Download link:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5vfid5og72t0c7/cmbs map nikishyne.rar?dl=0
  7. Upvote
    Nektoman reacted to Kaunitz in A bunch of maps of Ukraine I have made over the years   
    I've converted your map for Red Thunder and Final Blitzkrieg. Just had a quick look, everything looks fine. The only thing you might want to adjust are the flavour objects. I've uploaded the files here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/91wr3f203ub9ash/AABD8cAKYNLStBpusxo1yl_pa?dl=0
  8. Upvote
    Nektoman reacted to Zveroboy1 in A bunch of maps of Ukraine I have made over the years   
    So I have been toying with the map editor in Combat Mission ever since I got Black Sea a couple of years ago and I have half a dozen maps that I am fairly happy with, pretty much all of them 90% complete. Most of them are maps of the Donbas region where fighting actually took place but there are also a couple that I simply picked because the topography looked interesting. I have downloaded tons of stuff over the years from other people, scenarios, campaigns, maps and loads of mods so I thought I'd post what I have here. Is not purely unselfish because I also hope it might encourage other people like me to share their work with the community.
    All these maps are based on real terrain and topography, using google earth, tons of photos and a bit of creative license from time to time. But I tried to stick as much as possible to the real terrain. I am going to provide a couple of satellite pictures for each one because some people might find it interesting to know where they are located. But obviously you're free to use them for whatever purpose you like and pretend it is a place in Greenland or Kentucky if you feel like it.
    I decided to post them all in a single thread and plan on releasing them in the next weeks as I put the finishing touches to them. I got one of Nikishyno and Logvynovo in the Debaltseve area in particular that people might like.
    Again feel free to use these for whatever you want. All I ask is that you link to this thread if you end up using them to create a scenario with one of them for instance. Also if you are some sort of genius or mastermind who knows how to create an AI plan for quick battles and make one for one of these maps, please post it here.
  9. Upvote
    Nektoman reacted to Zveroboy1 in [scenario] Logvinovo   
    Logvinovo part I

    This is a fictional scenario very loosely based on the events of february 2015 in the Donbas region of Ukraine during the Debaltseve offensive.
    You command a company sized hybrid force made of Russian volunteers and low quality separatist units supported by a T-72, a BMP2 and a couple of APCs tasked with a dawn attack on the small village of Lohvynove (or Logvinovo in Russian).

    Historical background :
    To the best of my knowledge there was never a proper assault of Lohvynove. Due to a snafu in the command chain, the Ukrainians withdrew the units defending the position, only leaving a handful of men of the 54th recon battalion with a single APC there. The unit that was supposed to replace them never came, leaving this key location practically undefended. When the Ukrainians realised their mistake, it was too late.
    It is not clear whether the separatists were aware of it or if a reinforced infiltration group just seized the opportunity to capture the village.
    Obviously this wouldn't have made a very fun or interesting scenario so I had to use a good dose of creative license. Without going into too much detail, basically the scenario is based on the premise that the defence of the village is somewhat reduced but not to the extent it was in reality.
    Disclaimer :
    I chose to use Russian names because the battle takes place from the separatists side. The briefing mentions "Kiev junta". This is purely for flavour and immersion and doesn't reflect in any way my own political views on this conflict.
    Credits :
    Haiduk for his information on the battle and the composition of the forces on both sides. All mistakes and differences from the real events are of my own doing.
    Install :
    Extract in : documents/battlefront/black sea/game files/scenario
    Download :
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/132e335d8ajn8px/CMBS scenario Logvinovo part I.rar?dl=0
  10. Like
    Nektoman reacted to theforger in New CMBS Scenario Korsun 2017   
    Posted a new scenario.  V2.00 Game Engine 4
    Huge map, H2H or RED vs AI only, before daybreak on the 6th June.
    RED attack to seize road and rail bridges over the River Ros, using the Forward Security Element and Advanced Guard of the 2nd Tamanskya Motor Rifle Divsion.
    Multi Company engagement. Map 3.5km x 3.5km.
  11. Upvote
    Nektoman got a reaction from Saint_Mattis in Semenovka master map   
    Size: 2600x2600 m
    Semenovka is an eastern suburb of Slavyansk. In 2014 , during the struggle between Ukrainian army and DPR militia, it became a battlefield. In june it was the last supply route for the DPR forces in Slavyansk who controlled it until the withdrawal. 

  12. Like
    Nektoman got a reaction from Boche in Semenovka master map   
    Size: 2600x2600 m
    Semenovka is an eastern suburb of Slavyansk. In 2014 , during the struggle between Ukrainian army and DPR militia, it became a battlefield. In june it was the last supply route for the DPR forces in Slavyansk who controlled it until the withdrawal. 

  13. Like
    Nektoman got a reaction from HUSKER2142 in Semenovka master map   
    Size: 2600x2600 m
    Semenovka is an eastern suburb of Slavyansk. In 2014 , during the struggle between Ukrainian army and DPR militia, it became a battlefield. In june it was the last supply route for the DPR forces in Slavyansk who controlled it until the withdrawal. 

  14. Upvote
    Nektoman got a reaction from Jace11 in Semenovka master map   
    Size: 2600x2600 m
    Semenovka is an eastern suburb of Slavyansk. In 2014 , during the struggle between Ukrainian army and DPR militia, it became a battlefield. In june it was the last supply route for the DPR forces in Slavyansk who controlled it until the withdrawal. 

  15. Upvote
    Nektoman got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Semenovka master map   
    Size: 2600x2600 m
    Semenovka is an eastern suburb of Slavyansk. In 2014 , during the struggle between Ukrainian army and DPR militia, it became a battlefield. In june it was the last supply route for the DPR forces in Slavyansk who controlled it until the withdrawal. 

  16. Like
    Nektoman got a reaction from Sgt Joch in Semenovka master map   
    Size: 2600x2600 m
    Semenovka is an eastern suburb of Slavyansk. In 2014 , during the struggle between Ukrainian army and DPR militia, it became a battlefield. In june it was the last supply route for the DPR forces in Slavyansk who controlled it until the withdrawal. 

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